The left are set to emasculate James Bond in the name of advancing feminism...

I have never watched James Bond as a fan, more as a comedy of over-hyped nonsense.

Case workers recruit locals for humint, they dont go in with guns blazing.

Operatives are typically former Navy Seals or Spec Ops folks who retrieve things, plant things and do recon.

They dont walk into Iranian nuclear power plants wearing a tux and waving a sound suppressed hand gun around.

I do think the SJW bullshit is illustrative of how the left cares more about normalizing their Marxist resentment message instead of making money or attracting a bigger audience.

The sooner that these big movie houses collapse the faster we will get better more competitive entertainment from small online studios.

So a pox on all of them till they do collapse, I say.
This is no surprise. The entire European continent it a bunch of PUSSIES.

As each generation of males loses testosterone, European males are ahead of the rest of world by hundreds of generations.

Little faggy, low testosterone fairy bois. Might as well pass it on to Bond to properly reflect their identity... EMASCULATED PUSSIES.

Not even sure this nonsense will be worth pirating.

Actually James Bond will be a white male but 007 the number will be given to a female...
So no James Bond is not becoming Jane Bond...

That *is* pointed out in the video you apprently didnt watch.

Then why is it everyone keep on making the false claim James Bond is becoming a woman?

The 007 is and not James Bond... Also the reality is they are doing this to attract more movie watchers and my bet is the 007 woman will die and James will take his number back...

Just a movie stunt...
The only James Bond was Sean Connery, but since he's like a million years old now, it doesn't really matter who they put in the role.
/—-/ I always thought Connery should have been promoted to M rather than cast out of the franchise. Then 007 could have been played by anyone.
Ian Fleming created the character of James Bond to be a fictional version of himself; as such, I believe that in the case of some fictional characters (not all), they should remain as the creators desired them to be. So, to me, James Bond should be a Caucasian male heterosexual, the same with Superman. All others can be changed to whatever prevailing minds wish them to be.
Not everybody has to be changed, as we who have enjoyed these characters for many years, should be allowed to retain some characters to represent the culture or race we prefer them to remain.
There's nothing keeping the LGBTQ's or blacks, Asians, or Hispanics from creating their own superheroes, or action spies and when they do, I hope that their characters are just as successful or even more successful than those we enjoy.
Bottom line, to each their own preference.
Ian Fleming created the character of James Bond to be a fictional version of himself; as such, I believe that in the case of some fictional characters (not all), they should remain as the creators desired them to be. So, to me, James Bond should be a Caucasian male heterosexual, the same with Superman. All others can be changed to whatever prevailing minds wish them to be.
Not everybody has to be changed, as we who have enjoyed these characters for many years, should be allowed to retain some characters to represent the culture or race we prefer them to remain.
There's nothing keeping the LGBTQ's or blacks, Asians, or Hispanics from creating their own superheroes, or action spies and when they do, I hope that their characters are just as successful or even more successful than those we enjoy.
Bottom line, to each their own preference.

I wouldn't have a very big problem with James Bond being portrayed by an actor of any other ethnicity. Character and personality are not depending on the color of one's skin, after all; and it is the character and personality that define James Bond. By nationality, he really has to be British (although, in the very first on-screen depiction, they made him American, and made his best friend Felix Leiter (renamed to Clarence Leiter) British. But he could very well be black, or Asian, or any other race, as long as he otherwise fits the nationality and character of James Bond.

But to mess with his character and personality, that is just not acceptable. To make him female, or make him homosexual, or even to make him a Gillettized Euro-wimp, would ruin the character, and the franchise.
Well, he always did order his martini shaken, which is ordering like a woman or a limp wristed dandy.

Seriously though....

A gay James Bond sounds like something Mel Brooks would come up with as a spoof.
This is no surprise. The entire European continent it a bunch of PUSSIES.

As each generation of males loses testosterone, European males are ahead of the rest of world by hundreds of generations.

