The Left Boasts/Claims Over Trump Under Investigation.Really?And What Did Hillary Get Away With ??

Of course, partisans have zero credibility.

But this is a serious situation and we need to get to the bottom of it. We already know that the Russians meddled, or tried to. If there's any more to this, we need to know, and the Republicans trying to downplay such a serious situation doesn't look very good.
It doesn't look good when we have people that don't give a shit that what we are talking about is Democrat corruption. We have people pretending the Russians altered the election by revealing just how corrupt the left is via wikileaks. We have people so stupid they would blame the problem on who spilled the beans and ignore the contents altogether.

We have people so stupid they still can't understand what a shitty candidate the left had, couldn't get anyone to show up at rallies, called half of her opponent's followers unredeemable deplorables.

The same person that had a Russian reset and helped them acquire lots of uranium. Now we are supposed to believe the guy who ran on rebuilding the military is the one the Russians wanted.

And we have people who claim it's all partisanship while being the most partisan hacks around.
They're two entirely different stories.

The Dems can investigate the GOP and the GOP can investigate the Dems, all to their heart's content.

Let me know how it turns out.
What's two different stories? The DNC corruption and who spilled the beans? LOL. What a hack! Your partisanship reeks to high heaven.

The problem was how dishonest and corrupt the Democrats are. If they weren't there's no story, period! But the left doesn't give a shit and the right already knew so it makes no sense except they have nothing else to offer. Changing their ways isn't going to happen.
Okay, then the commie Dems shouldn't investigate the pristine GOP, because there's just no reason to.

There, all better.
Watching MSLSD Morning Joke this morning and one would think Trump is going to be impeached tomorrow.

Is it any wonder leftists are uninformed.
"One would think Trump is going to be impeached tomorrow"....based on what?
:banghead: :desk: :cow: Ever since Trump won, we have been watching the left just tear into Trump as if he is no different than Hitler. He needs to be investigated for having friends in Russia! Yah? anything else he needs to be investigated for? :eusa_think:
Well what about Hillary? Aside from 12 to 20 Previous scandals, didn't four American Men die under her watch? Did anyone die a horrible,unnecessary death under Trump?
Hillary got away with a few too many scandals that would of sent any of us to jail, and she goes scott free, yet the left is having a panty fit over the possibility that Trump and his staffers may have been in contact with The Russians. Really? And Obama and Hillary never spoke to any Russians between 2009 and 2016? :poke:

Hillary Clinton could have another 4 Benghazi's under her belt along with a trillion more emails and it wouldn't hold a match stick to TREASON. We used to hang people for Treason, today it is a life sentance in a Federal Prison.

Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is TREASON. There are no if's--and's or buts about it--it is Treason.


We are not going to tolerate a fucking Traitor in the Oval office.

"Sen. John McCain predicted Sunday that the public would learn more about the relationship between President Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign and the Russian government.

In an interview on CNN's "State of the Union," the Arizona Republican said there were "a lot of things about our relations with Russia that trouble me a lot."

He cited the removal of a provision in the 2016 Republican party platform that supported sending lethal weapons to Ukraine, a move that was "not the will of most Republicans."

"There's a lot of aspects of this whole relationship with Russia and Vladimir Putin that requires further scrutiny. And so far, I don't think the American people have gotten all the answers," McCain said. "I think there's a lot more shoes to drop from this centipede."

McCain also argued for scrutiny of longtime Trump political adviser Roger Stone, who admitted to having contacts with the hackers who released private emails within the Democratic National Committee last summer.

"I think he and others need to be questioned," McCain said, adding that Stone also had ties with ousted former Ukrainian President Victor Yanukovych, a Kremlin ally.

"This whole issue of the relationship with the Russians and who communicated with them and under what circumstances clearly cries out for investigation," he said.
'There's a lot more shoes to drop from this centipede': McCain predicts further revelations about Trump's ties to Russia

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -


Republicans have 2 choices.
1. Remove this Ass Clown asap
2. Or go down with him in 2018--2020 and beyond.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not too hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction and Lies--when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a grasp of what that Emoluments clause in the Constitution is all about.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

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:banghead: :desk: :cow: Ever since Trump won, we have been watching the left just tear into Trump as if he is no different than Hitler. He needs to be investigated for having friends in Russia! Yah? anything else he needs to be investigated for? :eusa_think:
Well what about Hillary? Aside from 12 to 20 Previous scandals, didn't four American Men die under her watch? Did anyone die a horrible,unnecessary death under Trump?
Hillary got away with a few too many scandals that would of sent any of us to jail, and she goes scott free, yet the left is having a panty fit over the possibility that Trump and his staffers may have been in contact with The Russians. Really? And Obama and Hillary never spoke to any Russians between 2009 and 2016? :poke:

The answer to that question lies in the fact that the power elite in this country wants to maintain the status quo of the big Federal government and the $4 trillion a year cash flow. They give the maintainer of that status quo a pass on everything.

