The Left’s real choice in 2016: Why it doesn’t need Warren to run to take over party and -- America

There are some people I have no guilt in saying I think I'm smarter than them.....

with an IQ of 53 ?? or less ? if so, you just might be correct.

Yeah, I think the person I'm thinking of falls into that category, thanks.

lol, braggarts are such a bore. zzzzzzzzzzzzz
There are some people I have no guilt in saying I think I'm smarter than them.....

with an IQ of 53 ?? or less ? if so, you just might be correct.

Yeah, I think the person I'm thinking of falls into that category, thanks.

lol, braggarts are such a bore. zzzzzzzzzzzzz
i really feel sorry for the "Woman Bear Pig" who almost decided to abort her 1/32nd Cherokee child.
I think Warren is a hateful socialist...
worse than Hitlery ?

Hillary is a politician who bends with the prevailing wind. Playing fast and loose with the truth and her obvious disdain for the law will be her undoing.

Warren is a socialist ideologue who harbors great bitterness toward banks and biz in general.

Politicians are slimy. Ideologues are dangerous.
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Elizabeth Warren, in some ways, a Hillary Clone, even she can not name at least 15 of the 57 capitals.
I'd like to see Warren enter the race.

She brings a lot to the political discussion
Let me respond in my new Stephanie voice:

gawd more whine from the right they do anything they can to HURT MAIM or KILL us. this article shoving IT down OUR throats well nobody buys IT WHY don't GO and make up SOMETHING new to GET YOUR rocks off. i CAPITALIZE at WILL grammaris STTOOPID
Little Steph put her rw crayons down and read an article written for thinking adults? Our little girl is growing up lol
Little Steph put her rw crayons down and read an article written for thinking adults? Our little girl is growing up lol
She doesn't actually read them. This thread proves it

She just cuts and pastes whatever she thinks is anti- Democrat
Boy! Stephane really got in your heads, must have touched a raw nerve, good for her! GO STEPH!!
Boy! Stephane really got in your heads, must have touched a raw nerve, good for her! GO STEPH!!

LOL, I have been for years. They can dish it but can't stand to get it back...they get all nasty and hateful
typical of a shallow person
Let me respond in my new Stephanie voice:

gawd more whine from the right they do anything they can to HURT MAIM or KILL us. this article shoving IT down OUR throats well nobody buys IT WHY don't GO and make up SOMETHING new to GET YOUR rocks off. i CAPITALIZE at WILL grammaris STTOOPID
Do you think Stephanie is actually Ann Coulter?

I think Ann Coulter deserves many insults, but that one goes too far :lmao:
Well, I wasn't expecting that.

I think those much like her, or the impression I get of her, from my limited exposure on this of what I think people would be like if they believed what Sean Hannity, Rush LImbaugh, and Ann Coulter say.

It's a far removed mindset, that I can't comprehend, much like they can't fathom my thinking.

Having said all that.....

She seems like she's probably a nice person....

But I also think her political opinions are bat shit crazy
Oh I'm sure most posters on here are nice enough in real life.
There are some crazy ass posters here. I'm sure theowl, edgetho and Kosh are just as insane in real life as they come across here.
go ahead and Run High Cheef Warren, then give up your senate seat so that Alfred E Newman can take it from you,
Little Steph put her rw crayons down and read an article written for thinking adults? Our little girl is growing up lol
She doesn't actually read them. This thread proves it

She just cuts and pastes whatever she thinks is anti- Democrat
just like PoliticalChic ? Too bad :( I thought little Steph was maturing.
Little Steph put her rw crayons down and read an article written for thinking adults? Our little girl is growing up lol
She doesn't actually read them. This thread proves it

She just cuts and pastes whatever she thinks is anti- Democrat
'twas ever thus. Stephie the rw broken record w/ the butt hurt avie. :(
Little Steph put her rw crayons down and read an article written for thinking adults? Our little girl is growing up lol
She doesn't actually read them. This thread proves it

She just cuts and pastes whatever she thinks is anti- Democrat
just like PoliticalChic ? Too bad :( I thought little Steph was maturing.
Little Steph put her rw crayons down and read an article written for thinking adults? Our little girl is growing up lol
She doesn't actually read them. This thread proves it

She just cuts and pastes whatever she thinks is anti- Democrat
'twas ever thus. Stephie the rw broken record w/ the butt hurt avie. :(

Dante must have reserved a circle of Hell for souls as truly stupid as you are, yet with absurd idea that they are able to critique their betters.

And that circle of Hell is exactly what this board has become.
Dante must have reserved a circle of Hell for souls as truly stupid as you are, yet with absurd idea that they are able to critique their betters.

And that circle of Hell is exactly what this board has become.
said :up: the reigning, rw, cutnpaste queen :rolleyes-41:
Dante must have reserved a circle of Hell for souls as truly stupid as you are, yet with absurd idea that they are able to critique their betters.

And that circle of Hell is exactly what this board has become.
said :up: the reigning, rw, cutnpaste queen :rolleyes-41:

Never....not one time that I can recall....have you ever posted anything of substance, anything representing a well thought out and supported position.

I find that, largely, you represent the caliber of Leftist posters.

Here is a perfect example: you use 'cut and paste' as though it were a pejorative....
...I'll wait while you borrow a dictionary....
....yet you cannot explain why support of a premise via 'cut and paste' is less than enviable.

Go ahead.

Be careful....if this is the first time you've tried to think you could wind up with an aneurysm!

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