The legislative branch. The liberal’s best friend takes away the will of the people

Actually, dems segregate, exploit, and pander to every group, race, ethnicity, and color. They simply can't treat all americans as equal. They have to use different dialects and gimmicks for each group.

without the victim the dems have no-one but some old southern blue dogs who will not give up
The white male from the south is the only true minority left
Having the supreme court legeslate against the will of the people makes no sense to me

It's called a commitment to the U.S. Constitution. And that commitment is measured by applying those principles to everyone - even those you disagree with.

To imply that one segment of the political spectrum has benefited more than another is absurd. A commitment to free speech under the First Amendment of the Constitution has protected the KKK and Black Panthers and every other group in between.

If you find yourself affiliated with a group that is consistently trying to deny Constitutional rights to groups, then I'd question your group - not the Constitution.

The Judical branch is suppose to interpet
not legeslate, to make law
The people of California voted there will
there is nothing in constitution that mandates 2 men in love should be married by law and have the same rights that a man and woman has
Defense of marriage act is the will of the people
what does that have to do with the 1st amendment?
The judicial branch did interpret appropriately. SCOTUS had never accepted before a private standing on a case when the state itself would not defend said case.

DOMA violated the 14th Amendment equality clause.

JRK, step off, please.
Some where in all of this I found my self whats left that is Wholesome?
Is there nothing left for a normal person can say its mine, leave it alone?
I mean I never owned a slave
I could care less if a black man or woman does well for themselves, if they earn it, good for them. They have every right to and have those rights protected by law now for 60 years. What is the problem?
You want the same benefits that straight people have? What was wrong with a legal union?
Illegal immigrants are breaking the laws of the land. Does it make me a bad person to want them arrested?
Why it is that everything that is normal makes some-one else feel as though there oppressed?
Is there something amiss with a man and woman being the only ones that can truly marry? By the grace of god two men cannot have a baby
Why is the left so jealous of everything? When is it that enough is enough?
Do we really need another protected class?
Does the will of the people mean nothing any-more
Thank God for the constitution, the SC for protecting us from the tyrranny of the idiot majority so many times. You get the feeling most of the GOP these days would go for a fascist coup to save marriage, Xmas, the border, no health care, and to end welfare, taxes, equality for gays, women, minorities- their idiotic greedy myopic brainwashed list goes on and on...
Whatever, guy.

Hey, I think I just saw a tranny go down the street. Time for you to panic.

Actually, dems segregate, exploit, and pander to every group, race, ethnicity, and color. They simply can't treat all americans as equal. They have to use different dialects and gimmicks for each group.

without the victim the dems have no-one but some old southern blue dogs who will not give up
The white male from the south is the only true minority leftHaving the supreme court legeslate against the will of the people makes no sense to me

The poor souls. :(
without the victim the dems have no-one but some old southern blue dogs who will not give up
The white male from the south is the only true minority left
Having the supreme court legeslate against the will of the people makes no sense to me

It's called a commitment to the U.S. Constitution. And that commitment is measured by applying those principles to everyone - even those you disagree with.

To imply that one segment of the political spectrum has benefited more than another is absurd. A commitment to free speech under the First Amendment of the Constitution has protected the KKK and Black Panthers and every other group in between.

If you find yourself affiliated with a group that is consistently trying to deny Constitutional rights to groups, then I'd question your group - not the Constitution.

The Judical branch is suppose to interpet
not legeslate, to make law
The people of California voted there will
there is nothing in constitution that mandates 2 men in love should be married by law and have the same rights that a man and woman has
Defense of marriage act is the will of the people
what does that have to do with the 1st amendment?

What rights does a married man/woman have in the constitution that a married man/man or woman/woman does not have? Is marriage even mentioned in the constitution?
I think you mean "the Judicial Branch".

Grammar School Civics Fail!

to say that Gays should be happy with "legal unions" is like saying black folks should have been perfectly happy with this...


It dispenses water, right?

What does that have to do with the will of the People?
and your right, that was a stuipd mistake on my part

Slavery was OK under the "will of the people".

You're not very bright, are you?
I think you mean "the Judicial Branch".

Grammar School Civics Fail!

to say that Gays should be happy with "legal unions" is like saying black folks should have been perfectly happy with this...


It dispenses water, right?

What does that have to do with the will of the People?
and your right, that was a stuipd mistake on my part

Slavery was OK under the "will of the people".

You're not very bright, are you?

yep in those Democrats loved it. hell still do only now they use welfare

Welcome to my nightmare
without the victim the dems have no-one but some old southern blue dogs who will not give up
The white male from the south is the only true minority left
Having the supreme court legeslate against the will of the people makes no sense to me

It's called a commitment to the U.S. Constitution. And that commitment is measured by applying those principles to everyone - even those you disagree with.

To imply that one segment of the political spectrum has benefited more than another is absurd. A commitment to free speech under the First Amendment of the Constitution has protected the KKK and Black Panthers and every other group in between.

If you find yourself affiliated with a group that is consistently trying to deny Constitutional rights to groups, then I'd question your group - not the Constitution.

