The Leon Panetta Book Tour: Criticizing President Obama

The lefties here felt very different when former members of the Bush administration wrote tell all books they loved and respected them for in their words daring to tell the truth.
the truth that we already knew? We've been over this issue hundreds of times.
Good for this guy and his marketing team timing this right. let me know when he states something new besides disagreeing that obama should have forced troops in Iraq without immunity, and force Maliki to just take it.
Was Iraq a sovereign nation?
Doesn't matter if it was a truth you knew the left used them as validation for their criticism of Bush.
The lefties here felt very different when former members of the Bush administration wrote tell all books they loved and respected them for in their words daring to tell the truth.
the truth that we already knew? We've been over this issue hundreds of times.
Good for this guy and his marketing team timing this right. let me know when he states something new besides disagreeing that obama should have forced troops in Iraq without immunity, and force Maliki to just take it.
Was Iraq a sovereign nation?
The inability to discern complexity in situations and the desire to reduce them to simple either/or constructs marks you as having an inferior intelligence.
good for you....
The lefties here felt very different when former members of the Bush administration wrote tell all books they loved and respected them for in their words daring to tell the truth.
the truth that we already knew? We've been over this issue hundreds of times.
Good for this guy and his marketing team timing this right. let me know when he states something new besides disagreeing that obama should have forced troops in Iraq without immunity, and force Maliki to just take it.
Was Iraq a sovereign nation?
Doesn't matter if it was a truth you knew the left used them as validation for their criticism of Bush.
again was Obama supposed to force Iraq and Maliki?
The lefties here felt very different when former members of the Bush administration wrote tell all books they loved and respected them for in their words daring to tell the truth.
the truth that we already knew? We've been over this issue hundreds of times.
Good for this guy and his marketing team timing this right. let me know when he states something new besides disagreeing that obama should have forced troops in Iraq without immunity, and force Maliki to just take it.
Was Iraq a sovereign nation?
Doesn't matter if it was a truth you knew the left used them as validation for their criticism of Bush.
again was Obama supposed to force Iraq and Maliki?
Yes/ He had leverage he could ahve used but refused to.
This has been explained many many times and you always come back to this dodge. Are you incapable of understanding this or merely feigning stupidty as a debate tactic?
The lefties here felt very different when former members of the Bush administration wrote tell all books they loved and respected them for in their words daring to tell the truth.
the truth that we already knew? We've been over this issue hundreds of times.
Good for this guy and his marketing team timing this right. let me know when he states something new besides disagreeing that obama should have forced troops in Iraq without immunity, and force Maliki to just take it.
Was Iraq a sovereign nation?
Doesn't matter if it was a truth you knew the left used them as validation for their criticism of Bush.
again was Obama supposed to force Iraq and Maliki?
No he was supposed to find away around the differences that is what leadership is and what a leader does. Bush was able to make a deal with the very same Maliki.
The lefties here felt very different when former members of the Bush administration wrote tell all books they loved and respected them for in their words daring to tell the truth.
the truth that we already knew? We've been over this issue hundreds of times.
Good for this guy and his marketing team timing this right. let me know when he states something new besides disagreeing that obama should have forced troops in Iraq without immunity, and force Maliki to just take it.
Was Iraq a sovereign nation?
Doesn't matter if it was a truth you knew the left used them as validation for their criticism of Bush.
again was Obama supposed to force Iraq and Maliki?
Yes/ He had leverage he could ahve used but refused to.
This has been explained many many times and you always come back to this dodge. Are you incapable of understanding this or merely feigning stupidty as a debate tactic?
hey you are here!
He was a Republican 43 years ago what a laugher trying to blame this on anything other then Obama's lack of leadership.
The lefties here felt very different when former members of the Bush administration wrote tell all books they loved and respected them for in their words daring to tell the truth.
the truth that we already knew? We've been over this issue hundreds of times.
Good for this guy and his marketing team timing this right. let me know when he states something new besides disagreeing that obama should have forced troops in Iraq without immunity, and force Maliki to just take it.
Was Iraq a sovereign nation?
Doesn't matter if it was a truth you knew the left used them as validation for their criticism of Bush.
again was Obama supposed to force Iraq and Maliki?
No he was supposed to find away around the differences that is what leadership is and what a leader does. Bush was able to make a deal with the very same Maliki.
Bush hand picked Maliki so naturally they would find a common ground, but again there was no immunity and the time table was set period. there was nothing to find when Neither Maliki or Obama wanted to really deal with each other.
It has always been the plan to have our troops in Iraq for 60 plus years according to the neocons.
Just trying to sell some books....he said we need boots on the ground, but they leave out "to help aim the bombs". AND it turns out the Kurds, armed. may be enough....BBC says attack on Kabani has been stopped...

