The liberal media is hiding an important truth in the election

Sandy Shanks

Gold Member
Jul 10, 2018
Bernie is a self-described socialist. Bernie Sanders Calls His Brand of Socialism a Pathway to Beating Trump - The New York Times

I can understand your confusion. The networks, including Democrat friendly CNN, are avoiding using the word, "socialist," to define Bernie, and his campaign managers avoid the term as well. No doubt the majority of his supporters do not know that Sanders is a socialist.

This is not at all strange. Trump's supporters remain loyal because they largely avoid what Trump does and says. When faced with the reality of Trump, they call it "fake news" and the purveyor of the "fake news" definitely has TDS.

Sanders is not a member of the Democratic Party. He is an independent. Bernie Sanders - Wikipedia

Sanders consistently attacks the Democratic leadership that is dedicated to defeating Trump. "I've got news for the Democratic establishment. They can't stop us," he said. Sanders 2020 campaign just declared war on the Democratic establishment - CNNPolitics

One can delude oneself into thinking that a socialist will defeat Trump, but there are questions to that approach. Why are so many unaware that Sanders is a socialist? During the election campaign, why are the networks, Sanders' managers, and Sanders himself not telling the voters he is a socialist? Because all three do not want his supporters to know that.

However, if he becomes the Democratic candidate, the Trump campaign will ensure that every voter in America will learn that Sanders is a socialist. Polls, even polls of Democrats, have clearly shown America will not elect a socialist.

If Sanders is nominated, the Democratic Party can kiss moderate and conservative Democrats goodbye. If Sanders is nominated, the party can kiss moderate Republicans weary of Trump goodbye along with the 63 million Americans who voted for Trump in 2016 and conservative independents.

Polls show that every other Democratic candidate other then the socialist, Warren, will beat Trump by a huge margin.
Bernie is a self-described socialist. Bernie Sanders Calls His Brand of Socialism a Pathway to Beating Trump - The New York Times

I can understand your confusion. The networks, including Democrat friendly CNN, are avoiding using the word, "socialist," to define Bernie, and his campaign managers avoid the term as well. No doubt the majority of his supporters do not know that Sanders is a socialist.

This is not at all strange. Trump's supporters remain loyal because they largely avoid what Trump does and says. When faced with the reality of Trump, they call it "fake news" and the purveyor of the "fake news" definitely has TDS.

Sanders is not a member of the Democratic Party. He is an independent. Bernie Sanders - Wikipedia

Sanders consistently attacks the Democratic leadership that is dedicated to defeating Trump. "I've got news for the Democratic establishment. They can't stop us," he said. Sanders 2020 campaign just declared war on the Democratic establishment - CNNPolitics

One can delude oneself into thinking that a socialist will defeat Trump, but there are questions to that approach. Why are so many unaware that Sanders is a socialist? During the election campaign, why are the networks, Sanders' managers, and Sanders himself not telling the voters he is a socialist? Because all three do not want his supporters to know that.

However, if he becomes the Democratic candidate, the Trump campaign will ensure that every voter in America will learn that Sanders is a socialist. Polls, even polls of Democrats, have clearly shown America will not elect a socialist.

If Sanders is nominated, the Democratic Party can kiss moderate and conservative Democrats goodbye. If Sanders is nominated, the party can kiss moderate Republicans weary of Trump goodbye along with the 63 million Americans who voted for Trump in 2016 and conservative independents.

Polls show that every other Democratic candidate other then the socialist, Warren, will beat Trump by a huge margin.
Bernie is a self-described socialist. Bernie Sanders Calls His Brand of Socialism a Pathway to Beating Trump - The New York Times

I can understand your confusion. The networks, including Democrat friendly CNN, are avoiding using the word, "socialist," to define Bernie, and his campaign managers avoid the term as well. No doubt the majority of his supporters do not know that Sanders is a socialist.

This is not at all strange. Trump's supporters remain loyal because they largely avoid what Trump does and says. When faced with the reality of Trump, they call it "fake news" and the purveyor of the "fake news" definitely has TDS.

Sanders is not a member of the Democratic Party. He is an independent. Bernie Sanders - Wikipedia

Sanders consistently attacks the Democratic leadership that is dedicated to defeating Trump. "I've got news for the Democratic establishment. They can't stop us," he said. Sanders 2020 campaign just declared war on the Democratic establishment - CNNPolitics

One can delude oneself into thinking that a socialist will defeat Trump, but there are questions to that approach. Why are so many unaware that Sanders is a socialist? During the election campaign, why are the networks, Sanders' managers, and Sanders himself not telling the voters he is a socialist? Because all three do not want his supporters to know that.

However, if he becomes the Democratic candidate, the Trump campaign will ensure that every voter in America will learn that Sanders is a socialist. Polls, even polls of Democrats, have clearly shown America will not elect a socialist.

