the lefts reaction to the Blue Collar Anthem tells us allot about the left .


This song, of course, is about how people like Anthony feel about liberal modernity. He is “livin’ in the new world” with “an old soul,” the lyrics say, with young men killing themselves because society keeps “kickin’ them down.”

The struggling factory worker beset from below by welfare parasites and from above by pointy-headed elite scolds telling him his manhood is an affront — who is self-medicating amid stagnant wages and social decay, surrounded by deaths of despair among aging working-class White Americans — that’s textbook right-wing populism.

Both parties, to be clear, are complicit to varying degrees in creating today’s economic inequalities. But the reality is that right now, social spending from Biden’s policies are disproportionately creating lots of new factory work in counties with lower wages, many ... south of Richmond. If Republicans regain power, they will repeal most of those policies. In the interim, they will likely oppose a hike in overtime pay, just as the “rich men” want.

So when Republicans hail Anthony’s effort, that’s surely in part because it diverts anger in a politically opportune direction, toward their preferred scapegoats. And that will make the “rich men” chortle in their paneled boardrooms.
Oh, he's also an anti-Semite.

The most revealing window into Anthony’s worldview may be a YouTube playlist he curated, “Videos that make your noggin get bigger.” The list includes performances from Luciano Pavarotti and Hank Williams Sr., but it also features several talking heads popular among the far-right — Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Joe Rogan — as well as multiple clips putting forward the conspiracy theory that Jews were responsible for 9/11.

Mike Rothschild, a journalist and author who covers conspiracy theories, doesn’t think these connections are incidental:

“If you are plugged in enough to the conspiracy world to drop a reference to Epstein island into a song you’ve written, that’s not the only thing you’re consuming.” (Anthony did not respond to multiple requests for an interview.)

I think most voters on both sides know how corrupt DC is, and how far we have fallen. Some of the Marxist true believers on this site obviously think everything is fantastic.
That song likes to ignore that women have died for this country too.
Who is attacking it? I haven't heard it. I do know that the Right-Wing has awful taste in music, though. They think that schlocky 'Proud to Be an American' is good.
You haven’t heard it yet you are still attacking it and calling it bad? That speaks volumes about how pathetic you are
Ok, so I looked into this. As usual, wingnuts and Trumpers are easily conned.

In 2016, the Obama administration raised the income threshold for federally required time-and-a-half overtime pay from around $23,000 to over $47,000. That could have helped millions of people like Anthony, but business groups balked and it was ultimately blocked in court. Here, “rich men” indeed conspired to keep overtime pay down.

But many Republican senators also opposed the move, echoing the pro-business line that it would spark layoffs. President Donald Trump raised it, but only by a meager margin that business groups found acceptable. President Biden is expected to propose raising it much higher this fall. Industry will likely oppose this again.

If and when this happens, will Republican politicians extolling Anthony’s song side with the “rich men” and argue again that mandating higher overtime pay will hurt underpaid workers like Anthony?

No Obama bill wouldn’t of helped at all…it would of only made xidenflation worse
The Left is comprised of a wealthy elite 1 percent followed by masses who don’t question any of their views or policies. The Workers - once proud Democrats - have realized that the Liberal wealthy elite cares more about the environment than they do American jobs.
As someone said the modern parties are like a rich dude and two other dudes, and ten cookies. The rich dude takes nine cookies, and tells one dude the other dude is going to take his cookie.
Where did I attack it, dumbass? Where did I say it was bad, shitbird?
Post 7 is when you started, 8, and 19 were other examples.

Then you start going on about how raising the federal min wage would solve all the problems he aung about

Parroting demafasict because you are clueless
Which party votes against raising the minimum wage, Short Bus?
Really, minimum wage. You want to die on that hill while we screw away our energy independence and eat an inflation shit burger. You are a true believer in a system that has made life harder for nearly every American across the board. At least I'm not whistling while my ship is sinking.

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