The Left hates the Middle Class

Yeah....stuff like keeping you safe.......thank God Democrats are here to make sure you aren't.
All the right wing knows how to do, is cut taxes for the rich and cut benefits for the poor.

They don't know how to win wars on crime, drugs, or terror.
what about the middle class, or don't you give a shit about them?
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and health care for the poor, lifts many boats, including middle class boats.
no, it destroys an economy. But why would you know that? The government has no business setting salaries. The market does. Let the market move the money. for fk sake,
No, it doesn't. That is just, your opinion, man.
yes the market drives the salaries dude. It's why manufacturing went out of country you stupid fk.
Liberals decidedly favor forms of heavy sided Socialist forms of Governments. Socialism across the spectrum favors two classes: an elite 1 percent and the masses a, no middle class. Many leaders, thought leaders, economic and social leaders advocating for Socialism ultimately realize that a healthy middle class stands in their way. They use the misnomer of "income inequality" as a means to create class warfare. When class warfare fires are stoked, it is the middle class that gets burned, not the wealthy.
Class warfare has been waged on us since the 70s. They broke the social contract we had until companies like ge bla bla bla

That is when CEO wages began to skyrocket.

Do you think the government should set a maximum wage for CEO's? (but not Hollywood stars or Sports stars, never them!)

It's always the CEOs that need to be capped, never the athletes and entertainers. While we are at it, let's also throw in the Presidents of higher education institutions? Liberals nod their heads when Elizabeth Warren trashes Wall Street and Executive pay......all the while having earned $300,000 per year to teach ONE class. Liberals will say that the CEOs are exploiting the workers. Based on their logic, I would argue that the entertainers, athletes, and BigEd teachers' are exploiting peoples' hard-earned dollars.

CEOs shouldn't be a rigged game. They shouldn't be on the boards giving themselves raises. Athletes and entertainers aren't giving themselves raises, CEOs are choosing to pay them that much. I don't understand why you guys don't get that. The rich team owner wants to win so he pays to get the best players. The player isn't deciding how much he should be paid.

Maybe employees should decide how good the CEO is doing and if they deserve a raise.

It's a rigged game within the white collar part of the company. They are all making sure they give themselves bonus'. If it's looking like profits aren't going to give them their bonus' they lay off workers in order to meet their bonus'. At least in Union companies the workers get profit sharing.

My brother is a big wig HR VP for a fortune 500. He pays executive bonus' and his boss, who he decides what bonus to give his boss, his boss also decides what bonus he should get. Quid Pro Quo. LOL.

Anyways, he said he learned from the bosses that rule number 1 in business is Feed the Generals First. What is rule #2? Never forget rule #1. I'm not kidding.

Now is when Republicans will cry that we are jealous and Class Warfare.

Yes, the Tiny Tim's in England were jealous too.

in english
what do you not understand? ask questions.
The left wants the middle class to be paid more. The rich can afford it and the solution to poverty is a big middle class. No excuse if it's easy to get out of poverty. The wealth gap is a problem. Government could solve this if free market capitalism wont

The right think that's unfair. They shouldn't have to pay more even if their greed is ruining our economy.

So the right can't claim to care about the middle class. If it disappears tough.
The Middle-Class makes more than $15 hr.
That's not a lot
No kidding.....

Yet you support a party that wants to bring in millions of 'refugees' to make $15 an average wage.

When I lived in CA it was difficult to find a decent paying job because of all of the illegals that Democrats let in. They could pay them half of what I was making. I remember being paid $4 hr and the illegal in the paint booth was only making $1.50 hr. I couldn't live off of $4 dollars an hour because it was just me and my wife. The illegals lived in a single family home with 20 other people who were all making less than $3 hr. This is what CA likes. They don't like families. They like workhouses.

You will see soon that Republicans love bringing in cheap labor too. Why? Because the corporations that they serve love flooding the market with cheap labor.

What are corporations saying now?

America’s Growing Labor Shortage

Immigrants are essential for U.S. economic growth — and we need more of them

There is some truth to this. I don't like it. I don't give a fuck about growth. Let the economy and our population shrink. Better for the planet.
Charles Barkley is a brilliant man with a knowledge of economics that is extraordinary.

Many CEO's also came from nothing.

You are just a hack applying a double standard.
My bro got a masters from msu. Could of he fortune 500 makes 1.5 million a year. Yes sure he's worth that much.

