The Level of Anger

It's social media. That's the truth. We need to learn to control it as we once did our discourse. At this point it has taken control of us.
There's no doubt the internet has been a primary driving force in all this hatred.

I suppose it could also do the same thing for healing, but there are not signs of that, yet.

People just want to hate right now.
The problem has become that we are all entrenched in our beliefs and are unwilling to compromise. This started with the GOP and Clinton (to some extent with the liberals and Reagan) and escalated with Bush, then Obama, and now Trump.

I don't like Trump and distrust him (as I do all politicians). However, some of the things he is doing I agree with so I support the action. Some of the things he is doing I agree with, but oppose him doing it the way he is doing it because I oppose abuse of Federal power regardless of who is in office. So I can agree with what he is trying to do but will oppose the way he is doing it. If that makes sense to you.

I posted a video on a guy who was talking about how we have bought into a failed parenting model and how we have ended up with people in our society who have these issues of accepting another view. The video mostly focuses on millennials in the workplace, which to Me, highlights the foundational problems we have in this nation.

nobody has to accept another view just because that person was voted into office....

i never accepted the view of Obama who i considered to be an anti-American muslim marxist from day one.....but i didn't go out and break things...

So you prove My statement correct.

Tolerance does not mean you accept their view or opinion.

Tolerance means that you understand they have a different view from your own and there is nothing you can do to change that. So you let them live in their world with their view point.

Tolerance also does not mean you have to stop fighting for what you think is right. It simply means you don't have a need to destroy those who disagree with you.

If you need to silence a person, or you begin hating people because they won't come around to your point of view; you are intolerant.

I can't see anything in that post that I can disagree with. I am not a college student or a millennial or whatever other bogey the right has concocted to hold up as "all liberals," but I do believe the gutter level of discourse we have sunk to is not going to improve until we put our foot down about how we talk to each other. It has led to what you see as the brink of Civil War. If we come to that, it is because we allowed it. On social media.

It is NOT social media that is the problem.

It is not that difficult to understand.

You want a more civil discourse, you can do two things.

Lead by example, which means you disengage from anyone who behaves that way, regardless of whether you agree with them or not, and start demanding that we raise better behaved and civil children.

As it stands, there is now two whole generations that could be considered write-offs. In My Opinion.
In this country is amazing. Name-calling, unwillingness to listen to each other, crazy conspiracy ideas on both sides.

America was founded on an idea. An idea of tolerance and liberty. An idea that we can be different but be the same citizens of this country. It is appalling to think that a person can look at another person's beliefs and condemn them entirely.

Blame is the name of the game. Nobody is talking about what values we share. Nobody is saying, "Hey, we disagree, but we're all Americans." No, instead, I hear constantly, "You aren't a real American if you don't think ________."

Unless they are a Dallas Cowboy fan, in which case they are condemned to Hell.
You are correct, Spambot.

This divisiveness is now as bad as back during the election of Abraham Lincoln, with talk of secession and all. Whereas the wacko's on the far right in Texas were talking about secession about a year ago, now the wacko's on the far left from California are talking about it instead.
The fact that "America founded on tolerance and liberty" isn't just a cliche. The Founding Fathers created the 1st Amendment that gave Americans the right to name calling and crazy conspiracy ideas. Would you have it any other way? The dirty little secret is that you need to be educated enough to be able to argue your point instead of posting inane cartoons and whining about how we need to join hands in a Kumbaya moment.
The founding fathers counted on the country to continue to raise a moral citizenship. I don't mean moral in the terms of religious context, but one in which we can fight for our beliefs without denigrating ourselves with temper tantrums.
In this country is amazing. Name-calling, unwillingness to listen to each other, crazy conspiracy ideas on both sides.

America was founded on an idea. An idea of tolerance and liberty. An idea that we can be different but be the same citizens of this country. It is appalling to think that a person can look at another person's beliefs and condemn them entirely.

Blame is the name of the game. Nobody is talking about what values we share. Nobody is saying, "Hey, we disagree, but we're all Americans." No, instead, I hear constantly, "You aren't a real American if you don't think ________."

Unless they are a Dallas Cowboy fan, in which case they are condemned to Hell.

Just because our nation was founded on tolerance and liberty that does not mean we don't have our differences. Back then the original states were very different from one another and wanted to preserve their took alot of time to iron some of those difference out....but we did because we all agreed to the Constitution that enumerates those freedoms.

