The Left wants your children

Why don’t you explain it to us simpleton’s?
Sure in society, in modern society it takes a village of humans to have a polis, they all have their jobs to perform to make society work.
Just because you are stupid as fuck doesn't make anyone commit suicide nor does it make me feel guilty for what you don't do. Some have the courage to live and some have the courage to die.
The highest number of members of the human race to kill themselves per demographic the most is senior citizens, yet you are silent.

16 is the age of the youngest transgendered human to be operated upon, that is old enough.
in many cases, 16 isn’t old enough to make a decision on what’s for dinner…And with todays education system pushing agendas instead of teaching core subjects, they aren’t smart enough either.
in many cases, 16 isn’t old enough to make a decision on what’s for dinner…And with todays education system pushing agendas instead of teaching core subjects, they aren’t smart enough either.
They can drive a two-ton vehicle that can cause death and destruction but you think they are old enough for that.
Dr. Mengele would love being a kiddie trans surgeon

The true "extremists" in America are the defenders of pushing the homo agenda on kids in public schools.

Trans kids are 20+ more likely to commit suicide, so there is the blood on your hands...

Because they are not trans. They are normal who have been convinced that being normal is wrong.

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