The Left Talk About Lost Liberties, Trump is Hitler, etc etc

So far, the Lying Left can't give one single example of a freedom they had under Obamaggot that they don't have under Trump. Liberalism really must be a mental disorder because they are more paranoid than any days-awake methamphetamine addict I've ever known and I've known plenty.

No American citizen from any political party can give a single example of a freedom they lost since Reagan, Bush(s), Obama or Clinton. You would be an epic moron to even try. Don't you ever tire of using this argument of false equivalency 1,000+ times? Perhaps you need new material. Just saying.
Sure, super duper...
100 Ways, in 100 Days, that Trump Has Hurt Americans - Center for American Progress

I am no fan of the Orange Virus, but Center for American Progress? Really? What rights have Americans lost?
There is no evidence for your brainwashed idiocy about every respected media and organization except BS GOP propaganda Outlets, brainwashed functional moron. Read it. Look at the Google search link 4 lost freedoms under Trump, dumbass.

Wow, apparently, I misspoke. I will be clearer. When I talk of freedoms we Americans have, I'm directly speaking about rights. So, I ask you again, what rights have Americans lost?
The right to go to Cuba and Iran... The right to Medicaid in red States. The right to go to college or a training program without paying ridiculous amounts... Why are we the only developed country without a living wage Healthcare daycare good infrastructure and vacations etc etc? Scumbag greedy idiot brainwashing GOP billionaires and silly dupes like you.
So far, the Lying Left
Prove that the Left lie any more than the right does?

can't give one single example of a freedom they had under Obamaggot that they don't have under Trump. Liberalism really must be a mental disorder because they are more paranoid than any days-awake methamphetamine addict I've ever known and I've known plenty.

And where is your unbiased link that proves that you can accurately ascertain the paranoia levels of the left?
Because without that - you have no way whatsoever to determine their comparison to your ice friends.

Oh, and I do not doubt for ONE SECOND that you have known plenty of sketchers.
So far, the Lying Left can't give one single example of a freedom they had under Obamaggot that they don't have under Trump. Liberalism really must be a mental disorder because they are more paranoid than any days-awake methamphetamine addict I've ever known and I've known plenty.

No American citizen from any political party can give a single example of a freedom they lost since Reagan, Bush(s), Obama or Clinton. You would be an epic moron to even try. Don't you ever tire of using this argument of false equivalency 1,000+ times? Perhaps you need new material. Just saying.
So are you for ending abortion rights? Which party fights legalization of marijuana? Which States have people rotting in prison for tiny amounts of amounts of marijuana?
No American citizen from any political party can give a single example of a freedom they lost since Reagan, Bush(s), Obama or Clinton. You would be an epic moron to even try. Don't you ever tire of using this argument of false equivalency 1,000+ times? Perhaps you need new material. Just saying.
Sure, super duper...
100 Ways, in 100 Days, that Trump Has Hurt Americans - Center for American Progress

I am no fan of the Orange Virus, but Center for American Progress? Really? What rights have Americans lost?
There is no evidence for your brainwashed idiocy about every respected media and organization except BS GOP propaganda Outlets, brainwashed functional moron. Read it. Look at the Google search link 4 lost freedoms under Trump, dumbass.

Wow, apparently, I misspoke. I will be clearer. When I talk of freedoms we Americans have, I'm directly speaking about rights. So, I ask you again, what rights have Americans lost?
The right to go to Cuba and Iran... The right to Medicaid in red States. The right to go to college or a training program without paying ridiculous amounts... Why are we the only developed country without a living wage Healthcare daycare good infrastructure and vacations etc etc? Scumbag greedy idiot brainwashing GOP billionaires and silly dupes like you.

Look, I'm not looking to be your enemy (or, apparently I am, who knows). We live in a capitalistic country that has allowed our pharma industry to act akin to the mafia. It in turn successfully broke our medical and insurance industry. When getting really sick in America can bankrupt you, yes, it's a bad thing, I get that. ObamaCare was a solution, but it was terribly executed. We have a corrupt collegiate industry that is basically uses the same 'pay-to-play' handbook as lobbyists. I get that too. Still, what constitutional rights have we lost?
Sadly our choices are not between a large government with gun free citizens, or a small government with armed citizens
our choices these days are between a large government with gun free citizens, or a large government with armed citizens.
Neither side in this country wants smaller government, they only disagreement is which parts should be larger

The 2nd AMENDMENT to the US a CHOICE?
(Only a freedom phobic Leftist Progressive moron thinks this way)

Neither side ON THE LEFT wants smaller government. PLENTY Americans realize government has far exceeded it's bounds both in scope AND size.

We're beyond the point of compromise. The Left now thinks the Constitution is a CHOICE.
So which is most likely to be successful in eliminating your freedom - a large government with gun free citizens, or a small government with armed citizens?

Again, the left are full of BS in their positions or want freedom obliterated.

While they celebrate the silencing of conservative voices on social media. Leftards are alllllllways the persecuted victim.
Sadly our choices are not between a large government with gun free citizens, or a small government with armed citizens
our choices these days are between a large government with gun free citizens, or a large government with armed citizens.
Neither side in this country wants smaller government, they only disagreement is which parts should be larger

The 2nd AMENDMENT to the US a CHOICE?
(Only a freedom phobic Leftist Progressive moron thinks this way)

Neither side ON THE LEFT wants smaller government. PLENTY Americans realize government has far exceeded it's bounds both in scope AND size.

We're beyond the point of compromise. The Left now thinks the Constitution is a CHOICE.

I do not know what you on the left want to do now, but know that you do not want smaller government.
So which is most likely to be successful in eliminating your freedom - a large government with gun free citizens, or a small government with armed citizens?

Again, the left are full of BS in their positions or want freedom obliterated.

Sadly our choices are not between a large government with gun free citizens, or a small government with armed citizens

our choices these days are between a large government with gun free citizens, or a large government with armed citizens.

Neither side in this country wants smaller government, they only disagreement is which parts should be larger

While the right has not managed to make the government smaller, at least they do not impose the stifling regulations of the left. They don't have the soda police, or the word police. They also don't regulate small businesses out of existence. The democrats cheered when Obama was putting record people on food stamps. Maybe it should be an independent armed group vs a dependent unarmed group. That seems pretty accurate.

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