The left is really this desperate??? "The Gulf War" and "Rise of the New Right"??


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
How pathetic. First, the left is trying their best to turn this into an actual war for Obama. It's been well known that they've hated any war, especially since it rallies patriotism and involves guns, their 2 most hated things. But they also hate it because they don't have anything they can rally behind as well, EXCEPT global warming. Fighting carbon was their cause. Their war.

And Obama, in a desperate attempt to reverse poll numbers, has decided to go all Green Rambo on us. Using "assault", "seige", "battle plan" in his speech. Even comparing it to 9-11 and WW2.

Then, today, Chris Matthews led the 5pm show with "The Gulf War". And it had nothing to do with Iraq or the Middle East. Nope. This is Obama's "Gulf War". I suppose vs a private company, the same private companies the left is always at "war" with. But Obama's Gulf War huh? MSNBC is that desperate. Of course, out of curiosity, I watched Matthews "Rise of the New Right" tonight. Hitler himself would be proud of such a propoganda piece. 10 threads could be created disproving the propoganda of that piece. Desperation is basically how it felt.

But I can't help but grasp one thing. "War", by definition, is violent. It involves guns, bombs, tanks, troops, and yes, winners and losers.

BUT the Obama administration refuses to acknowledge a "War on Terror". Although terrorists, armed combatants, flew planes into towers, set off bombs, used actual guns to kill our troops in Texas, and plotted dozens of other attacks with bombs and guns, and continue to do so with guns and bombs throughout the world............THAT is not a "war".

So far, in the Gulf of Mexico, not one bomb has gone off. Not one gun has been fired. Not one enemy combatant has been found. Not one enemy tank. Not one enemy warship. Not one enemy plane. But yet, Obama and MSNBC are proudly proclaiming this as a war. "The Gulf War". So, who can win this war? The US? BP? BP can't win it. The US can't win it. Can the oil itself win it? Is the oil a living, thinking combatant?

The right declared a "War on Drugs". Well, that can make sense. Cartels sell drugs. They also are armed and shoot people, and what is happening in Mexico and our border is in fact gang/cartel warfare. Armed conflict. Not to mention the Afghan poppy trade. Thats why the DEA is in Afghanistan also.

The left declared a "War on Poverty". Um......not sure who we fight there. Do we attack poor people? Or do we attack rich people, take their money, and give it to poor people?

The right declared war on Saddam Hussein, Al Qaida, The Taliban. That actual war wages on.

The left has declared "The Gulf War", literally on television, is ongoing in the Gulf of Mexico. I'm not sure who we should bomb. BP or the oil slick?

But, someone please tell Obama, the MSNBC producers, and well, the entire left wing for that matter: You cannot claim war-time leadership unless you are fighting an actual war. There must be an armed, aggressive, human enemy who is actively threatening the people of the United States or it's interests and allies. Being poor is not an enemy army. Oil isn't a terrorist. Carbon doesn't shoot back.
How pathetic. First, the left is trying their best to turn this into an actual war for Obama. It's been well known that they've hated any war, especially since it rallies patriotism and involves guns, their 2 most hated things. But they also hate it because they don't have anything they can rally behind as well, EXCEPT global warming. Fighting carbon was their cause. Their war.

And Obama, in a desperate attempt to reverse poll numbers, has decided to go all Green Rambo on us. Using "assault", "seige", "battle plan" in his speech. Even comparing it to 9-11 and WW2.

Then, today, Chris Matthews led the 5pm show with "The Gulf War". And it had nothing to do with Iraq or the Middle East. Nope. This is Obama's "Gulf War". I suppose vs a private company, the same private companies the left is always at "war" with. But Obama's Gulf War huh? MSNBC is that desperate. Of course, out of curiosity, I watched Matthews "Rise of the New Right" tonight. Hitler himself would be proud of such a propoganda piece. 10 threads could be created disproving the propoganda of that piece. Desperation is basically how it felt.

But I can't help but grasp one thing. "War", by definition, is violent. It involves guns, bombs, tanks, troops, and yes, winners and losers.

BUT the Obama administration refuses to acknowledge a "War on Terror". Although terrorists, armed combatants, flew planes into towers, set off bombs, used actual guns to kill our troops in Texas, and plotted dozens of other attacks with bombs and guns, and continue to do so with guns and bombs throughout the world............THAT is not a "war".

So far, in the Gulf of Mexico, not one bomb has gone off. Not one gun has been fired. Not one enemy combatant has been found. Not one enemy tank. Not one enemy warship. Not one enemy plane. But yet, Obama and MSNBC are proudly proclaiming this as a war. "The Gulf War". So, who can win this war? The US? BP? BP can't win it. The US can't win it. Can the oil itself win it? Is the oil a living, thinking combatant?

