The Left's Love of Communist Tyrants


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
You will never hear a leftist bash a dictator. They approve of their endgame and ignore the brutality of the regimes as they imprison and even murder people for thought crimes and other minor things. The left especially loves how tyrant render the population helpless and unable to defend themselves against a large, powerful state. They drool at the thought of disarming us and controlling us right down to how we speak.

"The CNN headline read, “Kim Jong Un's sister is stealing the show at the Winter Olympics.” Then the article began with this gushing report: “If ‘diplomatic dance’ were an event at the Winter Olympics, Kim Jong Un's younger sister would be favored to win gold.”

A Washington Post reporter, Philip Bump, tweeted “You go, girl” after seeing a photo of Ms. Kim looking with, in Bump’s words, “deadly side-eye” at Vice-President Pence.

If Kim Yo-jong wasn't a powerful leader in a brutal totalitarian regime that murders and starves its citizens, Bump’s fawning humor might be amusing.

What role does Ms. Kim play in her brother’s regime? She is “deputy director of the powerful and omnipresent Propaganda and Agitation Department.” Claudia Rossett, writing in the Wall Street Journal, explains the role of Ms. Kim’s department in indoctrinating the minds of North Korean citizens. Its goal is to see that North Koreans recognize “the absolute supremacy of Kim Jong Un and his Workers’ Party.”

Rossett quotes a human rights report on North Korea’s “almost complete denial of the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion” and adds that “any deviation is suppressed via imprisonment, torture and execution.” The aim of all this effort “is to ensure the survival, glorification and total power of the Kim regime and its hereditary tyrant.”

Yeonmi Park is a young woman who escaped from North Korea. In her book In Order To Live, Ms. Park explained how even the meaning of the word love has been altered in North Korea: “The only true ‘love’ we can express is worship for the Kims.”

In this video, Ms. Park describes her ordeal. Of those charged with “thought crimes,” she explains, three generations of the family are punished.

This is not the first time the American press has fawned over murderous tyrants. Stalin’s starvation and murder of millions of Ukrainians was concealed. In the 1930s, New York Times reporter Walter Duranty knew of Stalin’s induced famine but, to curry favor with Stalin, refused to report on it.

Duranty dismissed the suffering of the Ukrainians because he approved of Stalin’s goals saying, “You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.”

We don’t know what percentage of American journalists are socialists. We know, however, that only 7 percent are Republicans, and according to one study, 96 percent donated to Hillary Clinton in 2016.
To be sure, it is a long way from favoring a more significant role for government to favoring an abusive regime like in North Korea. However, it is instructive to ask: What mindset might a sympathetic journalist share with Kim Jong Un and his sister? If we are brave enough to examine our own thinking we might ask, what mindset do we share?"

Why American Media Fawn Over Communist Murderers
Ms Kim is the “deputy director of the powerful and omnipresent Propaganda and Agitation Department.” She does exactly what our Liberal Lame Stream Media does, only she is much more effective, so they look up to her as a role model.

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