The Left didn't learn a GD thing

Well, if either party learned anything…it should be this. Promise whatever sounds good. Worked for Trump. Americans are in a buying mood (or at least were for this election cycle).

Yeah just like every other Presidential Election in modern history, from BOTH major political parties candidates.

"If you tell them what they want to hear, they don't bother to try to see." -- Libba Bray, A Great and Terrible Beauty

No. HRC ran a realistic campaign;

Uh-Huh and I just looked up the phrase blind hyper-partisan fool and it said : "See candycorn".

Let me know if/when you return to the plane of existence where actual real world events take place and objectivity still exists and then we can chat about how both parties and their "candidates" are nothing more than dishonest, self-serving pieces of excrement, K?
That being said it also remains to be seen if the right learned their lesson, because Trump also kicked their ass. My guess: No

If what you mean is how he beat Cruz, I think that was a dirty fight Cruz didn't expect. On substance I still stand with ted Cruz but so far I'm impressed with Trump. I don't really care about abortion and queers, as long as Trump continues to roll back regressive policies and put people at the heads of Dept's that can purge the leftist dreck from their counter productive jobs in the federal bureaucrook army. Put 'em on welfare until they can learn to manage a McDonald's and have a "living wage" loading up the machines that replaced all the minimum wage workers.

I hope the GOP doesn't mar up the process trying to deal with libturd social issues. They're all bullshit issues if the country goes bankrupt.
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Well, the Democratic candidate did get more votes than anyone else; by a very wide margin.

Come on.... The Left Coast had at least a 3 hr. warning that Hillary would lose the election by electoral vote in spite of the popular vote being close. They simply flooded the polling precincts and padded her numbers in hopes they could make a difference in the popular vote total, which they did by less than she won California by. Since then, you dishonest lying hacks have exploited this to try and delegitimize the election and Trump's win.
Well, the Democratic candidate did get more votes than anyone else; by a very wide margin. In a year of an election cycle that has historically been unkind to the party that holds the Oval Office. I believe that, in and of itself, is unprecedented; winning the popular vote in the “defense” year of a 2 term President.

Democrats did pick up seats in both the US Senate and the US House of Representatives.

Seems like they did a decent job to me. That none of it resulted in a majority or winning the Oval diminishes the accomplishment of course.
..except we have the EC system and it's how Trump's campaign was run. Not sure about Hillary's.

The fact that it needs to be pointed out for all of infinity is a key to the problem.
As predicted, the left did their two days of "soul searching", then concluded nothing is wrong with their policies or leaders and bought into the lie that the election was "stolen" from them.

They will only dig their heels in and continue their anti-American ways. They will continue their Agenda of being anti-white, anti-Christian, anti-capitalist, and pro-Islam, pro-Marxist, and promoting the "rights" of sexual deviants to do whatever they want.

How did a bunch of soulless and godless heathens do soul searching? Was this one of those secret demonic spirit cooking rituals again? :dunno:

They didn't do two days of jack shit unless it was crying and sobbing profusely. Since then, they've doubled-down on the same vitriolic hate rhetoric and denial of reality. They've become even MORE unhinged than ever, and that is some feat right there.
Well, the Democratic candidate did get more votes than anyone else; by a very wide margin.

Come on.... The Left Coast had at least a 3 hr. warning that Hillary would lose the election by electoral vote in spite of the popular vote being close. They simply flooded the polling precincts and padded her numbers in hopes they could make a difference in the popular vote total, which they did by less than she won California by. Since then, you dishonest lying hacks have exploited this to try and delegitimize the election and Trump's win.

Total rubbish. Harder to get people to show up for a lost cause.
First there is no broad based 'left' in America, a few thoughtful leftists does not make a left. And democrats are not leftist, Hillary was more republican conservative than Trump. Trump is a wonderful con artist who only won the rural white vote while Hillary lost the minority vote. Kinda simple. What the democrats have to learn is the power of repetition and the power media has over rural America. No time right now but check out the books below. Democrats have to learn the tactics of the right since the right copied them from the left. How the Right Hijacked the Magic Words

PS the democrats have lost the white vote since civil rights - wake up and smell....

"Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right" Jane Mayer
'Invisible Hands: The Businessmen's Crusade Against the New Deal' Kim Phillips-Fein
"Strangers in Their Own Land - Anger and Mourning on the American Right" Arlie Russell Hochschild
Strangers in Their Own Land | The New Press

"One of the hardest parts in this election cycle has been separating the human media parasite that is Donald Trump from some of his more humble supporters." reviewer comment - 'The Gilded Rage: A Wild Ride Through Donald Trump's America' by Alexander Zaitchik
Well, the Democratic candidate did get more votes than anyone else; by a very wide margin. In a year of an election cycle that has historically been unkind to the party that holds the Oval Office. I believe that, in and of itself, is unprecedented; winning the popular vote in the “defense” year of a 2 term President.

Democrats did pick up seats in both the US Senate and the US House of Representatives.

Seems like they did a decent job to me. That none of it resulted in a majority or winning the Oval diminishes the accomplishment of course.
..except we have the EC system and it's how Trump's campaign was run. Not sure about Hillary's.

The fact that it needs to be pointed out for all of infinity is a key to the problem.

he he he….

It pretty much depends on the yarns that the nominees in 2024 want to spin. I expect Trump to get 8 years—Americans like incumbents. If the GOP guy runs a “you can have whatever you want” campaign and the Democrats try to run on a platform of responsible governance…get ready for 4 more years. I’m pretty sure the jig will be up by then though.
Uh-Huh and I just looked up the phrase blind hyper-partisan fool and it said : "See candycorn".

Let me know if/when you return to the plane of existence where actual real world events take place and objectivity still exists and then we can chat about how both parties and their "candidates" are nothing more than dishonest, self-serving pieces of excrement, K?

I'll start with regressive stool #1 Woodrow Wilson. Regressive racist extraordinaire who led us ultimately into 2 WORLD WARS, but fortunately failed to get us into the globalist mindset.
Well, the Democratic candidate did get more votes than anyone else; by a very wide margin.

Come on.... The Left Coast had at least a 3 hr. warning that Hillary would lose the election by electoral vote in spite of the popular vote being close. They simply flooded the polling precincts and padded her numbers in hopes they could make a difference in the popular vote total, which they did by less than she won California by. Since then, you dishonest lying hacks have exploited this to try and delegitimize the election and Trump's win.

Total rubbish. Harder to get people to show up for a lost cause.

Oh but it WASN'T a "lost cause" ...look at the mileage you're getting out of this!
Well, if either party learned anything…it should be this. Promise whatever sounds good. Worked for Trump. Americans are in a buying mood (or at least were for this election cycle).

Yeah just like every other Presidential Election in modern history, from BOTH major political parties candidates.

"If you tell them what they want to hear, they don't bother to try to see." -- Libba Bray, A Great and Terrible Beauty

No. HRC ran a realistic campaign;

Uh-Huh and I just looked up the phrase blind hyper-partisan fool and it said : "See candycorn".

Let me know if/when you return to the plane of existence where actual real world events take place and objectivity still exists and then we can chat about how both parties and their "candidates" are nothing more than dishonest, self-serving pieces of excrement, K?

And when you wish to deal in reality; perhaps we can continue as well.
Well, the Democratic candidate did get more votes than anyone else; by a very wide margin.

Come on.... The Left Coast had at least a 3 hr. warning that Hillary would lose the election by electoral vote in spite of the popular vote being close. They simply flooded the polling precincts and padded her numbers in hopes they could make a difference in the popular vote total, which they did by less than she won California by. Since then, you dishonest lying hacks have exploited this to try and delegitimize the election and Trump's win.

Total rubbish. Harder to get people to show up for a lost cause.

Oh but it WASN'T a "lost cause" ...look at the mileage you're getting out of this!

Mileage? The only “mileage” is that it drives the trump enablers crazy and I like watching them go bananas. I started a thread stating that the libs need to accept the election results. Which I do.

This one detail just causes a tizzy with folks like you and it’s fun to watch flaccid denials of simple mathematics.

Well, the Democratic candidate did get more votes than anyone else; by a very wide margin. In a year of an election cycle that has historically been unkind to the party that holds the Oval Office. I believe that, in and of itself, is unprecedented; winning the popular vote in the “defense” year of a 2 term President.

Democrats did pick up seats in both the US Senate and the US House of Representatives.

Seems like they did a decent job to me. That none of it resulted in a majority or winning the Oval diminishes the accomplishment of course.
Discounting illegals, non-living and multiple voters, Hillary got maybe only 20 million actual living, individual votes
Well, the Democratic candidate did get more votes than anyone else; by a very wide margin. In a year of an election cycle that has historically been unkind to the party that holds the Oval Office. I believe that, in and of itself, is unprecedented; winning the popular vote in the “defense” year of a 2 term President.