If Sanders is nominated, the Democratic Party can kiss moderate and conservative Democrats goodbye. If Sanders is nominated, the party can kiss moderate Republicans weary of Trump goodbye along with the 63 million Americans who voted for Trump in 2016 and conservative independents.

Polls show that every other Democratic candidate other then the socialist, Warren, will beat Trump by a huge margin.
Damn, you really ARE dim, Sandy. Good luck with that.
Maybe polls are getting more accurate. Uh Oh I just saw that with almost 2/3rds of the SC votes in, Biden is beating Bernie 50% to 20%. But just yesterday I saw a South Carolina poll that had Joe and Bernie in a dead heat! OOOOOPS!! :21:
Bernie is a self-described socialist. Bernie Sanders Calls His Brand of Socialism a Pathway to Beating Trump - The New York Times

I can understand your confusion. The networks, including Democrat friendly CNN, are avoiding using the word, "socialist," to define Bernie, and his campaign managers avoid the term as well. No doubt the majority of his supporters do not know that Sanders is a socialist.

This is not at all strange. Trump's supporters remain loyal because they largely avoid what Trump does and says. When faced with the reality of Trump, they call it "fake news" and the purveyor of the "fake news" definitely has TDS.

Sanders is not a member of the Democratic Party. He is an independent. Bernie Sanders - Wikipedia

Sanders consistently attacks the Democratic leadership that is dedicated to defeating Trump. "I've got news for the Democratic establishment. They can't stop us," he said. Sanders 2020 campaign just declared war on the Democratic establishment - CNNPolitics

One can delude oneself into thinking that a socialist will defeat Trump, but there are questions to that approach. Why are so many unaware that Sanders is a socialist? During the election campaign, why are the networks, Sanders' managers, and Sanders himself not telling the voters he is a socialist? Because all three do not want his supporters to know that.

However, if he becomes the Democratic candidate, the Trump campaign will ensure that every voter in America will learn that Sanders is a socialist. Polls, even polls of Democrats, have clearly shown America will not elect a socialist.

If Sanders is nominated, the Democratic Party can kiss moderate and conservative Democrats goodbye. If Sanders is nominated, the party can kiss moderate Republicans weary of Trump goodbye along with the 63 million Americans who voted for Trump in 2016 and conservative independents.

Polls show that every other Democratic candidate other then the socialist, Warren, will beat Trump by a huge margin.
Trump will beat anyone the dems have running ! the polls are not reflective of the true support for Trump ! after the virus has died down and the stock market starts climbing again and new and better Trade deals are implemented Trumps approval will rise ! he has better approval #s now than he did in 2016 before he won ! add 10 to 15 points to any poll on Trump.
Bernie is a self-described socialist. Bernie Sanders Calls His Brand of Socialism a Pathway to Beating Trump - The New York Times

I can understand your confusion. The networks, including Democrat friendly CNN, are avoiding using the word, "socialist," to define Bernie, and his campaign managers avoid the term as well. No doubt the majority of his supporters do not know that Sanders is a socialist.

This is not at all strange. Trump's supporters remain loyal because they largely avoid what Trump does and says. When faced with the reality of Trump, they call it "fake news" and the purveyor of the "fake news" definitely has TDS.

Sanders is not a member of the Democratic Party. He is an independent. Bernie Sanders - Wikipedia

Sanders consistently attacks the Democratic leadership that is dedicated to defeating Trump. "I've got news for the Democratic establishment. They can't stop us," he said. Sanders 2020 campaign just declared war on the Democratic establishment - CNNPolitics

One can delude oneself into thinking that a socialist will defeat Trump, but there are questions to that approach. Why are so many unaware that Sanders is a socialist? During the election campaign, why are the networks, Sanders' managers, and Sanders himself not telling the voters he is a socialist? Because all three do not want his supporters to know that.

However, if he becomes the Democratic candidate, the Trump campaign will ensure that every voter in America will learn that Sanders is a socialist. Polls, even polls of Democrats, have clearly shown America will not elect a socialist.

If Sanders is nominated, the Democratic Party can kiss moderate and conservative Democrats goodbye. If Sanders is nominated, the party can kiss moderate Republicans weary of Trump goodbye along with the 63 million Americans who voted for Trump in 2016 and conservative independents.

Polls show that every other Democratic candidate other then the socialist, Warren, will beat Trump by a huge margin.

From the OP:

"Trump's supporters remain loyal because they largely avoid what Trump does and says. When faced with the reality of Trump, they call it "fake news" and the purveyor of the "fake news" definitely has TDS."