But since you're ok with it I'd take it too if I were him.

He came from nothing. Very rare he would ever become CEO.
in english
what do you not understand? ask questions.
The left wants the middle class to be paid more. The rich can afford it and the solution to poverty is a big middle class. No excuse if it's easy to get out of poverty. The wealth gap is a problem. Government could solve this if free market capitalism wont

The right think that's unfair. They shouldn't have to pay more even if their greed is ruining our economy.

So the right can't claim to care about the middle class. If it disappears tough.
The Middle-Class makes more than $15 hr.

At what point will you admit unregulated free market trickle down capitalism doesn't work? Sure it works for the top 1% but what about the rest of us? If it doesn't work for the rest of us, will you still defend it?

Inequality has widened due to the increasing concentration of political power among the corporate and financial elite that has been able to influence the rules by which the economy runs

The Real Reason for the Growing Gap Between Rich and Poor
My bro got a masters from msu. Could of he fortune 500 makes 1.5 million a year. Yes sure he's worth that much.

But since you're ok with it I'd take it too if I were him.

He came from nothing. Very rare he would ever become CEO.
in english
what do you not understand? ask questions.
The left wants the middle class to be paid more. The rich can afford it and the solution to poverty is a big middle class. No excuse if it's easy to get out of poverty. The wealth gap is a problem. Government could solve this if free market capitalism wont

The right think that's unfair. They shouldn't have to pay more even if their greed is ruining our economy.

So the right can't claim to care about the middle class. If it disappears tough.
The Middle-Class makes more than $15 hr.

At what point will you admit unregulated free market trickle down capitalism doesn't work? Sure it works for the top 1% but what about the rest of us? If it doesn't work for the rest of us, will you still defend it?

Inequality has widened due to the increasing concentration of political power among the corporate and financial elite that has been able to influence the rules by which the economy runs

The Real Reason for the Growing Gap Between Rich and Poor
there are those words again, trickle down. No such thing. Again a term made up by the media and DNC. You never state what the DNC would do. You seem to always point a finger at the GOP. why don't you question your own fking party? where is their solution? come on man, man up.
Well that's the problem. For too many jobs like McDonalds are the only option and even while working hard they get little in return. We are moving to a service economy, those jobs might require more pay if we can make the middle class strong again. Everybody can't be a manager.

Worse yet, McDonalds jobs are rapidly disappearing. In 10 to 15 years there won't BE fast food jobs anymore. The minimum wage idiocy of morons like Palos is part of it, but automation is inevitable. Our world is changing, robots and machines are taking an ever greater part of the labor market. I am not sure how to do it, but out entire system will have to change.
Class warfare has been waged on us since the 70s. They broke the social contract we had until companies like ge bla bla bla

That is when CEO wages began to skyrocket.

Do you think the government should set a maximum wage for CEO's? (but not Hollywood stars or Sports stars, never them!)

It's always the CEOs that need to be capped, never the athletes and entertainers. While we are at it, let's also throw in the Presidents of higher education institutions? Liberals nod their heads when Elizabeth Warren trashes Wall Street and Executive pay......all the while having earned $300,000 per year to teach ONE class. Liberals will say that the CEOs are exploiting the workers. Based on their logic, I would argue that the entertainers, athletes, and BigEd teachers' are exploiting peoples' hard-earned dollars.

CEOs shouldn't be a rigged game. They shouldn't be on the boards giving themselves raises. Athletes and entertainers aren't giving themselves raises, CEOs are choosing to pay them that much. I don't understand why you guys don't get that. The rich team owner wants to win so he pays to get the best players. The player isn't deciding how much he should be paid.

Maybe employees should decide how good the CEO is doing and if they deserve a raise.

It's a rigged game within the white collar part of the company. They are all making sure they give themselves bonus'. If it's looking like profits aren't going to give them their bonus' they lay off workers in order to meet their bonus'. At least in Union companies the workers get profit sharing.

My brother is a big wig HR VP for a fortune 500. He pays executive bonus' and his boss, who he decides what bonus to give his boss, his boss also decides what bonus he should get. Quid Pro Quo. LOL.

Anyways, he said he learned from the bosses that rule number 1 in business is Feed the Generals First. What is rule #2? Never forget rule #1. I'm not kidding.

Now is when Republicans will cry that we are jealous and Class Warfare.

