The Liberal Religion of “Tolerance”

The majority do. Leftists are a minority. I am tolerant of anyone who respects our laws, and loves this country. Leftists do neither of those.

That's new, do you have a link to where leftists are a minority?
Since it is a belief system and not a political party, no. They usually remain in hiding. But they do tend to have jobs at liberal universities and positions in local, state and federal agencies. No telling how many there are.

So you have nothing besides your own imagination to backup your point.
I have proven my point in the OP. That's all I'm required to do. Which explains why you are trying to deflect the discussion to something that is totally irrelevant, you ignorant hack!

I'm not trying to deflect anything. You accuse liberals of being intolerant and we demonstrated very well, that it is right wing intolerance that is destroying this country.
Bye bye. You obviously have no interest in a rational debate.
That's new, do you have a link to where leftists are a minority?
Since it is a belief system and not a political party, no. They usually remain in hiding. But they do tend to have jobs at liberal universities and positions in local, state and federal agencies. No telling how many there are.

So you have nothing besides your own imagination to backup your point.
I have proven my point in the OP. That's all I'm required to do. Which explains why you are trying to deflect the discussion to something that is totally irrelevant, you ignorant hack!

You haven't pointed to a single statistic to prove your point. You're a liar.
Either you haven't read the OP, or you are being deliberately dense. Or maybe you're just a clueless libturd. Take your pick. I'm done with you.

What have you proven? I don't see much.
That's new, do you have a link to where leftists are a minority?
Since it is a belief system and not a political party, no. They usually remain in hiding. But they do tend to have jobs at liberal universities and positions in local, state and federal agencies. No telling how many there are.

So you have nothing besides your own imagination to backup your point.
I have proven my point in the OP. That's all I'm required to do. Which explains why you are trying to deflect the discussion to something that is totally irrelevant, you ignorant hack!

I'm not trying to deflect anything. You accuse liberals of being intolerant and we demonstrated very well, that it is right wing intolerance that is destroying this country.
Bye bye. You obviously have no interest in a rational debate.

Code for 'I lost, I'm going away''.
Since it is a belief system and not a political party, no. They usually remain in hiding. But they do tend to have jobs at liberal universities and positions in local, state and federal agencies. No telling how many there are.

So you have nothing besides your own imagination to backup your point.
I have proven my point in the OP. That's all I'm required to do. Which explains why you are trying to deflect the discussion to something that is totally irrelevant, you ignorant hack!

You haven't pointed to a single statistic to prove your point. You're a liar.
Either you haven't read the OP, or you are being deliberately dense. Or maybe you're just a clueless libturd. Take your pick. I'm done with you.

What have you proven? I don't see much.
That's because you are a disingenuous political hack.
What about them? What do you think we should do?
My definition of a leftist is someone who is opposed to everything that made this country great. For whatever reason, they hate America and what it stands for. These people are the enemy, They should be dealt with by whatever means are necessary to protect our freedoms.
I am a leftist and I don't hate America.

You think disagreeing is intolerance.

Shit, how did I do that? I replied to the wrong somethin'? Anyway, meant to reply to Lutroo. Which is latin for asshat.
Lutroo is Greek for "redemption upon payment of ransom." translated to English it agrees with "Asshat"
Since it is a belief system and not a political party, no. They usually remain in hiding. But they do tend to have jobs at liberal universities and positions in local, state and federal agencies. No telling how many there are.

So you have nothing besides your own imagination to backup your point.
I have proven my point in the OP. That's all I'm required to do. Which explains why you are trying to deflect the discussion to something that is totally irrelevant, you ignorant hack!

I'm not trying to deflect anything. You accuse liberals of being intolerant and we demonstrated very well, that it is right wing intolerance that is destroying this country.
Bye bye. You obviously have no interest in a rational debate.

Code for 'I lost, I'm going away''.
So you have nothing besides your own imagination to backup your point.
I have proven my point in the OP. That's all I'm required to do. Which explains why you are trying to deflect the discussion to something that is totally irrelevant, you ignorant hack!

I'm not trying to deflect anything. You accuse liberals of being intolerant and we demonstrated very well, that it is right wing intolerance that is destroying this country.
Bye bye. You obviously have no interest in a rational debate.

Code for 'I lost, I'm going away''.
It means exactly what it says.
So you have nothing besides your own imagination to backup your point.
I have proven my point in the OP. That's all I'm required to do. Which explains why you are trying to deflect the discussion to something that is totally irrelevant, you ignorant hack!

You haven't pointed to a single statistic to prove your point. You're a liar.
Either you haven't read the OP, or you are being deliberately dense. Or maybe you're just a clueless libturd. Take your pick. I'm done with you.

What have you proven? I don't see much.
That's because you are a disingenuous political hack.

Just a guy with questions and you are failing miserably. Where is your proof that liberals are not tolerant? I mean, I'm assuming you're comparing them to other groups, where is your data? It's in almost every way.
I have proven my point in the OP. That's all I'm required to do. Which explains why you are trying to deflect the discussion to something that is totally irrelevant, you ignorant hack!

I'm not trying to deflect anything. You accuse liberals of being intolerant and we demonstrated very well, that it is right wing intolerance that is destroying this country.
Bye bye. You obviously have no interest in a rational debate.

Code for 'I lost, I'm going away''.
It means exactly what it says.

