The Left Agree Trump's NY Indictment Is Politically Motivated

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
I have debated with many of those on the left here in various threads and in other forums regarding New York's indictment of Trump. Just about every single one of them seem to agree that if the indictments are linked to hush money payments then they are clearly politically motivated and an abuse of power. The left acknowledge this and all seem to claim that the indictments are not public yet and that surely Trump will be indicted for something other than things connected to hush money payments. Business fraud is commonly quoted by the left and yet when I explain to them that business fraud only means the mislabeling of hush money payments they, once again, agree with me that if the charges are linked to hush money payments then I would be correct in saying that the indictments are indeed politically motivated and an abuse of power. They seem to be putting all of their Easter eggs in the belief that business fraud charges have nothing to do with hush money payments. They will either be sorely disappointed when the charges are made public or they will deny what they have posted and jump on the TDS bandwagon, pivoting to claiming that the charges are not politically motivated or an abuse of power. I'm actually looking forward to this.
I have debated with many of those on the left here in various threads and in other forums regarding New York's indictment of Trump. Just about every single one of them seem to agree that if the indictments are linked to hush money payments then they are clearly politically motivated and an abuse of power. The left acknowledge this and all seem to claim that the indictments are not public yet and that surely Trump will be indicted for something other than things connected to hush money payments. Business fraud is commonly quoted by the left and yet when I explain to them that business fraud only means the mislabeling of hush money payments they, once again, agree with me that if the charges are linked to hush money payments then I would be correct in saying that the indictments are indeed politically motivated and an abuse of power. They seem to be putting all of their Easter eggs in the belief that business fraud charges have nothing to do with hush money payments. They will either be sorely disappointed when the charges are made public or they will deny what they have posted and jump on the TDS bandwagon, pivoting to claiming that the charges are not politically motivated or an abuse of power. I'm actually looking forward to this.
The statist left appears to be desperately attempting to cover their belief system(religion) which tells me that they realize that it's a seriously flawed belief system. It's like they are being driven to do this. Brainwashed through lefty propagated propaganda?
I have debated with many of those on the left here in various threads and in other forums regarding New York's indictment of Trump. Just about every single one of them seem to agree that if the indictments are linked to hush money payments then they are clearly politically motivated and an abuse of power. The left acknowledge this and all seem to claim that the indictments are not public yet and that surely Trump will be indicted for something other than things connected to hush money payments. Business fraud is commonly quoted by the left and yet when I explain to them that business fraud only means the mislabeling of hush money payments they, once again, agree with me that if the charges are linked to hush money payments then I would be correct in saying that the indictments are indeed politically motivated and an abuse of power. They seem to be putting all of their Easter eggs in the belief that business fraud charges have nothing to do with hush money payments. They will either be sorely disappointed when the charges are made public or they will deny what they have posted and jump on the TDS bandwagon, pivoting to claiming that the charges are not politically motivated or an abuse of power. I'm actually looking forward to this.
Total, and endless BS.

No links. Not one Democrat, Independent or even a Republican who did not vote for Trump.

Words. Empty words.

Justice may have caught up with Trump.

Stay Tuned !
Even if there is a political motivation in charging Trump with a crime how is that worse than trying to make sure he never faces justice for any crime? There is certainly a political motivation in the actions of republicans going on here and somehow it's just fine.
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Even if there is a political motivation in charging Trump with a crime how is that worse than trying to make sure he never faces justice for any crime? There is certainly a political motivation in the actions of republicans going on here and somehow it's just fine.
If it were just this case, you might have a point. But this case is just the latest in a seven year long campaign of weaponizing the government, the media and the "justice" (lol) system against Donald Trump.
If it were just this case, you might have a point. But this case is just the latest in a seven year long campaign of weaponizing the government, the media and the "justice" (lol) system against Donald Trump.
We saw republicans close ranks around him so many times with their unconditional support that it's clear they would have let him off the hook on anything. You've had plenty of time to get to know him by now. I have to assume you like the idea of unaccountable power in your leaders.
Total, and endless BS.

No links. Not one Democrat, Independent or even a Republican who did not vote for Trump.

Words. Empty words.

Justice may have caught up with Trump.

Stay Tuned !
Guess you haven't been reading the posts, have you?
Even if there is a political motivation in charging Trump with a crime how is that worse than trying to make sure he never faces justice for any crime? There is certainly a political motivation in the actions of republicans going on here and somehow it's just fine.
The right's political motivations are in stopping Democrat's abuse of power for political purposes. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Sometimes you have to abuse your power to stop the other side's abuse of power.
We saw republicans close ranks around him so many times with their unconditional support that it's clear they would have let him off the hook on anything. You've had plenty of time to get to know him by now. I have to assume you like the idea of unaccountable power in your leaders.
And for six years we have seen Democrats close ranks in their unconditional abuse of power to get Trump.
The right's political motivations are in stopping Democrat's abuse of power for political purposes. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Sometimes you have to abuse your power to stop the other side's abuse of power.
You are a joke. You do not even know what you are saying. Ha, ha, ha.
The right's political motivations are in stopping Democrat's abuse of power for political purposes. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Sometimes you have to abuse your power to stop the other side's abuse of power.
The ends justify the means? I like it when one of you thoughtlessly states one the central rationalizations for fascism.
People may not like Trump but they hate this banana republic stuff even more....
I've always said, I'm sure I wouldn't want Trump as a neighbor...but when it comes to his economic and social policies I would vote for him over anybody else who has a ghost of a chance of running in 2024. I already voted for him twice. I think most of us have had a boss or leader that we didn't really like personally but we still respected them for the work they did and the decisions they made. Many of us have had co-workers or colleagues who we liked alot but we had to admit they didn't have what it took to be a leader and we wouldn't vote for them although we wouldn't tell them that. That's one big problem with the left. They mostly vote for leaders who are hip or trendy...and most of all charming and politically correct. Obama was all of those things. A perfect devil. No horns, cape, pitchfork and tail to hint at his true mission.
I have debated with many of those on the left here in various threads and in other forums regarding New York's indictment of Trump. Just about every single one of them seem to agree that if the indictments are linked to hush money payments then they are clearly politically motivated and an abuse of power. The left acknowledge this and all seem to claim that the indictments are not public yet and that surely Trump will be indicted for something other than things connected to hush money payments. Business fraud is commonly quoted by the left and yet when I explain to them that business fraud only means the mislabeling of hush money payments they, once again, agree with me that if the charges are linked to hush money payments then I would be correct in saying that the indictments are indeed politically motivated and an abuse of power. They seem to be putting all of their Easter eggs in the belief that business fraud charges have nothing to do with hush money payments. They will either be sorely disappointed when the charges are made public or they will deny what they have posted and jump on the TDS bandwagon, pivoting to claiming that the charges are not politically motivated or an abuse of power. I'm actually looking forward to this.


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