LOL! Utter hogwash. Republicans in general and especially the consciously conservative--i.e.,the classical liberals of natural and constitutional law--are infinitely better informed than the typical Democrat. We support Trump both in spite of his occasionally unnecessary verbal provocations and his mostly on point declarations. But most of all we support him because he says what he means and tries to do what he says, and the things he's doing are kicking in the teeth of the statist bootlicks of globalism, multiculturalism, corporatism, political correctness. . . . That would be the teeth of the political, media and academic establishment that's trying to enslave us via the destruction of the family, economic and ideological liberty, and the integrity of America's national sovereignty and citizenship..

In short, the notion that Trump's supporters avoid what Trump says and does is utterly absurd, a laughably transparent slander uttered by a clueless leftist dipshit of a sniveling, limp-wristed simp. I'm a well-educated man, but I'll take a blunt speaking man with the right ideals--American ideals!--over an articulate, smooth-talking leftist simpleton everyday of the week and twice on Sunday. and there isn't a single Democrat in the hunt that can beat Trump.

Shut the up!.
If it’s a Sandy Skank post there is no reason to read such a pile of lies.

Her posts are Satanically Inspired.

Bernie Sanders is the ultimate Traitor both to Israel and The US.

May God curse him if he does not repent of his wickedness.

Bernie is a self-described socialist. Bernie Sanders Calls His Brand of Socialism a Pathway to Beating Trump - The New York Times

I can understand your confusion. The networks, including Democrat friendly CNN, are avoiding using the word, "socialist," to define Bernie, and his campaign managers avoid the term as well. No doubt the majority of his supporters do not know that Sanders is a socialist.

This is not at all strange. Trump's supporters remain loyal because they largely avoid what Trump does and says. When faced with the reality of Trump, they call it "fake news" and the purveyor of the "fake news" definitely has TDS.

Sanders is not a member of the Democratic Party. He is an independent. Bernie Sanders - Wikipedia

Sanders consistently attacks the Democratic leadership that is dedicated to defeating Trump. "I've got news for the Democratic establishment. They can't stop us," he said. Sanders 2020 campaign just declared war on the Democratic establishment - CNNPolitics

One can delude oneself into thinking that a socialist will defeat Trump, but there are questions to that approach. Why are so many unaware that Sanders is a socialist? During the election campaign, why are the networks, Sanders' managers, and Sanders himself not telling the voters he is a socialist? Because all three do not want his supporters to know that.

However, if he becomes the Democratic candidate, the Trump campaign will ensure that every voter in America will learn that Sanders is a socialist. Polls, even polls of Democrats, have clearly shown America will not elect a socialist.

If Sanders is nominated, the Democratic Party can kiss moderate and conservative Democrats goodbye. If Sanders is nominated, the party can kiss moderate Republicans weary of Trump goodbye along with the 63 million Americans who voted for Trump in 2016 and conservative independents.

Polls show that every other Democratic candidate other then the socialist, Warren, will beat Trump by a huge margin.

Mayor Pete Buttigieg told his supporters Sunday he's ending his Presidential campaign. That is good news for Biden and very bad news for Sanders.

Fox News reports, " President Trump said it reflected the growing pressure among more moderate Democrats to consolidate in order to blunt the rise of progressive (socialist) Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt."

Donald J. Trump


Pete Buttigieg is OUT. All of his SuperTuesday votes will go to Sleepy Joe Biden. Great timing. This is the REAL beginning of the Dems taking Bernie out of play - NO NOMINATION, AGAIN!

3:43 PM - Mar 1, 2020

Trump is probably right -- a rare moment of inspiration -- and he sounds disappointed. I'm sure he is. He wants very much for the socialist to become the Democratic candidate. To Sanders supporters: That should tell you something.

BTW, it seems the Trump Network, er, Fox News, and Trump are avoiding the use of the word, "socialist."

Mayor Pete Buttigieg told his supporters Sunday he's ending his Presidential campaign. That is good news for Biden and very bad news for Sanders.

...BTW, it seems the Trump Network, er, Fox News, and Trump are avoiding the use of the word, "socialist."
...Shakir added. "Fox is often yelling about Bernie Sanders' socialism, but they're still giving our campaign the opportunity to make our case in a fair manner, unlike MSNBC, which has credibility with the left and is constantly undermining the Bernie Sanders campaign."
Sanders campaign manager says Fox News is 'more fair' to Bernie than MSNBC

...Things haven't improved since then, as far as Team Sanders is concerned, and "the constant diminishment of Bernie Sanders on MSNBC" is "actively damaging" the Sanders campaign and "hurts his case for electability," Shakir told Vanity Fair. CNN is at least making "efforts to try and diversify their voices" with pro-Sanders hires, he added, and even Fox News has been "more fair than MSNBC" to Sanders. "That's saying something," Shakir added. "Fox is often yelling about Bernie Sanders' socialism, but they're still giving our campaign the opportunity to make our case in a fair manner, unlike MSNBC, which has credibility with the left and is constantly undermining the Bernie Sanders campaign."
This is almost too funny for words.

