The Left is Losing Politically--and Culturally

I agree, it's hard to find a Republican politician anywhere who isn't a violent pervert of some sort. And then they demand that all the decent people endorse their perversion.

For example, look at Trump. Republicans don't reject him for being a violent pervert. Quite the contrary, his base is thrilled by Trump's violent perv nature. They see it as something to emulate, and they hate anyone who isn't similarly perverted.

In the GOP, perversion isn't just tolerated. It's mandatory. Any pol who hopes to get ahead in the GOP needs to have a long history of perversion on their resume.
All politicians are some form of hypocrite.
Especially Democrats. Pedo Joe is a nickname given because of taking showers with little girls. The diary shows that quite clearly.

Male-female relationship is the norm and the natural revulsion of homosexuality has been the clear warning that something is wrong with people....
It's a type of Darwin award that mother nature has instilled meaning that you are not allowed to procreate....survival of the fittest and all that.

And forcing promotion of sexual perversion by normal people is definitely going to get a full vent of backlash.
There is a coming backlash against the rampant immorality promotion.

I'm not sure exactly how far the pendulum will swing back....but it is definitely going to.

When sexual perversion is forced to not only be tolerated but endorsed....most people will refuse and run, not walk, the other way.

The progressives have severe problems with the most basic and elementary explanations for their tirades of late. "What is the definition of female?" Is a prime example of the progressives failures.

Forced morality or immorality with no explanation of the benefits of having it is doomed from its inception.
More than anything the problem for Dems is that Repubs are expert at distorting what are purported to be mainstream Dem positions, but are not. Take "Defund the Police" for example. Repub spin doctors took......let's say liberty......with the intention of the backlash against police following a number of police shootings of black victims. With a few exceptions, the movement was about a reallocation of funds to services that offered the potential for less police violence. Never letting an opportunity for disinformation pass, Repubs painted the desire for less police violence as a desire to abolish police depts. entirely.
Repubs have engaged in similar distortions regarding critical race theory as well as turning a QAnon based conspiracy theory about pedophiles in to generic accusations against Dems. The point being, the views of fringe elements in the Dem party have been successfully represented as foundational positions for the party when they aren't.
More than anything the problem for Dems is that Repubs are expert at distorting what are purported to be mainstream Dem positions, but are not. Take "Defund the Police" for example. Repub spin doctors took......let's say liberty......with the intention of the backlash against police following a number of police shootings of black victims. With a few exceptions, the movement was about a reallocation of funds to services that offered the potential for less police violence. Never letting an opportunity for disinformation pass, Repubs painted the desire for less police violence as a desire to abolish police depts. entirely.
Repubs have engaged in similar distortions regarding critical race theory as well as turning a QAnon based conspiracy theory about pedophiles in to generic accusations against Dems. The point being, the views of fringe elements in the Dem party have been successfully represented as foundational positions for the party when they aren't.

The Democrats have failed at reining in their fringe elements. That is not our problem. It's your problem, and a big one. Political opponents will always "capitalize" on failures and weak spots. It's YOUR job to shore those up. You didn't do it; you let Woke balloon out of control. Okay. Now comes the backlash.
More than anything the problem for Dems is that Repubs are expert at distorting what are purported to be mainstream Dem positions, but are not. Take "Defund the Police" for example. Repub spin doctors took......let's say liberty......with the intention of the backlash against police following a number of police shootings of black victims. With a few exceptions, the movement was about a reallocation of funds to services that offered the potential for less police violence. Never letting an opportunity for disinformation pass, Repubs painted the desire for less police violence as a desire to abolish police depts. entirely.
Repubs have engaged in similar distortions regarding critical race theory as well as turning a QAnon based conspiracy theory about pedophiles in to generic accusations against Dems. The point being, the views of fringe elements in the Dem party have been successfully represented as foundational positions for the party when they aren't.
Screw you. If you fuckers weren't such pinheads you might have at least a stump of a leg to stand on.

