The Liberal Majority in the Senate


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Make no mistake, the GOP may have 50+ votes in the Senate for the purposes of electing Senate "leadership" and confirming executive/judicial appointments, but there is definitely no Conservative majority for legislative purposes. At most, there are 46-48 Senators who actually support a conservative agenda. The rest are either lock-step Democrats or RINOs whose Republican affiliation is strictly a matter of electoral convenience.

The worst of the latter is former POW John McCain, who has ridden that experience in the Senate for 30 years while undermining nearly every Republican Party principle (except military spending). His recent vote against replacing Obamacare showed his true stripes, not only politically but personally to pay back Trump for insulting him during the Presidential campaign. His self-serving speech about bipartisanship was complete baloney. The only bipartisanship he is familiar with is undermining his fellow Republicans in return for positive press coverage. (A lot of good that did him in his own Presidential campaign in 1992.)

The best thing he could now do for Arizona is to resign from the Senate (for health reasons) and allow Gov. Ducey to appoint a replacement. With a good turnout in 2018, we might actually get to see what a real Republican senate could accomplish.
I certainly wouldn't call them liberal.

I think you are confusing conservatives with wingnuts.
The Senate is done. They can either recuse themselves or be rode out on a rail. Their choice.

This is America, and the the Senate does not reign supreme.
The senate is tire of the dons shit .

Just shows you he hasn't a clue . He can't order the senate around like they are his minions . All Don has done is burn bridges for 6 months .

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