The Left is Losing Politically--and Culturally

"The Left has lost the culture"--I have been saying this for about a year now, but it's not a single event that prompted me. It was more a "thousand little cuts"--their inability mostly to see that people are fed up with their incessant scolding, dividing us by race, etc.

At any rate, Andrew Sullivan weighs in with what so many have noticed. This is a cultural sea-change; it is beyond politics. He calls for a Bill Clinton or Barack Obama to save the movement. I guess it's always possible, but would involve them denouncing what has been Leftist Orthodoxy for a decade at least. Good luck with that, liberals.

Do not confuse present-day short-term shifts in public attitudes to a long-lasting reversal...

The idiot Democrats have undoubtedly gone far overboard with respect to Cancel Culture and the Culture Wars...

But the idiot Republicans will go far overboard in the other direction soon after they regain power and the cycle will begin all over again....

Neither side has the brains and common sense that God gave a pi$$ant...
Oh, noes, not the stock market!!! It amazes me how you guys think you have an interest in the rich man's casino!

Damn right I do. You might not be smart enough to invest, but I am.

So you put your money in the crazy clown casino and get upset when the rich snooker you out of your savings?
Shit, man, you should just go to Vegas. You'll still get snookered, but maybe you can take in a show.

Hell no, that's you. Man, my 401k was great...I got about a 50% boost in my investments immediately! (Company match.)

Of course...the latest union contract screwed me (again), and I lost it, so now I max out my IRA. I'm actually kind of glad to see prices drop-yes, thank you, I will HAPPILY buy stocks on sale.
The Nazis said the Jews were molesting children. Accusing your opponents of being pedo is a standard tactic used by fascist filth everywhere.

And yes, I am directly pointing out that you're a Nazi douchebag.

Now, what does your groomer cult tell you to say in response to that?
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The Nazis said the Jews were molesting children. Accusing your opponets [sic] of being pedo [sic] is a standard tactic used by fascist filth everywhere.

The pedophiles that your side insists on defending and supporting are not even hiding it. Their openly engaging in abusive sexual grooming of young children, while most of you alternate between denying that it's happening (in the face of undeniable proof that it is), making excuses for it, and condemning those of us who dare to call it out.

If you don't like being accused of being a pedophile, or an ally thereof, then a very good start would be to stop openly defending pedophiles and their abuse of children.

As long as you defend this shit, you will be known by the company that you choose to keep.
That's rather uncalled-for, don't you think?

Just making s point.

I've known some fucking retarded assholes, not one of whom deserves the insult of being compared in this manner to the likes of berg80.
You're saying I insulted retarded fucking assholes?

Well, I'm sorry then. :p

Berg80 has proven himself to be a partisan hack.

As far as I:m concerned, ALL partisan hacks are retarded fucking assholes.

I try not to mince words... :p
The pedophiles that your side insists on defending and supporting
Gaslighting only works on your fellow hellbound fascist douchebags. All the normal people know you're lying.

And why do you lie?

1. You think your lying is justified, because doing so will bring about your desired Christofascist utopia.

2. The cult told you to lie, and you lack the guts to say "no, I won't lie just because you tell me to."

3. Being an especially violent perv, you hope very much that your lies will inspire violence and get someone killed. You get a major tingle up the leg thinking about it.

What, you actually thought it's not obvious? Come one. You're running right out of the fascist playbook.
The pedophiles that your side insists on defending and supporting are not even hiding it. Their openly engaging in abusive sexual grooming of young children, while most of you alternate between denying that it's happening (in the face of undeniable proof that it is), making excuses for it, and condemning those of us who dare to call it out.

If you don't like being accused of being a pedophile, or an ally thereof, then a very good start would be to stop openly defending pedophiles and their abuse of children.

As long as you defend this shit, you will be known by the company that you choose to keep.

"your side" is supporting pedo?
The Democrats are mainstream America. Since you're a corrupt right-wing deviant, you've been ordered to hate the mainstream.

What, you thought you were fooling anyone?

If you disagree, why don't you tell us what these Democratic "fringe" beliefs are. This should be hilarious, seeing what your violent fascist cult considers to be "fringe". You'll either have to lie outright -- something that gets you control-freak pervs off majorly -- or you'll have to define mainstream as fringe.

Please proceed.

(Solid majorities of Americans back gay rights, abortion rights, gun control, prosecuting traitors, the social safety net, and all of the Democratic postions. The conservative sore-loser cult is wildly deluded.)

The Democrats are no longer mainstream America. This is what I'm saying. You have lost the culture.
Ask young gay people what they think of pride month. Look up "performative activism". They are on to all of you.
What do you imagine young gay people are thinking about pride month?

Heres a dose of reality to mix into your fantasy world where vaccines kill people and the GOP loves everyone. LOL

Do not confuse present-day short-term shifts in public attitudes to a long-lasting reversal...

The idiot Democrats have undoubtedly gone far overboard with respect to Cancel Culture and the Culture Wars...

But the idiot Republicans will go far overboard in the other direction soon after they regain power and the cycle will begin all over again....

Neither side has the brains and common sense that God gave a pi$$ant...
The Left went FAR too far with the PC/Identity Politics crap. And still are. Going too far is one of America's specialties now.

And yeah, there's every indication now that the Right will follow suit. The two ends can be so damn similar in their behaviors.

We know what's best for you. Just do everything our way, they say, and it will be great. Zero (0) thought given to the fact that not everyone's priorities are the same.

We need to fix a system that incentivizes and rewards mindless, thoughtless tribalism. Before it's too late.
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What do you imagine young gay people are thinking about pride month?

Heres a dose of reality to mix into your fantasy world where vaccines kill people and the GOP loves everyone. LOL

I don't have to imagine. I know many. You probably don't. Usually the way with liberals, the ultimate NIMBYS
Do not confuse present-day short-term shifts in public attitudes to a long-lasting reversal...

The idiot Democrats have undoubtedly gone far overboard with respect to Cancel Culture and the Culture Wars...

But the idiot Republicans will go far overboard in the other direction soon after they regain power and the cycle will begin all over again....

Neither side has the brains and common sense that God gave a pi$$ant...
Political parties are about one thing..winning elections. The societal shift favors progressives and will continue to do so. We're celebrating pride month this month. This didn't happen 5 years didn't happen 3 years ago with this same profile.

And while corporations are shameless about chasing every dollar....


The reason they are contorting themselves into paying lip service to LGBTQ causes is because there are dollars to chase. The money didn't come from came from the populations that identify as LGBTQ.
What do you imagine young gay people are thinking about pride month?

Heres a dose of reality to mix into your fantasy world where vaccines kill people and the GOP loves everyone. LOL

Also do you really think legit gay people think all these kids are suddenly trans? You.....don't know many gay people
Political parties are about one thing..winning elections. The societal shift favors progressives and will continue to do so. We're celebrating pride month this month. This didn't happen 5 years didn't happen 3 years ago with this same profile.

And while corporations are shameless about chasing every dollar....

View attachment 659737

The reason they are contorting themselves into paying lip service to LGBTQ causes is because there are dollars to chase. The money didn't come from came from the populations that identify as LGBTQ.

This jives. You are at least five years behind rather than seeing what's coming
LOL...the standard "I know but I'm not telling" approach from the right wing losers. You guys are so predictable. How are you celebrating Juneteenth?

It's Father's Day. I'm celebrating that as I have, and am married to, excellent fathers. Now please seal the deal and be outraged.....extra points if you tell me how my choice "says something about me".....You utter scold

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