The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

President Trump advocated for a bill that would dump 24 million off of health care insurance and give billions of tax breaks for the wealthy and hurt the poor. Yes. Freedom, republican style.
Aaaaaannnnnddddd....what does that have to do with fascism?!? :uhh:

That's not even moving the goalposts. You just jumped to a whole 'nother topic. Can you say "Epic Fail"? You should be able to - it's what your best at.
OK, let's go back to fascism. Can you give a valid definition or not, a definition that is acceptable in colleges and universities? If not, just make a definition up, it seems to work well with many.
"Acceptable in colleges and universities?" You mean acceptable to a gang of communists?

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OK, let's go back to fascism. Can you give a valid definition or not, a definition that is acceptable in colleges and universities?
I literally burst out laughing when I read that. What a pitiful and bias set of criteria you set up. You'll only accept a definition supported by radically left-wing institutions?

Fascism is an exclusively left-wing system of authoritarian government in which a dictator strictly controls all facets of a nation and demands complete compliance.
How come every book on ideologies says fascism is right wing? Right wing being conservative, sort of the opposite of liberalism, Can you give us a source for fascism being left wing, hopefully not your uncle or the paper boy?
Every book on ideologies doesn't say that. Only the ones written by communists do.

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Why do so many conservatives weep about the changes that take place in the Constitution with no amendments?
Because it is illegal and it grants powers that we're never granted with the consent of the governed. That's literally as insanely stupid as asking "why do so many weep about being raped after men rape them". :eusa_doh:
If it is illegal why don't conservatives take it all the way up to the Supreme Court and make it officially illegal? Can't help you with the rape thing.
OK, let's go back to fascism. Can you give a valid definition or not, a definition that is acceptable in colleges and universities?
I literally burst out laughing when I read that. What a pitiful and bias set of criteria you set up. You'll only accept a definition supported by radically left-wing institutions?

Fascism is an exclusively left-wing system of authoritarian government in which a dictator strictly controls all facets of a nation and demands complete compliance.
How come every book on ideologies says fascism is right wing? Right wing being conservative, sort of the opposite of liberalism, Can you give us a source for fascism being left wing, hopefully not your uncle or the paper boy?
Every book on ideologies doesn't say that. Only the ones written by communists do.

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So can you give us the name of a book on ideologies not written by a communist?
Why do so many conservatives weep about the changes that take place in the Constitution with no amendments?
Because it is illegal and it grants powers that we're never granted with the consent of the governed. That's literally as insanely stupid as asking "why do so many weep about being raped after men rape them". :eusa_doh:
If it is illegal why don't conservatives take it all the way up to the Supreme Court and make it officially illegal? Can't help you with the rape thing.
There are a multitude of reasons (most of which are so obvious that someone shouldn't need to explain it to you). It's pretty sad that you're more concerned with why conservatives don't fight things to the Supreme Court rather than being concerned with the fact that the U.S. Constitution is being violated.
Here you go snowflake....

I hope you're not under the impression that anyone cares about your "I'll just define everything bad as leftist!" historical revisionism.

We get it. The real world contradicts you, so you're retreating into your little snowflake fantasy world, one where you simply auto-define reality as "right good, left bad". Sadly for you, nobody else wants to live in your delusion bubble.
Here you go snowflake....
I hope you're not under the impression that anyone cares about your "I'll just define everything bad as leftist!" historical revisionism.
Spoken like a true fragile snowflake who is incapable of disputing the facts. It's ok snowflake - we know how the facts cause you to curl up in the fetal position on the floor.

Everything I said was 100% true and you know it. That's why you can't even attempt to dispute it. You're just left with weak insults.
Spoken like a true fragile snowflake who is incapable of disputing the facts.

If you have facts, I'm sure you can back them up with more than your usual "BECAUSE I SAY SO!".

So, do so. Point out some mainstream sources that use the same very bizarre "fascism is liberal!" definition that you use.

Normal people, we can simply point out that every mainstream source says fascism is right-wing. That's one reason why it's so good to be liberal, because we merely have to point to reality to "win".

Fascism - Wikipedia
fascism is usually placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum

It's okay if you squeal and run now. Given your history here, nobody expects you to back up your crazy claims. If we need to find you, we'll just follow the trail of piddle you left behind.
Let's see if we can break this down to your level. Is libertarianism further right than conservatism?

Obviously not. Libertarianism, at least in theory, has more liberty, therefore it's further left, by definition. More liberty is always more liberal, more authoritarianism is always more conservative.

It's fun to play the game with your rules, where you can simply define your own side as perfect, and the other side as demonic.
Let's see if we can break this down to your level. Is libertarianism further right than conservatism?

Obviously not. Libertarianism, at least in theory, has more liberty, therefore it's further left, by definition. More liberty is always more liberal, more authoritarianism is always more conservative.

It's fun to play the game with your rules, where you can simply define your own side as perfect, and the other side as demonic.
Bwahahahahahahaha! You're literally the only person in the world who would proclaim that:

A.) Libertarian is to the left of conservative


B.) That more liberty is towards the left!

The side that harbors Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Chairman Mao, Pol Pot, Adolf Hitler, and more is the side of "more" liberty? The side that wants to grow government and force people into Obamacare is the side of "more" liberty?!?

