The left prediciting that right wing Americans did it.

has one of them ever apologized?

While I get your point, I don't understand your need to receive an apology for people making guesses over who committed a crime. Are your feelings really that hurt where someone typing out an apology for an incorrect guess would make you feel better?

I didn't hazard a guess (I had no idea who did it so speculation seemed pointless) but how about this: I apologize on behalf of all the meanies who predicted it would turn out to be a right wing extremist which caused you so much anguish.

Now you feel better? Can you sleep again?
Let's see, were the brothers white? Check. (not 100%)

Is islam a conservative religion? Check. (fuck NO !!)

Is at least one of them an American citizen? Check. (maybe a citizen, but NOT a natural born citizen like his hero Obongo.)

So right-wing American conservative extremists did it. (truth is they are America haters similar to their hero, Obongo )


yes there is.., you are a liar, and know nothing about issham and their bloodied fucking koran, which BTW advocates killing all infidels, which you are exempt from as you are a muslime sympathizer ! :up:

why do you hate America ?

why are you a muslime sympathizer ?

why did you vote for Obongo along with these muslime brothers ?

why do you willfully waste good American oxygen ?

How many in this thread claimed they thought a right wing white American did it? For 4 years now every attack the left has claimed that the right wing white Americans were to blame, the tea party Sarah Palin, any and all right wing whites. And EVERY SINGLE TIME they have been wrong.

has one of them ever apologized? admitted they are wrong? I have seen no such post on this site.

The left still thinks that right wing Americans did it. It's the right wing that DROVE the muslims to it by supporting Israel, by fighting against muslim terrorism. The left has it in a nice little package and cannot be wrong.

How many in this thread claimed they thought a right wing white American did it? For 4 years now every attack the left has claimed that the right wing white Americans were to blame, the tea party Sarah Palin, any and all right wing whites. And EVERY SINGLE TIME they have been wrong.

has one of them ever apologized? admitted they are wrong? I have seen no such post on this site.

It doesn't really matter who carried out the attacks. Their twisted logic will always have it the fault of the right. They consider an attack like this to be indirectly the fault of the right. They in their ignorant arrogance opine that this is a justifiable reaction to what they consider offenses perpetrated by republican administrations. Here is a partial list. It will grow over time.

Don't hold your breath waiting for that apology. They truly love to see Americans suffer at the hands of terrorists. They sit in their government supplied apartments, eating food we have worked to buy for them, counting their tats and checking their free cell phones to see of the crack dealer has called, and they smile and nod when one of us gets taken out by a terrorist.
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BigReb -

Who did? Who blamed "the right wing and cocksucker"?

I don't mean 'who presented the possibility of a right wing attack', but who presented it as a fact?

I did see one thread which presented as a certainty that an Arab committed the attack - but then no one seemed to mind that?
BigReb -

Who did? Who blamed "the right wing and cocksucker"?

I don't mean 'who presented the possibility of a right wing attack', but who presented it as a fact?

I did see one thread which presented as a certainty that an Arab committed the attack - but then no one seemed to mind that?

Some MSNBC lib was saying that while he may be muslim and a terrorist, that he isn't a "muslim terrorist" because he didn't do a suicide bombing or because he robbed a 7-11.

Turns out they didn't even rob the 7-11.
BigReb -

I see people on those threads saying that this could have been a right-wing lunatic - which is perfectly valid, obviously.

Which posters say that it was definitely a right-wing lunatic, which would then back your case?

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