The lessons Trump has taught the GOP and its voters....finally!!

If you're willing to accept platitudes you'll get the government you deserve rather than the one you want.

I have that government at present. It damn sure ain't the government I want. I certainly don't want either a Clinton or Sanders government.

Democracy sucks?

Dictatorships suck. The desperation of the Left. Hillary has crashed and Berned. Bernie looks like Joseph Stalin. The Democrat Party is in a tailspin. We will control both Houses of Congress, the Presidency, and appoint at least three Supreme Court Justices. It might take all of a month to totally wipe out eight years of Obama.
If you're willing to accept platitudes you'll get the government you deserve rather than the one you want.

I have that government at present. It damn sure ain't the government I want. I certainly don't want either a Clinton or Sanders government.

Democracy sucks?

Dictatorships suck. The desperation of the Left. Hillary has crashed and Berned. Bernie looks like Joseph Stalin. The Democrat Party is in a tailspin. We will control both Houses of Congress, the Presidency, and appoint at least three Supreme Court Justices. It might take all of a month to totally wipe out eight years of Obama.

Careful what you wish for, you might have to live with it a very long time.
If you're willing to accept platitudes you'll get the government you deserve rather than the one you want.

I have that government at present. It damn sure ain't the government I want. I certainly don't want either a Clinton or Sanders government.

Democracy sucks?

Dictatorships suck. The desperation of the Left. Hillary has crashed and Berned. Bernie looks like Joseph Stalin. The Democrat Party is in a tailspin. We will control both Houses of Congress, the Presidency, and appoint at least three Supreme Court Justices. It might take all of a month to totally wipe out eight years of Obama.

Careful what you wish for, you might have to live with it a very long time.

I wish. I'm 72 now. I've lived with Obama's failed policies for over seven years. I'll take Conservative policies for the rest of my days.
I wish. I'm 72 now. I've lived with Obama's failed policies for over seven years. I'll take Conservative policies for the rest of my days.

Then you should recall our previous GOP president. I don't recall that working out very well for any of us.

I do recall. I actually do not recall any soup lines as you Liberals like to claim. I made good money while Bush was in office. More folks had full-time employment also. Actually, the middle class has suffered under Obama and the Democrats and the unemployment rate among the Black male population has skyrocketed. Bush had Iraq under control. Now we have major problems in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Syria, in Libya, and in many other countries in the Middle East. We also have a major problem with refugees and illegal aliens under Obama. The debt is approaching $20 Trillion. Racial tensions are at a level not seen since the early 1950's, murder rates are up in many Democrat controlled cities. If you ask me, it's a damn mess since Obama got into office.
One would think the Democrat voters might learn a little from the Conservative voters. But they don't. It remains that they will vote for whomever promises the most goodies.

They're no different from the GOP, only their promised goodies go to the top 1% and ours trickle down to the 98%, which I'm certain you're apart of....little difference my friend. I'm sure someday that trickle down job creating delusion the GOP keeps wishing for will occur, I just hate that none of will be around to wittness it.

Well, it certainly is not going to "trickle" up, is it? How many poor people are job creators? A person on EBT is not going to create any jobs.

Bottom line, during the Bush years, how many trickle down fuckin jobs did these morons on wall street create? We were losing 38,000 jobs a month by the time that clown left office with corrupt wall street leading the way. The only reason things are working today, because Uncle Sam is watching these bastards, and ironically, jobs are materializing.......something the GOP want to dismantle and once again give wall street free reign of no regulations
The only objection I have to Trump is, he doesn't go far enough.
So humiliating the handicap, degrading women, whining when things don't go his way, degrading illegals, minorities and his opponents isn't far enough for you? God help a country embedded with your kind.

The Clintons degrade women more than anyone else in politics.
You people didn't have a problem with humiliating handicapped when jokes about Palin's baby were made, or when Joe Biden asked a wheelchair bound man to get up.

What quotes do you have on Trump degrading minorities?

How the hell did Bill degrade a groupie whore? And just for the record anything thrown at Palin, the biggest degrading mop in the country, who by the way promised to champion the mentally challenged and their causes and ....uh, we're still waiting, Sarah..... and Joe, guess what, he's not running for stupid comparisons!!
One would think the Democrat voters might learn a little from the Conservative voters. But they don't. It remains that they will vote for whomever promises the most goodies.

They're no different from the GOP, only their promised goodies go to the top 1% and ours trickle down to the 98%, which I'm certain you're apart of....little difference my friend. I'm sure someday that trickle down job creating delusion the GOP keeps wishing for will occur, I just hate that none of will be around to wittness it.

Well, it certainly is not going to "trickle" up, is it? How many poor people are job creators? A person on EBT is not going to create any jobs.

