The LIARS Keep on LYING - Kudlow Exposes Trump for the LIAR He Is

There you assfucks go again. That evil worthless Obama while ignore that it was your REPUBLICANS nearly killed America under George W Bush.

You hand Obama an economy SHRINKING at a rate over 6%, losing 800,000 jo0bs a month, Trilliuon plud deficit & you have the nerve to blame Obama. What a piece of shit you are.

" Oh Oh Oh the Trump economy is on fire Yea yea yea as we borrow another trillipon dollars. Deficits are rising. If we can't reduce the debt when we are in the midst of this great economy, when will we?

Please will one of you ignorant dumbassTrumpetrtes answer that.

There you assfucks go again. That evil worthless Trump while ignore that it was your DEMOCRATS that nearly killed America under Barrack Obama (GDP sinling from 2.3% down to 1.8%, before Trump came in and rescued us.

As for debt, what debt ? The whole world OWES US a debt, for saving their asses in World War II.
Trump is not smart. The only reason you think he is because he told you he was smart. What was his GPA?

Has he taken an IQ test yet? When Warren said she had native American ancestry, Trump said she should take a DNA test. Well I want that fat assed Trump to prove how smart he really is. Take the dam test or STFU.
He doesn't need to take a test. He has restored Obama's failing economy back to excellent health. That's his IQ test. :biggrin:
Because you didn't read the link, dope.

"Jim Hackett, Ford’s CEO, is working to engineer a $25.5 billion restructuring of the automaker, hoping to cut costs and remain competitive, the Wall Street Journalreports. But auto sales are down, and one reason is the trade tariffs that Trump has imposed on metals and other goods. According to Bloomberg, Hackett has said they have already cost the company $1 billion in profit and could do “more damage” if the disputes aren’t resolved quickly."
DOPE, that's nothing but one guy (with highly vested interests) talking, and giving no explanation for his "conclusion" - and you suck it right up.
China’s tariffs were 5% on US goods. US tariffs were 4% on Chinese goods. Chinese tariffs were roughly 30% 20 years ago.

You’d think an economics “teacher” would know this.
FALSE! China's tariffs on US cars were 25%, while US tariffs on Chinese cars were only 5%. What BS propaganda have YOU been reading ? Or watching ? (CNN, MSNBC, PBS)
Of course tariffs make things more expensive. That’s the point, economics “teacher.”
NO THEY DON'T, you ignorant sucker, and dupe of common business propaganda. I asked you to SHOW how tariffs "make things more expensive", and for 2 days now you have FAILED to do that, because you don't know what you're talking about, and are just repeating the silly nonsense that you've been fed by liberal media.

Too late in the game now, for you to claim higher ground. You can't answer my question, because you have NO CLUE, failure economics student.
In case you haven't noticed Trump wants to 'make America great again' which means
(1) Trump's base is white
(2) Trump's base are xenophobic (I bet you don't even know WTF that means, do U?)
(3) Trump's economic policies positively affect a disproportionate higher number of whites & conversely negatively effect a disproportionate higher number of 'people of color'
(4) Trump's father was arrestwed at a KKK rally
(5) Trump & his father were sued by The US Government for failure to rent to blacks
(6) I could go oooooooooooooooooooooooooooon but I see you really don't know WTF you are discussing here
(7) Make America WHITE Again
HA HA HA HA. When all else fails, flash the RACE CARD. You liberals don't know how IDIOTIC you look.
I'm still just trying to figure out how a guy on the one hand says all republicans exaggerate with unsubstantiated bullshit but then makes an unsubstantiated claim himself.

But then when you ask him to substantiate it, he turns around and says he would never do that because it would be a stupid idea!

But somehow THAT'S not bullshit!
I know how they do it. They're DERANGED.

Trump is not smart. The only reason you think he is because he told you he was smart. What was his GPA?

Has he taken an IQ test yet? When Warren said she had native American ancestry, Trump said she should take a DNA test. Well I want that fat assed Trump to prove how smart he really is. Take the dam test or STFU.
He doesn't need to take a test. He has restored Obama's failing economy back to excellent health. That's his IQ test. :biggrin:
"failing economy"


China’s tariffs were 5% on US goods. US tariffs were 4% on Chinese goods. Chinese tariffs were roughly 30% 20 years ago.

You’d think an economics “teacher” would know this.
FALSE! China's tariffs on US cars were 25%, while US tariffs on Chinese cars were only 5%. What BS propaganda have YOU been reading ? Or watching ? (CNN, MSNBC, PBS)

Hey, economics "teacher." You do know that the economy is more than cars, right?

Of course you don't!
Trump is not smart. The only reason you think he is because he told you he was smart. What was his GPA?

Has he taken an IQ test yet? When Warren said she had native American ancestry, Trump said she should take a DNA test. Well I want that fat assed Trump to prove how smart he really is. Take the dam test or STFU.
He doesn't need to take a test. He has restored Obama's failing economy back to excellent health. That's his IQ test. :biggrin:
"failing economy"


The Obama HATERS will NEVER admit that Obama presided over a complete reversal of a DEAD ECONOMY, the worst since the Great Depression..

That's OK because we know these assholes are nothing more than dishonest, racist, assholes.