The Hill reports, Trump's "Former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci vowed Wednesday to campaign for Joe Biden if the former vice president wins the Democratic presidential nomination.

"During an interview with CNN's Richard Quest, Scaramucci said he would not abandon his GOP affiliation, but would vote for and publicly support Biden in a general election contest against President Trump."

Then there is this. It seems Wall Street is pleased that there is now a united front against a poor President, and the biggest threat to Trump stands alone, meaning Biden. The socialist, Sanders, who Trump wanted to run against, is behind on the delegate count and popular vote count while facing an uphill battle in upcoming primaries.

Here is the report from Wall Street, courtesy of Yahoo Finance. "Stocks surged Wednesday after former Vice President Joe Biden staged a major comeback in voter support during Super Tuesday.

"The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 1,173 points or 4.5%. The S&P 500 added 126 points or 4.2%. Markets recovered losses after a sell-off on Tuesday knocked each of the major stock market indices down by more than 2.8%.

"While concerns over the spread of COVID-19 persist, politics was a focal point for investors with major wins for Biden during Super Tuesday helping appease investors seeking a moderate, and perceived market-friendly candidate, for the Democratic nomination."

Wall Street remembers Trump's harsh tariffs and trade war with China that restricted business expansion and caused inflation.

Trump was not at all pleased with that analysis.
If it’s a Sandy Skank post there is no reason to read such a pile of lies.

Her posts are Satanically Inspired.

Bernie Sanders is the ultimate Traitor both to Israel and The US.

May God curse him if he does not repent of his wickedness.

Bernie is a self-described socialist. Bernie Sanders Calls His Brand of Socialism a Pathway to Beating Trump - The New York Times

I can understand your confusion. The networks, including Democrat friendly CNN, are avoiding using the word, "socialist," to define Bernie, and his campaign managers avoid the term as well. No doubt the majority of his supporters do not know that Sanders is a socialist.

This is not at all strange. Trump's supporters remain loyal because they largely avoid what Trump does and says. When faced with the reality of Trump, they call it "fake news" and the purveyor of the "fake news" definitely has TDS.

Sanders is not a member of the Democratic Party. He is an independent. Bernie Sanders - Wikipedia

Sanders consistently attacks the Democratic leadership that is dedicated to defeating Trump. "I've got news for the Democratic establishment. They can't stop us," he said. Sanders 2020 campaign just declared war on the Democratic establishment - CNNPolitics

One can delude oneself into thinking that a socialist will defeat Trump, but there are questions to that approach. Why are so many unaware that Sanders is a socialist? During the election campaign, why are the networks, Sanders' managers, and Sanders himself not telling the voters he is a socialist? Because all three do not want his supporters to know that.

However, if he becomes the Democratic candidate, the Trump campaign will ensure that every voter in America will learn that Sanders is a socialist. Polls, even polls of Democrats, have clearly shown America will not elect a socialist.

If Sanders is nominated, the Democratic Party can kiss moderate and conservative Democrats goodbye. If Sanders is nominated, the party can kiss moderate Republicans weary of Trump goodbye along with the 63 million Americans who voted for Trump in 2016 and conservative independents.

Polls show that every other Democratic candidate other then the socialist, Warren, will beat Trump by a huge margin.

Denizen, Sandy, IM2....all DNC paid propaganda hacks
This is almost too funny for words.

The Hill reports, Trump's "Former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci vowed Wednesday to campaign for Joe Biden if the former vice president wins the Democratic presidential nomination.

"During an interview with CNN's Richard Quest, Scaramucci said he would not abandon his GOP affiliation, but would vote for and publicly support Biden in a general election contest against President Trump."

Then there is this. It seems Wall Street is pleased that there is now a united front against a poor President, and the biggest threat to Trump stands alone, meaning Biden. The socialist, Sanders, who Trump wanted to run against, is behind on the delegate count and popular vote count while facing an uphill battle in upcoming primaries.

Here is the report from Wall Street, courtesy of Yahoo Finance. "Stocks surged Wednesday after former Vice President Joe Biden staged a major comeback in voter support during Super Tuesday.

"The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 1,173 points or 4.5%. The S&P 500 added 126 points or 4.2%. Markets recovered losses after a sell-off on Tuesday knocked each of the major stock market indices down by more than 2.8%.

"While concerns over the spread of COVID-19 persist, politics was a focal point for investors with major wins for Biden during Super Tuesday helping appease investors seeking a moderate, and perceived market-friendly candidate, for the Democratic nomination."

Wall Street remembers Trump's harsh tariffs and trade war with China that restricted business expansion and caused inflation.

Trump was not at all pleased with that analysis.
The Mooch is a funny guy. Donnie Boy can pickem can't he? Working for Trump could probably convert a normal life-long republican, although Mooch always struck me as just another opportunist. Only the best people, right? DJT favors loyalty, but only he doesn't have to show any.

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