The Left's assault on "thoughts and prayers" reveals anti-Christian bigotry

Leftist/liberals/socialists are almost all atheists. But as much as they hold Christians in contempt, Leftists Loons don't go out and kill Christians. Not in America. And Buddhists don't kill Hindus, or vice versa. Not in America.

And Protestants don't kill Catholics, or vice versa....though that was not always so.

About 400 years ago........"Bloody Mary" was a Catholic Queen of England and she killed many a Protestant with the power of the State...people she disagreed with regarding matters of religion...which ought always be left to the conscience of each individual.

Then her sister Elizabeth succeeded her. She was a Protestant and so she killed whole scores of Catholics...and is known to history as "Good Queen Bess" only because the Protestants won out over Catholics and wrote the history books.

After much much blood, the Teutonic races started to figure out that the State ought not to be in control of Religion....actually, that Religion should not be in control of the State...and this idea manifested itself in the great mind of Thomas Jefferson and brought forth his Statute on Religious Freedom...known and cherished today as "the Wall of Separation between Church and State"....a notion which is loathed by MUSLIMS.

Unlike Atheists, Methodists, Baptists, Hindus, Buddhists, Catholics...Seventh Day Adventists...every civilized organization.....unlike all people who cherish the wonderful Tradition of Tolerance in regard to each man's own conscience in religious matters--that blessing Jefferson left to us.....the Muslims alone DENY the Separation of Church and them they are one and the same, and if you do not believe that, you cannot be a are instead an Infidel....and you must ultimately Convert or Die!

That's Islam....both a religion and a fanatical political ideology, united and inseparable....that that is why:

We must never let another Muslim into this least not until they have their Thomas Jefferson....which looks to me to be about 400 years from now.
Since when is decency a common human trait? I'd say most people are decent human beings. You'd never know that from the news though.
How to end gun violence? You would have to smash down doors and ransack every home in America to get that done.

In other words, you would have to take out the Second Amendment AND the Fourth Amendment.

The resulting civil war would be all on you.

The right to bear arms is not a right to every weapon imaginable.

Reasonable gun laws are in America's future. How much carnage lay between now and then is up to you. You can be part of the conversation that brings the inevitable change or you can get dragged kicking and screaming in to the future any way.
You can be part of the conversation that brings the inevitable change or you can get dragged kicking and screaming in to the future any way.

Yeah ... March right on over here, grab hold and start dragging ... Let's see how far you get and who will be screaming.

Since when is decency a common human trait? I'd say most people are decent human beings. You'd never know that from the news though.

Perhaps MOST people don't make headlines.

I suppose I support reasonable gun laws to slow down the fuckers who do.
You can be part of the conversation that brings the inevitable change or you can get dragged kicking and screaming in to the future any way.

Yeah ... March right on over here, grab hold and start dragging ... Let's see how far you get and who will be screaming.


Figuratively BlackSand, not physically.

:lol: I am way to old for that kind of play.
The Left’s Assault on ‘Thoughts and Prayers’ Revealed Its Anti-Christian Bigotry and Rank Political Posturing, by David French, National Review

These people are wandering in the darkness, and every day by their words and actions they get further from the light of God's mercy and forgiveness.
The liberal rags are not hiding it anymore. That headline from the New York Post " God Isnt Fixing This" is an outrage. I'd like to see them post a headline "Allah Isn't Fixing This", the fucking cowards. When shit like this happens, outright blasphemy I can't get too grieved if some nut case decides to go into their offices and start spraying bullets.
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You can't be grieved when someone goes to an office and starts shooting?
Us liberal godless folk think you Christian conservatives have more in common with them than we do.
There is no individual freedom in Shiria Law, likewise if Liberals had their way by eliminating our 2nd Amendment and freedom of religion. No...the unvarnished Truth is Islam is more like Liberals than they ever could be like Christian conservatives.
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The Left’s Assault on ‘Thoughts and Prayers’ Revealed Its Anti-Christian Bigotry and Rank Political Posturing, by David French, National Review

These people are wandering in the darkness, and every day by their words and actions they get further from the light of God's mercy and forgiveness.
The liberal rags are not hiding it anymore. That headline from the New York Post " God Can't Fix It" is an outrage. I'd like to see them post a headline "Allah Can't Fix It", the fucking cowards. When shit like this happens, outright blasphemy I can't get too grieved if some nut case decides to go into their offices and start spraying bullets.

Maybe if all the politicians in question had been Muslim, they would have said Allah instead of God.

But................all the politicos in question are Christian, and therefore the term God is used.

BTW...............are you advocating shooting up the NYP because of blasphemy?

You sound more like a Taliban terrorist everyday..................
It's a good thing William F. Buckley, Jr. didn't live to see the magazine he founded turned into a supermarket rag.

