The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

Long live Obamacare!

Typical left-wing fascist... "long live the unconstitutional legislation the American people do not want and had forced down their throat"!

If you love Obamacare, you should be in mourning right now - not celebrating. The current repeal of Obamacare was pulled because it didn't completely dismantle all of Obamacare - and that is what the American people are looking for. And for once, the representatives in Washington D.C. are locked in and listening to what their constituents want.
Trumpcare failed because it would throw 24 million people off HC that Obamacare covered.
Nothing "failed" snowflake. It didn't go far enough in dismantling Obamacare as the American people desired - so Congress went back to do it better (like the American people wanted).

I know how you fascists abhor the American people getting their way - but it's happening snowflake. Deal with it. The American people were repulsed by Obamacare, they sent everyone involved with it home, and replaced the entire nation with Republican representatives (over 1,000 Dumbocrat seats lost since Obamacare was passed, nationwide).
So is Obama-Care now gone?
It's the law of the land. Trumpcare is dead on arrival. Don't get involved in current events I see.
Long live Obamacare!

Typical left-wing fascist... "long live the unconstitutional legislation the American people do not want and had forced down their throat"!

If you love Obamacare, you should be in mourning right now - not celebrating. The current repeal of Obamacare was pulled because it didn't completely dismantle all of Obamacare - and that is what the American people are looking for. And for once, the representatives in Washington D.C. are locked in and listening to what their constituents want.
Trumpcare failed because it would throw 24 million people off HC that Obamacare covered.
Nothing "failed" snowflake. It didn't go far enough in dismantling Obamacare as the American people desired - so Congress went back to do it better (like the American people wanted).

I know how you fascists abhor the American people getting their way - but it's happening snowflake. Deal with it. The American people were repulsed by Obamacare, they sent everyone involved with it home, and replaced the entire nation with Republican representatives (over 1,000 Dumbocrat seats lost since Obamacare was passed, nationwide).
the last version that was worked out in the 23rd hour by Ryanand Trump was a meaner bill. A wet kiss to the tea baggers. An appeal to them to get it passed. No ER visits covered, no pediatric assistance, no subscriptions for out patients and 15 other horrible provisions for PEOPLE THAT ALREADY HAD HEALTHCARE INSURANCE.
And still the republicans voted it down.
And if you think the " people" wanted this abortion of a bill you're out of your mind. Only 17% of the " people" supported it. So you have no idea what you're talking about.
As been reported on this forum, Obamacare is GAINING in popularity so get your lie of " people being repulsed by Obamacare " outta here and stick it up your ass.

Trump's signature issue was an abject failure and he lied to you yet again.
So is Obama-Care now gone?
No. Is the Trump Administration now gone? Or are they a mere three months into a four year term?

The Republicans have four years to get rid of Obamacare. I'm convinced they are going to get it done.

The funny part is....had they replaced Obamacare in just three months you hatriots would have been screaming about how bad it was because they "rushed".
President Trump advocated for a bill that would dump 24 million off of health care insurance and give billions of tax breaks for the wealthy and hurt the poor. Yes. Freedom, republican style.
Aaaaaannnnnddddd....what does that have to do with fascism?!? :uhh:

That's not even moving the goalposts. You just jumped to a whole 'nother topic. Can you say "Epic Fail"? You should be able to - it's what your best at.
So is Obama-Care now gone?
No. Is the Trump Administration now gone? Or are they a mere three months into a four year term?

The Republicans have four years to get rid of Obamacare. I'm convinced they are going to get it done.

The funny part is....had they replaced Obamacare in just three months you hatriots would have been screaming about how bad it was because they "rushed".
Wonder how long it will take to replace Trump, I'm counting on a year, certainly no more.
President Trump advocated for a bill that would dump 24 million off of health care insurance and give billions of tax breaks for the wealthy and hurt the poor. Yes. Freedom, republican style.
Aaaaaannnnnddddd....what does that have to do with fascism?!? :uhh:

That's not even moving the goalposts. You just jumped to a whole 'nother topic. Can you say "Epic Fail"? You should be able to - it's what your best at.
OK, let's go back to fascism. Can you give a valid definition or not, a definition that is acceptable in colleges and universities? If not, just make a definition up, it seems to work well with many.
OK, let's go back to fascism. Can you give a valid definition or not, a definition that is acceptable in colleges and universities?
I literally burst out laughing when I read that. What a pitiful and bias set of criteria you set up. You'll only accept a definition supported by radically left-wing institutions?

Fascism is an exclusively left-wing system of authoritarian government in which a dictator strictly controls all facets of a nation and demands complete compliance.
OK, let's go back to fascism. Can you give a valid definition or not, a definition that is acceptable in colleges and universities?
I literally burst out laughing when I read that. What a pitiful and bias set of criteria you set up. You'll only accept a definition supported by radically left-wing institutions?

Fascism is an exclusively left-wing system of authoritarian government in which a dictator strictly controls all facets of a nation and demands complete compliance.
How come every book on ideologies says fascism is right wing? Right wing being conservative, sort of the opposite of liberalism, Can you give us a source for fascism being left wing, hopefully not your uncle or the paper boy?
Can you give us a source for fascism being left wing, hopefully not your uncle or the paper boy?
Can you stop believing what you want to believe and just accept common sense and reality?