Snowflake...not even you believe that. You can't troll me into biting. I'm laughing my ass off right now and so is everyone else.
Two obvious and rational questions for mammaries - why didn't he dispute anything that was said here and why didn't he even attempt to do it? Because everything here is 100% factual and indisputable.
Here you go snowflake....

Since we know that the right believes in limited government and maximum freedom for the individual, it's very easy to understand that the further right you go, government continues to get smaller and less powerful. As you start to go further right, you reach the libertarian. As you continue, you start to hit the radical fringe - the Sovereign Citizen. This is a person who believes they are "sovereign" unto themselves. They answer to nobody, under any circumstances. They do not recognize the U.S. government. They believe they do not have to pay taxes, they do not have to obey traffic laws, etc. The farthest fringe and the very end is the Anarchist. The anarchist believes in no government and no laws at all.

Since we know that the left believes in unlimited government with maximum power, it's very easy to understand that the further left you go, government continues to get larger and more powerful. As you start to go further left, you reach the socialist. As you continue, you start to hit the radical fringe - the Marxists. Finally, the farthest fringe and the very end is the Communist, Fascist, or Totalitarianism . These groups believes in in total government control. A person has no freedoms or rights - they do as instructed by the government for the "good" of the entire nation.

Fascism is authoritarian. Authoritarianism is the polar opposite in every way from the right-wing ideology. Saying "right-wing authoritarianism" is as idiotic and immature as saying "he is a heterosexual homosexual" or "that scolding hot water is freezing". It is that stupid. The further right you go - the smaller government gets until it ceases to exist at all (anarchy).
Ah! So you admit you're lying and "playing games". Got it!

Why yes. The point is that I was acting exactly like you. The only difference is that I was honest about it, and you're still lying.

Thanks for playing. Better luck next time. I'm off to seek more challenging prey.
Here you go snowflake....

I hope you're not under the impression that anyone cares about your "I'll just define everything bad as leftist!" historical revisionism.

The reality is that government is the cause of most of the atrocities and injustices in the world, and leftists are the main advocates of more government.

We get it. The real world contradicts you, so you're retreating into your little snowflake fantasy world, one where you simply auto-define reality as "right good, left bad". Sadly for you, nobody else wants to live in your delusion bubble.

The real world doesn't contradict the fact that leftist bootlickers are the cause of most of the world's problems.
Let's see if we can break this down to your level. Is libertarianism further right than conservatism?

Obviously not. Libertarianism, at least in theory, has more liberty, therefore it's further left, by definition. More liberty is always more liberal, more authoritarianism is always more conservative.

It's fun to play the game with your rules, where you can simply define your own side as perfect, and the other side as demonic.

You have it precisely backwards. Where do you find all the authoritarian bootlickers in the world? In government, of course. And what is their political persuasion? Liberal, of course. You and your ilk despise libertarians and call them the "Alt-Right." You also call them fascist and a 100 other things.

The fact that leftists/liberals want to impose their schemes on everyone else simply can't be denied. you have to be a major dingaling to utter such a proposition.
Spoken like a true fragile snowflake who is incapable of disputing the facts.

If you have facts, I'm sure you can back them up with more than your usual "BECAUSE I SAY SO!".

So, do so. Point out some mainstream sources that use the same very bizarre "fascism is liberal!" definition that you use.

Normal people, we can simply point out that every mainstream source says fascism is right-wing. That's one reason why it's so good to be liberal, because we merely have to point to reality to "win".

Fascism - Wikipedia
fascism is usually placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum

It's okay if you squeal and run now. Given your history here, nobody expects you to back up your crazy claims. If we need to find you, we'll just follow the trail of piddle you left behind.

By "mainstream" you mean liberal sources. Of course they are not going to agree that fascism is leftwing.
By "mainstream" you mean liberal sources. Of course they are not going to agree that fascism is leftwing.

By mainstream, I mean "everyone except the most delusional right-wing-crank cultists". Obviously, you, P@triot, and your various kook cult buddies are not mainstream, normal, or anywhere close to it.

And yes, nobody can stop you from trying to define white as black and black as white. But everyone can laugh at you, and they will. The rest of the world is going to keep pointing out that fascism and Nazis are hard right ideologies, regardless of how much you cry about it.
By "mainstream" you mean liberal sources. Of course they are not going to agree that fascism is leftwing.

By mainstream, I mean "everyone except the most delusional right-wing-crank cultists". Obviously, you, P@triot, and your various kook cult buddies are not mainstream, normal, or anywhere close to it.

And yes, nobody can stop you from trying to define white as black and black as white. But everyone can laugh at you, and they will. The rest of the world is going to keep pointing out that fascism and Nazis are hard right ideologies, regardless of how much you cry about it.

Libs have called people who endorse simple things like balancing the budget, cutting spending, and following the Constitution as "EXTREME," so we know your definition of "mainstream" is complete bullshit.
I wonder if there are any experts, with professional knowledge of the definition of fascism?
It seems all the books, textbooks and otherwise are incorrect. Imagine all the political scientists going to work this morning and have no inkling of the true definition, and here it is, the real definition on these boards and written by posters in simple English. Who needs colleges and universities to get an education?

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