The Left is in hog heaven!


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

In the clip above you will see Bill Mahr say he hopes for a economic recession to get rid of Trump, back when the economy was doing well.

But it's not just Bill Mahr on the Left who is happy about what is going on here with the Covid 19. Just think about all the positions on the left.

1. They want an end to the free economy. Looking around, no one is free anymore as the world wide economy is tanking. They are licking their chops for world wide state take over of everything.

2. They are constantly complaining about over population, and the problems associated with it such as global warming. I've read many articles stating that such pollution is waning as economies across the globe come to a standstill. Plus you have the added bonus of possible seeing millions die from the virus.

3. Getting rid of Trump. Really, that is worth any price to those on the Left. They just hate him and nothing can remedy that except maybe Trump getting the virus and dying, along with his entire family.

They are all sociopaths who wish to see all your freedoms taken and would probably crack a smile if you died.

In the clip above you will see Bill Mahr say he hopes for a economic recession to get rid of Trump, back when the economy was doing well.

But it's not just Bill Mahr on the Left who is happy about what is going on here with the Covid 19. Just think about all the positions on the left.

1. They want an end to the free economy. Looking around, no one is free anymore as the world wide economy is tanking. They are licking their chops for world wide state take over of everything.

2. They are constantly complaining about over population, and the problems associated with it such as global warming. I've read many articles stating that such pollution is waning as economies across the globe come to a standstill. Plus you have the added bonus of possible seeing millions die from the virus.

3. Getting rid of Trump. Really, that is worth any price to those on the Left. They just hate him and nothing can remedy that except maybe Trump getting the virus and dying, along with his entire family.

They are all sociopaths who wish to see all your freedoms taken and would probably crack a smile if you died.

Most of the moonbat fuckwits here have been cheering on economic malaise and people suffering to suit their politics, and none of them are even denying it.

Where's uncle Augusto when we need him?

In the clip above you will see Bill Mahr say he hopes for a economic recession to get rid of Trump, back when the economy was doing well.

But it's not just Bill Mahr on the Left who is happy about what is going on here with the Covid 19. Just think about all the positions on the left.

1. They want an end to the free economy. Looking around, no one is free anymore as the world wide economy is tanking. They are licking their chops for world wide state take over of everything.

2. They are constantly complaining about over population, and the problems associated with it such as global warming. I've read many articles stating that such pollution is waning as economies across the globe come to a standstill. Plus you have the added bonus of possible seeing millions die from the virus.

3. Getting rid of Trump. Really, that is worth any price to those on the Left. They just hate him and nothing can remedy that except maybe Trump getting the virus and dying, along with his entire family.

They are all sociopaths who wish to see all your freedoms taken and would probably crack a smile if you died.

Most of the moonbat fuckwits here have been cheering on economic malaise and people suffering to suit their politics, and none of them are even denying it.

Where's uncle Augusto when we need him?

As far as population with the most sociopaths, Washington DC, the nations capital, leads the way by far.

Think of it, it's just a city yet has more sociopaths than any state in the union.

Not a Surprise: DC Has Highest Concentration of Psychopaths in the United States

In the clip above you will see Bill Mahr say he hopes for a economic recession to get rid of Trump, back when the economy was doing well.

But it's not just Bill Mahr on the Left who is happy about what is going on here with the Covid 19. Just think about all the positions on the left.

1. They want an end to the free economy. Looking around, no one is free anymore as the world wide economy is tanking. They are licking their chops for world wide state take over of everything.

2. They are constantly complaining about over population, and the problems associated with it such as global warming. I've read many articles stating that such pollution is waning as economies across the globe come to a standstill. Plus you have the added bonus of possible seeing millions die from the virus.

3. Getting rid of Trump. Really, that is worth any price to those on the Left. They just hate him and nothing can remedy that except maybe Trump getting the virus and dying, along with his entire family.

They are all sociopaths who wish to see all your freedoms taken and would probably crack a smile if you died.


Indeed the socialists and parasites are salivating at the chance to get $2000 a month without having to work for a living. So the "coronavirus plague" is going to last for years.

And of course the reasons Americans are dying is because of DJT


In the clip above you will see Bill Mahr say he hopes for a economic recession to get rid of Trump, back when the economy was doing well.

But it's not just Bill Mahr on the Left who is happy about what is going on here with the Covid 19. Just think about all the positions on the left.

1. They want an end to the free economy. Looking around, no one is free anymore as the world wide economy is tanking. They are licking their chops for world wide state take over of everything.

2. They are constantly complaining about over population, and the problems associated with it such as global warming. I've read many articles stating that such pollution is waning as economies across the globe come to a standstill. Plus you have the added bonus of possible seeing millions die from the virus.

3. Getting rid of Trump. Really, that is worth any price to those on the Left. They just hate him and nothing can remedy that except maybe Trump getting the virus and dying, along with his entire family.

They are all sociopaths who wish to see all your freedoms taken and would probably crack a smile if you died.

Well, of course they are in hog heaven. Many Lefties here have bragged and enthused already about the delight of seeing the economy collapse. They think it will be a vindication of their belief that capitalization is evil and doesn't work and socialism is good. In any sane world, this would be considered sedition. But I think I have a better word: national terrorist.


In the clip above you will see Bill Mahr say he hopes for a economic recession to get rid of Trump, back when the economy was doing well.

But it's not just Bill Mahr on the Left who is happy about what is going on here with the Covid 19. Just think about all the positions on the left.

1. They want an end to the free economy. Looking around, no one is free anymore as the world wide economy is tanking. They are licking their chops for world wide state take over of everything.

2. They are constantly complaining about over population, and the problems associated with it such as global warming. I've read many articles stating that such pollution is waning as economies across the globe come to a standstill. Plus you have the added bonus of possible seeing millions die from the virus.

3. Getting rid of Trump. Really, that is worth any price to those on the Left. They just hate him and nothing can remedy that except maybe Trump getting the virus and dying, along with his entire family.

They are all sociopaths who wish to see all your freedoms taken and would probably crack a smile if you died.

Most of the moonbat fuckwits here have been cheering on economic malaise and people suffering to suit their politics, and none of them are even denying it.

Where's uncle Augusto when we need him?

As far as population with the most sociopaths, Washington DC, the nations capital, leads the way by far.

Think of it, it's just a city yet has more sociopaths than any state in the union.

Not a Surprise: DC Has Highest Concentration of Psychopaths in the United States

Apparently, you are not aware that sociopaths and psychopaths are two different things.
We should make a thread...

"All my Children who insult Trump"

It'd have to go in the Flame Zone.

But dang, it sure would be funny to read a year or less from now.
But it's not just Bill Mahr on the Left who is happy about what is going on here with the Covid 19.
Gee, you don't often find a more dishonest manipulation of what someone said. Taken completely out of context given that he said it without consideration of a virus that had not begun. But, deceit from a Trumpleton is nothing new.
But it's not just Bill Mahr on the Left who is happy about what is going on here with the Covid 19.
Gee, you don't often find a more dishonest manipulation of what someone said. Taken completely out of context given that he said it without consideration of a virus that had not begun. But, deceit from a Trumpleton is nothing new.
Do you honestly believe that Bill Mahr would want the virus to go away if it meant Trump getting elected again?

No one believe that, not even you.

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