The left wants to watch the U.S. burn to the ground


I know you understand the difference, you just refuse to admit it.
Bwahahahaha! Who followed Charles Manson? Left-wing, hippie, mindless-minions!!! :lmao:
The Left wants to turn the US into a socialist shithole so they can get their free shit until the money made under capitalism runs out.
Hollywood types threaten the President with everything from assault to murder. Left wing spokespeople like Bill Maher wish for an economic recession if that's what it takes to get rid of the President and lefties openly wish that the President's golf course is hit by a cat 4 hurricane no matter what the damage or the loss of life. These people need PTSD therapy.
The facts speak for themselves...
  • They assault anyone who doesn’t share their views
  • They instruct law enforcement to allow violence and rioting by their side
  • They provide material support for foreigners invading the United States
  • They permit the invasion of facilities by the opposite sex
Everything they do is designed to disrupt, distress, and destroy the United States.

Jon Miller: 'The left just wants to watch the world burn at this point.'
I don’t insist why you’re kind keeps insisting it’s Democrats who are violent. Show me a Democratic politician who says this kind of stuff:

This is all very very mild compared to what has been said about President Trump and his family. Liberals beheaded Trump. The recently departed Peter Fonda amused himself toying with Barron being raped. If this is what you have on Donald Trump you ain't got enough to supply Robert DiNero for ONE awards show.
The Left wants to turn the US into a socialist shithole so they can get their free shit until the money made under capitalism runs out.
Socialist shithole is a synonym for "watch it burn to the ground".
The facts speak for themselves...
  • They assault anyone who doesn’t share their views
  • They instruct law enforcement to allow violence and rioting by their side
  • They provide material support for foreigners invading the United States
  • They permit the invasion of facilities by the opposite sex
Everything they do is designed to disrupt, distress, and destroy the United States.

Jon Miller: 'The left just wants to watch the world burn at this point.'

Only partially true, they want all of Western Civilization to burn to the ground.
Note the language here...
Rather than call someone a "juvenile offender," the person should be described as a "young person impacted by the justice system."
See how that works? It's not the criminal. They are not responsible. Instead, the thug is just a "person" who has been "impacted by the justice system". The justice system that is to blame when you word it like that.

San Francisco nixes criminal labels such as 'felon' and 'inmate,' replacing them with more 'person- first' terms
dont see a lot on the right looking or asking for common ground.

do you?
The facts speak for themselves...
  • They assault anyone who doesn’t share their views
  • They instruct law enforcement to allow violence and rioting by their side
  • They provide material support for foreigners invading the United States
  • They permit the invasion of facilities by the opposite sex
Everything they do is designed to disrupt, distress, and destroy the United States.

Jon Miller: 'The left just wants to watch the world burn at this point.'
Are yes, the sad sad whine of desperation.

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