The Left hates the Middle Class

The left created the middle class

Ronald Reagan destroyed it

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The left is the middle class. We liked it back in the day when the middle class profit shared when the company made a profit. You guys sent all the good paying middle class jobs overseas. Back then the middle class made $35hr. Today they make $10. Trump promises to bring back $25 hr jobs.

That's not making America great again. That's companies gouging us workers for $10 hr we used to make.
perhaps you should familiarize yourself with why jobs left originally. Let me give you hint, it was called unions. It's why we have right to work states today. Who the fk runs unions? hmmmm me thinks that is rhetorical.

And then bang, regulation after regulation, after regulation. shit there was probably regulations on the regulations there were so many. Guess who gave us those? oh shit, rhetorical again.

Oh and then there was climate change and the target was the middle class. yep. guess again, oh yeah, rhetorical.
So companies left because Americans made too much $. Got it.
I supposed that is true. without tarrifs. Why I want them. so we can bring some jobs home. Now you tell me what libs are doing to bring back $35 dollar an hour jobs? please, what was hitlery's plan? I'll wait.

Yea, we did give up on bringing high paying blue collar union jobs back home. Stupid democrats. That's how Trump was able to claim this issue. Brilliant. But his only plan to raise wages is to kick illegals out. Lets see how much that works.
so hitlery had no plan for the middle class. The group of people the libs love to put on a pedestal and then fk with policy. yep. Especially energy jobs. Shit Hitlery told it right to the coal miners face. just wow. yeah,
A, green jobs are where it's at. B, Hillary couldn't do it on her own. The middle class has been fucking itself since 2010. And fucked themselves in 2000 and 2004 too. A democratic president can't do it alone. So I'm glad Republicans own it all now. Prove your way works and creates a strong happy middle class
Let's all hope he delivers. I don't have much faith in his ideas, but would rather be wrong.
well first he needs congress to be congress. and stop with all the russia hoax bullshit. See, again, both parties deviating from the needs of middle class americans investigating a hoax. I tell you.

I think congress will find any reason to do nothing. But it is his party. If he can't get them to do something it doesn't say much about his leadership.
it really isn't his party. he ran as a GOP, he got mistreated the entire election process by them. I'd say that is a complex situation.

I agree, but I still think he should be able to influence them to action.
how? they don't fking care. It's fking obvious. those GOPers are going to feel the pain, not Trump.

That's why he was elected right? I mean he promised to do all these things. Doing them requires he at least gets his own party in line, he certainly isn't reaching out to the democrats.
perhaps you should familiarize yourself with why jobs left originally. Let me give you hint, it was called unions. It's why we have right to work states today. Who the fk runs unions? hmmmm me thinks that is rhetorical.

And then bang, regulation after regulation, after regulation. shit there was probably regulations on the regulations there were so many. Guess who gave us those? oh shit, rhetorical again.

Oh and then there was climate change and the target was the middle class. yep. guess again, oh yeah, rhetorical.
So companies left because Americans made too much $. Got it.
I supposed that is true. without tarrifs. Why I want them. so we can bring some jobs home. Now you tell me what libs are doing to bring back $35 dollar an hour jobs? please, what was hitlery's plan? I'll wait.

Yea, we did give up on bringing high paying blue collar union jobs back home. Stupid democrats. That's how Trump was able to claim this issue. Brilliant. But his only plan to raise wages is to kick illegals out. Lets see how much that works.
so hitlery had no plan for the middle class. The group of people the libs love to put on a pedestal and then fk with policy. yep. Especially energy jobs. Shit Hitlery told it right to the coal miners face. just wow. yeah,
A, green jobs are where it's at. B, Hillary couldn't do it on her own. The middle class has been fucking itself since 2010. And fucked themselves in 2000 and 2004 too. A democratic president can't do it alone. So I'm glad Republicans own it all now. Prove your way works and creates a strong happy middle class

We will certainly see now. I definitely don't want to hear more excuses since they control everything.

