The left prediciting that right wing Americans did it.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina

How many in this thread claimed they thought a right wing white American did it? For 4 years now every attack the left has claimed that the right wing white Americans were to blame, the tea party Sarah Palin, any and all right wing whites. And EVERY SINGLE TIME they have been wrong.

has one of them ever apologized? admitted they are wrong? I have seen no such post on this site.

How many in this thread claimed they thought a right wing white American did it? For 4 years now every attack the left has claimed that the right wing white Americans were to blame, the tea party Sarah Palin, any and all right wing whites. And EVERY SINGLE TIME they have been wrong.

has one of them ever apologized? admitted they are wrong? I have seen no such post on this site.

An apology requires a person to have a conscience, integrity, and personal responsibility.

Liberals have NONE OF THE ABOVE.
Don't hold your breath waiting. Liberals think they're above everybody else, and they think even if they're wrong, they're right. Biggest bunch of know-nothing, full-of-shit, assholes in American history.
Well, I've just one thread (by Roudy) claim the people who did this were definitely Arabs, and probably Palestinian.

I've also seen about 30 posters claim this was Jihadist - it now seems Islam probably was not a motivation here, as the kids weren't particularly interested in religion.

I certainly thought right-wing extremists were one possiblility here, and I don't see why anyone should apologise for considering that angle - remember the Oklahoma bombing?

Can you present the thread where people blame Sarah Palin, or did you just make that up?

If so - will you apologise for doing so?
Well, I've just one thread (by Roudy) claim the people who did this were definitely Arabs, and probably Palestinian.

I've also seen about 30 posters claim this was Jihadist - it now seems Islam probably was not a motivation here, as the kids weren't particularly interested in religion.

I certainly thought right-wing extremists were one possiblility here, and I don't see why anyone should apologise for considering that angle - remember the Oklahoma bombing?

Can you present the thread where people blame Sarah Palin, or did you just make that up?

If so - will you apologise for doing so?

What a stupid person you are :cuckoo:.....They are Chechen muslims....AND, yes, religion again plays its part in what these idiots did....Religion is always the motivation for senseless murder when it comes to Islam and those that practice it....I hope there IS a backlash throughout the entire Western and free world against the Islamists in our midsts. Maybe then the muslim communities will get the damn message that their fucked up religion is all intimidation and murder and it is THEY who need to change and grow up instead of incessantly whining and expecting everyone else to accept their disgusting cult...
I won't hold my breath though as these killers have the likes of the Left-wing rooting for them and a President who is all pretty please when it comes to Islam :cuckoo:

How many in this thread claimed they thought a right wing white American did it? For 4 years now every attack the left has claimed that the right wing white Americans were to blame, the tea party Sarah Palin, any and all right wing whites. And EVERY SINGLE TIME they have been wrong.

has one of them ever apologized? admitted they are wrong? I have seen no such post on this site.

It gets old.
I don't know why they would. I mean the vast, vast, vast majority of terroristic type attacks carried out in this nation have been done by leftists and muslims, not to mention that most mass shooters where either democrats themselves, or raised by liberal democrats. To guess it was a right wing "extremist" is to bet against the statistics and the odds.
Muhammad declared war on ALL the world when he invented Islam and proceeded to murder and intimidate his way to power in the old world......He was worse than any other tyrant of his time and his followers are still butchering their way across the world..The worst of it is, we haven't got any political leaders with a spine who will call it for what it is :eusa_silenced:
Seems it's not politically correct to call a murderer a murderer these days.....Don't you just love those Lefty Liberal types who fawn over the rights of murderers and rapists and then turn around and demonize anyone who tells it like it is?? :cuckoo:
Every single time they've been wrong? Bull.

Fact of the matter is, the rightwingnutters hate America just as much as extremist Muslims do so it is an understandable prediction.
Every single time they've been wrong? Bull.

Fact of the matter is, the rightwingnutters hate America just as much as extremist Muslims do so it is an understandable prediction.

Let's forget about Chris Dorner the obama supporter.
Let's just forget about Jarred Longhner who was a member of Giffords campaign team TWICE.
Let's see, were the brothers white? Check.

Is islam a conservative religion? Check.

Is at least one of them an American citizen? Check.

So right-wing American conservative extremists did it.

I would like someone to tell me the difference between a Left-wing nutjob and a Right-wing nutjob??
They seem on par with one another with the exception that if anyone disagrees with a Lefty then they are automatically painted as a Right-wing nutcase, whereas if a Lefty makes a brain dead statement (like many have) then nothing is said or the excuses come tumbling out......
Let's see, were the brothers white? Check.

Is islam a conservative religion? Check.

Is at least one of them an American citizen? Check.

So right-wing American conservative extremists did it.


LOL. yes there is a problem. Is America filled with mindless white Liberals? Check

Are radical Islams and there way of religion constantly defended by the mindless left in this country? Check

Are there millions of Americans who are mindless Libs? Check
Let's see, were the brothers white? Check.

Is islam a conservative religion? Check.

Is at least one of them an American citizen? Check.

So right-wing American conservative extremists did it.


Is Islam a disgusting cult? Check.

Were they muslims? Check.

Are they American citizens? NO...A muslim has no allegiance to any country only to Islam.

Your attempt at using smoke and mirrors is full of holes...
And remember....Just because a dog is born in a stable.....It don't make it a horse :eusa_whistle:

How many in this thread claimed they thought a right wing white American did it? For 4 years now every attack the left has claimed that the right wing white Americans were to blame, the tea party Sarah Palin, any and all right wing whites. And EVERY SINGLE TIME they have been wrong.

has one of them ever apologized? admitted they are wrong? I have seen no such post on this site.

How many made such a claim? Name them and post their post wherein such a claim was made.

BTW, Religious fundamentalists are not generally considered liberal or progressive. Now, those who truly believe in the teaching of Jesus might very well be so considered, but generally thinking, most consider those who hold fast to the dogma of organized religion's orthodoxy as conservative.

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