Today we have a very far left party that has been doing everything possible to unravel our Constitution and therein lies the root of the problem.....we cannot function as a nation if we don't agree to the basics.

Yep, the regressive one size fits all, cookie cutter approach will alway sew discontent. The fact is, they don't know what's best for everyone.
In this country is amazing. Name-calling, unwillingness to listen to each other, crazy c
Blame is the name of the game. Nobody is talking about what values we share. Nobody is saying, "Hey, we disagree, but we're all Americans." No, instead, I hear constantly, "You aren't a real American if you don't think ________."

Unless they are a Dallas Cowboy fan, in which case they are condemned to Hell.
It's social media. That's the truth. We need to learn to control it as we once did our discourse. At this point it has taken control of us.
By all means, let's silence the masses.....Where in history have I heard this before.
There is not a lot of tolerance on this Board. There is a lot of name calling, spreading of conspiracy theories, and unwillingness to listen to each other. I don't hear many people using this as a forum to talk about the values we share. When I bring up the ideas of tolerance and liberty, I'm immediately called a communist, a libtard, or worse.
Now, where are we? We are on social media. Do we talk that way to each other at the local diner, even if we completely disagree with each other? No. Do we talk to each other that way at the Thanksgiving table? No. We do it here, though. On social media, because we can.
Social media grew up as a spawn of the internet age. It has no one saying "That's not how we talk to each other." It has no one saying "We don't accept that in this country; we promote equality." Lately, it doesn't even have many people saying "That news is not true." It's like a bunch of preschoolers without an adult in the room. Anyone who says any of those things is out of line is branded as..what you just inferred about me.
Freedom has responsibilities. Sometimes that includes behaving responsibly in how we talk to each other.

Now we are so divided that we are on the brink of a civil war.
Broadcasting a Narrow Band

You are made to think that a loud screeching fringe group that performs in front of a doting media establishment represents a serious division in the country. It's like saying a piece of cake is split up if a crumb of it falls to the floor.
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In this country is amazing. Name-calling, unwillingness to listen to each other, crazy c
Blame is the name of the game. Nobody is talking about what values we share. Nobody is saying, "Hey, we disagree, but we're all Americans." No, instead, I hear constantly, "You aren't a real American if you don't think ________."

Unless they are a Dallas Cowboy fan, in which case they are condemned to Hell.
It's social media. That's the truth. We need to learn to control it as we once did our discourse. At this point it has taken control of us.
By all means, let's silence the masses.....Where in history have I heard this before.
There is not a lot of tolerance on this Board. There is a lot of name calling, spreading of conspiracy theories, and unwillingness to listen to each other. I don't hear many people using this as a forum to talk about the values we share. When I bring up the ideas of tolerance and liberty, I'm immediately called a communist, a libtard, or worse.
Now, where are we? We are on social media. Do we talk that way to each other at the local diner, even if we completely disagree with each other? No. Do we talk to each other that way at the Thanksgiving table? No. We do it here, though. On social media, because we can.
Social media grew up as a spawn of the internet age. It has no one saying "That's not how we talk to each other." It has no one saying "We don't accept that in this country; we promote equality." Lately, it doesn't even have many people saying "That news is not true." It's like a bunch of preschoolers without an adult in the room. Anyone who says any of those things is out of line is branded as..what you just inferred about me.
Freedom has responsibilities. Sometimes that includes behaving responsibly in how we talk to each other.

Now we are so divided that we are on the brink of a civil war.
Broadcasting a Narrow Band

You are made to think that a loud screeching fringe group that performs in front of a doting media establishment represents a serious division in the country? It's like saying a piece of cake is split up if a crumb of it falls to the floor.
I'm sorry you believe that.
There's no doubt the internet has been a primary driving force in all this hatred.

I suppose it could also do the same thing for healing, but there are not signs of that, yet.

People just want to hate right now.
The problem has become that we are all entrenched in our beliefs and are unwilling to compromise. This started with the GOP and Clinton (to some extent with the liberals and Reagan) and escalated with Bush, then Obama, and now Trump.

I don't like Trump and distrust him (as I do all politicians). However, some of the things he is doing I agree with so I support the action. Some of the things he is doing I agree with, but oppose him doing it the way he is doing it because I oppose abuse of Federal power regardless of who is in office. So I can agree with what he is trying to do but will oppose the way he is doing it. If that makes sense to you.