The right declared a "War on Drugs". Well, that can make sense. Cartels sell drugs. They also are armed and shoot people, and what is happening in Mexico and our border is in fact gang/cartel warfare. Armed conflict. Not to mention the Afghan poppy trade. Thats why the DEA is in Afghanistan also.

The left declared a "War on Poverty". Um......not sure who we fight there. Do we attack poor people? Or do we attack rich people, take their money, and give it to poor people?

The right declared war on Saddam Hussein, Al Qaeda, The Taliban. That actual war wages on.

The left has declared "The Gulf War", literally on television, is ongoing in the Gulf of Mexico. I'm not sure who we should bomb. BP or the oil slick?

But, someone please tell Obama, the MSNBC producers, and well, the entire left wing for that matter: You cannot claim war-time leadership unless you are fighting an actual war. There must be an armed, aggressive, human enemy who is actively threatening the people of the United States or it's interests and allies. Being poor is not an enemy army. Oil isn't a terrorist. Carbon doesn't shoot back.

The crummy thing about the Republican "War of Choice" is there was no connection between Saddam and al Qaeda. And now that Iraq is a right wing, religions theocracy with Islam the national religion, and women are back in bags and Iraq is now firmly allied with Iran, tens of thousand of Americans have been killed and maimed for no good reason.

Republicans feel we "Did the right thing" and "protected America. Only now, it's 10 times worse and we have Republican treaties and contracts to rebuild Iraq, but Republicans don't want to spend a cent here. This mess will take Obama a long time to figure out.
The crummy thing about the Republican "War of Choice" is there was no connection between Saddam and al Qaeda. And now that Iraq is a right wing, religions theocracy with Islam the national religion, and women are back in bags and Iraq is now firmly allied with Iran, tens of thousand of Americans have been killed and maimed for no good reason.

Republicans feel we "Did the right thing" and "protected America. Only now, it's 10 times worse and we have Republican treaties and contracts to rebuild Iraq, but Republicans don't want to spend a cent here. This mess will take Obama a long time to figure out.

What? MSNBC has rotted your brain. Iraq is relatively thriving compared to where it was 15 years ago.

Who gives a damn if there was no connection or if there was. Saddam was a genocidal dictator, who claimed to have WMD's, and who had used them in the past on his own people. Screw it. It was a net positive for the world.

Oh, and in case you liberal retards haven't realized the super-duper mega-man uber common sense reason we went into Iraq and Afghanistan, and why we are STILL THERE..............look at a freakin' map. We got Iran flanked. Obama should thank Bush. When Obama lets Iran get the nuke, the only possible deterrents are 1- We got Iran flanked, and 2- Israel might strike hard and first.

Yeah, libtards, it takes a bit of reading up on actual history, but remember how hard it was for the Nazi's to fight a war on two fronts while flanked? That kinda is what doomed the Nazi machine. Well, again, LOOK AT A MAP. Iran is flanked., I mean, Iran's dream scenario is being screwed up a bit because of the good ole USA's positioning. Not that much, because Obama is trying to sabotage it, but we do have them flanked.
So the OP is saying essentially that Liberals don't serve or love their country? Interesting. :eusa_think:
I'm tickled that the left even used the word "war". It tickles me further that they chose to use the play on words with "GULF WAR". I guess they knew that at some point the actual Gulf War would serve some purpose for them.
I wouldn't mind declaring war on BP.

As for the "new" right it is just a repackaged and dumbed down version of the "old" right.
What the Hell are the Neo-National Socialists supposed to run on, their record of accomplishment? Massive unemployment, debt and deficits, 2 wars, ObamaCare, Gitmo still open, no bin Laden and the Gulf is a Chocolate Shoreline.

Yeah, that's a record
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What the Hell are the Neo-National Socialists supposed to run on, their record of accomplishment? Massive unemployment, debt and deficits, 2 wars, ObamaCare, Gitmo still open, no bin Laden and the Gulf is a Chocolate Choreline.

Yeah, that's a record

a big giant cluster f**k
[Who gives a damn if there was no connection or if there was. .

The people who care about the tens of thousands killed and wounded, and trillions of debt that's now owed, for starters.

Who cares when American lives are flushed down the toilet for no good reason? I'd say most reasonable decent civilized people do.
The OP blamed Obama for the spill. Enough said on that.

It's amazing to watch the clowns on the right slowly but surely line up in defense of BP, insanely,

for no other reason than they have to in order to oppose Obama.
The OP blamed Obama for the spill. Enough said on that.

It's amazing to watch the clowns on the right slowly but surely line up in defense of BP, insanely,

for no other reason than they have to in order to oppose Obama.

WAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Stop picking on Obama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wouldn't mind declaring war on BP.

As for the "new" right it is just a repackaged and dumbed down version of the "old" right.

a retarded liberal declaring war :razz: well ive seen it all !!!!!!!!

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