The Lessons of History

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
A people get the government they deserve. If the voters in WI or throughout the several states decide to elect those who define liberty as the will of the majority we will have turned our backs on the principles upon which the founding fathers risked everything.

The liberty of free association and the freedom to petition the government died in WI yesterday when the majority of voters decided to change the course of history. The fringe on the right wing of American politics is crowing in celebration not knowing - as none of us can know - what the consequences of such a vote will eventually mean; it seems President Jefferson had an idea of the meaning:

"All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression"
A people get the government they deserve. If the voters in WI or throughout the several states decide to elect those who define liberty as the will of the majority we will have turned our backs on the principles upon which the founding fathers risked everything.

The liberty of free association and the freedom to petition the government died in WI yesterday when the majority of voters decided to change the course of history. The fringe on the right wing of American politics is crowing in celebration not knowing - as none of us can know - what the consequences of such a vote will eventually mean; it seems President Jefferson had an idea of the meaning:

"All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression"

Don't you love how when Liberals win they are the majority and what they say goes with no minority views allowed, and when they lose suddenly the minority has rights and the majority is NOT really supposed to run things?
A people get the government they deserve. If the voters in WI or throughout the several states decide to elect those who define liberty as the will of the majority we will have turned our backs on the principles upon which the founding fathers risked everything.

The liberty of free association and the freedom to petition the government died in WI yesterday when the majority of voters decided to change the course of history. The fringe on the right wing of American politics is crowing in celebration not knowing - as none of us can know - what the consequences of such a vote will eventually mean; it seems President Jefferson had an idea of the meaning:

"All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression"

How about a tissue, asswipe?
A people get the government they deserve. If the voters in WI or throughout the several states decide to elect those who define liberty as the will of the majority we will have turned our backs on the principles upon which the founding fathers risked everything.

The liberty of free association and the freedom to petition the government died in WI yesterday when the majority of voters decided to change the course of history. The fringe on the right wing of American politics is crowing in celebration not knowing - as none of us can know - what the consequences of such a vote will eventually mean; it seems President Jefferson had an idea of the meaning:

"All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression"

really? People can no longer freely associate with whomever they choose?

I don't recall seeing a law passed yesterday that has that effect. Please... link?
A people get the government they deserve. If the voters in WI or throughout the several states decide to elect those who define liberty as the will of the majority we will have turned our backs on the principles upon which the founding fathers risked everything.

The liberty of free association and the freedom to petition the government died in WI yesterday when the majority of voters decided to change the course of history. The fringe on the right wing of American politics is crowing in celebration not knowing - as none of us can know - what the consequences of such a vote will eventually mean; it seems President Jefferson had an idea of the meaning:

"All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression"
WI got the government we deserve???

Oh thank the LORD!

We chose the right gov and lt. gov.
A people get the government they deserve. If the voters in WI or throughout the several states decide to elect those who define liberty as the will of the majority we will have turned our backs on the principles upon which the founding fathers risked everything.

The liberty of free association and the freedom to petition the government died in WI yesterday when the majority of voters decided to change the course of history. The fringe on the right wing of American politics is crowing in celebration not knowing - as none of us can know - what the consequences of such a vote will eventually mean; it seems President Jefferson had an idea of the meaning:

"All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression"
WI got the government we deserve???

Oh thank the LORD!

We chose the right gov and lt. gov.

You may have chosen a frugal government, but is it wise?

"A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circle of our felicities."
T. Jefferson
A people get the government they deserve. If the voters in WI or throughout the several states decide to elect those who define liberty as the will of the majority we will have turned our backs on the principles upon which the founding fathers risked everything.

The liberty of free association and the freedom to petition the government died in WI yesterday when the majority of voters decided to change the course of history. The fringe on the right wing of American politics is crowing in celebration not knowing - as none of us can know - what the consequences of such a vote will eventually mean; it seems President Jefferson had an idea of the meaning:

"All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression"
WI got the government we deserve???

Oh thank the LORD!

We chose the right gov and lt. gov.

You may have chosen a frugal government, but is it wise?

"A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circle of our felicities."
T. Jefferson
Frugality IS financial wisdom. For a bankrupt or poor government cannot defend anyone from anything.

So short answer, yes.

Do you enjoy opening doors into your face, or is it just a commonplace bane of your life?
OP hates "Tyranny of the Majority" and rightly so, but seems to support a "Tyranny of the Minority".

"You can't oppress me! Cause then I can't oppress you!"
OP hates "Tyranny of the Majority" and rightly so, but seems to support a "Tyranny of the Minority".

"You can't oppress me! Cause then I can't oppress you!"

I don't "hate". I suggest you try to read and understand before making such judgments. How do you conclude support for a "Tyranny of the Minority"? Have an example or two?

The facts are pretty simple. The Majority is deciding liberty issues, the rights of workers to freely associate and collectively bargain for salary, benefits and working conditions have been curtailed by majority vote; the right of gay and lesbian couples to marry too. Both are issues of personal liberty, yet the fringe right focuses on the right to bear arms, yet we have not seen efforts to repeal the second amendment, only hysterical claims that such is the intent of 'liberals".

I don't see the fringe right as rational, consistent, compassionate or pragmatic (Of course the same can be said of the fringe on the far left). That said, the right as represented by almost all who claim to be conservatives and post on this forum seem to be mostly of the fringe type. That's okay, it's why I post here. It confirms my vision of the right as noted in the topic sentence to this paragraph.
The lessons we learn from WI is that corporate money matters. With a war chest nearly 10 times larger than his opponent it is no supprise the Walker won.
The lessons we learn from WI is that corporate money matters. With a war chest nearly 10 times larger than his opponent it is no supprise the Walker won.

