The leader of the Republican party says...

He's not THE leader, the OP is wrong. He's for-sure one of them, though.

You have to understand how it works.

When they like what he said, he's a leader in the Conservative/Republican movement.

When he says something they wish to disavow (almost daily now), he's just an entertainer...along the lines of Alec Baldwin and Kanye West.

You have to be flexible to get this.....and sell your integrity a little too.

Would that make them intellectual whores?

Whoops. Better not say something like that about a demographic that may contain women. The cons get a little Graysony upset bout that. These days anyway.

I've learned in this thread though, if you go with intellectually fucking a pachyderm, it just might work.

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When did Limbaugh become "Leader of the GOP"??

You people really do live in a fantasy land!
Let's see, Limbaugh is an idiot. Palin is an idiot.. yet you libs wet your panties daily over these two.... hmmmm.. very telling. See I think Olberman's an idiot... therefore I just ignore him. Although I do like hime when he sticks to sports.

That's how you solve that.
Pretty tame stuff when you compare these comments to what vicious Liberal Media haters like Bill Maher,Olbermann,Letterman,and Maddow say on a daily basis. Those Liberal cretins were absolutely disgraceful in their vicious attacking & smearing of Sarah Palin's children. That stuff didn't seem to bother all these same whiny Hopey Changeys back then. So just spare us all this feigned outrage. No one is buying it. Nuff said.
He's not THE leader, the OP is wrong. He's for-sure one of them, though.

You have to understand how it works.

When they like what he said, he's a leader in the Conservative/Republican movement.

When he says something they wish to disavow (almost daily now), he's just an entertainer...along the lines of Alec Baldwin and Kanye West.

You have to be flexible to get this.....and sell your integrity a little too.

Would that make them intellectual whores?

Whoops. Better not say something like that about a demographic that may contain women. The cons get a little Graysony upset bout that. These days anyway.

I've learned in this thread though, if you go with intellectually fucking a pachyderm, it just might work.


That's right....we have those 'defenders of women's rights' here...don't we?
Pretty tame stuff when you compare these comments to what vicious Liberal Media haters like Bill Maher,Olbermann,Letterman,and Maddow say on a daily basis. Those Liberal cretins were absolutely disgraceful in their vicious attacking & smearing of Sarah Palin's children. That stuff didn't seem to bother all these same whiny Hopey Changeys back then. So just spare us all this feigned outrage. No one is buying it. Nuff said.

Such as?
14 million dittoheads out there and not one posts on the internet.

I've been told it was 20 million PLUS.

Number One.

With a bullet!

I was told that Rush was the most Dangerous Man in America...

...I think it was Rush that told me that...

...I guess his fans only post on the sites that prohibit you from saying anything bad about him...:razz:
The disingenuous Hopey Changey loons do wet their panties way too much over this stuff. They can hardly be taken seriously at this point. One Conservative radio talk show host criticizes their President and they completely freak out and start screeching hysterically. It's interesting how they never seem to have a problem with anything their Liberal Media haters like Bill Maher,Olbermann,Letterman,and Maddow have to say though. Those Liberal Media cretins can never be forgiven for their vicious attacks on Sarah Palin's children. So as usual,the Hopey Changey's are just full of Chit. Nuff said.
There are listeners of him here.. I just don't really pay attention to talking points directly attributed to Rush... and I can't say by name who are the direct ones who are regular listeners and defenders... I don't really pay attention to whether certain posters are or are not...
I wonder why the GOP politicians aren't as quick to toss him under the bus as his "loyal" listeners who who post here are????
I wonder why the GOP politicians aren't as quick to toss him under the bus as his "loyal" listeners who who post here are????

If we can find any 'loyal listeners', we could ask them.
You could start with Tommy "The T."

He has a Limbaugh implant firmly rooted inside his butt.
(I've been reading Tommy for years...he's as deep a dittohead as you could get.)

There are a few more here, some clearly loyal, some elusive...between their we love him/he speaks truth to power/he's Number One!/ He's just an entertainer tapdances. Fishnets, shiny Capezio's...yep, it's a sweet little number.
I wonder why the GOP politicians aren't as quick to toss him under the bus as his "loyal" listeners who who post here are????

If we can find any 'loyal listeners', we could ask them.

They're around. They get strangely silent when Rush says something stupid or when fellow Cons call Rush an entertainer, but they're here.

I listen for pure entertainment. Rush has gone on to be a complete parody of the Conservative movement at this point and the spector of Rush's influence was pretty much put to rest by 2008. Guys like Rush, Sean, Beck and Coulter turned out to be paper tigers. Big surprise.
I'm at work when Rush is on the Radio so I dont really get to ever listen to him.

Sometimes on lunch I'll toss his show on the radio but he is usually going on about something I don't feel like listening to so I turn on Eagan and Browdy.

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