The idea is this post writer went overboard on this. Advisers have been writing books since Stephanopolis and blah blah blah...
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The lefties here felt very different when former members of the Bush administration wrote tell all books they loved and respected them for in their words daring to tell the truth.
the truth that we already knew? We've been over this issue hundreds of times.
Good for this guy and his marketing team timing this right. let me know when he states something new besides disagreeing that obama should have forced troops in Iraq without immunity, and force Maliki to just take it.
Was Iraq a sovereign nation?
Doesn't matter if it was a truth you knew the left used them as validation for their criticism of Bush.
again was Obama supposed to force Iraq and Maliki?
No he was supposed to find away around the differences that is what leadership is and what a leader does. Bush was able to make a deal with the very same Maliki.
Bush hand picked Maliki so naturally they would find a common ground, but again there was no immunity and the time table was set period. there was nothing to find when Neither Maliki or Obama wanted to really deal with each other.
It has always been the plan to have our troops in Iraq for 60 plus years according to the neocons.
Maliki was the choice of the Iraqi people he was elected by them not appointed by Bush, If Maliki wanted nothing to do with Obama it's my opinion it's because Obama was not offering enough troops to make any difference in Iraq. As for why Obama wanted nothing to do with Maliki that would be because he based the majority of his 2008 Presidential run on ending the war in Iraq and bringing the troops home extending a SOFA agreement would not accomplish that. So Obama keep his 2008 election promise to bring the troops home and end the war he also highlighted that as one of his major accomplishments in his 2012 reelection bid and at no time did he give Maliki, Bush or anyone else any credit for this he claimed it all. Now after the troops are all out the elections over and the shit starts hitting the fan the failure to extend the SOFA agreement is all Maliki's if your going to claim all the credit for doing something you don't get to pass the blame when the consequences of that action comes back to bite you in the ass.
He was a Republican 43 years ago what a laugher trying to blame this on anything other then Obama's lack of leadership.
Exactly, the OP trying to blame this on the fact that at one time Panetta was a Republican is laughable.
the truth that we already knew? We've been over this issue hundreds of times.
Good for this guy and his marketing team timing this right. let me know when he states something new besides disagreeing that obama should have forced troops in Iraq without immunity, and force Maliki to just take it.
Was Iraq a sovereign nation?
Doesn't matter if it was a truth you knew the left used them as validation for their criticism of Bush.
again was Obama supposed to force Iraq and Maliki?
No he was supposed to find away around the differences that is what leadership is and what a leader does. Bush was able to make a deal with the very same Maliki.
Bush hand picked Maliki so naturally they would find a common ground, but again there was no immunity and the time table was set period. there was nothing to find when Neither Maliki or Obama wanted to really deal with each other.
It has always been the plan to have our troops in Iraq for 60 plus years according to the neocons.
Maliki was the choice of the Iraqi people he was elected by them not appointed by Bush, If Maliki wanted nothing to do with Obama it's my opinion it's because Obama was not offering enough troops to make any difference in Iraq. As for why Obama wanted nothing to do with Maliki that would be because he based the majority of his 2008 Presidential run on ending the war in Iraq and bringing the troops home extending a SOFA agreement would not accomplish that. So Obama keep his 2008 election promise to bring the troops home and end the war he also highlighted that as one of his major accomplishments in his 2012 reelection bid and at no time did he give Maliki, Bush or anyone else any credit for this he claimed it all. Now after the troops are all out the elections over and the shit starts hitting the fan the failure to extend the SOFA agreement is all Maliki's if your going to claim all the credit for doing something you don't get to pass the blame when the consequences of that action comes back to bite you in the ass.
No, see. Scumball has a narrative. IN that narrative Maliki was Bush's stooge. But he was unbendable like iron when Obama came into office. Nothing you can say, no facts you can bring, will change Scumball's version of events.
Lol !!! Lackyota a bit upset that an insider has shown the world how inept a president we have ! Too funny !

Yup. Shitter finds it hard to believe one of Barry's own would have the gaul to criticize the great one.

I'm sure once he leave office many of his so called insiders will be writing tell all books about how totally inept the fucker really is.

I'm sure they will all be bestsellers. Hell. I might buy one or two. LOL
Panetta is a typical left wing elitist, but he knows how to make money selling a stupid book. Plus he is a the book helps Mrs. BJ Bubba, by dumping on Big Ears.

Went to Barnes and Noble to buy Savage's knew book yesterday. Panetta's dumb book is prominently displayed everywhere. Nothing more than big government propaganda.
well hooray for Panetta, there is more money in writing a book than coming out and putting his message on the public airways, Dr. Savage writes books AND puts his message out for all who care to listen. :up:
You know if JFK listened to his Generals and advisors during the Cuban missle crisis none of you schmucks would be around today to throw around your asinine opinions.
I knew John F. Kennedy. And, Dutch, this man is no Kennedy.
no you didnt.

Perfect example of sense-of-humor challenged typical liberal.

The reference was to the words of that slime ball Democrat Vice Presidential candidate from Texas who thought he was a genius when he uttered those words in a debate with Dan Quayle.

President Reagan also paraphrased the same quote saying that he knew and was friend of Thomas Jefferson.

But the fact is that Obama is not even Jimmy Carter or Andrew Johnson or Franklin Pearce or Warren Harding or James Buchanan.

Obama holds that not so coveted title all by himself. The Jury is in two years before he is out.
The lefties here felt very different when former members of the Bush administration wrote tell all books they loved and respected them for in their words daring to tell the truth.
the truth that we already knew? We've been over this issue hundreds of times.
Good for this guy and his marketing team timing this right. let me know when he states something new besides disagreeing that obama should have forced troops in Iraq without immunity, and force Maliki to just take it.
Was Iraq a sovereign nation?
Doesn't matter if it was a truth you knew the left used them as validation for their criticism of Bush.
again was Obama supposed to force Iraq and Maliki?
It's called persuasive influence.

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