The lessons Trump has taught the GOP and its voters....finally!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
When ever conservative voters reach their limits in frustration, they're often unfocused and in panic mode by the time election season rolls around and their voting patterns reflect their failures in vesting candidates....., case in point...this last group of congressional nuts have frustrated once again their constituents and now its the OUTSIDERS that gets their votes. Once again, your looking at a voting base completely void of vesting their candidates, but voting solely on the premise of them being outsiders. Trump has siezed on this notion and has ridden the GOP gravy train all the way to winning nods, with little support from the home base....but the lesson's he'll leave behind should be invaluable to the GOP's future. Lesson number one, had any of these guys the balls, on day one, when Trump was talking stupid shit, none of these cowards stepped up to the plate to challenge him on his nonsense, not one person dared. By co signing onto his bullshit, they themselves created the Beast they now know as Donald Trump. By allowing Trump a core media fed audience, they excluded themselves by remaining silent. These attacks he would throw at the media, at debate host, the GOP as I often refer, are deserving of the man, who now will run for president of the US on their ticket....because when good candidate stay silent, ignorance prevails. He also will teach once again conservative voters yet another hard lined lesson.....Sometimes when the Gods want to punish you, they answer your short, be very careful what you ask for, you just may get it. Nov. 2014 should have taught you well.
One would think the Democrat voters might learn a little from the Conservative voters. But they don't. It remains that they will vote for whomever promises the most goodies.
The only objection I have to Trump is, he doesn't go far enough.
So humiliating the handicap, degrading women, whining when things don't go his way, degrading illegals, minorities and his opponents isn't far enough for you? God help a country embedded with your kind.
One would think the Democrat voters might learn a little from the Conservative voters. But they don't. It remains that they will vote for whomever promises the most goodies.

They're no different from the GOP, only their promised goodies go to the top 1% and ours trickle down to the 98%, which I'm certain you're apart of....little difference my friend. I'm sure someday that trickle down job creating delusion the GOP keeps wishing for will occur, I just hate that none of will be around to wittness it.
One would think the Democrat voters might learn a little from the Conservative voters. But they don't. It remains that they will vote for whomever promises the most goodies.
They will vote in lockstep with whoever the DNC decides it's their turn.
One would think the Democrat voters might learn a little from the Conservative voters. But they don't. It remains that they will vote for whomever promises the most goodies.

They're no different from the GOP, only their promised goodies go to the top 1% and ours trickle down to the 98%, which I'm certain you're apart of....little difference my friend. I'm sure someday that trickle down job creating delusion the GOP keeps wishing for will occur, I just hate that none of will be around to wittness it.

Well, it certainly is not going to "trickle" up, is it? How many poor people are job creators? A person on EBT is not going to create any jobs.
The only objection I have to Trump is, he doesn't go far enough.
So humiliating the handicap, degrading women, whining when things don't go his way, degrading illegals, minorities and his opponents isn't far enough for you? God help a country embedded with your kind.

Maybe God will. Talk about degrading women, Hillary comes to mind. It does though appear that the country is finally embedded with folks like us. Isn't that just fantastic?
The only objection I have to Trump is, he doesn't go far enough.
So humiliating the handicap, degrading women, whining when things don't go his way, degrading illegals, minorities and his opponents isn't far enough for you? God help a country embedded with your kind.

The Clintons degrade women more than anyone else in politics.
You people didn't have a problem with humiliating handicapped when jokes about Palin's baby were made, or when Joe Biden asked a wheelchair bound man to get up.
What quotes do you have on Trump degrading minorities?
"All righty then", who, I might ask, was responsible for "vesting" Frau Klinton? Who was responsible for "vesting" a Marxist Bernie Sanders? And finally, who was responsible for proof reading the term "vesting". Might you have meant "vetting"? You will have to forgive me, I am an Non-Affiliated voter who does not worry about the small stuff, as you can plainly see. Also, I do not worry a hell of a lot. By the way, did you notice how the vote was affected by the Non-Affiliated voter in New Hampshire, last night? Did you happen to notice who placed second amongst R's? Did you happen to notice Frau Klinton finished last? Did you happen to notice you are standing with Dorks? Now run along and vote for Bernie like a good little fella.
One would think the Democrat voters might learn a little from the Conservative voters. But they don't. It remains that they will vote for whomever promises the most goodies.
I listened to Trump's victory speech and if you wanted to hear empty promises you'd be in heaven. He'll be "greatest job producer ever created by God" (or words to that effect). Not a word on how. Plenty of other promises in that vein.

He's extreme but hardly unique. Right or left, if you have a simple solution to a complex problem you are just plain WRONG!
I listened to Bernie Sanders`s victory speech. The old jackass sounded like he just won the White House.
One would think the Democrat voters might learn a little from the Conservative voters. But they don't. It remains that they will vote for whomever promises the most goodies.
I listened to Trump's victory speech and if you wanted to hear empty promises you'd be in heaven. He'll be "greatest job producer ever created by God" (or words to that effect). Not a word on how. Plenty of other promises in that vein.

He's extreme but hardly unique. Right or left, if you have a simple solution to a complex problem you are just plain WRONG!

Most have already heard his plans on how he's going to accomplish it. Apparently you have not done due diligence.
I listened to Bernie Sanders`s victory speech. The old jackass sounded like he just won the White House.