That is true. Citizens United v. Federal Elecitons Commission is the real story here. That said, the people of WI spoke and will live with the consequences yet unseen of their vote.
The lessons we learn from WI is that corporate money matters. With a war chest nearly 10 times larger than his opponent it is no supprise the Walker won.
And yet the surveys of voters say their minds were made up back in March. So all that money was for nothing, including the union money on failed candidate Falk.

Walker was going to be retained the instant the petition passed.
A people get the government they deserve. If the voters in WI or throughout the several states decide to elect those who define liberty as the will of the majority we will have turned our backs on the principles upon which the founding fathers risked everything.

The liberty of free association and the freedom to petition the government died in WI yesterday when the majority of voters decided to change the course of history. The fringe on the right wing of American politics is crowing in celebration not knowing - as none of us can know - what the consequences of such a vote will eventually mean; it seems President Jefferson had an idea of the meaning:

"All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression"
WI got the government we deserve???

Oh thank the LORD!

We chose the right gov and lt. gov.

You may have chosen a frugal government, but is it wise?

"A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circle of our felicities."
T. Jefferson

You do realize that overblown out of proportion government employee contracts take bread from the mouth of the tax payers don't you?

Curbing runaway egregiously expensive public union contracts leaves money with the majority who earn it.

Public employees work at the whim of the public and they are now reaping what they have sown over the years. Outrageous pay and benefits demands compared to those of the private sector will no longer be tolerated.

it's about time.
The lessons we learn from WI is that corporate money matters. With a war chest nearly 10 times larger than his opponent it is no supprise the Walker won.

That is true. Citizens United v. Federal Elecitons Commission is the real story here. That said, the people of WI spoke and will live with the consequences yet unseen of their vote.
So we're to talking point #3: "It's Citizens United fault."

That leaves us with:

1. They outspent us. (Despite the fact most voters had made their mind up months before)
2. He won, now he must compromise with us. (Regardless that the left's issues failed)
3. It's Citizens United Fault (because issues, only corporate and NOT UNION money worked)
The lessons we learn from WI is that corporate money matters. With a war chest nearly 10 times larger than his opponent it is no supprise the Walker won.
And yet the surveys of voters say their minds were made up back in March. So all that money was for nothing, including the union money on failed candidate Falk.

Walker was going to be retained the instant the petition passed.

If Falk has 30 million and Walker had just 3 million I think the election would have turn out differently.

But that's just me.
The lessons we learn from WI is that corporate money matters. With a war chest nearly 10 times larger than his opponent it is no supprise the Walker won.
And yet the surveys of voters say their minds were made up back in March. So all that money was for nothing, including the union money on failed candidate Falk.

Walker was going to be retained the instant the petition passed.

If Falk has 30 million and Walker had just 3 million I think the election would have turn out differently.

But that's just me.
No. It wouldn't.

Why? Most Wisconsinites had their mind made up MONTHS before the Primary. The only questions were who was going to LOSE to the Incumbents. Everyone I knew turned off the political commercials before they got 5 seconds in regardless of party. They threw out all the mailers. They hung up on the robocalls.

That money did NOTHING to change the minds of Wisconsinites save for the totally ignorant.

What made up their mind?

How pissed off they were for the Madison Protests and the psychotics pushing the recall petitions in their face and acting like assholes if you didn't sign. We were/ARE fed up with lefties political bullying and want things back to normal.
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And yet the surveys of voters say their minds were made up back in March. So all that money was for nothing, including the union money on failed candidate Falk.

Walker was going to be retained the instant the petition passed.

If Falk has 30 million and Walker had just 3 million I think the election would have turn out differently.

But that's just me.
No. It wouldn't.

Why? Most Wisconsinites had their mind made up MONTHS before the Primary. The only questions were who was going to LOSE to the Incumbents. Everyone I knew turned off the political commercials before they got 5 seconds in regardless of party. They threw out all the mailers. They hung up on the robocalls.

That money did NOTHING to change the minds of Wisconsinites save for the totally ignorant.

What made up their mind?

How pissed off they were for the Madison Protests and the psychotics pushing the recall petitions in their face and acting like assholes if you didn't sign. We were/ARE fed up with lefties political bullying and want things back to normal.

You are entitled to your opinion.
WI got the government we deserve???

Oh thank the LORD!

We chose the right gov and lt. gov.

You may have chosen a frugal government, but is it wise?

"A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circle of our felicities."
T. Jefferson

You do realize that overblown out of proportion government employee contracts take bread from the mouth of the tax payers don't you?

Curbing runaway egregiously expensive public union contracts leaves money with the majority who earn it.

Public employees work at the whim of the public and they are now reaping what they have sown over the years. Outrageous pay and benefits demands compared to those of the private sector will no longer be tolerated.

it's about time.

Interesting comment. I'd really like to know what you do for a living.

What I'm hearing from you is envy, an emotion which clouds judgment. You begrudge working people for their "outragious" salary and benefits yet fail to say anything about those whose great wealth comes not from their labor but inheritance and/or moving other peoples money around (Bankers, brokers, etc.).

Of course the great demon is taxes. Government employees don't pay taxes, and few actually do anything but get in the way. Isn't that what you believe?

In fact I'm a retired government employee, and earn a very nice retirement along with solid health care benefits. However, I do pay taxes; real estate, sales, state and federal income, excise and likely others, some hidden in the cost of goods or services.

In fact government employees do provide a service, some at the cost or risk of their life. That's a fact I know very well, I served as a pallbearer for several government emplyees (federal and local) who gave their life in service to their country/community.

But I digress, how do you earn your living?

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