The Left condemns Putin in mass

Trump condemn Putin yet or is he still going on about how much of a genius he is and how wonderful the invasion was?
So let me get this straight

The left condemns this breach of international law and the right thinks it's genius.

Ok...looks like the lines are drawn
I am not an Obama fan...Obama is a centrist corporate Democrat...I am not....

The Nobel Peace prize doesn't hold relevance with me, I don't care who they give the award to...

However, Obama does expose how full of shit Right-wingers are.....because you can't be both a radical leftist who is weak on terror, on the side of the terrorists, blah blah -- while at the same time claiming Obama is a war-monger who invades Middle Eastern and African countries under the guise of "war on Terror" -- which tells me the labels you give people are primarily full of shit...and will be the same labels you give anyone; no matter how delusional it is....

Were you pissed at Trump for getting our guys ambushed in Africa??

Your TDS is acting up again.

Trump never started a war, the first President in a very long time not to start one.

In fact, Trump signed a peace deal with Israel and her Arab neighbors, something John Kerry said could never happen the way it did.

As for the corporate world, they are all left wing kooks like you giving their millions to Marxist organizations like BLM and censoring all right wing speech.

You are corporate America now.
Do you play this game with other people's borders??

Do you question the "realness" of Israel's borders??

Do you question the "realness" of our own borders?
That is a question better answered by those who feel borders are not real.
So why would I do that? I believe that borders are real in much the same way that tanks and guns are real even though they were not created in nature

Or is just when you have a chance to wave poms poms for fascist authoritarians?
I'll let you have this, but keep in mind, with one exception locally I vote solidly democrat as I am pro-choice and pro universal health care,
I voted for biden and Obama twice [and I would vote for him a third time even they proved he was Kenyan]...the only thing hurting my country is the same thing hurting my party... white liberals who can no longer hold their own due to the overdose of social education they receive.
Your TDS is acting up again.

Trump never started a war, the first President in a very long time not to start one.

In fact, Trump signed a peace deal with Israel and her Arab neighbors, something John Kerry said could never happen the way it did.

As for the corporate world, they are all left wing kooks like you giving their millions to Marxist organizations like BLM and censoring all right wing speech.

You are corporate America now.

Moving the goal posts...

You pretended to have a problem with us being in African countries...

I asked you were you pissed about those soldiers being ambushed in an African country??

Trump didn't have to send them there, he chose to....Trump didn't have to continue operations in Yemen, he chose to...

Just like Obama didn't have to do any of that.....he chose to.....too afraid of what "conservatives" will say if he didn't continue the status quo of the Bush years.....

So we see, just simply paying lip service to the idea of "being against foreign wars" doesn't mean shit until someone actually CHOOSES to practice what they preach.....

We all know when someone finally decided to actually end a war, he was eviscerated for it anyway...
That is a question better answered by those who feel borders are not real.
So why would I do that? I believe that borders are real in much the same way that tanks and guns are real even though they were not created in nature

I'll let you have this, but keep in mind, with one exception locally I vote solidly democrat as I am pro-choice and pro universal health care,
I voted for biden and Obama twice [and I would vote for him a third time even they proved he was Kenyan]...the only thing hurting my country is the same thing hurting my party... white liberals who can no longer hold their own due to the overdose of social education they receive.
Your last paragraph was complete incoherent babble....

The last election involved one party trying to overturn a lawful election, complete with storming the Capitol to intimidate Congress from carrying out its duties, complete with forged electors and election certificates, etc, etc, etc...

And your goofy ass wants to whine about "social education"??

What is "social education"?? Does it involve Civics?? Maybe that is why only us "liberals" seem to have a problem with a party that is 2000% devoted to nullifying national elections if their preferred candidate doesn't win
No one wants a war with Russia, dick

I am also not the one giddy at the sight of so many tanks rolling into the Ukraine....

But your cuck of a cult leader sure is moist about it

And yet Putin felt comfortable invading Ukraine only after your sick, frail, demented old cult leader was installed in the White House. That says a lot.

But does anyone take them seriously? Sanctions? LOL.

Their hypocrisy is astounding, much like that of Trudy up North after his treatment of democratic protests against his own policies.

"This is like North Korea denouncing dictatorships," someone else wrote.

"How in the world did he get through this with a straight face," another person questioned.

"Does he own a mirror?" someone asked.
So what do you suggest go to war with Russia it's not worth it. Ukraine is an ally. Russia is an adversary. Putin's actions have made that totally clear.
So let me get this straight

The left condemns this breach of international law and the right thinks it's genius.

Ok...looks like the lines are drawn

They sure are - Putin only invades Ukraine when DemoKKKrats are in the White House. The pattern is established.

Maybe next time, you shouldn't elect someone who's owned by Vladimir Putin, ok?

But does anyone take them seriously? Sanctions? LOL.

