The Left's assault on "thoughts and prayers" reveals anti-Christian bigotry

Buddy boy, a bit more of this nonsense, and an Islamic fruit loop getting his hands on a nuke, and taking out a city anywhere in the civilized world, and Mecca and Medina will be fields of glass, and Islam completely outlawed worldwide. You community had best do some self policing, or it will cease to exist,.
Dream on Poindexter. ...... :cuckoo:
Dumbass progs make enemies on both sides.
The Left’s Assault on ‘Thoughts and Prayers’ Revealed Its Anti-Christian Bigotry and Rank Political Posturing, by David French, National Review

These people are wandering in the darkness, and every day by their words and actions they get further from the light of God's mercy and forgiveness.
Oh shut up. I was just told an atheist isn't fit to be president. I vote for Christians even though I find them superstitious irrational illogical gullible and cult like.

When you are open to voting for atheists you can then cry we don't treat you fairly.
You can be part of the conversation that brings the inevitable change or you can get dragged kicking and screaming in to the future any way.

Yeah ... March right on over here, grab hold and start dragging ... Let's see how far you get and who will be screaming.


Figuratively BlackSand, not physically.

:lol: I am way to old for that kind of play.
But, like most cowards, you will encourage others to do it so you can watch from a safe distance.
No, circumstances and progress are what will drag fools like you and the Taliban into the present, kicking and screaming all the way. Ignoramouses are little use to any modern society.
It will be immensely sAtisfying to watch cowardly pigs like you grovel and piss yourself when your Muslim buddies round you pathetic city progs up and saw your heads off. Even more gratifying...when you beg for someone to save you.....and nobody does.
Living with people like you doesn't sound much better.

Why don't you want to let 1000 Muslims in for fear 1 might be bad but you'll give 1000 Americans guns knowing 1 out of every 1000 is bad?
No, circumstances and progress are what will drag fools like you and the Taliban into the present, kicking and screaming all the way. Ignoramouses are little use to any modern society.

I love modern society ... :thup:

Did you know that I can get a Sig Sauer Muddy Girl 5.56 at our local Wal-Mart for less than $1200?
But What's Really Cool ... I Can Get A Coupon For A Free Muddy Girl Camo Bathing Suit If I Buy the AR-15.

Why don't you want to let 1000 Muslims in for fear 1 might be bad but you'll give 1000 Americans guns knowing 1 out of every 1000 is bad?

If the US government can manage to handle the logistics of thoroughly vetting and transporting 100,000 Syrian Refugees ...
Then I am pretty sure we can locate and deport 100,000 Illegal Immigrants.

Let's Make A Deal!

... Snip ...
Being responsible my ass................they were sending out platitudes as a way to pander for votes. If they were actually interested in stopping the violence, they would actually do something in Washington rather than grandstanding and pandering.

And if someone wants to kill me, if they can't get a gun, they will have a lot harder time in killing me. I know how to defend myself. Boxed and wrestled in HS, and took martial arts while I was in the Navy.

Still in pretty decent shape as well.
. You want a law?
Here is your law: The Terrorists Can't Kill People Law.

How's that?

Decent idea for a law. Only trouble is, can you get the GOP to support it?

And, can you get it passed in the Senate and Congress without any kind of riders that will make Obama veto it?

I like the idea of the law, but is it practical?
Turn them in or die in a fireball? Your call.
We'll put a boot up your ass. Our military would more likely kill you lefttards than come after God fearing, Christian gun owners. You're unarmed; we aren't.

Well, perhaps at the moment.

Sadly, the lifting of DADT, licensing the enrollment of overt homosexuals... is a function of stripping the US Military of its long history and the traditions and bind it to the objective adherence of civil government.

In very short order, stripped of sound principle... what you will have is a US military without any of the elements that made it what it has always been.

In the face of defenselessness, they will be cruel... in the face of sound opposition they will be cowards and fold like a $2 tent... .