Crooked Hillary and that jackass Obama were corrupt dishonest assholes but they had the establishment on their side so they were never held accountable.

Trump is thought to be a threat to the status quo of big government and therefore he will be relentlessly attacked. Fortunately he has the people on his side. The people that are hurt by big government polices and have to pay for it.
:banghead: :desk: :cow: Ever since Trump won, we have been watching the left just tear into Trump as if he is no different than Hitler. He needs to be investigated for having friends in Russia! Yah? anything else he needs to be investigated for? :eusa_think:
Well what about Hillary? Aside from 12 to 20 Previous scandals, didn't four American Men die under her watch? Did anyone die a horrible,unnecessary death under Trump?
Hillary got away with a few too many scandals that would of sent any of us to jail, and she goes scott free, yet the left is having a panty fit over the possibility that Trump and his staffers may have been in contact with The Russians. Really? And Obama and Hillary never spoke to any Russians between 2009 and 2016? :poke:

The answer to that question lies in the fact that the power elite in this country wants to maintain the status quo of the big Federal government and the $4 trillion a year cash flow. They give the maintainer of that status quo a pass on everything.

Crooked Hillary and that jackass Obama were corrupt dishonest assholes but they had the establishment on their side so they were never held accountable.

Trump is thought to be a threat to the status quo of big government and therefore he will be relentlessly attacked. Fortunately he has the people on his side. The people that are hurt by big government polices and have to pay for it.
i wonder what Trumps approval would be if they only polled the states he won

when they take these polls, do they tell u what states they poll?

I have no idea who are the 500-1000 people that these pollsters allegedly talked to. Maybe they are only talking to the welfare queens that answer their Obamaphones. That would explain why they predicted such a massive Crooked Hillary win.

Who knows? All we do know is that they were wrong.

when they take these polls, do they tell u what states they poll?

I have no idea who are the 500-1000 people that these pollsters allegedly talked to. Maybe they are only talking to the welfare queens that answer their Obamaphones. That would explain why they predicted such a massive Crooked Hillary win.

Who knows? All we do know is that they were wrong.
i could take a poll of the 64 families on my street and it would be 99.9% Trump,,,,,0.043% Not sure

when they take these polls, do they tell u what states they poll?

I have no idea who are the 500-1000 people that these pollsters allegedly talked to. Maybe they are only talking to the welfare queens that answer their Obamaphones. That would explain why they predicted such a massive Crooked Hillary win.

Who knows? All we do know is that they were wrong.
i could take a poll of the 64 families on my street and it would be 99.9% Trump,,,,,0.043% Not sure

In my 100 or so circle of friends, family and close acquaintances I only know of a couple that voted for Crooked Hillary. Of course if I would go over to inner city Tampa or Orlando and polled 100 Black residents I would probably only find two that voted for Trump.

Depends on who you talk to and the failure of the pollsters to predict the Trump win just shows that they are polling too many Moon Bats.

when they take these polls, do they tell u what states they poll?

I have no idea who are the 500-1000 people that these pollsters allegedly talked to. Maybe they are only talking to the welfare queens that answer their Obamaphones. That would explain why they predicted such a massive Crooked Hillary win.

Who knows? All we do know is that they were wrong.
i could take a poll of the 64 families on my street and it would be 99.9% Trump,,,,,0.043% Not sure

In my 100 or so circle of friends, family and close acquaintances I only know of a couple that voted for Crooked Hillary. Of course if I would go over to inner city Tampa or Orlando and polled 100 Black residents I would probably only find two that voted for Trump.

Depends on who you talk to and the failure of the pollsters to predict the Trump win just shows that they are polling too many Moon Bats.
NBC could take a poll of people in Manhattan, maybe 1500 people, then present the tallies as if it represented all 57 states

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