The left if full of classy people


Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
To interrupt a momentt of silence for victims is outrageous. And why are lefties there other than to cause trouble? Do they want an ass beating? The left are full of angry, intolerant, very unhappy people that hate to see others happy. It's sick and disgusting. They need to get a life and find something in their lives outside of politics (this is what happens when you reject God). It can be God or children or a job or a charity, but get a fucking life people, politics is not life.

Protesters interrupt, taken out of Marsha Blackburn campaign event
Pretty sad statement on the protesters. They could have picked a better time then at a moment of silence to spew their hate.
Democrats and leftists in general don't give a shit about Jews, or about showing any sort of respect to them.

These are the same people who thought Hitler had a good idea, and who still cling to negative eugenics as the salvation of mankind.
A mankind without any men, a mankind without any religion, a mankind without any pregnancy, a mankind without any sick people, or deformed people, or down's syndrome....

People like Coyote who pretend that muslims are *victims* and people like the leftists on usmb who are angry we moved the embassy to Jerusalem.

So it makes sense they would behave boorishly.
That reminds me, right after the 2015 Paris massacre there was a soccer match between Greece and Turkey and when the announcer declared a moment of silence for the Paris victims, all of the thousands of Turkish muslims in the audience were universally booing and catcalling. These weren't radical terrorists either; they were average, garden-variety muslim filth. Which proves that death-cult is sooooo full of murderous hate, most muslims love it when fellow muslims kill unbelievers. And of course, Western liberalfilth at the time were going through mental gymnastics to defend the muslims' horrid reaction to a moment of respect for the victims.

Because liberalcocksuckers have NO respect for anyone or anything and they prove it on a daily basis. What kind of walking DISEASE defends muslims' sadistic sexual jollies?
Too many people are not participating in the polls this time around.
They have no idea how things are going to go in this election.
I have heard many say they are lying when they do answer the polls and gave answers as to what the parties on both sides wanted to hear.
We shall see come Nov. 7th

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