The liberal plan

once hispanics find out that Hillary is allowing Iran to make nuclear bombs that could find their way here, they may just not want to vote for the bioootch.
As everyone should know in order for Hillary to get elected she's going to need all the know nothing stupid fucks to vote for her. And how she'll do that is by playing the race, gender, gay & any other identity politics card she has.

So let's make a pact right now that we're not going to stoop to her level. Leave the unnecessary gay & race bullshit conversations in the gutter where they belong. Make this election about the things that matter. Prove you're not just an Internet troll who can't wait to insult Americans that are not like you. Rise above it and bring the rest of the country along for the ride. SHOW America what conservatives can do when not led around on a leash by some stupid liberal talking point.

Or continue being fools
Nice try, but we all know exactly what voters are going to do on election day. Voters have been stupid for so long now, they know no other way to be. Voters will elect a professional politician to sit in the oval office. Voters will vote for one of the candidates that the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential place on the ballot. And, voters will play the game as they usually do.
Poor gramps just doesn't get it.

As demonstrated by his posts here, he instantly makes every single thing entirely about race, gender, sexual orientation, or some other group identity. Like all the other conservatives here, that is.

Therefore, he can't imagine how anyone else could not think like himself. The concept of looking at people as individuals instead just of as members of a group is too alien for gramps or most conservatives to fathom.
Poor gramps just doesn't get it.

As demonstrated by his posts here, he instantly makes every single thing entirely about race, gender, sexual orientation, or some other group identity. Like all the other conservatives here, that is.

Therefore, he can't imagine how anyone else could not think like himself. The concept of looking at people as individuals instead just of as members of a group is too alien for gramps or most conservatives to fathom.
This thread is about how Hillary will portray groups & how the right will respond to her. If they're as stupid as you, Hillary wins.
Poor gramps just doesn't get it.

As demonstrated by his posts here, he instantly makes every single thing entirely about race, gender, sexual orientation, or some other group identity. Like all the other conservatives here, that is.

Therefore, he can't imagine how anyone else could not think like himself. The concept of looking at people as individuals instead just of as members of a group is too alien for gramps or most conservatives to fathom.
Hey YOUR side's mantra is 'identity politics'.....
Conservatives may very well nominate a doctor who just happens to be black....Why? Because enough of us would agree to his message and his proposals.
You guys will seek to destroy that person because as with Clarence Thomas, you people HATE blacks that are off the liberal reservation.....
Poor gramps just doesn't get it.

As demonstrated by his posts here, he instantly makes every single thing entirely about race, gender, sexual orientation, or some other group identity. Like all the other conservatives here, that is.

Therefore, he can't imagine how anyone else could not think like himself. The concept of looking at people as individuals instead just of as members of a group is too alien for gramps or most conservatives to fathom.
This thread is about how Hillary will portray groups & how the right will respond to her. If they're as stupid as you, Hillary wins.
The liberal way is to divide people into groups and then pit those groups against each other.

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