The Left is after free speech again

Democrats have introduced legislation to fight white supremacy!


Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) introduced a House Bill criminalizing “conspiracy to commit white supremacy,” which includes criticism of non-white people which influences an individual to commit a hate crime.

My only question is, how then would democrats go after black conservatives like Ben Carson and Larry Elder?

My guess is that calling them the black face of white supremacy or an Uncle Tom would be just fine because none of these terms are ever defined in the legislation, such as what is considered white supremacist and what defines criticism?

Or they can just build more jails, hire more police and just throw all and any white folk in prison cuz they are all systemic and such.
I am not familiar with racism of any kind in the general area I reside in(Spokane Wa.), with the possible exception of the local gangs but they don't count(too insignificant). We got blacks, whites, Orientals & even islanders from the Marianas islands where I am employed at, like no problems with racism on/off work for me in this area. So I got to ask, are we alone up here??? Spokane county is somewhat evenly split between red & blue constituency but the racism gig does not seem to come up in politics & general life.

I mean we who reside in eastern Washington must either be a pack of Christ's perfect in our creation or we all just don't give a schitt about folks linage(WHY would we?). How are these Sheila Lee types getting elected into office, maybe rigged elections??? Our K-12 school system is the one area where the politically correct agenda(LGBT/racism etc.) is being politicized but that propaganda is state induced from Olympia so not a lot we in eastern Washington can do but gaff it off as a sick joke. I think the driving force behind racism is $$$$$/power & control(divide & conquer) but so far eastern Washingtonians appear to have been intelligent enough to avoid that trap.

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Democrats have introduced legislation to fight white supremacy!


Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) introduced a House Bill criminalizing “conspiracy to commit white supremacy,” which includes criticism of non-white people which influences an individual to commit a hate crime.

My only question is, how then would democrats go after black conservatives like Ben Carson and Larry Elder?

My guess is that calling them the black face of white supremacy or an Uncle Tom would be just fine because none of these terms are ever defined in the legislation, such as what is considered white supremacist and what defines criticism?

Or they can just build more jails, hire more police and just throw all and any white folk in prison cuz they are all systemic and such.
I don't believe I've ever heard them say anything about how all the left encourage and incite BLM protesters who turn into flat out rioters. Hell, Biden, Pelosi, et al kneeled down with them. Wonder why? Then we have Bernie, who incited one of his followers to go to DC and shoot up Republican politicians. And yet that wasn't an attack on our democracy.
I am not familiar with racism of any kind in the general area I reside in(Spokane Wa.), with the possible exception of the local gangs but they don't count(too insignificant). We got blacks, whites, Orientals & even islanders from the Marianas islands where I am employed at, like no problems with racism on/off work for me in this area. So I got to ask, are we alone up here??? Spokane county is somewhat evenly split between red & blue constituency but the racism gig does not seem to come up in politics & general life.

I mean we who reside in eastern Washington must either be a pack of Christ's perfect in our creation or we all just don't give a schitt about folks linage(WHY would we?). How are these Sheila Lee types getting elected into office, maybe rigged elections??? Our K-12 school system is the one area where the politically correct agenda(LGBT/racism etc.) is being politicized but that propaganda is state induced from Olympia so not a lot we in eastern Washington can do but gaff it off as a sick joke. I think the driving force behind racism is $$$$$/power & control(divide & conquer) but so far eastern Washingtonians appear to have been intelligent to avoid that trap.

Yea, the manufacture much of the white supremacy crap for political gain.

Shrug, they win elections so who can argue with the tactic?

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