Sounded like a Joseph Stalin speech. I didn't think he would ever shut up. It wasn't really a victory speech it was more of a campaign speech.
One would think the Democrat voters might learn a little from the Conservative voters. But they don't. It remains that they will vote for whomever promises the most goodies.
I listened to Trump's victory speech and if you wanted to hear empty promises you'd be in heaven. He'll be "greatest job producer ever created by God" (or words to that effect). Not a word on how. Plenty of other promises in that vein.

He's extreme but hardly unique. Right or left, if you have a simple solution to a complex problem you are just plain WRONG!

Most have already heard his plans on how he's going to accomplish it. Apparently you have not done due diligence.

They heard what they wanted to hear, simple solutions. For example:

Attack our debt and deficit by vigorously eliminating waste, fraud and abuse in the Federal government, ending redundant government programs, and growing the economy to increase tax revenues.
One would think the Democrat voters might learn a little from the Conservative voters. But they don't. It remains that they will vote for whomever promises the most goodies.
I listened to Trump's victory speech and if you wanted to hear empty promises you'd be in heaven. He'll be "greatest job producer ever created by God" (or words to that effect). Not a word on how. Plenty of other promises in that vein.

He's extreme but hardly unique. Right or left, if you have a simple solution to a complex problem you are just plain WRONG!

Most have already heard his plans on how he's going to accomplish it. Apparently you have not done due diligence.

They heard what they wanted to hear, simple solutions. For example:

Attack our debt and deficit by vigorously eliminating waste, fraud and abuse in the Federal government, ending redundant government programs, and growing the economy to increase tax revenues.

Yes, they read from his Facebook page and his web page and heard him speak and liked what they heard. Isn't that the way it's supposed to be done?
Maybe sometimes-just sometimes-candidates are elected by the people instead of political machines. Clinton's crash & burn might help illustrate that.
One would think the Democrat voters might learn a little from the Conservative voters. But they don't. It remains that they will vote for whomever promises the most goodies.
I listened to Trump's victory speech and if you wanted to hear empty promises you'd be in heaven. He'll be "greatest job producer ever created by God" (or words to that effect). Not a word on how. Plenty of other promises in that vein.

He's extreme but hardly unique. Right or left, if you have a simple solution to a complex problem you are just plain WRONG!

Most have already heard his plans on how he's going to accomplish it. Apparently you have not done due diligence.

They heard what they wanted to hear, simple solutions. For example:

Attack our debt and deficit by vigorously eliminating waste, fraud and abuse in the Federal government, ending redundant government programs, and growing the economy to increase tax revenues.

Yes, they read from his Facebook page and his web page and heard him speak and liked what they heard. Isn't that the way it's supposed to be done?

If you're willing to accept platitudes you'll get the government you deserve rather than the one you want.
One would think the Democrat voters might learn a little from the Conservative voters. But they don't. It remains that they will vote for whomever promises the most goodies.
I listened to Trump's victory speech and if you wanted to hear empty promises you'd be in heaven. He'll be "greatest job producer ever created by God" (or words to that effect). Not a word on how. Plenty of other promises in that vein.

He's extreme but hardly unique. Right or left, if you have a simple solution to a complex problem you are just plain WRONG!

Most have already heard his plans on how he's going to accomplish it. Apparently you have not done due diligence.

They heard what they wanted to hear, simple solutions. For example:

Attack our debt and deficit by vigorously eliminating waste, fraud and abuse in the Federal government, ending redundant government programs, and growing the economy to increase tax revenues.

Yes, they read from his Facebook page and his web page and heard him speak and liked what they heard. Isn't that the way it's supposed to be done?

If you're willing to accept platitudes you'll get the government you deserve rather than the one you want.

I have that government at present. It damn sure ain't the government I want. I certainly don't want either a Clinton or Sanders government.
When ever conservative voters reach their limits in frustration, they're often unfocused and in panic mode by the time election season rolls around and their voting patterns reflect their failures in vesting candidates....., case in point...this last group of congressional nuts have frustrated once again their constituents and now its the OUTSIDERS that gets their votes. Once again, your looking at a voting base completely void of vesting their candidates, but voting solely on the premise of them being outsiders. Trump has siezed on this notion and has ridden the GOP gravy train all the way to winning nods, with little support from the home base....but the lesson's he'll leave behind should be invaluable to the GOP's future. Lesson number one, had any of these guys the balls, on day one, when Trump was talking stupid shit, none of these cowards stepped up to the plate to challenge him on his nonsense, not one person dared. By co signing onto his bullshit, they themselves created the Beast they now know as Donald Trump. By allowing Trump a core media fed audience, they excluded themselves by remaining silent. These attacks he would throw at the media, at debate host, the GOP as I often refer, are deserving of the man, who now will run for president of the US on their ticket....because when good candidate stay silent, ignorance prevails. He also will teach once again conservative voters yet another hard lined lesson.....Sometimes when the Gods want to punish you, they answer your short, be very careful what you ask for, you just may get it. Nov. 2014 should have taught you well.
Where have you been, under a rock? Trump has been pounded relentlessly for his boorishness and rudeness yet his popularity grows.
If you want to lay blame for the Trump phenomenon you need look no further than the piece of shit in the White House and the repubs who have acquiesced to his anti-Americanism.
Trump ran twice before, was no different in his approach either time and gained virtually no traction. The difference this time is the backlash against the faux-black hack your sheeple elected twice. Thanks a lot.

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