Democrats did pick up seats in both the US Senate and the US House of Representatives.

Seems like they did a decent job to me. That none of it resulted in a majority or winning the Oval diminishes the accomplishment of course.
Discounting illegals, non-living and multiple voters, Hillary got many only 20 million actual living, individual votes


Exhibit A? And you say Hollywood is the land of the stupid?
Well, if either party learned anything…it should be this. Promise whatever sounds good. Worked for Trump. Americans are in a buying mood (or at least were for this election cycle).

Yeah just like every other Presidential Election in modern history, from BOTH major political parties candidates.

"If you tell them what they want to hear, they don't bother to try to see." -- Libba Bray, A Great and Terrible Beauty

No. HRC ran a realistic campaign;

Uh-Huh and I just looked up the phrase blind hyper-partisan fool and it said : "See candycorn".

Let me know if/when you return to the plane of existence where actual real world events take place and objectivity still exists and then we can chat about how both parties and their "candidates" are nothing more than dishonest, self-serving pieces of excrement, K?

And when you wish to deal in reality; perhaps we can continue as well.
I'm already "dealing in reality", you're the one that cannot accept the fact that "your team" is just one of the two criminal enterprises that continually put forth dishonest assholes for elected office who do nothing more than tell suckers what they want to hear in order to get and maintain power.

Don't you ever get tired of being a pom-pom waiving apologist for the broken promises, complete fuck-ups and outright lies of these politicians? They don't give a fuck about you, why do you care so much about them? Aren't you ashamed of yourself for being such a willing dupe?

"Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth." -- Albert Einstein
Well, the Democratic candidate did get more votes than anyone else; by a very wide margin. In a year of an election cycle that has historically been unkind to the party that holds the Oval Office. I believe that, in and of itself, is unprecedented; winning the popular vote in the “defense” year of a 2 term President.

Democrats did pick up seats in both the US Senate and the US House of Representatives.

Seems like they did a decent job to me. That none of it resulted in a majority or winning the Oval diminishes the accomplishment of course.
..except we have the EC system and it's how Trump's campaign was run. Not sure about Hillary's.

The fact that it needs to be pointed out for all of infinity is a key to the problem.

he he he….

It pretty much depends on the yarns that the nominees in 2024 want to spin. I expect Trump to get 8 years—Americans like incumbents. If the GOP guy runs a “you can have whatever you want” campaign and the Democrats try to run on a platform of responsible governance…get ready for 4 more years. I’m pretty sure the jig will be up by then though.
The RC is here to stay regardless of any campaigning. 4/5th of the states have to change it and that's not happening.
Well, if either party learned anything…it should be this. Promise whatever sounds good. Worked for Trump. Americans are in a buying mood (or at least were for this election cycle).

Yeah just like every other Presidential Election in modern history, from BOTH major political parties candidates.

"If you tell them what they want to hear, they don't bother to try to see." -- Libba Bray, A Great and Terrible Beauty

No. HRC ran a realistic campaign;

Uh-Huh and I just looked up the phrase blind hyper-partisan fool and it said : "See candycorn".

Let me know if/when you return to the plane of existence where actual real world events take place and objectivity still exists and then we can chat about how both parties and their "candidates" are nothing more than dishonest, self-serving pieces of excrement, K?

And when you wish to deal in reality; perhaps we can continue as well.
I’m already "dealing in reality",
Actual reality; not the universe you’ve substituted because it fits in to your world view…

you’re the one that cannot accept the fact that "your team" is just one of the two criminal enterprises that continually put forth dishonest assholes for elected office who do nothing more than tell suckers what they want to hear in order to get and maintain power.
If it was true, she would have been in political office when she ran. As it turns out, she had no power at all as she was not an elected official.

And of course, we can point to the recent elections to show how false the narrative you point out is….

Don't you ever get tired of being a pom-pom waiving apologist for the broken promises, complete fuck-ups and outright lies of these politicians? They don't give a fuck about you, why do you care so much about them? Aren't you ashamed of yourself for being such a willing dupe?

"Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth." -- Albert Einstein

We’ll see how much you castigate Trump for all of the broken promises to come. In fact the “drain the swamp” BS has become promoting a great number of swamp creatures out of the swamp it seems. Where is the criticism?

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