I posted a video on a guy who was talking about how we have bought into a failed parenting model and how we have ended up with people in our society who have these issues of accepting another view. The video mostly focuses on millennials in the workplace, which to Me, highlights the foundational problems we have in this nation.

nobody has to accept another view just because that person was voted into office....

i never accepted the view of Obama who i considered to be an anti-American muslim marxist from day one.....but i didn't go out and break things...

So you prove My statement correct.

Tolerance does not mean you accept their view or opinion.

Tolerance means that you understand they have a different view from your own and there is nothing you can do to change that. So you let them live in their world with their view point.

Tolerance also does not mean you have to stop fighting for what you think is right. It simply means you don't have a need to destroy those who disagree with you.

If you need to silence a person, or you begin hating people because they won't come around to your point of view; you are intolerant.

I can't see anything in that post that I can disagree with. I am not a college student or a millennial or whatever other bogey the right has concocted to hold up as "all liberals," but I do believe the gutter level of discourse we have sunk to is not going to improve until we put our foot down about how we talk to each other. It has led to what you see as the brink of Civil War. If we come to that, it is because we allowed it. On social media.

It is NOT social media that is the problem.

It is not that difficult to understand.

You want a more civil discourse, you can do two things.

Lead by example, which means you disengage from anyone who behaves that way, regardless of whether you agree with them or not, and start demanding that we raise better behaved and civil children.

As it stands, there is now two whole generations that could be considered write-offs. In My Opinion.

I'm pretty sure you'd be pleased if I "disengaged" from here, wouldn't you? I raised my child alright and he is raising his daughter alright, too, thank you very much. I meet with young people every day, and none, not a single one, would ever say to my face some of the things I read here. Two generations are write offs? Which ones would they be? Us old folks need to be careful not to become the cantankerous oldster rocking on the front porch and waving his cane at every youngster that goes by.
In my opinion.
In this country is amazing. Name-calling, unwillingness to listen to each other, crazy conspiracy ideas on both sides.

America was founded on an idea. An idea of tolerance and liberty. An idea that we can be different but be the same citizens of this country. It is appalling to think that a person can look at another person's beliefs and condemn them entirely.

Blame is the name of the game. Nobody is talking about what values we share. Nobody is saying, "Hey, we disagree, but we're all Americans." No, instead, I hear constantly, "You aren't a real American if you don't think ________."

Unless they are a Dallas Cowboy fan, in which case they are condemned to Hell.
That's a little bit naive. The founding fathers did not have warm and fuzzy discussions about liberty and tolerance, they had debates that concerned economics and national security and made compromises with anyone on any issue that would further these interests. Many past elections were at least as nasty as this one starting with 1800 and neither side pulled any punches or found any insult about the candidates or their families out of bounds.
The problem has become that we are all entrenched in our beliefs and are unwilling to compromise. This started with the GOP and Clinton (to some extent with the liberals and Reagan) and escalated with Bush, then Obama, and now Trump.

I don't like Trump and distrust him (as I do all politicians). However, some of the things he is doing I agree with so I support the action. Some of the things he is doing I agree with, but oppose him doing it the way he is doing it because I oppose abuse of Federal power regardless of who is in office. So I can agree with what he is trying to do but will oppose the way he is doing it. If that makes sense to you.

I posted a video on a guy who was talking about how we have bought into a failed parenting model and how we have ended up with people in our society who have these issues of accepting another view. The video mostly focuses on millennials in the workplace, which to Me, highlights the foundational problems we have in this nation.

nobody has to accept another view just because that person was voted into office....

i never accepted the view of Obama who i considered to be an anti-American muslim marxist from day one.....but i didn't go out and break things...

So you prove My statement correct.

Tolerance does not mean you accept their view or opinion.

Tolerance means that you understand they have a different view from your own and there is nothing you can do to change that. So you let them live in their world with their view point.

Tolerance also does not mean you have to stop fighting for what you think is right. It simply means you don't have a need to destroy those who disagree with you.

If you need to silence a person, or you begin hating people because they won't come around to your point of view; you are intolerant.

I can't see anything in that post that I can disagree with. I am not a college student or a millennial or whatever other bogey the right has concocted to hold up as "all liberals," but I do believe the gutter level of discourse we have sunk to is not going to improve until we put our foot down about how we talk to each other. It has led to what you see as the brink of Civil War. If we come to that, it is because we allowed it. On social media.

