The Left is Losing Politically--and Culturally

"The Left has lost the culture"--I have been saying this for about a year now, but it's not a single event that prompted me. It was more a "thousand little cuts"--their inability mostly to see that people are fed up with their incessant scolding, dividing us by race, etc.

At any rate, Andrew Sullivan weighs in with what so many have noticed. This is a cultural sea-change; it is beyond politics. He calls for a Bill Clinton or Barack Obama to save the movement. I guess it's always possible, but would involve them denouncing what has been Leftist Orthodoxy for a decade at least. Good luck with that, liberals.

I'll give Bill Clinton some credit. When Republicans owned both the House and the Senate and had their "Contract With America", Clinton chose to work with them because elections have consequences.
haha in reality the economy was booming under trump, gas prices stable, inflation rate normal…but whatever you need to lie to yourself to make you feel better about voting for this mess
14% unemployment? Trump is the first president since Hoover to post a net jobs loss.

Meanwhile, Biden has increased the economy by 8 million jobs from when he started.

Lol, coming from a Biden supporter. For which Biden is putting us in another great depression worse than the first one.

Um, yeah, guy, a "Great Depresssion" is what we had under Trump when GDP Shrank by 33% in one quarter.

The boy is the one who was manipulated. Groomed most likely.

Right...that's the new word you learned.

So how did all these kids become gay and trans in Christian communities?
Yawn... nothing new under the sun. You'll always have stupid white people willing to vote against their own economic interests based on their racial, religious and sexual fears.

Which is why we won't make real progress until white people are in the minority.
Another racist leftard. ^^^

Not surprised.
14% unemployment? Trump is the first president since Hoover to post a net jobs loss.

Meanwhile, Biden has increased the economy by 8 million jobs from when he started.

Listen to this dumbass leftard! ^^^

These fucking lefties are OUTRAGEOUS liars, AND they think we're really really stupid.

Fuck you, leftie, you lying little prick. Lies by omission. Lies by statistics. Lies by imagination. Democraps have more ways to lie than Vegas has dice. Hillary got shelled, Al Gore invented the Internet... oh yeah - Biden's a plagiarist, that too. And a tax cheat, that too.

Fucking asinine Democrats, you can't believe a single word they say. They're fucked up little Stalinist pigs
It's interesting that it seems every poster with Indiana Jones as an avatar is a demented avenger subverted demoralized zombie.

"Price gouging"

An important part of this is that Hispanics are clearly moving away from the Dems, who haven't been paying attention.

This cultural stuff is not attractive to many Hispanics, and they haven't seen many benefits from other Dem policies either.

Taking people for granted is not smart politics over time. You can't always just point at the other party and say HEY LOOK.
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Listen to this dumbass leftard! ^^^

These fucking lefties are OUTRAGEOUS liars, AND they think we're really really stupid.

Fuck you, leftie, you lying little prick. Lies by omission. Lies by statistics. Lies by imagination. Democraps have more ways to lie than Vegas has dice. Hillary got shelled, Al Gore invented the Internet... oh yeah - Biden's a plagiarist, that too. And a tax cheat, that too.

Fucking asinine Democrats, you can't believe a single word they say. They're fucked up little Stalinist pigs

I notice you couldn't refute the point I made. Trump had mediocre economic growth until TRUMP PLAGUE caused a major economic downturn.
An important part of this is that Hispanics are clearly moving away from the Dems, who haven't been paying attention.

This cultural stuff is not attractive to many Hispanics, and they haven't seen many benefits from other Dem policies either.

Taking people for granted is not smart politics over time. You can't always just point at the other party and say LOOK.

Any Hispanic voting for people who want to deport the lot of them is beyond stupid.

The GOP plays on this cultural stuff to distract that their economic policies are rat poison for the working class. If you weren't part of the investor class, you'd realize this.
One of the many, many shared behaviors of both ends of the political spectrum is that they both blindly impose their priorities on others, and just assume that everyone else's priorities are the same, at the same intensity, and in the same order. That's terribly shallow thinking.

So the Dems have taken racial grievance and almost entirely bet their success on it. Well, some people who aren't white don't look at that as their top priority, as is their right. Then, of course, the GOP, sensing obvious political advantage, has jumped all over that and amplified it.

