The left lane is reserved for passing & fast moving traffic

You can't pass over the speed limit, so If I'm continually passing the slower lanes, then your beef is that you want to break the law to claim I'm doing something wrong? *L*
Not necessarily but in most cases not every driver is driving the speed limit but if you're in the right lane driving the speed limit nobody should be tailgating you to go faster than the posted speed limit if they're then yes there being an asswhole and you have done nothing wrong!
But at the same time, as long as you are going the speed limit (5 mph over) then you should not be expected to move to the right lane just because someone is using the HWY as their own personal Autoban or is tail gating.
Some people like myself prefer the left lane for visual perspective easier to see your lane at night, safer/less weaving between lanes, and because I'm naturally a lefty.
Trucks are guilty of switching and staying slow on the left taking forever to pull back into the right lane because the other truck won't let them back in. You need to start a whole thread on how trucks box everyone out and slow up HWY traffic. *L*
I like driving at night during hours traffic is almost non existent, the problem is on long drives the hotels don't accommodate those weird hours and literally ask you to check out at 10-11am when you just got there at 4 or 5am.

I don't think you are following.
It is illegal to use the passing lane for anything other than passing.
You aren't the police man of the world, it isn't your duty to stay in the passing lane just to slow up people who are driving faster than what you are comfortable doing.


It is amazing to me how many people don't know proper lane discipline.
On a three lane road, you should stay in the right lane unless you are passing someone.

Right but if the middle is moving slow then a driver would be weaving in and out of traffic to pass slower vehicles.
I get in the left lane as soon as I get on the HY and stay there, if someone is coming up behind me I'll get over and let them pass. I usually go around 85-95 unless there's heavy traffic.
Bro I drive metro highways everyday and this shit pisses me off more than anything. Second only to the assholes who could but won't move left so you can merge onto the highway.
I agree it shouldn't be this stressful to drive if everyone was following the law
Right but if the middle is moving slow then a driver would be weaving in and out of traffic to pass slower vehicles.
I get in the left lane as soon as I get on the HY and stay there, if someone is coming up behind me I'll get over and let them pass. I usually go around 85-95 unless there's heavy traffic.
Yeah, you need to move over to the right. Someone faster, like me, might be coming up on you.
Right but if the middle is moving slow then a driver would be weaving in and out of traffic to pass slower vehicles.
I get in the left lane as soon as I get on the HY and stay there, if someone is coming up behind me I'll get over and let them pass. I usually go around 85-95 unless there's heavy traffic.
at least you know how to get over some drives wont move until you tailgate them into another lane
I-5 in the Central Valley and I-15 between Barstow and Baker are maddening when slow drivers get in the left lane.
I can't even imagine that. Before covid we had it pretty bad here but our population is tiny by comparison. Now even with light traffic there's always one asshole pacing the car to his right fucking up my zenn
one thing I don't understand is why people slam on their breaks as soon as they see a cop don't you realize he can see you tap your breaks if he really wanted to pull you over he wouldn't hesitate I'm not saying to break the law I'm just bringing this situation up everyone should be driving the speed limit but do as you wish in your car!
There is something else that I just don't understand. I keep hearing about people being tail gated but in the 40 years of driving have yet to experience directly. Usually when I do see it happening, it is because someone driving in the wrong lane. Usually I will just hang back and pass the slow driver in any lane that I can use.

Left lane hogs are just dangerous. It sounds like if you are the one who is complaining others tail gating you, I'm under the impression that you are the guilty party that is not practicing proper lane discipline.

You might be referring to your State, but many left lanes are BOTH reserved for passing and faster moving traffic.
Now I do once in a while when safe and not disrupting my drive move over, however it's rediculous to have to continually do that.
It's also risky, being that speeders usually don't signal when up on your tail changing lanes, they will speed up even further to go around you, in which case you can get in an accident by the impatience of the tail gater and switching lane as he revs up to do the same.
If you have to rush to go to the bathroom that bad, then you should have thought about that before you left for the hwy. *L*
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years ago I was on the HWY heading in the opposite direction of where I saw a horrible accident with a car under a truck I'm not sure how fast this driver was going but he must have been going extremely fast because the car was completely totaled I believe he didn't make it if he did got bless him
one thing I don't understand is why people slam on their breaks as soon as they see a cop don't you realize he can see you tap your breaks if he really wanted to pull you over he wouldn't hesitate I'm not saying to break the law I'm just bringing this situation up everyone should be driving the speed limit but do as you wish in your car!
One reason that I will use a radar detector with super long range [Uniden R7], Highway Radar, Waze to discover cops ahead of me. Heck, I have even downloaded all of the Waze data for a 3 month period, dropped it into a database, did some spatial magic and can produce a map of all speed traps across the US and Canada.
Screenshot 2021-08-25 190339.png

One of the reasons that I picked the color of my car is to blend into the pavement and be less noticeable. Plus my car has the smallest radar cross sections of any vehicle on the road.

Yeah, you need to move over to the right. Someone faster, like me, might be coming up on you.

I'm not about getting a ticket, so I'm all good with letting someone driving fast then me pass and set the lane speed. I do get annoyed with the people who pass and play the go fast go slow game. I let someone pass me once and if they can't keep a constant fast speed my courtesy ends.
One reason that I will use a radar detector with super long range [Uniden R7], Highway Radar, Waze to discover cops ahead of me. Heck, I have even downloaded all of the Waze data for a 3 month period, dropped it into a database, did some spatial magic and can produce a map of all speed traps across the US and Canada.
View attachment 530707
One of the reasons that I picked the color of my car is to blend into the pavement and be less noticeable. Plus my car has the smallest radar cross sections of any vehicle on the road.

View attachment 530706
I once downloaded an app that allows you to know when a cop is near and reports traffic jams and accidents but it wasn't up to part of what I was really looking for where did you buy your radar? in some states it's considered illegal which I find its a stupid law
One reason that I will use a radar detector with super long range [Uniden R7], Highway Radar, Waze to discover cops ahead of me. Heck, I have even downloaded all of the Waze data for a 3 month period, dropped it into a database, did some spatial magic and can produce a map of all speed traps across the US and Canada.
View attachment 530707
One of the reasons that I picked the color of my car is to blend into the pavement and be less noticeable. Plus my car has the smallest radar cross sections of any vehicle on the road.

View attachment 530706
State Troopers have an app to, it's called all the people who have Waze App App.
It tells them Cell location of open Waze apps in the vicinity and estimates the speed of travel within 3-5mph accuracy. *L*
License and registration please!
I am advising this article to drivers who don't understand what the left lane is used for, & for those who know the law disregard this thread unless you would like to share the experience you had while driving behind a slow driver
Slow Left Lane Driving: The Law and Why It's So Dangerous
You are correct but I haven't seen a police vehicle on a highway in NYC and vicinity in over 10 years unless a car breaks down or there's an accident.

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