Bottom line, during the Bush years, how many trickle down fuckin jobs did these morons on wall street create? We were losing 38,000 jobs a month by the time that clown left office with corrupt wall street leading the way. The only reason things are working today, because Uncle Sam is watching these bastards, and ironically, jobs are materializing.......something the GOP want to dismantle and once again give wall street free reign of no regulations

Bottom line: Barney Franks was the Democrat Senator who was the head of the Senate Oversight Committee overseeing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the very one that reported to Congress that both Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae were in good health. Senator Christopher Dodd was thee Senate Democrat over the Banking Oversight Committee when the financials that were too big to fail went tits up. Bush had a Democrat Congress who blew their jobs big time.
When ever conservative voters reach their limits in frustration, they're often unfocused and in panic mode by the time election season rolls around and their voting patterns reflect their failures in vesting candidates....., case in point...this last group of congressional nuts have frustrated once again their constituents and now its the OUTSIDERS that gets their votes. Once again, your looking at a voting base completely void of vesting their candidates, but voting solely on the premise of them being outsiders. Trump has siezed on this notion and has ridden the GOP gravy train all the way to winning nods, with little support from the home base....but the lesson's he'll leave behind should be invaluable to the GOP's future. Lesson number one, had any of these guys the balls, on day one, when Trump was talking stupid shit, none of these cowards stepped up to the plate to challenge him on his nonsense, not one person dared. By co signing onto his bullshit, they themselves created the Beast they now know as Donald Trump. By allowing Trump a core media fed audience, they excluded themselves by remaining silent. These attacks he would throw at the media, at debate host, the GOP as I often refer, are deserving of the man, who now will run for president of the US on their ticket....because when good candidate stay silent, ignorance prevails. He also will teach once again conservative voters yet another hard lined lesson.....Sometimes when the Gods want to punish you, they answer your short, be very careful what you ask for, you just may get it. Nov. 2014 should have taught you well.

I think your title should be tweaked, "The lessons Trump voters have taught the GOP ....finally!!"

Republican voters are tired of:

a) corrupt representatives, leaders
b) the GOP brand selecting their own candidates
c) using networks as pawns
d) encouraging representatives to mount objections instead of encouraging compromises
e) expecting the elected officials to vote the party line instead of voting their conscience or for what the country needs, not the party.

The Democrat party is experiencing their own revolt as they vote for a Socialist Democrat instead of the party's candidate, Hillary Clinton. Voters are aware of the corrupt manner the Congress and administration has been working for decades and tired of it.

When it comes to individual voters, I believe we have more in common that one would think. It is the party bosses that keep the sparring continuing.
Trump is playing to the conservative base. These people live for free handouts. He promises he'll have 'someone else' pay for a wall, they cheer. This is who conservatives are now, they whine about everyone else and expect a free handout. Tea Baggers show up at gatherings with "keep yer government hands off'n ma medicare" signs and they cheer.

He spouts the angry arrested development of the inner voice of the conservative base that says "foreigners are all evil', trump calls all Mexicans rapists and losers, they cheer.

He is an 8 year old playing to a crowd of angry 8 year olds.

And they cheer.
Trump is playing to the conservative base. These people live for free handouts. He promises he'll have 'someone else' pay for a wall, they cheer. This is who conservatives are now, they whine about everyone else and expect a free handout. Tea Baggers show up at gatherings with "keep yer government hands off'n ma medicare" signs and they cheer.

He spouts the angry arrested development of the inner voice of the conservative base that says "foreigners are all evil', trump calls all Mexicans rapists and losers, they cheer.

He is an 8 year old playing to a crowd of angry 8 year olds.

And they cheer.
That apple must have fallen from a really high branch.
Trump is playing to the conservative base. These people live for free handouts. He promises he'll have 'someone else' pay for a wall, they cheer. This is who conservatives are now, they whine about everyone else and expect a free handout. Tea Baggers show up at gatherings with "keep yer government hands off'n ma medicare" signs and they cheer.

He spouts the angry arrested development of the inner voice of the conservative base that says "foreigners are all evil', trump calls all Mexicans rapists and losers, they cheer.

He is an 8 year old playing to a crowd of angry 8 year olds.

And they cheer.
That apple must have fallen from a really high branch.

Apparently it hit him squarely on the head.
Bernie is now talking about transforming the country. We may have already had as much transformation as we can tolerate.

If he wants a revolution we should give him one.
Bernie is now talking about transforming the country. We may have already had as much transformation as we can tolerate.

If he wants a revolution we should give him one.

Threats of violence, first choice of conservatives and wannabe thugs.

Don't say it Percy, do it.
I am not quite sure what you are smoking, but it ain't good stuff. You seem to have a problem with party identification and association Isaac.
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