It is NOT social media that is the problem.

It is not that difficult to understand.

You want a more civil discourse, you can do two things.

Lead by example, which means you disengage from anyone who behaves that way, regardless of whether you agree with them or not, and start demanding that we raise better behaved and civil children.

As it stands, there is now two whole generations that could be considered write-offs. In My Opinion.

I'm pretty sure you'd be pleased if I "disengaged" from here, wouldn't you? I raised my child alright and he is raising his daughter alright, too, thank you very much. I meet with young people every day, and none, not a single one, would ever say to my face some of the things I read here. Two generations are write offs? Which ones would they be? Us old folks need to be careful not to become the cantankerous oldster rocking on the front porch and waving his cane at every youngster that goes by.
In my opinion.

Well, then you've made a good start. Just the other day, I was thinking that I was going to jail because I had to bloody the nose of a kid for pushing Me when I said that I couldn't bring Myself to support Hillary Clinton. He started out with talk just like you find right here and made the mistake of grabbing Me.

The cop took the statements of the people around us and decided it was self-defense. That is one 20-something that will think twice about thinking a 56-year-old is easy pickings.

I see it all the time, and I hear it all the time. My kids would never think of talking like the people here do, but then, I raised them to be confident in their opinions and to just ignore those who are crude.

I really don't care if you stay here or leave. By disengage, I mean not further the name-calling, but if you think it means leaving, I can't control what you think.
nobody has to accept another view just because that person was voted into office....

i never accepted the view of Obama who i considered to be an anti-American muslim marxist from day one.....but i didn't go out and break things...
So you prove My statement correct.

Tolerance does not mean you accept their view or opinion.

Tolerance means that you understand they have a different view from your own and there is nothing you can do to change that. So you let them live in their world with their view point.

Tolerance also does not mean you have to stop fighting for what you think is right. It simply means you don't have a need to destroy those who disagree with you.

If you need to silence a person, or you begin hating people because they won't come around to your point of view; you are intolerant.
I can't see anything in that post that I can disagree with. I am not a college student or a millennial or whatever other bogey the right has concocted to hold up as "all liberals," but I do believe the gutter level of discourse we have sunk to is not going to improve until we put our foot down about how we talk to each other. It has led to what you see as the brink of Civil War. If we come to that, it is because we allowed it. On social media.
It is NOT social media that is the problem.

It is not that difficult to understand.

You want a more civil discourse, you can do two things.

Lead by example, which means you disengage from anyone who behaves that way, regardless of whether you agree with them or not, and start demanding that we raise better behaved and civil children.

As it stands, there is now two whole generations that could be considered write-offs. In My Opinion.
I'm pretty sure you'd be pleased if I "disengaged" from here, wouldn't you? I raised my child alright and he is raising his daughter alright, too, thank you very much. I meet with young people every day, and none, not a single one, would ever say to my face some of the things I read here. Two generations are write offs? Which ones would they be? Us old folks need to be careful not to become the cantankerous oldster rocking on the front porch and waving his cane at every youngster that goes by.
In my opinion.

Well, then you've made a good start. Just the other day, I was thinking that I was going to jail because I had to bloody the nose of a kid for pushing Me when I said that I couldn't bring Myself to support Hillary Clinton. He started out with talk just like you find right here and made the mistake of grabbing Me.

The cop took the statements of the people around us and decided it was self-defense. That is one 20-something that will think twice about thinking a 56-year-old is easy pickings.

I see it all the time, and I hear it all the time. My kids would never think of talking like the people here do, but then, I raised them to be confident in their opinions and to just ignore those who are crude.

I really don't care if you stay here or leave. By disengage, I mean not further the name-calling, but if you think it means leaving, I can't control what you think.

I agree with a lot of things said here, and disagree with some. But, as Ronald Reagan said (and I paraphrase), I can disagree without being disagreeable. Old Lady you are right on the mark, in my opinion. I think of social media as a means that people can derive their identity from people who think just like they do. And when they run up against differing opinions, they run back to their group for more amplification of their views.

I think the view that only one "side" of the divide is angry and does bad stuff is naïve or willfully ignorant. I think believing that Americans are on "sides" is in fact the worst thing we can do. I don't have any tolerance for mean people. And I am willing to tell them that, in an agreeable way.

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