The Left Thinks You Are The Enemy & Will Prove It with Their SCOTUS Rebuttal

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Those that voted for President Trump did so to save this country from ultimate destruction and decades of liberal policies that have eroded American Freedoms, American Ethics, American Culture and even our American Language.

This is a nation that is built on Citizenship, Love of Country, Unity and Love of Religious Freedom and Respect for Life!

Their entire platform is in purposeful and direct opposition to of all of this.

It’s not by accident
It did not evolve that way
They have done this since the first day that party was formed

They sided with King George and The Red Coats as Loyalists

They Approved of and Promoted Slavery

They opposed Emancipation

They opposed Civil Rights

They opposed the right of women and minorities to vote. And only give acknowledgement to such people if they are obedient slaves to The Left’s Will and Agenda.

All others are Heretics and Evildoers!

They are for anything that undermines National Sovereignty
And Weakens the Value of Citizenship.

They Ridicule The Work Ethic and view Industry and Entrepreneurs as their enemies.

Your Property, Your Wealth, Your Land and even your Children belong to King George, The Crown, The Empire, and to them, And those that believe like them!

They have not changed their stance or their beliefs in 200 years and have every day stood in opposition for what America Stands For.

They Thrive on Lies, Division and Strife, Class Warfare, and Racial Animosity.

Tonight it will be no different when you listen to their Angry Emotional Rebuttals to The State of The Union as they try to trash the most successful first year of any presidential first year in History.

A year that promises us a return to American Freedoms and the right to determine your own destiny.

Watch in awe, and recall my prophetic words as you listen
to their words of poison while they assault The President’s words Of Life, Liberty & The Pursuit of Happiness!

John Kennedy is dead, Robert Kennedy is dead and with them any moral relevance, any hope of Legitimacy and Love for Country and your Fellow American died with them and has since been purged from that Party.

It’s all about returning to “British Rule” and being under a mandate from heaven and pursuing an agenda of Globalism to get back to the days when we were under The Yoke of King George!

And You..????

You are just a simple Country Bumpkin! And America is an Ugly Basket of Irredeemable Deplorables!

You are nothing more than A Yankee Doodle Dandy, an unsophisticated, uncultured, uneducated “Colonist” who is too stupid to know what’s good for him And is standing in the way of PROGRESS!

Nothing has changed for these Progessives and their so called Progressive Movement.

You are still he same enemy they faced at Bunker Hill, Concord, & Gettysburg!

You hold the Torch of Freedom and they want to snuff it out!
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No Red Coat Liberal will be able to offer a single Factual Rebuttal, nor will they dare to regarding the facts I posted here, nor will they be able to deny their opposition and animosity to the very Ideas and Concepts of The Real America!
people under 40 who voted for trump are just credulous

people over 40 who voted for trump are stupid to the point that guardians should be appointed for them

when's your birthday?
You are still he same enemy they faced at Bunker Hill, Concord, & Gettysburg!

Except now you're the ones who celebrate and long for the Confederacy

So you think Americans who voted for Trump are dangerous, need to be under direct supervision and are The Enemy.

Thanks for confirming that.

people under 40 who voted for trump are just credulous

people over 40 who voted for trump are stupid to the point that guardians should be appointed for them

when's your birthday?
So you think Americans who voted doe Trump are dangerous, need to be under direct supervision and are The Enemy.

Thanks for confirming that.

people under 40 who voted for trump are just credulous

people over 40 who voted for trump are stupid to the point that guardians should be appointed for them

when's your birthday?

no, i think they're stupid and should be taken care of so they don't hurt themselves with sharp objects.

an enemy would be someone who had the capacity to harm me.

unless i keel over laughing and smack my head, you represent no danger to me.
No Red Coat Liberal will be able to offer a single Factual Rebuttal, nor will they dare to regarding the facts I posted here, nor will they be able to deny their opposition and animosity to the very Ideas and Concepts of The Real America!
Ironically for under-educated people as yourself, the Red Coat Tories were the con-servatives.
If Trump Voters Have “No Capacity To Harm You”... Then why are you so Phobic about them, want them locked up, and under 24-7 Supervision?