With the death of unions so goes the middle class. Who is killing the unions? The rich hate the middle class.

The Unions are long gone. The only thing left is the Public Employee unions, which are not unions at all, just the entrenched bureaucracy feeding their greedy maw at the expense of the productive sector.

Unions and Corporations are two forms of voluntary collectivism in a market economy. Most people grasp that monopolies are damaging to the public and to the economy. What the left doesn't seem to grasp is that this is true regardless of whether the monopoly is among corporations or among unions. Either way the public gets fucked by a trust that uses monopoly power to set prices that the market will not and cannot support.

Real unions died 40 years ago. The committed by pricing American workers out of the market, assuming their monopoly would protect them from the market. But the monopoly of the AFL/CIO only had their monopoly in America, escaping the price gouging of them meant jobs going out of the country. The unions broke, leaving us with predatory corporations that have no natural balance, a very bad thing for America, all based on the unbridled greed of the Monopoly that was the unions.

Still the middle thrived, until Obama got in office. The real decline in middle class wages started in 2007, which is understandable since that was the start of a recession. What is NOT understandable is that they NEVER rebounded until Trump took office. Now they are finally headed back up. Had Mafia Boss Hillary won, they would still be dropping.

Wages were headed up a bit before Trump. I've not seen any evidence yet that has continued. The middle class has been screwed for decades.

For most workers, real wages have barely budged for decades
The Left hates the Middle Class?


But they DO get their rocks off, dissing and weakening White Straight Christian America...

Until White Straight Christian America fights back, anyway...

Then, they whine like little bitches who can't find their tube of Preparation H...

If they want to win elections they have to step away from being the immigrant, transsexual, and pro criminal party. I don't really think those things are the party, but lately they are louder on those than making the middle class strong. That won't win elections.
Never forget that the Bourgeoisie is the middle class, not the "rich," but the merchants and craftsman of the middle.

The left has waged war against the middle class since the time of Karl Marx. All of the current talk about Obama's class warfare against the rich is a smokescreen, the war the left wages against America is a war to crush and obliterate the middle class.

Ending the middle class is, and always has been, the primary goal of the left.

Lets see what Republicans do for the middle class in the next 2-8 years.
The Republicans are assholes.
Trump is the guy doing it all.
So companies left because Americans made too much $. Got it.
I supposed that is true. without tarrifs. Why I want them. so we can bring some jobs home. Now you tell me what libs are doing to bring back $35 dollar an hour jobs? please, what was hitlery's plan? I'll wait.

Yea, we did give up on bringing high paying blue collar union jobs back home. Stupid democrats. That's how Trump was able to claim this issue. Brilliant. But his only plan to raise wages is to kick illegals out. Lets see how much that works.
so hitlery had no plan for the middle class. The group of people the libs love to put on a pedestal and then fk with policy. yep. Especially energy jobs. Shit Hitlery told it right to the coal miners face. just wow. yeah,
A, green jobs are where it's at. B, Hillary couldn't do it on her own. The middle class has been fucking itself since 2010. And fucked themselves in 2000 and 2004 too. A democratic president can't do it alone. So I'm glad Republicans own it all now. Prove your way works and creates a strong happy middle class

We will certainly see now. I definitely don't want to hear more excuses since they control everything.
I'm glad the GOP can't get done what it wants to get done.

With the death of unions so goes the middle class. Who is killing the unions? The rich hate the middle class.

The Unions are long gone. The only thing left is the Public Employee unions, which are not unions at all, just the entrenched bureaucracy feeding their greedy maw at the expense of the productive sector.

Unions and Corporations are two forms of voluntary collectivism in a market economy. Most people grasp that monopolies are damaging to the public and to the economy. What the left doesn't seem to grasp is that this is true regardless of whether the monopoly is among corporations or among unions. Either way the public gets fucked by a trust that uses monopoly power to set prices that the market will not and cannot support.

