The "liberal" idea of American justice and politics

You righties really need to shut up. Righties have been pro law enforcement and defend them 100% no matter what they do . SO LONG AS THEY TARGET BROWN PEOPLE.

But you don’t like it when it happens to your guy. Hypocrites.
You righties really need to shut up. Righties have been pro law enforcement and defend them 100% no matter what they do .
And idiots like you want the rest of US go give up our guns, and then rely on the very people that you despise..Bunch of fucking liberal morons(redundant statement).

You going to shoot police with your gun ? Is that your plan ? I thought u righties were pro cop .

I thought you lefties were all outraged about the eeeeevils of the cops. Now you're taking it for granted that they're gonna be your loyal attack dogs.
Liberals are always progressing, even when it means regressing to a third world gestapo. How'd they become so nasty?

Tucker on FBI Raid on Michael Cohen: 'Imagine If It Happened to You'

You think Tucker Carlson is credible on any subject. That's funny.

Haven't watched him since Crossfire,

but I'd say he's as credible as you.

Sure, but I've read some of your posts, you say lots of dumb stuff.

a lot of it I say on purpose, to get a laugh.

why do you say dumb stuff?

BTW, Tucker is known nationwide.

and you?

Sponge Bob Square Pants is known nation wide too.

You righties really need to shut up. Righties have been pro law enforcement and defend them 100% no matter what they do . SO LONG AS THEY TARGET BROWN PEOPLE.

But you don’t like it when it happens to your guy. Hypocrites.

Are you 17?
You righties really need to shut up. Righties have been pro law enforcement and defend them 100% no matter what they do . SO LONG AS THEY TARGET BROWN PEOPLE.

But you don’t like it when it happens to your guy. Hypocrites.

Funny, the only people bringing up skin color are Dims.

Why is that?
You think Tucker Carlson is credible on any subject. That's funny.

Haven't watched him since Crossfire,

but I'd say he's as credible as you.

Sure, but I've read some of your posts, you say lots of dumb stuff.

a lot of it I say on purpose, to get a laugh.

why do you say dumb stuff?

BTW, Tucker is known nationwide.

and you?

Sponge Bob Square Pants is known nation wide too.


Words Tucker Carlson lives by.
I am pro justice. When police are wrong, they need to be held accountable, and not just "reassigned". They need to be fired, lose all benefits, and if necessary prosecuted if they broke the law.
Bullshit. The Gestapo didn't serve search warrants looking for evidence. You were pronounce guilty by the Party. You know like what Herr Trumph wants to have the power to do.

"Lock her up"
"Lock her up"

Fascism wrapped in a flag.
Bullshit. The Gestapo didn't serve search warrants looking for evidence. You were pronounce guilty by the Party. You know like what Herr Trumph wants to have the power to do.

"Lock her up"
"Lock her up"

Fascism wrapped in a flag.

What has Trump done to illegally jail people like the Gestapo? Do you have any evidence, or facts? NO, you don't. just hate. Maybe you are the Fascist? You, and people like Obama, and Loretta Lynch who wanted to jail people for anti Muslim SPEECH.

Bullshit. The Gestapo didn't serve search warrants looking for evidence. You were pronounce guilty by the Party. You know like what Herr Trumph wants to have the power to do.

"Lock her up"
"Lock her up"

Fascism wrapped in a flag.

Comey basically indicted her. Is he your example of a fascist?
Bullshit. The Gestapo didn't serve search warrants looking for evidence. You were pronounce guilty by the Party. You know like what Herr Trumph wants to have the power to do.

"Lock her up"
"Lock her up"

Fascism wrapped in a flag.

What has Trump done to illegally jail people like the Gestapo? Do you have any evidence, or facts? NO, you don't. just hate. Maybe you are the Fascist? You, and people like Obama, and Loretta Lynch who wanted to jail people for anti Muslim SPEECH.


Hahaha another trumpflake. When President "liar" plays judge, jury and executioner during one of his famous Political Rallies, his crowd of faithful drool and respond like Pavlov's Dogs, on queue. I bet many do at home too.

But of course this is still America Zippy, he doesn't have the power, but by all his actions and word, he wants it. Key there is the word "want".
Hahaha another trumpflake. When President "liar" plays judge, jury and executioner during one of his famous Political Rallies, his crowd of faithful drool and respond like Pavlov's Dogs, on queue. I bet many do at home too.

But of course this is still America Zippy, he doesn't have the power, but by all his actions and word, he wants it. Key there is the word "want".

Trumpflake? Zippy? Any more little schoolgirl names you want to call me? Is it recess for you?

So far, much of what Trump WANTS to do has been, or is being implemented, legally through Constitutional methods. So what does he WANT to implement that can circumvent Congress, and the Courts?
Bullshit. The Gestapo didn't serve search warrants looking for evidence. You were pronounce guilty by the Party. You know like what Herr Trumph wants to have the power to do.