How could the simple act of a vote inspire so much hatred anger and fear?

Why do you effectively want them incarcerated?

You dear, have Trumpophobia

And you see American Citizens who voted for Trump as a threat to you and your beliefs and therefore you have declared them to be your enemies.

Hitler felt the same way and did the same thing you want to do. He saw Jews as a problem that needed a solution.

He wanted The Jews Supervised and after he rounded them all up to be relocated to Supervision Centers, he made his real intentions known through an assembly line of death!

A Final Solution!

So you think Americans who voted for Trump are dangerous, need to be under direct supervision and are The Enemy.

Thanks for confirming that.

people under 40 who voted for trump are just credulous

people over 40 who voted for trump are stupid to the point that guardians should be appointed for them

when's your birthday?

no, i think they're stupid and should be taken care of so they don't hurt themselves with sharp objects.

an enemy would be someone who had the capacity to harm me.

unless i keel over laughing and smack my head, you represent no danger to me.
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If Trump Voters Have “No Capacity Ro Harm You”... Then why are you so Phobic about them, want them locked up, and under 24-7 Supervision?

How could the simple act of a vote inspire so much hatred anger and fear?

Why do you effectively want them incarcerated?

You dear, have Trumpophobia

So you think Americans who voted for Trump are dangerous, need to be under direct supervision and are The Enemy.

Thanks for confirming that.

people under 40 who voted for trump are just credulous

people over 40 who voted for trump are stupid to the point that guardians should be appointed for them

when's your birthday?

no, i think they're stupid and should be taken care of so they don't hurt themselves with sharp objects.

an enemy would be someone who had the capacity to harm me.

unless i keel over laughing and smack my head, you represent no danger to me.

i don't want them incarcerated

words have meanings, little trumpling

i assume you're over 40?
There is no difference between house arrest, 24-7 Supervision and Incarceration where you are placing a person in “Protective Custody”

Hitler would be proud of you little political Nazi.

Thanks again for confirming your hatred and fear of Ordinary Americans who want a better life.

If Trump Voters Have “No Capacity Ro Harm You”... Then why are you so Phobic about them, want them locked up, and under 24-7 Supervision?

How could the simple act of a vote inspire so much hatred anger and fear?

Why do you effectively want them incarcerated?

You dear, have Trumpophobia

So you think Americans who voted for Trump are dangerous, need to be under direct supervision and are The Enemy.

Thanks for confirming that.

people under 40 who voted for trump are just credulous

people over 40 who voted for trump are stupid to the point that guardians should be appointed for them

when's your birthday?

no, i think they're stupid and should be taken care of so they don't hurt themselves with sharp objects.

an enemy would be someone who had the capacity to harm me.

unless i keel over laughing and smack my head, you represent no danger to me.

i don't want them incarcerated

words have meanings, little trumpling

i assume you're over 40?
No Red Coat Liberal will be able to offer a single Factual Rebuttal, nor will they dare to regarding the facts I posted here, nor will they be able to deny their opposition and animosity to the very Ideas and Concepts of The Real America!

Quod erat demonstrandum.

people under 40 who voted for trump are just credulous

people over 40 who voted for trump are stupid to the point that guardians should be appointed for them

when's your birthday?
So you think Americans who voted for Trump are dangerous, need to be under direct supervision and are The Enemy.

Thanks for confirming that.

people under 40 who voted for trump are just credulous

people over 40 who voted for trump are stupid to the point that guardians should be appointed for them

when's your birthday?

He pretty much proved your point, didn't he?
There is no difference between house arrest, 24-7 Supervision and Incarceration where you are placing a person in “Protective Custody”

Hitler would be proud of you little political Nazi.