Their hypocrisy is astounding, much like that of Trudy up North after his treatment of democratic protests against his own policies.

"This is like North Korea denouncing dictatorships," someone else wrote.

"How in the world did he get through this with a straight face," another person questioned.

"Does he own a mirror?" someone asked.
I would argue that there is no hypocrisy whatsoever on the part of Canada or any of the allies. I think that the mission is to drive Putin form office and I will also argue that the entire western world is now going to cut off all the money that Putin needs: he thinks he's a mobster. He acts like one, reports have said that he is not paid through the government but through corrupted men who hold a lot of Russian financial sway... They're all hoods and that's the problem.

Russia is in serious financial trouble and the west knows it and is going to attack Putin based on that reality. It's all in for us just like WWII and we'll get Putin.
They sure are - Putin only invades Ukraine when DemoKKKrats are in the White House. The pattern is established.

Maybe next time, you shouldn't elect someone who's owned by Vladimir Putin, ok?
What did Trump say?

Putin is a GENIUS for doing this

You know that you are never going to be a real little boy -

That hurts.

I get it.
Yea, I keep telling Trump that

But he still tries to be Putin's little boy...


Which makes you even more pathetic for praising him...

Now back to the point you keep deflecting from......

Why does Trump keep praising Putin so much? And not just today........for years...why?

Better still...why do you praise him??

Is it the way he deals with his political you wish you could that too?? Is that what makes a cuck like you moist??

Your last paragraph was complete incoherent babble....
File it away under "return fire"

The last election involved one party trying to overturn a lawful election, complete with storming the Capitol to intimidate Congress from carrying out its duties, complete with forged electors and election certificates, etc, etc, etc...
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know what the media is saying

And your goofy ass wants to whine about "social education"??
That's exactly the attitude of the white privileged at the top of the party hierarchy who get an academic education for themselves while the rest get a P.S. education that is so bad they cannot even recognize this is what is taking place and it is why the media does all their thinking for them.

What is "social education"?? Does it involve Civics??
It is the means of dumbing down society to make conformity seem accommodating while blaming others for it...

It's re-education [if you need to know what that is just ask] like in the former USSR, China, Cambodia under pol pot, N. Korea Cuba where the kids are taught the evil ways of their country and those who claim they are patriots [mom and dad] are the enemy.

civics are a part of it but it is couched in the belief that if you do not go along you are a racist, misogynist, other words it is "a foot in the door" method of teaching civics

Maybe that is why only us "liberals" seem to have a problem with a party that is 2000% devoted to nullifying national elections if their preferred candidate doesn't win
Enough already ya broken record I know what the media is saying
File it away under "return fire"

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know what the media is saying

That's exactly the attitude of the white privileged at the top of the party hierarchy who get an academic education for themselves while the rest get a P.S. education that is so bad they cannot even recognize this is what is taking place and it is why the media does all their thinking for them.

It is the means of dumbing down society to make conformity seem accommodating while blaming others for it...

It's re-education [if you need to know what that is just ask] like in the former USSR, China, Cambodia under pol pot, N. Korea Cuba where the kids are taught the evil ways of their country and those who claim they are patriots [mom and dad] are the enemy.

civics are a part of it but it is couched in the belief that if you do not go along you are a racist, misogynist, other words it is "a foot in the door" method of teaching civics

Enough already ya broken record I know what the media is saying
So when a bunch of fascists and white nationalists storm the Capitol to try to overturn an election -- like something that would be done by a Pol Pot if he even allowed elections in the first place -- your reaction is "that's just what the media says" -- that alone tells me you are a fraud....

And have the nerve to talk about white privilege -- shut yo goofy ass up....

The epitome of white privilege is feeling you can storm the Capitol, threaten the life of the Vice President in hopes to intimidate him -- and carry out a scheme to nullify the votes of millions with fake electors -- and nothing happens but dic suckers like you shrugging their shoulders and continuing to whine about how smart people knowing stuff makes you feel are a whole bitch
What is "social education"??
As previously stated it is the dumbing down of education...

It is doing things like making ones age the determining factor for advancement and graduating as opposed to an academic education where grades are the driving force for promotion...

but you probably should not concern your non-goofy self with such trivial matters as to what kind of education we provide since it hardly matters if you are a white liberal.
So when a bunch of fascists and white nationalists storm the Capitol to try to overturn an election -- like something that would be done by a Pol Pot if he even allowed elections in the first place -- your reaction is "that's just what the media says" -- that alone tells me you are a fraud....

And have the nerve to talk about white privilege -- shut yo goofy ass up....

The epitome of white privilege is feeling you can storm the Capitol, threaten the life of the Vice President in hopes to intimidate him -- and carry out a scheme to nullify the votes of millions with fake electors -- and nothing happens but dic suckers like you shrugging their shoulders and continuing to whine about how smart people knowing stuff makes you feel are a whole bitch
To support Trump is to turn one's back on the Republic.

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