During Obama's tenure the market experienced a 148% positive direction, a feat unheard of since Clinton, plus 229%, and these same lying assholes hate him too.

These lying, racist, assholes are just jealous they cannot get a Republican POTUS to come close to the economic performance of TWO presidents they all HATE WITH A PASSION, like Satan hates.
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Protectionist pretends to be an economics “teacher,” but anyone who has studied economics knows that tariffs destroy value.

There are a lot of things going on in this graph, but the most relevant part is the one that says “deadweight loss.”

View attachment 261191

The deadweight loss is the net wealth that is destroyed by the tariff.

You see, I understand this because I have an Honours degree in economics specializing in trade. I’m not pretending to be an economics “teacher” on the Internet in an attempt to inflate my board cred.
Soft impressive.
Tell us, did the market crash when Trump won?
Like all the Economists claimed it would?

Logical fallacy.

And partisan cognitive bias. Many economists said otherwise.

But you believe what you want to believe.

Had Trump raised in your taxes on you, you’d probably be here defending your Orange God for doing so.
I believe in anything that can be stored in a database or explained via a flowchart.
MBAs are paid to sit around and bullshit all day.
The fact is that economists have created a nation where about 1% of the population can live beyond necessities; thankfully, I’m in that 1%.
But I’m not a hypocrite.

You're just full of logical fallacies, aren't you?
Protectionist pretends to be an economics “teacher,” but anyone who has studied economics knows that tariffs destroy value.

There are a lot of things going on in this graph, but the most relevant part is the one that says “deadweight loss.”

View attachment 261191

The deadweight loss is the net wealth that is destroyed by the tariff.

You see, I understand this because I have an Honours degree in economics specializing in trade. I’m not pretending to be an economics “teacher” on the Internet in an attempt to inflate my board cred.
Soft impressive.
Tell us, did the market crash when Trump won?
Like all the Economists claimed it would?

Logical fallacy.

And partisan cognitive bias. Many economists said otherwise.

But you believe what you want to believe.

Had Trump raised in your taxes on you, you’d probably be here defending your Orange God for doing so.
I believe in anything that can be stored in a database or explained via a flowchart.
MBAs are paid to sit around and bullshit all day.
The fact is that economists have created a nation where about 1% of the population can live beyond necessities; thankfully, I’m in that 1%.
But I’m not a hypocrite.

You're just full of logical fallacies, aren't you?
Because I actually think people should have to use real hard facts to make money as opposed to slave labor?
Protectionist pretends to be an economics “teacher,” but anyone who has studied economics knows that tariffs destroy value.

There are a lot of things going on in this graph, but the most relevant part is the one that says “deadweight loss.”

View attachment 261191

The deadweight loss is the net wealth that is destroyed by the tariff.

You see, I understand this because I have an Honours degree in economics specializing in trade. I’m not pretending to be an economics “teacher” on the Internet in an attempt to inflate my board cred.
Soft impressive.
Tell us, did the market crash when Trump won?
Like all the Economists claimed it would?

Logical fallacy.

And partisan cognitive bias. Many economists said otherwise.

But you believe what you want to believe.

Had Trump raised in your taxes on you, you’d probably be here defending your Orange God for doing so.
I believe in anything that can be stored in a database or explained via a flowchart.
MBAs are paid to sit around and bullshit all day.
The fact is that economists have created a nation where about 1% of the population can live beyond necessities; thankfully, I’m in that 1%.
But I’m not a hypocrite.

You're just full of logical fallacies, aren't you?
Because I actually think people should have to use real hard facts to make money as opposed to slave labor?

You don't use real hard facts. You use anecdotes and bromides.

You are ignorant of the topic, and you default to partisan slogans.

It's easy to dismiss studious knowledge and replace it with bullshit, as you are doing.
Look at the "conservatives" and "libertarians" arguing that raising taxes is good for the economy.

Of course tariffs make things more expensive. That’s the point, economics “teacher.”
NO THEY DON'T, you ignorant sucker, and dupe of common business propaganda. I asked you to SHOW how tariffs "make things more expensive", and for 2 days now you have FAILED to do that, because you don't know what you're talking about, and are just repeating the silly nonsense that you've been fed by liberal media.

Too late in the game now, for you to claim higher ground. You can't answer my question, because you have NO CLUE, failure economics student.

Here's a graph for you that explains it.


Like I said, you don't understand simple supply and demand dynamics.
So you are smart enough to see China has waged economic war on us but you can't see that American corporations wage war on workers? Interesting.
I didn't say anything about American corporations vs workers. YOU said that.

But I will point out one way that some US corporations DO wage war on AMERICAN workers > By hiring illegal aliens (fully supported by Democrats), and legal worker visa aliens for STEM jobs.
In 1999 Clinton raided 400 companies we knew were hiring illegals. In 2003 bush raided 3. You play this Democrats are to blame shit and you can’t understand republicans and the corporate lobbyists don’t mind illegals. If republicans wanted to raise wages they’d raid these companies and pu5 the owners on notice. We all know illegal employers vote republican.

Don’t forget the gop is split on illegals. John McCain said they were just here doing jobs Americans won’t do.

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