The left continues to contradict themselves

Homicide? Wait...homicide? How can killing a fetus legally be homicide when (A.) abortion is legal and (B.) progressives insist that a fetus is not a human life?
Imran was arrested last May and pleaded guilty to fetal homicide in March. On Friday was sentenced to 20 years in prison.
This is further proof that the left builds their positions on irrational emotion instead of logic and reason. Which creates a dreadful predicament for them. They have to contradict themselves.
View attachment 194979

Doctor Slipped an Abortion Pill in Pregnant Girlfriend's Drink, Causing Her to Miscarry
Nancy Pelosi says everyone (except Republicans) has that God given spark.....*not including unborn babies*. But murderous MS-13 MOTHERFUCKERS are human beings, not animals.
Yeah, it’s her choice. I know you want to take that choice away, but it’s funny to see you argue in favor of the fetus poisoner.
Who's arguing in favor of the poisoner? Pro-lifers would argue that he got what he deserves for killing a baby according to their consistent definition of what a "life" is. You're the one arguing that the definition of "life" is fluid depending on what the mother of said "life" wants, or thinks. You're saying that the mother has property rights over the fetus.
Yes, I defer to the woman 100% of the time. You caught me. :rolleyes:
Not only that, but you're saying that pregnant women get to decide what qualifies as life and what doesn't. How anti-science of you.
Yeah, it’s her choice. I know you want to take that choice away, but it’s funny to see you argue in favor of the fetus poisoner.
It's not her choice, its biological fact
Not according to the law.
Yes, I defer to the woman 100% of the time. You caught me. :rolleyes:
Not only that, but you're saying that pregnant women get to decide what qualifies as life and what doesn't. How anti-science of you.

The left struggle to justify abortion, that's why the issue is twisted into knots with all sorts of contradictions.
To you it’s twisted in knots. It’s pretty clear to me.

Yeah, it’s her choice. I know you want to take that choice away, but it’s funny to see you argue in favor of the fetus poisoner.
Who's arguing in favor of the poisoner? Pro-lifers would argue that he got what he deserves for killing a baby according to their consistent definition of what a "life" is. You're the one arguing that the definition of "life" is fluid depending on what the mother of said "life" wants, or thinks. You're saying that the mother has property rights over the fetus.
You’ve spent the whole thread arguing the guy is innocent.
You’ve spent the whole thread arguing the guy is innocent.
Quote where i said he was innocent.

I'm arguing the point of the thread. Pro-choicers have an inconsistent view of what life is in order to justify their pro-choice stance.
A man made a decision about a woman’s body. Very conservative of him.
Nothing happened to the woman’s body. The FATHER decided to have a “safe and legal ABORTION” (which then forced you to result to a completely false narrative). How very progressive of you.
^ Man poisons woman, and this dumb Trump sheep says he didn’t do anything to her :laugh:
You are trying really hard BUT you are failing miserably.
What is confusing about this? The guy poisoned his girlfriend. You want to compare it to abortion for whatever reason, but can’t because abortion is not the man’s decision.

Then charge him with poisoning his girlfriend not fetal homicide. You people can't explain the contradiction. Killing a fetus by ripping its limbs off in an abortion is okay because a fetus is not a person, has no rights, its just a lump of cells. If a father kills the fetus then its fetal homicide?

Blue, you are just WASTING YOUR TIME trying to reason with a hardcore Lefty like BF, they have serious mental disorder and see the whole world in terms of Black & White Reasoning. Look at the matter this way: Its only murder and homicide when its the father's idea to abort the fetus; had the mother done it herself, it would have been a constitutionally-protected right, just a piece of tissue, and the mother would be battling all the way to the Supreme Court for her right to do so.

BF doesn't give a flying crap that the fetus was aborted or that a life was lost, all he cares about is that it wasn't THE MOTHER'S DECISION.
^ Man poisons woman, and this dumb Trump sheep says he didn’t do anything to her :laugh:
You are trying really hard BUT you are failing miserably.
What is confusing about this? The guy poisoned his girlfriend. You want to compare it to abortion for whatever reason, but can’t because abortion is not the man’s decision.
Yet another fail lol

He is charged with the murder of an unborn baby.

Sit & spin bruh, its entertaining
He should be convicted, as there is precedent. AND HE POISONED THE WOMAN.

Jesus fucking Christ.
He got 20 years in prison for murder dumbass.