The fringe OWNS the Democratic Party. Lock, stock, and barrel. The criminal fringe RUNS the Democratic party, it's the country's largest mob.
Yawn... nothing new under the sun. You'll always have stupid white people willing to vote against their own economic interests based on their racial, religious and sexual fears.

Which is why we won't make real progress until white people are in the minority.
The Grooming and Race Hustling and Election Fraud will continue to be the Central Plank of the 666 DemNazi Globalist Fascist SS!
They aren't losing anything but their modesty. You pigs don't even try to hide your disgusting plans for our children and America any more.
The Democrats have failed at reining in their fringe elements. That is not our problem. It's your problem, and a big one. Political opponents will always "capitalize" on failures and weak spots. It's YOUR job to shore those up. You didn't do it; you let Woke balloon out of control. Okay. Now comes the backlash.
You missed the point of my reply. Fringe elements exist on both sides. It's the POT that has adopted extreme positions more than Dems. But my point is mainstream Dems do not hold the positions Repubs accuse them of holding. There was never widespread support for dismantling police depts. but that is exactly what Repubs have cynically accused Dems of supporting. Unfortunately, too many Repubs uncritically believe the lies they are told without examining the accuracy of the charge.
Screw you. If you fuckers weren't such pinheads you might have at least a stump of a leg to stand on.
Thanks for adding your usual charm, grace, and humility to the conversation. It really enhances the discussion.
Thanks for adding your usual charm, grace, and humility to the conversation. It really enhances the discussion.
Your moralism is DESTROYING THIS COUNTRY, pinhead.

Fuck your PC with a gigantic donkey dong.

And fuck you too, Stalinist pig.

In case you haven't figured it out yet, you asswipes are in deep shit.
Your moralism is DESTROYING THIS COUNTRY, pinhead.

Fuck your PC with a gigantic donkey dong.

And fuck you too, Stalinist pig.

In case you haven't figured it out yet, you asswipes are in deep shit.
Groomers gotta Groom
Then they piss on you and say that isn't what they are all about, and tell you it's raining.
Then they go and sniff your kids hair right in front of you and throw a Gay Pride party in The White House with their Sodomite friends.
Then EmperorShitzHizPantz signs an executive order giving the Alphabet Pedo Lobby the right to groom your kids to be their personal sex toys and not face any backlash for their pervy grooming and manipulation of children.
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You missed the point of my reply. Fringe elements exist on both sides. It's the POT that has adopted extreme positions more than Dems. But my point is mainstream Dems do not hold the positions Repubs accuse them of holding. There was never widespread support for dismantling police depts. but that is exactly what Repubs have cynically accused Dems of supporting. Unfortunately, too many Repubs uncritically believe the lies they are told without examining the accuracy of the charge.

It doesn't help that deep blue cities like San Fran and LA are overrun with communist DA and crime. It rather solidifies the point.
Thanks for adding your usual charm, grace, and humility to the conversation. It really enhances the discussion.
Fucking idiot ^^^ is telling me to be polite while he's threatening my kids

Fucking pinhead asshole

Hey listen up, you leftass piece of shit:

You want to hold me responsible for Donald Trump?

Fine. I'm holding you responsible for 4 billion dollars in damage, 40 murders, 2000 injured cops, and EIGHT MONTHS OF TERROR.

Don't like it?

Then BACK THE FUCK OFF, asshole.

Right after you take your brainless moralism and stick it where the sun don't shine.
More than anything the problem for Dems is that Repubs are expert at distorting what are purported to be mainstream Dem positions, but are not. Take "Defund the Police" for example. Repub spin doctors took......let's say liberty......with the intention of the backlash against police following a number of police shootings of black victims. With a few exceptions, the movement was about a reallocation of funds to services that offered the potential for less police violence. Never letting an opportunity for disinformation pass, Repubs painted the desire for less police violence as a desire to abolish police depts. entirely.
Repubs have engaged in similar distortions regarding critical race theory as well as turning a QAnon based conspiracy theory about pedophiles in to generic accusations against Dems. The point being, the views of fringe elements in the Dem party have been successfully represented as foundational positions for the party when they aren't.
The political aspect is only the tip of the spear that only politicians care about.