The Judical branch is suppose to interpet
not legeslate, to make law
The people of California voted there will
there is nothing in constitution that mandates 2 men in love should be married by law and have the same rights that a man and woman has
Defense of marriage act is the will of the people
what does that have to do with the 1st amendment?

The defense of marriage act has nothing to do with the first amendment. Why do you ask?

The defense of marriage act violates the 14th amendment - specifically the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment. The SCOTUS ruling in this case did not state that because this case never made it far enough to be adjudicated on merits. The party that filed the suit had no standing to bring suit. So it was dismissed before the merits could be argued.

But I do expect the equal protection clause to be applied to gay marriage when and if the right suit with the right set of circumstances comes before SCOTUS. Of course, I could be wrong and SCOTUS could uphold state bans on gay marriage - but we will have to wait to see.

The role of the SCOTUS is review laws and make sure they are consistent with the U.S. Constitution. Do you have something against the U.S. Constitution? Then get your votes together and amend it. But don't try to just ignore it.
Last edited:
You people didn't seem to mind it when the Court struck down the City of Chicago's legislation banning handgun ownership.

Funny how that works, eh?

One day legislatures are the good guys and should rule, another day it's the Courts who should rule.

Some where in all of this I found my self whats left that is Wholesome?
Is there nothing left for a normal person can say its mine, leave it alone?
I mean I never owned a slave
I could care less if a black man or woman does well for themselves, if they earn it, good for them. They have every right to and have those rights protected by law now for 60 years. What is the problem?
You want the same benefits that straight people have? What was wrong with a legal union?
Illegal immigrants are breaking the laws of the land. Does it make me a bad person to want them arrested?
Why it is that everything that is normal makes some-one else feel as though there oppressed?
Is there something amiss with a man and woman being the only ones that can truly marry? By the grace of god two men cannot have a baby
Why is the left so jealous of everything? When is it that enough is enough?
Do we really need another protected class?
Does the will of the people mean nothing any-more

JRK does not represent the wholesome, and the people as a majority reject his positions.

Don't ever try to speak for America, JRK, because you are not worthy to do so.
You people didn't seem to mind it when the Court struck down the City of Chicago's legislation banning handgun ownership.

Funny how that works, eh?

One day legislatures are the good guys and should rule, another day it's the Courts who should rule.


I meant the judicail
I made bad with my thread
it is so stupid
man enough to admit
Again the will of the people is ignored
any-way to win is the liberals motto
The state of California spoke clear and loud and through the legeslative branch told to shut up
I really mean this when I say our great nation as it was founded is gone for ever

I support a legal union to the extent that is really no different than a LLC

But to the left the ends justify the means

Who appointed the majority of those Judges?
I think you mean "the Judicial Branch".

Grammar School Civics Fail!

to say that Gays should be happy with "legal unions" is like saying black folks should have been perfectly happy with this...


It dispenses water, right?

What does that have to do with the will of the People?
and your right, that was a stuipd mistake on my part

Joe likes to forget it was democrats that made those Jim Crow laws.

It is true that those Conservatives who implemented those Jim Crow laws were Democrats.
without the victim the dems have no-one but some old southern blue dogs who will not give up
The white male from the south is the only true minority left
Having the supreme court legeslate against the will of the people makes no sense to me

It's called a commitment to the U.S. Constitution. And that commitment is measured by applying those principles to everyone - even those you disagree with.

To imply that one segment of the political spectrum has benefited more than another is absurd. A commitment to free speech under the First Amendment of the Constitution has protected the KKK and Black Panthers and every other group in between.

If you find yourself affiliated with a group that is consistently trying to deny Constitutional rights to groups, then I'd question your group - not the Constitution.

The Judical branch is suppose to interpet
not legeslate, to make law
The people of California voted there will
there is nothing in constitution that mandates 2 men in love should be married by law and have the same rights that a man and woman has
Defense of marriage act is the will of the people
what does that have to do with the 1st amendment?

Is there anything in the Constitution that prohibits it? What about the 14th Amendment?
Some where in all of this I found my self whats left that is Wholesome?
Is there nothing left for a normal person can say its mine, leave it alone?
I mean I never owned a slave
I could care less if a black man or woman does well for themselves, if they earn it, good for them. They have every right to and have those rights protected by law now for 60 years. What is the problem?
You want the same benefits that straight people have? What was wrong with a legal union?
Illegal immigrants are breaking the laws of the land. Does it make me a bad person to want them arrested?
Why it is that everything that is normal makes some-one else feel as though there oppressed?
Is there something amiss with a man and woman being the only ones that can truly marry? By the grace of god two men cannot have a baby
Why is the left so jealous of everything? When is it that enough is enough?
Do we really need another protected class?
Does the will of the people mean nothing any-more

How are two homosexuals who marry each other taking "what's yours"? Are they taking your right to marry or be married to a woman away? :lol:
Again the will of the people is ignored

The state of California spoke clear

SO in 20 years, when the Hispanics are the majority and THEY decide to vote YES on
the "Whites can't vote" bill and it passes, you are going to be fine with THAT "will of the people"?

friggin moron.

look up "Republic"

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