Real unions died 40 years ago. The committed by pricing American workers out of the market, assuming their monopoly would protect them from the market. But the monopoly of the AFL/CIO only had their monopoly in America, escaping the price gouging of them meant jobs going out of the country. The unions broke, leaving us with predatory corporations that have no natural balance, a very bad thing for America, all based on the unbridled greed of the Monopoly that was the unions.

Still the middle thrived, until Obama got in office. The real decline in middle class wages started in 2007, which is understandable since that was the start of a recession. What is NOT understandable is that they NEVER rebounded until Trump took office. Now they are finally headed back up. Had Mafia Boss Hillary won, they would still be dropping.

Wages were headed up a bit before Trump. I've not seen any evidence yet that has continued. The middle class has been screwed for decades.

For most workers, real wages have barely budged for decades
Maybe you haven't seen any evidence because you aren't looking.
I supposed that is true. without tarrifs. Why I want them. so we can bring some jobs home. Now you tell me what libs are doing to bring back $35 dollar an hour jobs? please, what was hitlery's plan? I'll wait.

Yea, we did give up on bringing high paying blue collar union jobs back home. Stupid democrats. That's how Trump was able to claim this issue. Brilliant. But his only plan to raise wages is to kick illegals out. Lets see how much that works.
so hitlery had no plan for the middle class. The group of people the libs love to put on a pedestal and then fk with policy. yep. Especially energy jobs. Shit Hitlery told it right to the coal miners face. just wow. yeah,
A, green jobs are where it's at. B, Hillary couldn't do it on her own. The middle class has been fucking itself since 2010. And fucked themselves in 2000 and 2004 too. A democratic president can't do it alone. So I'm glad Republicans own it all now. Prove your way works and creates a strong happy middle class

We will certainly see now. I definitely don't want to hear more excuses since they control everything.
I'm glad the GOP can't get done what it wants to get done.
Yeah....stuff like keeping you safe.......thank God Democrats are here to make sure you aren't.
I supposed that is true. without tarrifs. Why I want them. so we can bring some jobs home. Now you tell me what libs are doing to bring back $35 dollar an hour jobs? please, what was hitlery's plan? I'll wait.

Yea, we did give up on bringing high paying blue collar union jobs back home. Stupid democrats. That's how Trump was able to claim this issue. Brilliant. But his only plan to raise wages is to kick illegals out. Lets see how much that works.
so hitlery had no plan for the middle class. The group of people the libs love to put on a pedestal and then fk with policy. yep. Especially energy jobs. Shit Hitlery told it right to the coal miners face. just wow. yeah,
A, green jobs are where it's at. B, Hillary couldn't do it on her own. The middle class has been fucking itself since 2010. And fucked themselves in 2000 and 2004 too. A democratic president can't do it alone. So I'm glad Republicans own it all now. Prove your way works and creates a strong happy middle class

We will certainly see now. I definitely don't want to hear more excuses since they control everything.
I'm glad the GOP can't get done what it wants to get done.

if they don't do anything they may remain in power a long time.
Never forget that the Bourgeoisie is the middle class, not the "rich," but the merchants and craftsman of the middle.

The left has waged war against the middle class since the time of Karl Marx. All of the current talk about Obama's class warfare against the rich is a smokescreen, the war the left wages against America is a war to crush and obliterate the middle class.

Ending the middle class is, and always has been, the primary goal of the left.

Lets see what Republicans do for the middle class in the next 2-8 years.

Liberals decidedly favor forms of heavy sided Socialist forms of Governments. Socialism across the spectrum favors two classes: an elite 1 percent and the masses a, no middle class. Many leaders, thought leaders, economic and social leaders advocating for Socialism ultimately realize that a healthy middle class stands in their way. They use the misnomer of "income inequality" as a means to create class warfare. When class warfare fires are stoked, it is the middle class that gets burned, not the wealthy.
Never forget that the Bourgeoisie is the middle class, not the "rich," but the merchants and craftsman of the middle.