"Assault"...such delicate little flowers, the RW...
The Left’s Assault on ‘Thoughts and Prayers’ Revealed Its Anti-Christian Bigotry and Rank Political Posturing, by David French, National Review

These people are wandering in the darkness, and every day by their words and actions they get further from the light of God's mercy and forgiveness.
The liberal rags are not hiding it anymore. That headline from the New York Post " God Can't Fix It" is an outrage. I'd like to see them post a headline "Allah Can't Fix It", the fucking cowards. When shit like this happens, outright blasphemy I can't get too grieved if some nut case decides to go into their offices and start spraying bullets.

Maybe if all the politicians in question had been Muslim, they would have said Allah instead of God.

But................all the politicos in question are Christian, and therefore the term God is used.

BTW...............are you advocating shooting up the NYP because of blasphemy?

You sound more like a Taliban terrorist everyday..................
He is the Taliban, he just prays to the wrong gods, three of them.
So now its finally happened, the left is engaged in an all out assault to marginalize Christians.

I am in favor of Democrats mocking Christianity and letting us know they are going to make life miserable for them when they gain political power.over us. Please do it. Show your hand again.
I think that a lot of you have missed the whole point of the NY article.

They were saying that the lawmakers have the power to get legislation through that could possibly prevent things like the CA shooting, but instead of doing their jobs, they are sending platitudes to the victims as a way to salve their feelings.

God isn't going to change the laws, the politicians have to do it.

And yeah, sending out things like "we're praying for ____________, it's such a tragedy this happened" is pretty much bullshit if you have the ability to change it, but don't.
You're full of shit with your leftarded co-liberals. If somebody wants to kill you, no amount of gun laws will prevent it. These Senators were being responsible to send out those tweets. If they hadn't, you'd be here complaining they don't give a fuck about the victims.
I think that a lot of you have missed the whole point of the NY article.

They were saying that the lawmakers have the power to get legislation through that could possibly prevent things like the CA shooting, but instead of doing their jobs, they are sending platitudes to the victims as a way to salve their feelings.

God isn't going to change the laws, the politicians have to do it.

And yeah, sending out things like "we're praying for ____________, it's such a tragedy this happened" is pretty much bullshit if you have the ability to change it, but don't.
You're full of shit with your leftarded co-liberals. If somebody wants to kill you, no amount of gun laws will prevent it. These Senators were being responsible to send out those tweets. If they hadn't, you'd be here complaining they don't give a fuck about the victims.

Being responsible my ass................they were sending out platitudes as a way to pander for votes. If they were actually interested in stopping the violence, they would actually do something in Washington rather than grandstanding and pandering.

And if someone wants to kill me, if they can't get a gun, they will have a lot harder time in killing me. I know how to defend myself. Boxed and wrestled in HS, and took martial arts while I was in the Navy.

Still in pretty decent shape as well.
No doors will be smashed down. You either turn in the guns or we send you to Jesus in a fireball, dust to dust, ashes to ashes.
330 Million guns in American hands. Come and get 'em if you dare. It will be your ass dodging Satan's pitchfork.
... Snip ...
Being responsible my ass................they were sending out platitudes as a way to pander for votes. If they were actually interested in stopping the violence, they would actually do something in Washington rather than grandstanding and pandering.

And if someone wants to kill me, if they can't get a gun, they will have a lot harder time in killing me. I know how to defend myself. Boxed and wrestled in HS, and took martial arts while I was in the Navy.

Still in pretty decent shape as well.
. You want a law?
Here is your law: The Terrorists Can't Kill People Law.

How's that?
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Us liberal godless folk think you Christian conservatives have more in common with them than we do.
There is no individual freedom in Shiria Law, likewise if Liberals had there way by eliminating our 2nd Amendment and freedom of religion. No...the unvarnished Truth is Islam is more like Liberals and they ever could be like Christian conservatives.

Imagine how you crazy Christians would be going on about how an atheist isn't fit to be president if one were running openly as an atheist.

Or if a gay were running for potus.

Remember wasn't it Cruz or carson who said a Muslim shouldn't be president?

So spare me your Christians are victims crap when only Christians can be potus.

Well, them Mormons and jews if you count Democrats ran Lieberman and cons ran mitt
Do you believe the Mormon story?
Figuratively BlackSand, not physically.

:lol: I am way to old for that kind of play.

Now that's a shame ... :(
I look forward to the sales ... Increase in stock ... And accessibility that comes along with every attempt to strengthen gun control measures.

You know how hard it was to get ... Or how much an AR-15 cost before the Assault Weapons Ban passed during the Clinton Administration?
I don't ... I wasn't old enough to buy one (with a handful of pre-ban 30 round mags) until after the Assault Weapons Ban ... Go figure ... :thup:


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