You can't have it both ways. The fetus is either a child or it is not.

Really? If I take a rock and break my own car window, no crime is committed. There is if you do it. Get it now?
Nothing happened to the woman’s body. The FATHER decided to have a “safe and legal ABORTION” (which then forced you to result to a completely false narrative). How very progressive of you.
^ Man poisons woman, and this dumb Trump sheep says he didn’t do anything to her :laugh:
You are trying really hard BUT you are failing miserably.
What is confusing about this? The guy poisoned his girlfriend. You want to compare it to abortion for whatever reason, but can’t because abortion is not the man’s decision.

Then charge him with poisoning his girlfriend not fetal homicide. You people can't explain the contradiction. Killing a fetus by ripping its limbs off in an abortion is okay because a fetus is not a person, has no rights, its just a lump of cells. If a father kills the fetus then its fetal homicide?

Blue, you are just WASTING YOUR TIME trying to reason with a hardcore Lefty like BF, they have serious mental disorder and see the whole world in terms of Black & White Reasoning. Look at the matter this way: Its only murder and homicide when its the father's idea to abort the fetus; had the mother done it herself, it would have been a constitutionally-protected right, just a piece of tissue, and the mother would be battling all the way to the Supreme Court for her right to abort the fetus.

BF doesn't give a flying crap that the fetus was aborted or that a life was lost, all he cares about is that it wasn't THE MOTHER'S DECISION.
Black and white thinking would be that a fetus is a life. Period. No exceptions and no considerations. :itsok:
Black and white thinking would be that a fetus is a life. Period. No exceptions and no considerations. :itsok:
Biology is one of the more black and white things. Is a fetus a life? Yes, biology says yes it is.

Your position of "it's her choice no mater what" is very anti-scientific as a result. You're saying that in this instance, feelings and convenience is important enough to ignore science. That's fine if that's your position, but don't claim that your global warming opponents are "denying science." ... if you want to have any logical consistency, that is.
Black and white thinking would be that a fetus is a life. Period. No exceptions and no considerations. :itsok:
Biology is one of the more black and white things. Is a fetus a life? Yes, biology says yes it is.

Your position of "it's her choice no mater what" is very anti-scientific as a result. You're saying that in this instance, feelings and convenience is important enough to ignore science. That's fine if that's your position, but don't claim that your global warming opponents are "denying science." If you want to have any logical consistency, that is.
Even if we call it a life, it’s her choice to get it out from inside her body or not. Not a guy poisoning her drink.
Nothing happened to the woman’s body. The FATHER decided to have a “safe and legal ABORTION” (which then forced you to result to a completely false narrative). How very progressive of you.
^ Man poisons woman, and this dumb Trump sheep says he didn’t do anything to her :laugh:
You are trying really hard BUT you are failing miserably.
What is confusing about this? The guy poisoned his girlfriend. You want to compare it to abortion for whatever reason, but can’t because abortion is not the man’s decision.
Yet another fail lol

He is charged with the murder of an unborn baby.

Sit & spin bruh, its entertaining
You spin and twirl. To cause a fetus to die is a womans prerogative not a mans.
Even if we call it a life, it’s her choice to get it out from inside her body or not. Not a guy poisoning her drink.
So you're saying that the fetus is a life now but is her property, and she therefore has property rights over it. Just like how American slave owners had black people as property.
Even if we call it a life, it’s her choice to get it out from inside her body or not. Not a guy poisoning her drink.
So you're saying that the fetus is a life now but is her property, and she therefore has property rights over it. Just like how American slave owners had black people as property. Cool.
You guys love to invent things people said, when they never said them. Is a slave growing inside of and feeding off of a woman’s body? Is a slave the same as that? :rolleyes:
Black and white thinking would be that a fetus is a life. Period. No exceptions and no considerations. :itsok:
Biology is one of the more black and white things. Is a fetus a life? Yes, biology says yes it is.

Your position of "it's her choice no mater what" is very anti-scientific as a result. You're saying that in this instance, feelings and convenience is important enough to ignore science. That's fine if that's your position, but don't claim that your global warming opponents are "denying science." ... if you want to have any logical consistency, that is.

Except it's not. The law is trying to be scientific. 43 states prohibit abortions after a certain point from 20 to 24 weeks. This is a reasonable restriction as long as there are circumstances that would allow abortion beyond that if, for example, the life of the mother is at risk.

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