Thanks again for confirming your hatred and fear of Ordinary Americans who want a better life.

If Trump Voters Have “No Capacity Ro Harm You”... Then why are you so Phobic about them, want them locked up, and under 24-7 Supervision?

How could the simple act of a vote inspire so much hatred anger and fear?

Why do you effectively want them incarcerated?

You dear, have Trumpophobia

So you think Americans who voted for Trump are dangerous, need to be under direct supervision and are The Enemy.

Thanks for confirming that.

people under 40 who voted for trump are just credulous

people over 40 who voted for trump are stupid to the point that guardians should be appointed for them

when's your birthday?

no, i think they're stupid and should be taken care of so they don't hurt themselves with sharp objects.

an enemy would be someone who had the capacity to harm me.

unless i keel over laughing and smack my head, you represent no danger to me.

i don't want them incarcerated

words have meanings, little trumpling

i assume you're over 40?

who said anything about house arrest?

oh, that would be you

trumplings- seldom right, never in doubt

here's the definition for guardian

feel free to point out the bits dealing with incarceration

i'll wait, although i'm starting to think that keeling over laughing and smacking my head is a definite possibility here.


noun: guardian; plural noun: guardians
  1. a defender, protector, or keeper.
    "self-appointed guardians of public morality"
    synonyms: protector, defender, preserver, custodian, warden, guard, keeper; More
    conservator, curator, caretaker, steward, trustee
    "Linwood has been my guardian since I was three"
    • a person who looks after and is legally responsible for someone who is unable to manage their own affairs, especially an incompetent or disabled person or a child whose parents have died.
    • the superior of a Franciscan convent.


  • upload_2018-1-30_20-56-1.png
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  • upload_2018-1-30_20-56-1.png
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Words have meanings and every word he wrote said “You Are My Enemy And I Fear You!”

So you think Americans who voted for Trump are dangerous, need to be under direct supervision and are The Enemy.

Thanks for confirming that.

people under 40 who voted for trump are just credulous

people over 40 who voted for trump are stupid to the point that guardians should be appointed for them

when's your birthday?

He pretty much proved your point, didn't he?
Words have meanings and every word he wrote said “You Are My Enemy And I Fear You!”

So you think Americans who voted for Trump are dangerous, need to be under direct supervision and are The Enemy.

Thanks for confirming that.

people under 40 who voted for trump are just credulous

people over 40 who voted for trump are stupid to the point that guardians should be appointed for them

when's your birthday?

He pretty much proved your point, didn't he?

no, what every word i wrote meant was

you're a boob and i'm laughing at you.

do carry on
You outted yourself with the first post you replied.

America, and Americans that do not vote as you do are your enemies.

There is no difference between house arrest, 24-7 Supervision and Incarceration where you are placing a person in “Protective Custody”

Hitler would be proud of you little political Nazi.

Thanks again for confirming your hatred and fear of Ordinary Americans who want a better life.

If Trump Voters Have “No Capacity Ro Harm You”... Then why are you so Phobic about them, want them locked up, and under 24-7 Supervision?

How could the simple act of a vote inspire so much hatred anger and fear?

Why do you effectively want them incarcerated?

You dear, have Trumpophobia

So you think Americans who voted for Trump are dangerous, need to be under direct supervision and are The Enemy.