So... if not returned to its sound foundation, the US military will attack the US Citizenry... and where they meet Americans, they will be destroyed. Where they find the Left... they will set upon them like a flesh eating bacteria, consuming them, with impunity.

Really? Did you ever actually serve in the military, because if you did, you would know that what you've posted is pure bullshit.

BTW............almost all of the other NATO nations allow gays to serve in the military, the only ones left are those who are of Islamic or dictatorial miitaries who fail to realize the value of everyone.

I've served with gays from 1983 until 2002. They were better troops than the straights.

Why? Because they understood the concept of "1 aww shit can wipe out 1,000 attaboys". They made sure they had at least 1001.
You can be part of the conversation that brings the inevitable change or you can get dragged kicking and screaming in to the future any way.

Yeah ... March right on over here, grab hold and start dragging ... Let's see how far you get and who will be screaming.


Figuratively BlackSand, not physically.

:lol: I am way to old for that kind of play.
But, like most cowards, you will encourage others to do it so you can watch from a safe distance.
No, circumstances and progress are what will drag fools like you and the Taliban into the present, kicking and screaming all the way. Ignoramouses are little use to any modern society.
It will be immensely sAtisfying to watch cowardly pigs like you grovel and piss yourself when your Muslim buddies round you pathetic city progs up and saw your heads off. Even more gratifying...when you beg for someone to save you.....and nobody does.

Nice Christian response Kaiser Twit.

Gonna spread some more Jeebus love around?
Figuratively BlackSand, not physically.

:lol: I am way to old for that kind of play.

Now that's a shame ... :(
I look forward to the sales ... Increase in stock ... And accessibility that comes along with every attempt to strengthen gun control measures.

You know how hard it was to get ... Or how much an AR-15 cost before the Assault Weapons Ban passed during the Clinton Administration?
I don't ... I wasn't old enough to buy one (with a handful of pre-ban 30 round mags) until after the Assault Weapons Ban ... Go figure ... :thup:


I truly do understand the "Right to Bear Arms". I just also understand that in today's crowded and high-tech world, that can't possibly mean a right to every weapon imaginable.

Progress happens.

Slow, sure and grinding... but progress, including more restrictions on what and how much weaponry can be owned, is ahead of us on the Timeline.
You can be part of the conversation that brings the inevitable change or you can get dragged kicking and screaming in to the future any way.

Yeah ... March right on over here, grab hold and start dragging ... Let's see how far you get and who will be screaming.


Figuratively BlackSand, not physically.

:lol: I am way to old for that kind of play.

But, like most cowards, you will encourage others to do it so you can watch from a safe distance.

Produce a link to a post of mine where I do that and I'll kiss your ass on the fifty yard-line of any game you buy the tickets for.

You can be part of the conversation that brings the inevitable change or you can get dragged kicking and screaming in to the future any way.

Yeah ... March right on over here, grab hold and start dragging ... Let's see how far you get and who will be screaming.


Figuratively BlackSand, not physically.

:lol: I am way to old for that kind of play.
But, like most cowards, you will encourage others to do it so you can watch from a safe distance.
No, circumstances and progress are what will drag fools like you and the Taliban into the present, kicking and screaming all the way. Ignoramouses are little use to any modern society.

It will be immensely sAtisfying to watch cowardly pigs like you grovel and piss yourself when your Muslim buddies round you pathetic city progs up and saw your heads off. Even more gratifying...when you beg for someone to save you.....and nobody does.

You have the strangest standard of sAtisfaction that I can imagine, Miss KG.

Kudos for creativity, I suppose :thup:
The Left’s Assault on ‘Thoughts and Prayers’ Revealed Its Anti-Christian Bigotry and Rank Political Posturing, by David French, National Review

These people are wandering in the darkness, and every day by their words and actions they get further from the light of God's mercy and forgiveness.

You cross grovlers / statue bowers can grovel to you dead god on two sticks, no one is stopping you. Stop whining that people are persecuting you, they are not, they are mocking you , that isn't assault that's laughter
I truly do understand the "Right to Bear Arms". I just also understand that in today's crowded and high-tech world, that can't possibly mean a right to every weapon imaginable.