Yes, the Tiny Tim's in England were jealous too.

Bullshit, you made all of that up.

The "Compensation Committee" of any publicly traded company decides what bonuses are paid, BY LAW, and they must be disclosed for all officers on the 10Q that is accessible to the public on EDGAR.

This is a bad place to make shit up, Silly Bonobo.
At what point will you admit unregulated free market trickle down capitalism doesn't work?

At what point will you admit that flush toilets don't work?

You pose insanely stupid questions that are dishonest in construct.
I'm just saying when the gap keeps getting bigger and bigger at what point would you say your way isn't working. I'll tell you when. If you are a libertarian, never. The answer from them is always "we didn't deregulate enough" Why didn't GW Bush do well? He didn't go far enough. That's what RWNJ's are convinced.

The Real Reason for the Growing Gap Between Rich and Poor
At what point will you admit unregulated free market trickle down capitalism doesn't work?

At what point will you admit that flush toilets don't work?

You pose insanely stupid questions that are dishonest in construct.
I'm just saying when the gap keeps getting bigger and bigger at what point would you say your way isn't working. I'll tell you when. If you are a libertarian, never. The answer from them is always "we didn't deregulate enough" Why didn't GW Bush do well? He didn't go far enough. That's what RWNJ's are convinced.

The Real Reason for the Growing Gap Between Rich and Poor
so still no solution to offer eh? My you sure bitch a lot about something you have no idea about.
I'm just saying when the gap keeps getting bigger and bigger at what point would you say your way isn't working. I'll tell you when. If you are a libertarian, never. The answer from them is always "we didn't deregulate enough" Why didn't GW Bush do well? He didn't go far enough. That's what RWNJ's are convinced.

The Real Reason for the Growing Gap Between Rich and Poor

I'm just saying that when toilets clog and back up, it's clear we should shit in the woods and wipe with pine cones.

You leftists are too stupid to be part of a civilized world - simple fact.
That is when CEO wages began to skyrocket.

Do you think the government should set a maximum wage for CEO's? (but not Hollywood stars or Sports stars, never them!)

It's always the CEOs that need to be capped, never the athletes and entertainers. While we are at it, let's also throw in the Presidents of higher education institutions? Liberals nod their heads when Elizabeth Warren trashes Wall Street and Executive pay......all the while having earned $300,000 per year to teach ONE class. Liberals will say that the CEOs are exploiting the workers. Based on their logic, I would argue that the entertainers, athletes, and BigEd teachers' are exploiting peoples' hard-earned dollars.

CEOs shouldn't be a rigged game. They shouldn't be on the boards giving themselves raises. Athletes and entertainers aren't giving themselves raises, CEOs are choosing to pay them that much. I don't understand why you guys don't get that. The rich team owner wants to win so he pays to get the best players. The player isn't deciding how much he should be paid.

Maybe employees should decide how good the CEO is doing and if they deserve a raise.

It's a rigged game within the white collar part of the company. They are all making sure they give themselves bonus'. If it's looking like profits aren't going to give them their bonus' they lay off workers in order to meet their bonus'. At least in Union companies the workers get profit sharing.

My brother is a big wig HR VP for a fortune 500. He pays executive bonus' and his boss, who he decides what bonus to give his boss, his boss also decides what bonus he should get. Quid Pro Quo. LOL.

Anyways, he said he learned from the bosses that rule number 1 in business is Feed the Generals First. What is rule #2? Never forget rule #1. I'm not kidding.

Now is when Republicans will cry that we are jealous and Class Warfare.

Yes, the Tiny Tim's in England were jealous too.

Bullshit, you made all of that up.

The "Compensation Committee" of any publicly traded company decides what bonuses are paid, BY LAW, and they must be disclosed for all officers on the 10Q that is accessible to the public on EDGAR.

This is a bad place to make shit up, Silly Bonobo.

I'm not making any of it up. Sorry. I've been telling people for years about my brother and the insight that he gives me. He argues with me too by the way. He thinks he is worth 1.5 million a year. So would I if someone was dumb enough to pay me that kind of money. I"m sure he would work just as hard for $300k don't you think?

I am a STAR at my company and I make less than 6 figures. I actually make my company money. A LOT of money. How come I'm not worth $200K? I'll tell you why. Because the President takes credit for my success and he gets the bonus. If we were in a union he'd have to pay me profit sharing.