Now it has spread to other topics. I'm sorry, but if you tell your average Hispanic family that little Juan was treated to a transgender parade and a few related books in first grade today, they are simply not going to be pleased. That's just a fact. The Dems can deal with that or not.
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14% unemployment? Trump is the first president since Hoover to post a net jobs loss.

Meanwhile, Biden has increased the economy by 8 million jobs from when he started.

Um, yeah, guy, a "Great Depresssion" is what we had under Trump when GDP Shrank by 33% in one quarter.

Right...that's the new word you learned.

So how did all these kids become gay and trans in Christian communities?
We had a pandemic, before that he was setting records. Oh and people going back to their jobs, isn't job creation.
"The Left has lost the culture"--I have been saying this for about a year now, but it's not a single event that prompted me. It was more a "thousand little cuts"--their inability mostly to see that people are fed up with their incessant scolding, dividing us by race, etc.

At any rate, Andrew Sullivan weighs in with what so many have noticed. This is a cultural sea-change; it is beyond politics. He calls for a Bill Clinton or Barack Obama to save the movement. I guess it's always possible, but would involve them denouncing what has been Leftist Orthodoxy for a decade at least. Good luck with that, liberals.

Because there's nothing left.To right.
Even a car's turn signal can smell the coffee.
"The Left has lost the culture"--I have been saying this for about a year now, but it's not a single event that prompted me. It was more a "thousand little cuts"--their inability mostly to see that people are fed up with their incessant scolding, dividing us by race, etc.

At any rate, Andrew Sullivan weighs in with what so many have noticed. This is a cultural sea-change; it is beyond politics. He calls for a Bill Clinton or Barack Obama to save the movement. I guess it's always possible, but would involve them denouncing what has been Leftist Orthodoxy for a decade at least. Good luck with that, liberals.

Culture Warriors are killing the country. Fuck you very much!
Trump is 129 -8 in Endorsement victories
Then there is Hope.For Trump to do more than make a
dramatic appearance and talk about ... What If.
What If I ran in November for Congress unopposed
with the understanding to make a move to be declared
the New Speaker.Florida is about to get a new house district
ahead of the November Election.It's not impossible.
Nor at this stage of the Left's massive unapproval to be
more than possible.But Feasible.Maybe necessary.
Dire ... anyone.
Inquiring minds don't even care to know.Just ...
Then there is Hope.For Trump to do more than make a
dramatic appearance and talk about ... What If.
What If I ran in November for Congress unopposed
with the understanding to make a move to be declared
the New Speaker.Florida is about to get a new house district
ahead of the November Election.It's not impossible.
Nor at this stage of the Left's massive unapproval to be
more than possible.But Feasible.Maybe necessary.
Dire ... anyone.
Inquiring minds don't even care to know.Just ...
The Midsommar Runnin gun battles WILL give way to an Election Cycle
The Midsommar Runnin gun battles WILL give way to an Election Cycle
Because when the Right wins there won't be need for some
fat lady to sing.Like in 2000. ?

The Right { GOP } Won every House race as Incumbents.
Only lost when two GOP had Recall candidates.
"The Left has lost the culture"--I have been saying this for about a year now, but it's not a single event that prompted me. It was more a "thousand little cuts"--their inability mostly to see that people are fed up with their incessant scolding, dividing us by race, etc.

At any rate, Andrew Sullivan weighs in with what so many have noticed. This is a cultural sea-change; it is beyond politics. He calls for a Bill Clinton or Barack Obama to save the movement. I guess it's always possible, but would involve them denouncing what has been Leftist Orthodoxy for a decade at least. Good luck with that, liberals.


The people will eventually grow tired of the tyranny of Republican minority rule.
dividing us by race
That was arguably the major attribute of the Trump campaign and presidency. There's us (the white folk) and there's the "other." Not just categorized as being different by virtue of race but also by religion, sexual orientation, and skin color.

I do find it hard to grasp why Repubs maintain their power when their positions on issues from top to bottom are in the minority. Though I suppose it can be explained by a number of factors. Disproportionate representation in the Senate, McConnell's theft of two SC seats, gerrymandering in the House, and of course the grotesquely anachronistic institution called the EC which should be abandoned immediately to help restore majority rule and help end the tyranny of the minority.
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