The left are set to emasculate James Bond in the name of advancing feminism...

Potential homo Bond movie titles..

Thunderballs, Goldsphincter, Dr. Yessssss, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service Agent, Moonraper,
Who's triggered by a movie?
Those are funny. You sound triggered. You must be a homo.

A movie I'll never watch has no impact on me whatsoever. How is it for you on a daily basis with such a fragile grip on your masculinity?
Diamonds Are For Bruce, For Your Ass Only...
So much white male fragility so little time.
... The Guy Who Loved Me, From Ronnie With Love...
Bond movies are entirely Walter Mitty on silver screen, inclusive of serious sexual interaction, which sells like hotcakes.

I'll wager no gender bender can market nearly as well....

Ghostbusters lost 70 million.
Terminator is estimated to lose 100 million.
Batwoman viewership down 1 million viewers.

Get Woke, Go Broke
This will either destroy the franchise or the movie will be treated as an outlier. Woody Allen made a James Bond movie that was never considered a real James Bond movie.
This will either destroy the franchise or the movie will be treated as an outlier. Woody Allen made a James Bond movie that was never considered a real James Bond movie.
We do have an innate ability to block out what we wish to not be so.
We have an innate ability to cause failure to that which we wish not to be so.

Ocean's 8
The New Ghostbusters
The geriatric Terminator
Wrinkle in Time
Many others
This will either destroy the franchise or the movie will be treated as an outlier. Woody Allen made a James Bond movie that was never considered a real James Bond movie.
We do have an innate ability to block out what we wish to not be so.
We have an innate ability to cause failure to that which we wish not to be so.

Ocean's 8
The New Ghostbusters
The geriatric Terminator
Wrinkle in Time
Many others
Fantasy life is not real life.
This will either destroy the franchise or the movie will be treated as an outlier. Woody Allen made a James Bond movie that was never considered a real James Bond movie.
We do have an innate ability to block out what we wish to not be so.
We have an innate ability to cause failure to that which we wish not to be so.

Ocean's 8
The New Ghostbusters
The geriatric Terminator
Wrinkle in Time
Many others
Fantasy life is not real life.
Losses in the BILLIONS are the only reality that matters.
This will either destroy the franchise or the movie will be treated as an outlier. Woody Allen made a James Bond movie that was never considered a real James Bond movie.
We do have an innate ability to block out what we wish to not be so.
We have an innate ability to cause failure to that which we wish not to be so.

Ocean's 8
The New Ghostbusters
The geriatric Terminator
Wrinkle in Time
Many others
Fantasy life is not real life.
Losses in the BILLIONS are the only reality that matters.
Of course money is all that matters in american society, was this ever in question?

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