And I was giving you the inside scoop. The conversations they have behind the scenes. I don't know about any "compensation committee" but don't think for a second that game isn't rigged. It's not a bunch of line workers who sit on that committee. They're getting bonus' too.
I'm just saying when the gap keeps getting bigger and bigger at what point would you say your way isn't working. I'll tell you when. If you are a libertarian, never. The answer from them is always "we didn't deregulate enough" Why didn't GW Bush do well? He didn't go far enough. That's what RWNJ's are convinced.

The Real Reason for the Growing Gap Between Rich and Poor

I'm just saying that when toilets clog and back up, it's clear we should shit in the woods and wipe with pine cones.

You leftists are too stupid to be part of a civilized world - simple fact.
they have absolutely zero ideas.
what do you not understand? ask questions.
The left wants the middle class to be paid more. The rich can afford it and the solution to poverty is a big middle class. No excuse if it's easy to get out of poverty. The wealth gap is a problem. Government could solve this if free market capitalism wont

The right think that's unfair. They shouldn't have to pay more even if their greed is ruining our economy.

So the right can't claim to care about the middle class. If it disappears tough.
The Middle-Class makes more than $15 hr.
That's not a lot
No kidding.....

Yet you support a party that wants to bring in millions of 'refugees' to make $15 an average wage.

When I lived in CA it was difficult to find a decent paying job because of all of the illegals that Democrats let in. They could pay them half of what I was making. I remember being paid $4 hr and the illegal in the paint booth was only making $1.50 hr. I couldn't live off of $4 dollars an hour because it was just me and my wife. The illegals lived in a single family home with 20 other people who were all making less than $3 hr. This is what CA likes. They don't like families. They like workhouses.

You will see soon that Republicans love bringing in cheap labor too. Why? Because the corporations that they serve love flooding the market with cheap labor.

What are corporations saying now?

America’s Growing Labor Shortage

Immigrants are essential for U.S. economic growth — and we need more of them

There is some truth to this. I don't like it. I don't give a fuck about growth. Let the economy and our population shrink. Better for the planet.
We don't need more immigrants. Those days ended in the 30s.
The problem is these immigrants are eating up all of the benefits the Baby-Boomers need in the next 10 - 20 years. Democrats are paying them to come here and collect welfare, medicaid, and food stamps.

I'm not making any of it up. Sorry. I've been telling people for years about my brother and the insight that he gives me. He argues with me too by the way. He thinks he is worth 1.5 million a year. So would I if someone was dumb enough to pay me that kind of money. I"m sure he would work just as hard for $300k don't you think?

I am a STAR at my company and I make less than 6 figures. I actually make my company money. A LOT of money. How come I'm not worth $200K? I'll tell you why. Because the President takes credit for my success and he gets the bonus. If we were in a union he'd have to pay me profit sharing.

And I was giving you the inside scoop. The conversations they have behind the scenes. I don't know about any "compensation committee" but don't think for a second that game isn't rigged. It's not a bunch of line workers who sit on that committee. They're getting bonus' too.

You're making all of it up, you are using your prejudice to fabricate a tale that confirms your bias. It isn't true simply because what you claim is illegal.. While companies engage in illegal acts all the time, they could not get away with STRUCTURING a corporation in a way that violates basic SEC rules.
I'm just saying when the gap keeps getting bigger and bigger at what point would you say your way isn't working. I'll tell you when. If you are a libertarian, never. The answer from them is always "we didn't deregulate enough" Why didn't GW Bush do well? He didn't go far enough. That's what RWNJ's are convinced.

The Real Reason for the Growing Gap Between Rich and Poor

I'm just saying that when toilets clog and back up, it's clear we should shit in the woods and wipe with pine cones.

You leftists are too stupid to be part of a civilized world - simple fact.
they have absolutely zero ideas.

Capitalism has flaws, it's just a hell of a lot better than whatever comes second.
I'm just saying when the gap keeps getting bigger and bigger at what point would you say your way isn't working. I'll tell you when. If you are a libertarian, never. The answer from them is always "we didn't deregulate enough" Why didn't GW Bush do well? He didn't go far enough. That's what RWNJ's are convinced.

The Real Reason for the Growing Gap Between Rich and Poor

I'm just saying that when toilets clog and back up, it's clear we should shit in the woods and wipe with pine cones.

