The left wants to watch the U.S. burn to the ground

The sky is falling and we can blame Liberals for it! We NEVER take responsibility for any of our repressive policies, but we know how to point the finger of blame at others! Excuse me while I put out the fire on my head!

Stupid, monolithic thinking Nationalist Populists!
Liberals in elected setvice, elected by citizens of the USA, are in fact working vigorously to remove guns from lawful citizens while working vigorously to benefit illegals.
Another aimless pout.
Another desperate attempt to to avoid the volumes of facts that are detrimental to the left.
John Miller - anti leftist VOLUMES OF FACTS bullfuckingshit -
Hey dumb ass? Just in that original post alone, there are FIVE links. Only one is "John Miller". Oops. How dumb do you look right now?

This is just another mish-mash of wingut grievances using wingnut sources. Why does this board need yet another one of these threads?
Hey dumb ass? Just in that original post alone, there are FIVE links. Only one is "John Miller". Oops. How dumb do you look right now?
This is just another mish-mash of wingut grievances using wingnut sources. Why does this board need yet another one of these threads?
"Mash-Mash" is left-wing dogwhistle for "holy shit are they pounding us with more facts and more sources than we can handle or deny".
The facts speak for themselves...
  • They assault anyone who doesn’t share their views
  • They instruct law enforcement to allow violence and rioting by their side
  • They provide material support for foreigners invading the United States
  • They permit the invasion of facilities by the opposite sex
Everything they do is designed to disrupt, distress, and destroy the United States.

Jon Miller: 'The left just wants to watch the world burn at this point.'

Meanwhile back in reality, Trump supporters are the ones running over people in cars, mailing bombs to their political opponents and shooting up Wal Marts based on brown people shopping there.

So you’re full of shit.

YOur denial of the mass use of violence and the threat of violence by your side, is not credible.

ALL you did there, was out yourself as a liar.
Hey dumb ass? Just in that original post alone, there are FIVE links. Only one is "John Miller". Oops. How dumb do you look right now?
This is just another mish-mash of wingut grievances using wingnut sources. Why does this board need yet another one of these threads?
"Mash-Mash" is left-wing dogwhistle for "holy shit are they pounding us with more facts and more sources than we can handle or deny".

I wasn't aware, it's a good thing I didn't say "Mash-Mash".
The facts speak for themselves...
  • They assault anyone who doesn’t share their views
  • They instruct law enforcement to allow violence and rioting by their side
  • They provide material support for foreigners invading the United States
  • They permit the invasion of facilities by the opposite sex
Everything they do is designed to disrupt, distress, and destroy the United States.

Jon Miller: 'The left just wants to watch the world burn at this point.'
I don’t insist why you’re kind keeps insisting it’s Democrats who are violent. Show me a Democratic politician who says this kind of stuff:

Well you are benefiting by keeping your thread bumped.
I don't need to keep "my" thread "bumped" :rolleyes:
Sure that is why you bumped it off me again. You're welcome again.'s really not important to me. At all. I couldn't care any less. It's a fucking thread. I don't make money off of this. You're the dumb ass who keeps "bumping" it by commenting. Stop commenting moron, and I won't have anything to reply to. How dumb are you?
Bumping off me again, needy girl?
I don’t insist why you’re kind keeps insisting it’s Democrats who are violent.
Um...because ANTIFA has assaulted everyone from LA to Rhode Island who has refused to bow to the bat-shit crazy, left-wing ideology. Because Democrat James Hodgkinson tried to kill half of the Republicans in Congress.
Show me a Democratic politician who says this kind of stuff:
Well there is at least part of your problem. For starters, words are not (and cannot) be "violent". The fact that you don't understand the definition of a very basic word like "violent" explains why you're on the left. It attracts the ignorant and the needy.

But that being said, since you asked...

Eric Holder: "When they go low....we kick them"

Barack Obama: “If they [Republicans] bring a knife to the fight, we [Democrats] bring a gun.”

Tim Kaine: called for Democrats to “fight in the streets against Trump.”

Ilham Omar: called for violence against Rand Paul

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: "I believe injustice is a threat to the safety of all people. Because once you have a group that is marginalized and marginalize and marginalized...once someone doesn't have access to clean water, they have no choice but to riot."

I can't imagine how much you regret making that really stupid comment now... :lmao:
The facts speak for themselves...
  • They assault anyone who doesn’t share their views
  • They instruct law enforcement to allow violence and rioting by their side
  • They provide material support for foreigners invading the United States
  • They permit the invasion of facilities by the opposite sex
Everything they do is designed to disrupt, distress, and destroy the United States.

Jon Miller: 'The left just wants to watch the world burn at this point.'
Meh. So do I. There is nothing left to conserve.
Friends...take careful notice of the last part which references Charles Manson. That's not coincidence. The left has been so throughly defeated on the battlefield of facts an ideas that their only solution now is to eliminate free speech. Ensure that no voice is heard but the voice that promotes their bat-shit crazy ideology.
Meh. So do I. There is nothing left to conserve.
I know. But in all're kind of one of the big fuck'n idiots on this board. I mean, you think Jews have a global conspiracy to eliminate you. You think blacks were born to be slaves. You're all kinds of fucked up and disturbed.
Meh. So do I. There is nothing left to conserve.
I know. But in all're kind of one of the big fuck'n idiots on this board. I mean, you think Jews have a global conspiracy to eliminate you. You think blacks were born to be slaves. You're all kinds of fucked up and disturbed.
You are one of the ones who refuse to see the facts right in front of your face pal,not me. Oh and negro's are WAY to lazy to be slaves. They literally have no redeeming qualities so no I have no interest in them being slaves at all.

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