The Left is after free speech again


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Democrats have introduced legislation to fight white supremacy!


Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) introduced a House Bill criminalizing “conspiracy to commit white supremacy,” which includes criticism of non-white people which influences an individual to commit a hate crime.

My only question is, how then would democrats go after black conservatives like Ben Carson and Larry Elder?

My guess is that calling them the black face of white supremacy or an Uncle Tom would be just fine because none of these terms are ever defined in the legislation, such as what is considered white supremacist and what defines criticism?

Or they can just build more jails, hire more police and just throw all and any white folk in prison cuz they are all systemic and such.
Sheila Jackson makes Hank Johnson look like Tom Jefferson.
Yes, she is that stupid.

There are hundreds of DC lawmakers that are dumber than a bag of rocks but some of them really stand out.
Sheila has taken the lead but Kamala is pushing her hard with AOC gaining along the rail but Hank Johnson & Pedo Joe can't be counted out of the race yet
She represents her constituency, which i presume loves her dumb fuck ideas. :dunno:
Yes, they all live in abject poverty as she has been in office to represent them for about a 100 years

Well done Sheila Jackson.

I want her job. You don't have to do anything to help those who vote for you, rather, all you have to do is virtue signal all day that you care, while trying to lock up your political opponents.

Good work if you can get it.
She represents her constituency, which i presume loves her dumb fuck ideas. :dunno:

You willing to stick by this for every elected official?

Every action they take is assumed to be approved by 100% of their constituency?
I don't hear people talking badly about white people where I live or work in society.
Are they police officers?

I know a black police officer. Every time he goes out he is called an Uncle Tom.

I bet you even agree with that.
Sheila Jackson makes Hank Johnson look like Tom Jefferson.
Yes, she is that stupid.

There are hundreds of DC lawmakers that are dumber than a bag of rocks but some of them really stand out.
Sheila has taken the lead but Kamala is pushing her hard with AOC gaining along the rail but Hank Johnson & Pedo Joe can't be counted out of the race yet
Hank is super smart and an expert communicator. He also has an uncanny knack for making complicated subjects make sense to the laymen. Like this brilliant thought, for example...

Americans have grown accustomed to not being represented by their constituency

But they find a way back into office anyway

Funny that.

This is the biggest scam the duopoly has pulled off. They have the two sides hating each other so much they can do anything they want and will get back into power.
Democrats have been trying to do away with the first amendment for years and they're getting closer. If they ever succeed, that will be the end of this country.
My only question is, how then would democrats go after black conservatives like Ben Carson and Larry Elder?
Did they try to "influence(s) an individual to commit a hate crime."

Try again, nitwit.
Hank is super smart and an expert communicator. He also has an uncanny knack for making complicated subjects make sense to the laymen. Like this brilliant thought, for example...

"The investigation needs to be investigated" sounds like something Kamala would say.
He's so profoundly stupid it's amazing he doesn't drown in the rain.

The mentally feeble stand next to Hank Johnson to appear smarter
If her law was ever enforced, it would not make it through any court.
But what this is, is a smear campaign tool.
Anyone who votes against her law will be branded a white supremist.
Then when they run for reelection, the Democrats have club to bash them with.
This a common Democrat hate and fear tactic.
If her law was ever enforced, it would not make it through any court.
But what this is, is a smear campaign tool.
Anyone who votes against her law will be branded a white supremist.
Then when they run for reelection, the Democrats have club to bash them with.
This a common Democrat hate and fear tactic.
It depends. If it is a liberal court they would surely pass it.

You just have to have the right stooges in place.

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