The left has waged war against the middle class since the time of Karl Marx. All of the current talk about Obama's class warfare against the rich is a smokescreen, the war the left wages against America is a war to crush and obliterate the middle class.

Ending the middle class is, and always has been, the primary goal of the left.

Lets see what Republicans do for the middle class in the next 2-8 years.

Liberals decidedly favor forms of heavy sided Socialist forms of Governments. Socialism across the spectrum favors two classes: an elite 1 percent and the masses a, no middle class. Many leaders, thought leaders, economic and social leaders advocating for Socialism ultimately realize that a healthy middle class stands in their way. They use the misnomer of "income inequality" as a means to create class warfare. When class warfare fires are stoked, it is the middle class that gets burned, not the wealthy.
A large majority of adults in the selected Western European countries live in middle-income households. In 2010, the shares of adults who are middle income ranged from 64% in Spain to about 80% in Denmark, the Netherlands and Norway. These shares were considerably higher than in the U.S., where fewer than six-in-ten adults were middle income in 2010.

Across the countries examined, a smaller middle-income tier signals a more economically divided population. Among these countries, the U.S. has not only the smallest share of adults living in middle-income households, but also the largest shares of adults in lower- and upper-income households. By comparison, the lower- and upper-income tiers in Denmark, the Netherlands and Norway are of modest size. The size of the middle class in a country also signals the degree of income inequality there: Countries with smaller middle classes have higher levels of income inequality.

1. The middle class is large in many Western European countries, but it is losing ground in places
Never forget that the Bourgeoisie is the middle class, not the "rich," but the merchants and craftsman of the middle.

The left has waged war against the middle class since the time of Karl Marx. All of the current talk about Obama's class warfare against the rich is a smokescreen, the war the left wages against America is a war to crush and obliterate the middle class.

Ending the middle class is, and always has been, the primary goal of the left.

Lets see what Republicans do for the middle class in the next 2-8 years.

Liberals decidedly favor forms of heavy sided Socialist forms of Governments. Socialism across the spectrum favors two classes: an elite 1 percent and the masses a, no middle class. Many leaders, thought leaders, economic and social leaders advocating for Socialism ultimately realize that a healthy middle class stands in their way. They use the misnomer of "income inequality" as a means to create class warfare. When class warfare fires are stoked, it is the middle class that gets burned, not the wealthy.
Class warfare has been waged on us since the 70s. They broke the social contract we had until companies like ge bla bla bla
What I like about all Republican rule is they got no more excuses. I said it was bush hastert and delay that fucked us and I say Trump Ryan and McConnell will too. Trickle down don't work. You'll see
Never forget that the Bourgeoisie is the middle class, not the "rich," but the merchants and craftsman of the middle.

The left has waged war against the middle class since the time of Karl Marx. All of the current talk about Obama's class warfare against the rich is a smokescreen, the war the left wages against America is a war to crush and obliterate the middle class.

Ending the middle class is, and always has been, the primary goal of the left.

Lets see what Republicans do for the middle class in the next 2-8 years.

Liberals decidedly favor forms of heavy sided Socialist forms of Governments. Socialism across the spectrum favors two classes: an elite 1 percent and the masses a, no middle class. Many leaders, thought leaders, economic and social leaders advocating for Socialism ultimately realize that a healthy middle class stands in their way. They use the misnomer of "income inequality" as a means to create class warfare. When class warfare fires are stoked, it is the middle class that gets burned, not the wealthy.
Class warfare has been waged on us since the 70s. They broke the social contract we had until companies like ge bla bla bla

That is when CEO wages began to skyrocket.
What I like about all Republican rule is they got no more excuses. I said it was bush hastert and delay that fucked us and I say Trump Ryan and McConnell will too. Trickle down don't work. You'll see

You said what your Fuhrer told you to say through his network of hate sites.

If only you had a thought, just once.....

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