"Lock her up"
"Lock her up"

Fascism wrapped in a flag.

Comey basically indicted her. Is he your example of a fascist?

No his recommendation said:

"In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here."

No not fascism, however, saying he basically indicted her is very Orwellian of you.

For all the opinion he injected in the middle of the campaign, I thought he should have been fire.
Hahaha another trumpflake. When President "liar" plays judge, jury and executioner during one of his famous Political Rallies, his crowd of faithful drool and respond like Pavlov's Dogs, on queue. I bet many do at home too.

But of course this is still America Zippy, he doesn't have the power, but by all his actions and word, he wants it. Key there is the word "want".

Trumpflake? Zippy? Any more little schoolgirl names you want to call me? Is it recess for you?

So far, much of what Trump WANTS to do has been, or is being implemented, legally through Constitutional methods. So what does he WANT to implement that can circumvent Congress, and the Courts?

Yeah gee I really sorry if I offended you after you demanded facts from me about a something I never said. Then you insinuated I was a fascist and anti-free speech too. You sound like a manipulator to me. President "I wanna be a dictator" actions and words all indicate he wants that kind of power. He doesn't have it and never will.
Bullshit. The Gestapo didn't serve search warrants looking for evidence. You were pronounce guilty by the Party. You know like what Herr Trumph wants to have the power to do.

"Lock her up"
"Lock her up"

Fascism wrapped in a flag.

Comey basically indicted her. Is he your example of a fascist?

No his recommendation said:

"In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here."

No not fascism, however, saying he basically indicted her is very Orwellian of you.

Too funny. Whether or not there was clear intention - and her behavior more than indicated clear intent - she was still exposed to indictment, and penalty upon conviction.

The replacement of terms to alter the degree of criminality places Comey at the heart of Clinton's political Praetorian Guard.

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System

Docs show Comey watered down Hillary email probe remarks
Bullshit. The Gestapo didn't serve search warrants looking for evidence. You were pronounce guilty by the Party. You know like what Herr Trumph wants to have the power to do.

"Lock her up"
"Lock her up"

Fascism wrapped in a flag.

Comey basically indicted her. Is he your example of a fascist?

No his recommendation said:

"In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here."

No not fascism, however, saying he basically indicted her is very Orwellian of you.

Too funny. Whether or not there was clear intention - and her behavior more than indicated clear intent - she was still exposed to indictment, and penalty upon conviction.

The replacement of terms to alter the degree of criminality places Comey at the heart of Clinton's political Praetorian Guard.

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System

Docs show Comey watered down Hillary email probe remarks

BS, if he was that, he wouldn't have said anything at all. Just a press release saying that the FBI doesn't recommend any charges against her. SOP.
Bullshit. The Gestapo didn't serve search warrants looking for evidence. You were pronounce guilty by the Party. You know like what Herr Trumph wants to have the power to do.

"Lock her up"
"Lock her up"

Fascism wrapped in a flag.

Comey basically indicted her. Is he your example of a fascist?

No his recommendation said:

"In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here."

No not fascism, however, saying he basically indicted her is very Orwellian of you.

Too funny. Whether or not there was clear intention - and her behavior more than indicated clear intent - she was still exposed to indictment, and penalty upon conviction.

The replacement of terms to alter the degree of criminality places Comey at the heart of Clinton's political Praetorian Guard.

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System

Docs show Comey watered down Hillary email probe remarks

BS, if he was that, he wouldn't have said anything at all. Just a press release saying that the FBI doesn't recommend any charges against her. SOP.

You're not clear on bait-and-switch, eh?

Why did he again raise the issue a week before the election? To put the spotlight back on Hillary, who was slipping at the time, and to again publicly exonerate her with bells on just before the election to make sure everyone saw the "Grade A" stamp.

It didn't work.
Bullshit. The Gestapo didn't serve search warrants looking for evidence. You were pronounce guilty by the Party. You know like what Herr Trumph wants to have the power to do.

"Lock her up"
"Lock her up"

Fascism wrapped in a flag.

Comey basically indicted her. Is he your example of a fascist?

No his recommendation said:

"In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here."

No not fascism, however, saying he basically indicted her is very Orwellian of you.

Too funny. Whether or not there was clear intention - and her behavior more than indicated clear intent - she was still exposed to indictment, and penalty upon conviction.

The replacement of terms to alter the degree of criminality places Comey at the heart of Clinton's political Praetorian Guard.

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System

Docs show Comey watered down Hillary email probe remarks

BS, if he was that, he wouldn't have said anything at all. Just a press release saying that the FBI doesn't recommend any charges against her. SOP.

You're not clear on bait-and-switch, eh?

Why did he again raise the issue a week before the election? To put the spotlight back on Hillary, who was slipping at the time, and to again publicly exonerate her with bells on just before the election to make sure everyone saw the "Grade A" stamp.

It didn't work.

That's funny. You, thinking he was trying to help her! Something you heard on Faux News?

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