You leftists are too stupid to be part of a civilized world - simple fact.
they have absolutely zero ideas.

Capitalism has flaws, it's just a hell of a lot better than whatever comes second.
by leaps and bounds.
At what point will you admit unregulated free market trickle down capitalism doesn't work?

At what point will you admit that flush toilets don't work?

You pose insanely stupid questions that are dishonest in construct.
I'm just saying when the gap keeps getting bigger and bigger at what point would you say your way isn't working. I'll tell you when. If you are a libertarian, never. The answer from them is always "we didn't deregulate enough" Why didn't GW Bush do well? He didn't go far enough. That's what RWNJ's are convinced.

The Real Reason for the Growing Gap Between Rich and Poor
so still no solution to offer eh? My you sure bitch a lot about something you have no idea about.
Corporations need to start paying their employees more. I like it that good help is hard to find. That alone will bring wages up. Hopefully Republicans/Corporations don't collude again to flood the market with illegal workers who undermine our middle class.

FLASHBACK: President Clinton Called for 'Deporting Twice as Many Illegal Aliens'

Bush was the one who turned a blind eye.

Illegal Workers: the Con's Secret Weapon

This is what we were saying in 2006

Legal immigration is a good and healthy thing for a nation, because it is done at a rate and in a way that allows a country to collectively decide what sort of labor/jobs ratios it wants to maintain. Limitless illegal immigration, however, leads to the modern-day equivalent of slavery, benefiting only the conservative corporate elites.

What were you saying back then? Bullshit brah!
At what point will you admit unregulated free market trickle down capitalism doesn't work?

At what point will you admit that flush toilets don't work?

You pose insanely stupid questions that are dishonest in construct.
I'm just saying when the gap keeps getting bigger and bigger at what point would you say your way isn't working. I'll tell you when. If you are a libertarian, never. The answer from them is always "we didn't deregulate enough" Why didn't GW Bush do well? He didn't go far enough. That's what RWNJ's are convinced.

The Real Reason for the Growing Gap Between Rich and Poor
so still no solution to offer eh? My you sure bitch a lot about something you have no idea about.
Corporations need to start paying their employees more. I like it that good help is hard to find. That alone will bring wages up. Hopefully Republicans/Corporations don't collude again to flood the market with illegal workers who undermine our middle class.

FLASHBACK: President Clinton Called for 'Deporting Twice as Many Illegal Aliens'

Bush was the one who turned a blind eye.

Illegal Workers: the Con's Secret Weapon

This is what we were saying in 2006

Legal immigration is a good and healthy thing for a nation, because it is done at a rate and in a way that allows a country to collectively decide what sort of labor/jobs ratios it wants to maintain. Limitless illegal immigration, however, leads to the modern-day equivalent of slavery, benefiting only the conservative corporate elites.

What were you saying back then? Bullshit brah!
so all you got is to say that corporations should pay their employees more? That it? No fking ideas
in english
what do you not understand? ask questions.
The left wants the middle class to be paid more. The rich can afford it and the solution to poverty is a big middle class. No excuse if it's easy to get out of poverty. The wealth gap is a problem. Government could solve this if free market capitalism wont

The right think that's unfair. They shouldn't have to pay more even if their greed is ruining our economy.

So the right can't claim to care about the middle class. If it disappears tough.
The Middle-Class makes more than $15 hr.
That's not a lot
No kidding.....

Yet you support a party that wants to bring in millions of 'refugees' to make $15 an average wage.

When I lived in CA it was difficult to find a decent paying job because of all of the illegals that Democrats let in. They could pay them half of what I was making. I remember being paid $4 hr and the illegal in the paint booth was only making $1.50 hr. I couldn't live off of $4 dollars an hour because it was just me and my wife. The illegals lived in a single family home with 20 other people who were all making less than $3 hr. This is what CA likes. They don't like families. They like workhouses.

One of the tools conservatives have used very successfully over the past 25 years to drive down wages, bust unions, and increase CEO salaries has been to encourage illegal immigrant labor in the US. Their technique is transparently simple.

George W. Bush insulted working Americans by saying that we need eleven million illegal immigrants here in the United States because (in a slightly cleaned-up version of the more blatantly racist comments of Vicente Fox) there are some jobs that "American's won't do."

Do you remember this was the liberal position in 2006. I'm glad Trump's a liberal.

Illegal Workers: the Con's Secret Weapon

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