Since we know that the right believes in limited government and maximum freedom for the individual, it's very easy to understand that the further right you go, government continues to get smaller and less powerful. As you start to go further right, you reach the libertarian. As you continue, you start to hit the radical fringe - the Sovereign Citizen. This is a person who believes they are "sovereign" unto themselves. They answer to nobody, under any circumstances. They do not recognize the U.S. government. They believe they do not have to pay taxes, they do not have to obey traffic laws, etc. The farthest fringe and the very end is the Anarchist. The anarchist believes in no government and no laws at all.

Since we know that the left believes in unlimited government with maximum power, it's very easy to understand that the further left you go, government continues to get larger and more powerful. As you start to go further left, you reach the socialist. As you continue, you start to hit the radical fringe - the Marxists. Finally, the farthest fringe and the very end is the Communist, Fascist, or Totalitarianism . These groups believes in in total government control. A person has no freedoms or rights - they do as instructed by the government for the "good" of the entire nation.

Fascism is authoritarian. Authoritarianism is the polar opposite in every way from the right-wing ideology. Saying "right-wing authoritarianism" is as idiotic and immature as saying "he is a heterosexual homosexual" or "that scolding hot water is freezing". It is that stupid. The further right you go - the smaller government gets until it ceases to exist at all (anarchy).
How come every book on ideologies says fascism is right wing?
Because they were written by ignorant left-wingers who used this idiotic "logic":

"Germany turned on the U.S.S.R. in the middle of World War II. Since the U.S.S.R. was a communist nation and communism is left-wing, Germany must have fought them because they are right-wing". :eusa_doh:

They are too intellectually lazy and dishonest to study and/or acknowledge that Hitler and Stalin started the war a allies and that Hitler turned on them halfway through not because he hated communism but because he was a maniacal dictator who wanted to control the world (in typical left-wing fashion).

For God sakes - Nazi stood for National Socialists. Are socialists right-wing in your mind too, now?
"The Nazis were leftists!" is a last-ditch whine from righty uber-kooks who have had their asses handed to them. Your standard righty isn't desperate enough to take dishonest historical revisionism to that level. Only the most desperate failures, the ones with nothing left to lose, are willing to toss their reputation in the trash by saying something that stupid.
"The Nazis were leftists!" is a last-ditch whine from righty uber-kooks who have had their asses handed to them. Your standard righty isn't desperate enough to take dishonest historical revisionism to that level. Only the most desperate failures, the ones with nothing left to lose, are willing to toss their reputation in the trash by saying something that stupid.
Here you go snowflake....

Since we know that the right believes in limited government and maximum freedom for the individual, it's very easy to understand that the further right you go, government continues to get smaller and less powerful. As you start to go further right, you reach the libertarian. As you continue, you start to hit the radical fringe - the Sovereign Citizen. This is a person who believes they are "sovereign" unto themselves. They answer to nobody, under any circumstances. They do not recognize the U.S. government. They believe they do not have to pay taxes, they do not have to obey traffic laws, etc. The farthest fringe and the very end is the Anarchist. The anarchist believes in no government and no laws at all.

Since we know that the left believes in unlimited government with maximum power, it's very easy to understand that the further left you go, government continues to get larger and more powerful. As you start to go further left, you reach the socialist. As you continue, you start to hit the radical fringe - the Marxists. Finally, the farthest fringe and the very end is the Communist, Fascist, or Totalitarianism . These groups believes in in total government control. A person has no freedoms or rights - they do as instructed by the government for the "good" of the entire nation.

Fascism is authoritarian. Authoritarianism is the polar opposite in every way from the right-wing ideology. Saying "right-wing authoritarianism" is as idiotic and immature as saying "he is a heterosexual homosexual" or "that scolding hot water is freezing". It is that stupid. The further right you go - the smaller government gets until it ceases to exist at all (anarchy).
When our government began, our background for understanding governments was monarchies. A monarchy did for the nobles and upper classes that which our government now does for many classes. It gave ordinary Americans that which monarchies had given to the elite class, and we changed from wanting small government to one that was able to take care of its people in need. We are now arguing over health care for Americans and of course the wealthy class of Americas resist.
...and we changed from wanting small government to one that was able to take care of its people in need.
We did no such thing. That's why the American people elected Republicans coast-to-coast at all levels of government - to repeal Obamacare.

Furthermore, even if your outrageous lie wasn't true, the U.S. Constitution has not been amended to reflect your absurd claim. So it's irrelevant anyway.
...and we changed from wanting small government to one that was able to take care of its people in need.
We did no such thing. That's why the American people elected Republicans coast-to-coast at all levels of government - to repeal Obamacare.

Furthermore, even if your outrageous lie wasn't true, the U.S. Constitution has not been amended to reflect your absurd claim. So it's irrelevant anyway.
So why didn't they repeal Obama-care? They had the votes needed but didn't. Nope instead Republicans brought out a new version of care.
Why do so many conservatives weep about the changes
that take place in the Constitution with no amendments? Why haven't Republicans dropped Social Security to show America how good America would be with smaller government?
Think of the changes in America in the last 100 years. Next thing you know women will be allowed to vote.
Why do so many conservatives weep about the changes that take place in the Constitution with no amendments?
Because it is illegal and it grants powers that we're never granted with the consent of the governed. That's literally as insanely stupid as asking "why do so many weep about being raped after men rape them". :eusa_doh:
Think of the changes in America in the last 100 years.
Yep. And now think of the changes in just the past 8 years. Many of which you are completely oblivious about, so you won't be able to think about them. But I assure you - they are considerable.

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