Little faggy, low testosterone fairy bois. Might as well pass it on to Bond to properly reflect their identity... EMASCULATED PUSSIES.

Not sure why, but Tommy Tainted came to mind when I read this.......
Daniel Craig surprised me and really re-vitalized the franchise.

I guess the directors are ready to let the franchise go back to being a boring pseudo comedy farce with drooping audiences.
Ian Fleming created the character of James Bond to be a fictional version of himself; as such, I believe that in the case of some fictional characters (not all), they should remain as the creators desired them to be. So, to me, James Bond should be a Caucasian male heterosexual, the same with Superman. All others can be changed to whatever prevailing minds wish them to be.
Not everybody has to be changed, as we who have enjoyed these characters for many years, should be allowed to retain some characters to represent the culture or race we prefer them to remain.
There's nothing keeping the LGBTQ's or blacks, Asians, or Hispanics from creating their own superheroes, or action spies and when they do, I hope that their characters are just as successful or even more successful than those we enjoy.
Bottom line, to each their own preference.

Those four words "to each their own" makes it perfectly natural, and even expected that someone will take a superhero, or character in a book, or any other imagined story, and re-imagine it to fit their own criteria. You can still enjoy the original all you want. If you don't care for the newer incarnation of the character, you don't have to watch or read it.
This is no surprise. The entire European continent it a bunch of PUSSIES.

As each generation of males loses testosterone, European males are ahead of the rest of world by hundreds of generations.

Little faggy, low testosterone fairy bois. Might as well pass it on to Bond to properly reflect their identity... EMASCULATED PUSSIES.
Sounds like someone is whimpy can you possibly be? :gay:
As each generation of males loses testosterone, European males are ahead of the rest of world by hundreds of generations.
Little faggy, low testosterone fairy bois. Might as well pass it on to Bond to properly reflect their identity... EMASCULATED PUSSIES.
Not sure why, but Tommy Tainted came to mind when I read this.......

Gee, I cannot imagine why.
Daniel Craig surprised me and really re-vitalized the franchise.

I don't know that Mr. Craig is to credit for that. He's merely the actor chosen, at that point, to play the role. What really revitalized it, I think, was rebooting it, starting the James Bond story over again, beginning with him earning his 00; and relieving it of the outdated cold-war burden of the previous story line. I could wish that they had produced more stories in this line, before they wrapped it up so neatly in Spectre; as Spectre really left this line at a very good place to end it and start over again with another reboot. But then, after Skyfall, with an implied faggot for a main villain, they really came too close to derailing the franchise, and perhaps they needed to end this line promptly after that, lest they make it worse. Such faggotry—even implied—has no business being anywhere near the James Bond franchise. It is a deadly poison to it.
Ian Fleming created the character of James Bond to be a fictional version of himself; as such, I believe that in the case of some fictional characters (not all), they should remain as the creators desired them to be. So, to me, James Bond should be a Caucasian male heterosexual, the same with Superman. All others can be changed to whatever prevailing minds wish them to be.
Not everybody has to be changed, as we who have enjoyed these characters for many years, should be allowed to retain some characters to represent the culture or race we prefer them to remain.
There's nothing keeping the LGBTQ's or blacks, Asians, or Hispanics from creating their own superheroes, or action spies and when they do, I hope that their characters are just as successful or even more successful than those we enjoy.
Bottom line, to each their own preference.
But this isn’t about promoting blacks or homos, etc.
It’s about expunging from the earth the creature that has caused genocide and death and destruction everywhere; the white hereto male.
Our problem isn't toxic masculinity, it is the lack of masculinity that allows this garbage to continue...
Fucking right!

Believe me, I was saying this back when MeToo hit the scene

I'm a woman and I'm embarrassed by these idiot females

Shit, honestly I can't believe these nuts still 'allow'
being referred to as female, woman or women
seeing how male, man and men are the base word

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