Progress happens.

Slow, sure and grinding... but progress, including more restrictions on what and how much weaponry can be owned, is ahead of us on the Timeline.

Well ... you did mentioned "what can be owned".

For the most part ... I agree that the government can make any law they want to (they pretty much do anyways).
That doesn't address what is already owned ... Which presents an entirely different initiative.

If your idea of progress is taking away what people already own instead of prosecuting the existing laws and doing what is necessary to the people using the firearms ... Then what kind of progress is that?

They already passed an Assault Weapons Ban ... And all it did was lead to cheaper and more available assault weapons and gear.
To be successful ... In the least bit ... The government will have to violate the the Constitution and take firearms away from law abiding citizens.

That isn't going to be pretty any way you want to look at it ... And there will be no winners in that scenario ... Just more death and destruction brought on by misguided legislation and the desire to punish the wrong people.

Figuratively BlackSand, not physically.

:lol: I am way to old for that kind of play.

Now that's a shame ... :(
I look forward to the sales ... Increase in stock ... And accessibility that comes along with every attempt to strengthen gun control measures.

You know how hard it was to get ... Or how much an AR-15 cost before the Assault Weapons Ban passed during the Clinton Administration?
I don't ... I wasn't old enough to buy one (with a handful of pre-ban 30 round mags) until after the Assault Weapons Ban ... Go figure ... :thup:


I truly do understand the "Right to Bear Arms". I just also understand that in today's crowded and high-tech world, that can't possibly mean a right to every weapon imaginable.

Progress happens.

Slow, sure and grinding... but progress, including more restrictions on what and how much weaponry can be owned, is ahead of us on the Timeline.
Progress means the weapons we have the right to bear must at least be the equal of the majority of weapons our soldiers bear. Yes, progress happens. That's why we aren't interested in allowing weirdos like you to drag us backwards.

Yes... "Really"

Did you ever actually serve in the military, because if you did, you would know that what you've posted is pure bullshit.

Actually, it's my service in the Military that informs me.

BTW............almost all of the other NATO nations allow gays to serve in the military, the only ones left are those who are of Islamic or dictatorial miitaries who fail to realize the value of everyone.

So, all the one's which have failed to wrap up a 7th century cult?

I've served with gays from 1983 until 2002. They were better troops than the straights.

"Better" according to you, in inveterate Leftist? Color me SHOCKED!.

Why? Because they understood the concept of "1 aww shit can wipe out 1,000 attaboys". They made sure they had at least 1001.

So you're hear to argue that sexual deviants are smarter, better ass kissers and know how to cover their own asses, thus are superior 'troops'? When what you've just described is a sociopath.

Sexual Deviants are such because their reasoning is perverse. THAT is a long dam' way from what viability trains and equips to destroy... and Dexter, they're always the last to know.
You can be part of the conversation that brings the inevitable change or you can get dragged kicking and screaming in to the future any way.

Yeah ... March right on over here, grab hold and start dragging ... Let's see how far you get and who will be screaming.


Figuratively BlackSand, not physically.

:lol: I am way to old for that kind of play.

But, like most cowards, you will encourage others to do it so you can watch from a safe distance.

Produce a link to a post of mine where I do that and I'll kiss your ass on the fifty yard-line of any game you buy the tickets for.

I didn't say you identified yourself as a traitorous pants pissing coward...I identified you as such myself.
You said that I "encourage others to violence".

I said that I'd kiss your ass if you could produce a link proving your accusations.

Innocent until proven guilty, Baby!!!
You said that I "encourage others to violence".

I said that I'd kiss your ass if you could produce a link proving your accusations.

Innocent until proven guilty, Baby!!!
You promote the injury to Americans.

Your support for Obama... Injures Americans

Your support for those Democrat legislators joining with Islam to pray in a mosque... Injured Americans.

When you persistently promote the injury of others, you promote violence.

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