The Left didn't learn a GD thing

You funny

That's ironic... a total clown calling someone funny.

Look idiot... I don't have any problem with financially-conscious people looking at the various defense contracts, eliminating redundant systems or obsolete projects, cutting out wasteful pork projects we don't need... I'm fine with that if it's done in a reasonable pragmatic manner, and I think most people on the right agree with me on this.

But our ENTIRE defense budget is a small fraction of what we're spending and it seems to always be the very first thing you people mention whenever it comes to any cuts. Meanwhile, we have veterans dying outside of VA hospitals because there are no beds. Sure, we may be able to cut 10% or 15% from defense spending, but that's not a lot of money in the grand scheme of things and it's certainly not a way to balance the budget.

To constantly drone on this same predictable meme every time someone mentions spending cuts, illustrates nothing more than your utter stupidity and separation from reality.
You funny

That's ironic... a total clown calling someone funny.

Look idiot... I don't have any problem with financially-conscious people looking at the various defense contracts, eliminating redundant systems or obsolete projects, cutting out wasteful pork projects we don't need... I'm fine with that if it's done in a reasonable pragmatic manner, and I think most people on the right agree with me on this.

But our ENTIRE defense budget is a small fraction of what we're spending and it seems to always be the very first thing you people mention whenever it comes to any cuts. Meanwhile, we have veterans dying outside of VA hospitals because there are no beds. Sure, we may be able to cut 10% or 15% from defense spending, but that's not a lot of money in the grand scheme of things and it's certainly not a way to balance the budget.

To constantly drone on this same predictable meme every time someone mentions spending cuts, illustrates nothing more than your utter stupidity and separation from reality.

Should do away with out entire defense budget
You funny

That's ironic... a total clown calling someone funny.

Look idiot... I don't have any problem with financially-conscious people looking at the various defense contracts, eliminating redundant systems or obsolete projects, cutting out wasteful pork projects we don't need... I'm fine with that if it's done in a reasonable pragmatic manner, and I think most people on the right agree with me on this.

But our ENTIRE defense budget is a small fraction of what we're spending and it seems to always be the very first thing you people mention whenever it comes to any cuts. Meanwhile, we have veterans dying outside of VA hospitals because there are no beds. Sure, we may be able to cut 10% or 15% from defense spending, but that's not a lot of money in the grand scheme of things and it's certainly not a way to balance the budget.

To constantly drone on this same predictable meme every time someone mentions spending cuts, illustrates nothing more than your utter stupidity and separation from reality.

Should do away with out entire defense budget

You miss my point.... EVEN IF we got rid of ALL our defense budget, it's not enough to pay for a fraction of the loony tune shit you leftists come up with to blow money on. Yet, every time someone mentions budget cuts, that's the very first thing out of your mouth.

The defense budget is large because that's the one thing in our Constitution that our government is duly responsible to provide for us. We need to cut the fat out of everything until we get our deficit under control but we also need to cut some precious liberal social programs. We need to reduce the size of government at the federal level and return responsibilities to the states where they belong.
I'm already "dealing in reality", you're the one that cannot accept the fact that "your team" is just one of the two criminal enterprises that continually put forth dishonest assholes for elected office who do nothing more than tell suckers what they want to hear in order to get and maintain power.

Don't you ever get tired of being a pom-pom waiving apologist for the broken promises, complete fuck-ups and outright lies of these politicians? They don't give a fuck about you, why do you care so much about them? Aren't you ashamed of yourself for being such a willing dupe?

"Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth." -- Albert Einstein

It's amazing to me how imbeciles like Candyass manage to live through their teens as stupid as she is. If she lived in any other society she would have starved to death. I don't know why moonbats insist on a Darwin only "creation story" because we have clearly undermined Darwin's theory. All these extra safety precautions that took away things like 3 wheelers, electrical outlets without GFIs, Lawn Jarts, M80 Fire Crackers, and gave us seat belt laws has allowed stupid people to over populate.

Would that lead to a more dangerous society? You're fuckin A right it would! Stupid people don't make it through danger as well. Less stupid people = less libturds. Again, that's why I don't oppose abortion. Decent people don't get them. self absorbed sociopaths do. I don't want them in the gene pool. I don't care if they decide to be queer cum dumpsters. I don't think they should be allowed to have kids and play house, but it's still not something I care about. I want the US to be prosperous again, and the only way that will happen is if regressive bullshit is torn down and measures installed to prevent the bed wetters from rebuilding their money laundering scams.

The nanny state needs as double mastectomy and her snootch sewn shut. I didn't think Trump was the guy to do it, but it seems clear he did the opposite of what republicrats usually do. He talked nicely to the bed wetters when he needed to, and when he won he told them to fuck themselves.Usually republicrats talk nice to us, get elected and end up sucking donkey dick.

How's that elephant cock taste libs?

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