The Left's Silent Struggle: "The Party Of LGBT" or "The Party of Healthcare, Environment..Etc..."

Would you be willing to scrap healthcare, environment, green energy for LGBT stuff?

  • Yes, I think we were rejected because of LGBT & should spend our energy elsewhere.

  • No, LGBT stuff is much more important than environment, green energy etc.

  • I still believe working class dems didn't reject us because of LGBT

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Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
The left is engaged in a silent all-out war. But the parameters are basically this for the consequences of the outcome of this battle: 1. Will 2018 & 2020 find the left's party being referred to as "the LGBTocrats" or 2. "the democrats"?

So you mobs in the street, angry at Trump, not self reflecting or examining why 2016 went so terribly wrong up and down the board, since you face extinction as a meaningful group, will you pay attention to Rachael Maddow's call to be "Indivisible" as a party (meaning...desperately "Dont' scrape off the LGBT agenda!!!!)? Or will you decide to exist as a party at all in 2018 or 2020? Your choice.

Since fighting for LGBT stuff (that never seems to end in bizarre-escalation) is deadly to political existence, vote in the poll how you feel
Being pro-gay is deadly to one's political existence, just ask this guy:

Yes, no doubt about's chaos. But regular people mobbing in the streets need to pick one or the other 1. The party of LGBT or 2. The party of actual platforms people want to promote across the whole spectrum of blue. I mean, they remember math in elementary school...right?

Or let me put it this way.....Do dems think being clearly associated by name with more legal actions and court decisions promoting sexual delusions in children will help their chances in 2018 & 2020....or hurt them...?
Hillary would have won if it wasn't for gay people. :mad:
Hillary would have won if it wasn't for gay people. :mad:
Essentially yes, in a nutshell. Not because of just gay people...but the deviant sex cult they helped create and belong to. It turns out working class values don't appreciate deviant sex cults ordering them and their children around...
I guess from now on we all just have to pull down our pants for the Democrats to check and see if we're LGBT circumcised, otherwise we don't have a right to vote.
Hillary would have won if it wasn't for gay people. :mad:
Essentially yes, in a nutshell. Not because of just gay people...but the deviant sex cult they helped create and belong to. It turns out working class values don't appreciate deviant sex cults ordering them and their children around...

How have gay people ordered you around? Are they reason you can't find a husband?
Using Judicial activism to override the will of we the people.....
Hillary would have won if it wasn't for gay people. :mad:
Essentially yes, in a nutshell. Not because of just gay people...but the deviant sex cult they helped create and belong to. It turns out working class values don't appreciate deviant sex cults ordering them and their children around...

How have gay people ordered you around?
Using Judicial activism to override the will of we the people.....

Bingo. :clap2:
Hillary would have won if it wasn't for gay people. :mad:
Essentially yes, in a nutshell. Not because of just gay people...but the deviant sex cult they helped create and belong to. It turns out working class values don't appreciate deviant sex cults ordering them and their children around...

How have gay people ordered you around? Are they reason you can't find a husband?
Using Judicial activism to override the will of we the people.....

lol, kind of like overriding the popular vote.
Gays voted for Trump....especially when Gays witnessed first-hand how Democrats took them for granted in the Orlando jihadist attack on the gay nightclub.
Gays voted for Trump....especially when Gays witnessed first-hand how Democrats took them for granted in the Orlando jihadist attack on the gay nightclub.
Yeah, right. Super lefties went for pussy-grabbin' no-sanctuary-cities, anti-environment, "I'm destroying Obamacare" Trump? Umm hmmm. :lmao: Got in any more fake news you want to discuss? This lying to themselves is what cost dems the election in 2016. Is it really such a good plan to keep lying about things that are so obviously untrue on their face?
I guess from now on we all just have to pull down our pants for the Democrats to check and see if we're LGBT circumcised, otherwise we don't have a right to vote.
That would be a voter ID law. They are adamently opposed to those.

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I guess from now on we all just have to pull down our pants for the Democrats to check and see if we're LGBT circumcised, otherwise we don't have a right to vote.
That would be a voter ID law. They are adamently opposed to those.

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Oh...I bet if there was an indelible marker on the human person that indicated they would blindly support LGBT deviant sex addictions cult agendas....there'd be a shift in that policy for sure. Suddenly a voter would need that ID in order to vote. Cults like control..
Gays voted for Trump....especially when Gays witnessed first-hand how Democrats took them for granted in the Orlando jihadist attack on the gay nightclub.
Yeah, right. Super lefties went for pussy-grabbin' no-sanctuary-cities, anti-environment, "I'm destroying Obamacare" Trump? Umm hmmm. :lmao: Got in any more fake news you want to discuss? This lying to themselves is what cost dems the election in 2016. Is it really such a good plan to keep lying about things that are so obviously untrue on their face?

Gays, Working Class, and Blacks got sold out by Democrats. That's why they lost the White House and The Hill ( Again)
Gays voted for Trump....especially when Gays witnessed first-hand how Democrats took them for granted in the Orlando jihadist attack on the gay nightclub.
Yeah, right. Super lefties went for pussy-grabbin' no-sanctuary-cities, anti-environment, "I'm destroying Obamacare" Trump? Umm hmmm. :lmao: Got in any more fake news you want to discuss? This lying to themselves is what cost dems the election in 2016. Is it really such a good plan to keep lying about things that are so obviously untrue on their face?

Gays, Working Class, and Blacks got sold out by Democrats. That's why they lost the White House and The Hill ( Again)
Yep. It sure wasn't because Rust Belt Dems couldn't stomach Obama'/dem's Executive Order forcing their daughters, nieces & granddaughters to shower with sexually deranged boys in their locker rooms at public schools...nope...

...wasn't that at all! That didn't even bother a single working class dem down at the pub...chatting with all his friends...who then went to work the next day and chatted with all their coworkers...who went home and told all their wives and husbands...who shared 'the good news' with the folks at the market and at church that Sunday...

Nope...wasn't that at ALL. :lmao: You're a hoot!

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