Most voters are concerned about their "back pocket" meaning financial stability and their family welfare....IE the transgenders and homosexuals grooming their children in public school mandated programs.

Then there's the whole sexually deviant men allowed into women's public restrooms. (Which have already caused a LOT of rapes and assaults of women)

These morality issues and economic issues are going to cost the Democrats the next two elections. Just like it cost Obama having Congress in his favor when he began a radical change to Healthcare in America.

Walter Mondale lost overwhelmingly against Reagan in the general election. Didn't stand a chance because of the double digit inflation and the rampant moral degradation of society. Also the mess of corporate giants having an unusually strong influence in the "free market " and manipulating the various corners of the market. Sugar from Florida doubled in's taken another 20 years to double the price of sugar again.

And just so you understand that it works both ways....
When Bush Sr. Had his famous line of "no new taxes" but signed a bill that created a new tax the American people had had enough of lying politicians and this one was a no brainer....nobody was going to stand for it. So he lost his energized base and lost the next election.
No inflation and no unemployment, lying leftie

Uh, unemployment hit 14% under Trump... and he was the first president since Hoover to lose jobs.

Investor "class"?

What planet are you from?

You're in America preaching class division, pinhead.

Lefties are fucked up, they're arrogant and ignorant and that's a bad combination.

I'm a realist. The Investor Class sees you as an expense. They move your job to China and then get you to hate the Chinese.

As with misogyny, you're the one who is obsessed with race, and at the same time, with trying to paint me as a racist.

Being eligible to vote has nothing whatsoever to do with race, nor would I ever think that it should be.

Being a citizen of this country, and thus eligible to vote, as opposed to being a foreign guest, or even an invading foreign criminal, also has nothing to do with race.

Uh, you're the one who belongs to a cult that calls dark skin a curse from God. I know you all don't like to talk about it at the Interfaith Pancake Breakfast... but it's in your doctrines and covenenants... I can point them out to you again if you like.

Lefties are FUCKING LIARS.

Lying by omission is still lying, fucktard leftie trash.

Is this your new thing, now, trying to pretend 2020 didn't happen?

What Plague? What Riots? What recession? What election where Trump was thrown out on his ass by 8 million votes?
Uh, no, dummy, but since you are barely literate, it's kind of a waste of time to explain to you how Global forces are driving inflation.
I'm glad to see you finally mastered contractions.... now you need to work on capitalization.
Like how you capitalized "global" there, sport?
Is this your new thing, now, trying to pretend 2020 didn't happen?

What Plague? What Riots? What recession? What election where Trump was thrown out on his ass by 8 million votes?
You are a total fucking liar and you know it.

Begone. I have no time to argue with asinine progtards.

I only have time to WORK to boot your sorry asses out of office.

You're toast, pal. History. Bye bye.
You are a total fucking liar and you know it.

Begone. I have no time to argue with asinine progtards.

I only have time to WORK to boot your sorry asses out of office.

You're toast, pal. History. Bye bye.

Yup. You might even take the House...

And then discover how meaningless that actually is.
Yup. You might even take the House...

And then discover how meaningless that actually is.
Oh, no - you have another thing coming entirely

The Biden admin is going to get ZERO funds for any more of their asinine bullshit. None. Zip, zero, squat.

The Democrats aren't getting a penny till they BACK THE FUCK OFF
Uh, you're the one who belongs to a cult that calls dark skin a curse from God.

I do not belong to nor associate with any such cult.

As is nearly always the case with you, you're lying, you know that you're lying, you know that I know that you're lying, and you know that everyone else here knows that you're lying.

Lying is what you do.

Lying is what you are.

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