Thanks for confirming that.

no, i think they're stupid and should be taken care of so they don't hurt themselves with sharp objects.

an enemy would be someone who had the capacity to harm me.

unless i keel over laughing and smack my head, you represent no danger to me.

i don't want them incarcerated

words have meanings, little trumpling

i assume you're over 40?

who said anything about house arrest?

oh, that would be you

trumplings- seldom right, never in doubt

here's the definition for guardian

feel free to point out the bits dealing with incarceration

i'll wait, although i'm starting to think that keeling over laughing and smacking my head is a definite possibility here.


noun: guardian; plural noun: guardians
  1. a defender, protector, or keeper.
    "self-appointed guardians of public morality"
    synonyms: protector, defender, preserver, custodian, warden, guard, keeper; More
    conservator, curator, caretaker, steward, trustee
    "Linwood has been my guardian since I was three"
    • a person who looks after and is legally responsible for someone who is unable to manage their own affairs, especially an incompetent or disabled person or a child whose parents have died.
    • the superior of a Franciscan convent.
And you are a Troll who is tap dancing around the fact that you consider Americans who voted for Trump your enemies.

You’ve said it several different ways now.

Words have meanings and every word he wrote said “You Are My Enemy And I Fear You!”

So you think Americans who voted for Trump are dangerous, need to be under direct supervision and are The Enemy.

Thanks for confirming that.

people under 40 who voted for trump are just credulous

people over 40 who voted for trump are stupid to the point that guardians should be appointed for them

when's your birthday?

He pretty much proved your point, didn't he?

no, what every word i wrote meant was

you're a boob and i'm laughing at you.

do carry on
Verum dixistis

No Red Coat Liberal will be able to offer a single Factual Rebuttal, nor will they dare to regarding the facts I posted here, nor will they be able to deny their opposition and animosity to the very Ideas and Concepts of The Real America!

Quod erat demonstrandum.

people under 40 who voted for trump are just credulous

people over 40 who voted for trump are stupid to the point that guardians should be appointed for them

when's your birthday?
You outted yourself with the first post you replied.

America, and Americans that do not vote as you do are your enemies.

There is no difference between house arrest, 24-7 Supervision and Incarceration where you are placing a person in “Protective Custody”

Hitler would be proud of you little political Nazi.

Thanks again for confirming your hatred and fear of Ordinary Americans who want a better life.

If Trump Voters Have “No Capacity Ro Harm You”... Then why are you so Phobic about them, want them locked up, and under 24-7 Supervision?

How could the simple act of a vote inspire so much hatred anger and fear?

Why do you effectively want them incarcerated?

You dear, have Trumpophobia

no, i think they're stupid and should be taken care of so they don't hurt themselves with sharp objects.

an enemy would be someone who had the capacity to harm me.

unless i keel over laughing and smack my head, you represent no danger to me.

i don't want them incarcerated

words have meanings, little trumpling

i assume you're over 40?

who said anything about house arrest?

oh, that would be you

trumplings- seldom right, never in doubt

here's the definition for guardian

feel free to point out the bits dealing with incarceration

i'll wait, although i'm starting to think that keeling over laughing and smacking my head is a definite possibility here.


noun: guardian; plural noun: guardians
  1. a defender, protector, or keeper.
    "self-appointed guardians of public morality"
    synonyms: protector, defender, preserver, custodian, warden, guard, keeper; More
    conservator, curator, caretaker, steward, trustee
    "Linwood has been my guardian since I was three"
    • a person who looks after and is legally responsible for someone who is unable to manage their own affairs, especially an incompetent or disabled person or a child whose parents have died.
    • the superior of a Franciscan convent.

lead paint chips aren't a snack food, bucky

no matter how badly you want me to think of you as an enemy, you're just another rwnj for me to laugh at.
And you are a Troll who is tap dancing around the fact that you consider Americans who voted for Trump your enemies.

You’ve said it several different ways now.

Words have meanings and every word he wrote said “You Are My Enemy And I Fear You!”

So you think Americans who voted for Trump are dangerous, need to be under direct supervision and are The Enemy.

Thanks for confirming that.

people under 40 who voted for trump are just credulous

people over 40 who voted for trump are stupid to the point that guardians should be appointed for them

when's your birthday?

He pretty much proved your point, didn't he?

no, what every word i wrote meant was

you're a boob and i'm laughing at you.

do carry on

no, i've said trump voters are morons.

try to keep up

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