The left wants to watch the U.S. burn to the ground

Meh. So do I. There is nothing left to conserve.
I know. But in all're kind of one of the big fuck'n idiots on this board. I mean, you think Jews have a global conspiracy to eliminate you. You think blacks were born to be slaves. You're all kinds of fucked up and disturbed.
You are one of the ones who refuse to see the facts right in front of your face pal,not me. Oh and negro's are WAY to lazy to be slaves. They literally have no redeeming qualities so no I have no interest in them being slaves at all.
The prosecution rests, your honor.... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Stupid OP. Every single death last year from extremism came at the hands of right wingers.

All of the extremist killings in the US in 2018 had links to right-wing extremism, according to new report
Every one? Can you even produce ONE? The two shootings last week alone were done by radical LEFTISTS!! I don't think we've seen a single act of right-wing violence since the early 90's.

No conservatives tried to take out half of the Democrats in Congress. But left-wing asshole James Hodgkinson tried to kill half the Republicans. Thankfully, like all leftists, he was an inept asshat who couldn't even shoot a gun straight.
Meh. So do I. There is nothing left to conserve.
I know. But in all're kind of one of the big fuck'n idiots on this board. I mean, you think Jews have a global conspiracy to eliminate you. You think blacks were born to be slaves. You're all kinds of fucked up and disturbed.
You are one of the ones who refuse to see the facts right in front of your face pal,not me. Oh and negro's are WAY to lazy to be slaves. They literally have no redeeming qualities so no I have no interest in them being slaves at all.
The prosecution rests, your honor.... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
You can't rest when you did NOTHING to use that thing 2 feet above your ass called a might shock yourself if you tried opening your eyes and brain to something other than what the GOP cucks feed you.
Stupid OP. Every single death last year from extremism came at the hands of right wingers.

All of the extremist killings in the US in 2018 had links to right-wing extremism, according to new report
Every one? Can you even produce ONE? The two shootings last week alone were done by radical LEFTISTS!! I don't think we've seen a single act of right-wing violence since the early 90's.

No conservatives tried to take out half of the Democrats in Congress. But left-wing asshole James Hodgkinson tried to kill half the Republicans. Thankfully, like all leftists, he was an inept asshat who couldn't even shoot a gun straight.
Reading skills are a luxury on this board. Reread the post slowly and out loud if you must. Try the link if you want.
Meh. So do I. There is nothing left to conserve.
I know. But in all're kind of one of the big fuck'n idiots on this board. I mean, you think Jews have a global conspiracy to eliminate you. You think blacks were born to be slaves. You're all kinds of fucked up and disturbed.
You are one of the ones who refuse to see the facts right in front of your face pal,not me.
Ok. Ok. Ok. I'll be honest. Henry Kissinger and George Soros reached out to me. They offered me $1 billion if I could help assassinate you. That's why I "refuse" to see the "facts" right in front of my face. I stand to make a LOT of money by helping to kill you. The Jews have determined that you are the #1 most valuable target in the world due to your keen insight about their global conspiracy. :laugh:
Meh. So do I. There is nothing left to conserve.
I know. But in all're kind of one of the big fuck'n idiots on this board. I mean, you think Jews have a global conspiracy to eliminate you. You think blacks were born to be slaves. You're all kinds of fucked up and disturbed.
You are one of the ones who refuse to see the facts right in front of your face pal,not me.
Ok. Ok. Ok. I'll be honest. Henry Kissinger and George Soros reached out to me. They offered me $1 billion if I could help assassinate you. That's why I "refuse" to see the "facts" right in front of my face. I stand to make a LOT of money by helping to kill you. The Jews have determined that you are the #1 most valuable target in the world due to your keen insight about their global conspiracy. :laugh:
Keep your head buried in the the end it won't matter to the Jew or Negro or Mexican or Asian or ANYONE because in this war your skin is your uniform and they won't care that you kissed their ass.
Try the link if you want.
Try your bizarre propaganda that claims that all killings were "right-wing" even though nobody has been able to produce a right-wing act of violence since the early to mid 90's with Timothy McVeigh and with Eric Rudolph's attacks on abortion clinics?

Seriously snowflake, like 99.999999% of the violence since then has been exclusively left-wing.
Keep your head buried in the the end it won't matter to the Jew or Negro or Mexican or Asian or ANYONE because in this war your skin is your uniform and they won't care that you kissed their ass.
Oh my head is unburied for the first time thanks to Kissinger and Soros! I have to admit, it is WICKED COOL being on the inside of the power teat - especially since I'm not Jewish. I didn't realize how important you were to the establishment until they offered me the $1 billion. But now my eyes are open. You saw the light while the rest of the world kept their eyes closed. And for that, you must be eliminated! :laugh:
The sad part is, nobody can tell if this is a parody or a documentary...

Fact: 100% of "mass shooters" were indoctrinated in public schools. A decent defense, I mean their never having been taught the difference between right and wrong.....
I don’t insist why you’re kind keeps insisting it’s Democrats who are violent.
Um...because ANTIFA has assaulted everyone from LA to Rhode Island who has refused to bow to the bat-shit crazy, left-wing ideology. Because Democrat James Hodgkinson tried to kill half of the Republicans in Congress.
Show me a Democratic politician who says this kind of stuff:
Well there is at least part of your problem. For starters, words are not (and cannot) be "violent". The fact that you don't understand the definition of a very basic word like "violent" explains why you're on the left. It attracts the ignorant and the needy.

But that being said, since you asked...

Eric Holder: "When they go low....we kick them"

Barack Obama: “If they [Republicans] bring a knife to the fight, we [Democrats] bring a gun.”

Tim Kaine: called for Democrats to “fight in the streets against Trump.”

Ilham Omar: called for violence against Rand Paul

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: "I believe injustice is a threat to the safety of all people. Because once you have a group that is marginalized and marginalize and marginalized...once someone doesn't have access to clean water, they have no choice but to riot."

I can't imagine how much you regret making that really stupid comment now... :lmao:
Take a look at it again. The people you’re talking about we’re talking about politics. Fighting hard to get healthcare for the American people that kind of stuff. Donald Trump is just calling for violence.

I’ll beat the crap out of you. That’s not political discussion that’s a threat.


I know you understand the difference, you just refuse to admit it.
If JFK were alive today he'd be a right wing homophobic Islamophobic racist bigot, according to Democrats.
The left wants to watch the U.S. burn to the ground

Bring on the boogaloo

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