The lefts infactuation with trans surguries reminds me of nazi germany and forced sterilization

sure they did. You are confused as you are sometimes. stick to the environment.

Have an example? ... which business owned by an ethnically German citizen ... in Greater Germany and subject to the Treaty of Versailles ... ... was taken by the government without compensation ... there were plenty of non-German businesses taken, ones not subject to sanctions ... but that's not what I said ...

It's Commies who take businesses for themselves ... part of the collectivism ideal ... Nazis are the opposite, they want business to run government programs ... for example, the Italian National Railway System was dismantled and employees executed ... the capital was given to a private business to run, with the threat of more executions ... you know ... Fascism ...

I guess it would help if you knew what a fasces is ... look on the back of an old Mercury dime ...
Have an example? ... which business owned by an ethnically German citizen ... in Greater Germany and subject to the Treaty of Versailles ... ... was taken by the government without compensation ... there were plenty of non-German businesses taken, ones not subject to sanctions ... but that's not what I said ...

It's Commies who take businesses for themselves ... part of the collectivism ideal ... Nazis are the opposite, they want business to run government programs ... for example, the Italian National Railway System was dismantled and employees executed ... the capital was given to a private business to run, with the threat of more executions ... you know ... Fascism ...

I guess it would help if you knew what a fasces is ... look on the back of an old Mercury dime ...
so the jews who lived there weren't german citizens? the amount of amazing is exhausting here.

So jews born in america aren't americans?
Funny ... it's only conservatives who post about this ... maybe it's the right who's infatuated ... [giggle] ...
You may be right, maybe the Conservatives are the ones who are infatuated against the abuse and mutilation of children by the left and their pedo leaders.
Decisions like this are only made on the consult of doctors, psychologists..and PARENTS.
Guess you don't watch much news on this subject. There are several states ran by democraps passing bills that removed the parent from notification
Check it out.

Yet another thread of conservatives being absolutely obsessed with trans people.

I don't think anyone is surprised. If this board is any indication, conservatives need people to remind them to step away to relieve themselves, otherwise they'd do it at the computer as they engaged in their trans-obsession.

Needless to say, you never see liberals making such threads.

And needless to say, the Nazis hated trans people. That was one of the first groups they attacked and killed. The right here is running right out of the fascist playbook.

And yes, of course the Nazis said "But it's for the chiiiiiiiiildren ... ". Fascists always use that line to justify their fascism.
You may be right, maybe the Conservatives are the ones who are infatuated against the abuse and mutilation of children by the left and their pedo leaders.
At least someone cares?
Check it out.

Yet another thread of conservatives being absolutely obsessed with trans people.

I don't think anyone is surprised. If this board is any indication, conservatives need people to remind them to step away to relieve themselves, otherwise they'd do it at the computer as they engaged in their trans-obsession.

Needless to say, you never see liberals making such threads.

And needless to say, the Nazis hated trans people. That was one of the first groups they attacked and killed. The right here is running right out of the fascist playbook.

And yes, of course the Nazis said "But it's for the chiiiiiiiiildren ... ". Fascists always use that line to justify their fascism.
why do you demofks need to prop them up as props?

it seems it is you looking to get compliance from us. Which you will not ever get.
why do you demofks need to prop them up as props?
Why is it that the only thing you think about 24/7 is trans people?

I can answer that. It's because currently, your masters are telling you to act like that, and you always obey your masters. A month from now, they'll be telling you to obsess about something else, and you'll again obey them without question.

You don't see Democrats fixating on trans people. It's exclusively your side doing it, and then you project your obsession on to everyone else.
What is the modern day literal equivalent of democrats throwing their sons into Ba'al's fiery furnace?

Allowing their sons to be castrated in the name of Transgenderism.
we're one election away from the left declaring rw's as needing forced tran surgeries to be cured

we're one election away from the left declaring rw's as needing forced tran surgeries to be cured

About one half of one percent of the population identifies a trans.

All the more insane for us, as a society, to allow so much harm to be done to us, as individuals and as a culture, to pander to such a tiny minority of fucked-up freaks.
Ever wonder what Nazis would sound like, complaining that others are “obsessed” about Jews and what was being done to them?

Well, now we know.

Funny ... it's only conservatives who post about this ... maybe it's the right who's infatuated ... [giggle] ...
Reiny is correct. You perverts are obsessed with this topic. A day doesn`t pass here without a Deplorable bringing this shit up. Why is that?
Yet another thread of conservatives being absolutely obsessed with trans people.
That`s what people were saying in the late 60s and early 70s when Black characters were shown on tv. " Geez, Marge, those darkies are taking over our televisions". :(

Right. because black people are exactly equivalent to fucked-up sexual deviants.
What has happened to American men? This is just...wrong.

and please.....what is this dominant hormone he's talking about. THERE IS NO dominant is ALL MENTAL!!!!!
What has happened to American men? This is just...wrong.

and please.....what is this dominant hormone he's talking about. THERE IS NO dominant is ALL MENTAL!!!!!

Im praying for raiiiin, I'm praying for tidal waves, I wanna see the ground give way I wanna watch it all go down

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