Are you talking to your invisible self? Bad idea to get advice from losers.
Paul G. Kengor

I’ve said it before, and I’m hardly alone. Many have observed it. Liberals revere tolerance. They practically worship it. It’s like a religion to them. Well, now comes a study that supports the point.

A new survey by Pew Research finds that when it comes to teaching children, liberals place a far higher priority on teaching “tolerance” than teaching religion. That liberals do this in schools is abundantly clear, but they apparently do it in their homes as well.

In this, Pew finds, liberals are the opposite of conservatives. “The starkest ideological differences [between liberals and conservatives] are over the importance of teaching religious faith,” reports Pew. “Among those who have consistently conservative attitudes across a range of political values, 81 percent think it is especially important for children to be taught religious faith…. Among those with consistently liberal views, just 26 percent rate the teaching of religious faith as especially important, and only 11 percent regard it as among the most important child-rearing qualities.”

Moreover, finds the survey, a staggering 88 percent of “consistently liberal” Americans list tolerance as their most important value in teaching their children.

While this data is significant, it’s also limited. It depends first and foremost on how one defines “tolerance,” and especially how liberals professing tolerance define tolerance.

I believe, in general, that liberals are not actually tolerant. Liberals tolerate only what they what want to tolerate. They tolerate things they agree with—which, of course, isn’t tolerance. Tolerance is about accepting the often-difficult differences between you and someone you strongly disagree with, and respecting that person’s right to an opposing point of view. Obviously, that’s not liberalism. This could be demonstrated multiple ways, but consider two salient examples pervasive in daily headlines: liberals’ behavior regarding same-sex marriage and abortion.

Liberals are relentless in denouncing, demonizing, boycotting, attacking, picketing, prosecuting, suing, fining, and even threatening to jail people who disagree with them on same-sex marriage. If your family owns a barn in New York (or elsewhere) and declines to rent it to a gay couple for a wedding ceremony, because such an arrangement violates your religious beliefs and freedom, liberals will fine you $13,000. If you’re Elaine Photography in New Mexico and beg not to photograph a same-sex wedding, liberals will sue you. If you are the Kleins in Oregon and plead not to make a cake for a same-sex ceremony, you will be picketed, hauled before state commissions, and have your livelihood ruined by liberals. If you are Jack Phillips, a baker in Colorado, or a florist in any number of states, who likewise prefers not to service same-sex events, you will be threatened with imprisonment. If you are the owner of Chick-fil-A or other businesses, and you dare admit that you’re against redefining marriage because you believe your God says you can’t, liberals literally will assert at your death that Jesus is going to send you to hell. I could go on and on with such examples: Mozilla, Craig James, the owner of Barilla pasta, the governor of Arizona, etc., etc., etc.

Liberals refuse to tolerate those who refuse to redefine marriage.

As for abortion, liberals not only refuse to respect your opposition; they insist you pay for their abortions. From Hobby Lobby to the Little Sisters of the Poor, they’re making you pay. If you don’t, you will be fined mightily.

I could go on and on with other examples from other issues. Look at how liberals run the universities, the training grounds for their missionaries of diversity. The faculty at these colleges are 80-90 percent liberal, and conservatives are not only marginalized but often barred from speaking on campus or angrily protested by these self-professing champions of free speech and open-mindedness.

All of this tells us much about liberals, but it especially reveals the phoniness of their claims to “tolerance.”

In truth, what liberals really practice is a selective “tolerance.” And when that selective tolerance doesn’t extend to you and your viewpoint, they tell you that you’re against tolerance, that you’re against diversity, and that you “hate.”

All of which brings me back to the Pew survey. I think it reveals something even deeper. Many liberals have left religion because it doesn’t accord to their definition of what religion (or God) should be. They’ve jettisoned Christianity because certain aspects don’t accord to their worldview. Their Christianity is, at best, a kind of cafeteria Christianity, where they pick and choose the elements of the faith they like and discard those they don’t. It’s a selective Christianity.

Liberals are instead embracing the faith of tolerance. But here, too, it’s a selective faith.

And most ironic, this selective tolerance often excludes the religious—or at least the religious that liberals disagree with.

- See more at: The Liberal Religion of “Tolerance” | The Center for Vision & Values at Grove City College Center for Vision and Values - A conservative think tank promoting truth and liberty through a vision of faith and freedom.

Conservatives tend to inculcate their children with religion like the Taliban or other religious groups, while liberals teach more tolerance for varying differences in people? And this is news to whom again?

Jesus Christ's life was about tolerance and forgiveness. Liberals have adopted this philosophy even though they aren't overly religious though most identify as Christians. Conservatives bloviate how 'religious' they are but they only mouth the words, they don't actually put the teachings of Christ into practice; help the poor, forgive the offender, turn the other cheek, love thy enemy, cast the first stone, do not put up wealth on Earth...

If conservatives actually practiced what Jesus taught they'd find themselves far less offended by red cups at Starbucks, or who is standing beside them in the bathroom or in the stall next door, or who is marrying whom, and instead the soup kitchens would be fully manned, people wouldn't be sleeping on the street, and there wouldn't be a single church that looked like a gold encrusted emperors palace.

A Libral brings Jesus into the conversation. Here is what Jesus said about Adultery: "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart". What says Jesus about a man of Power who shoots his load on the dress of a woman young enough to be his daughter?" Where does Jesus talk about adultery being okay as long as it was 'consensual'?

Let's look how Liberal Elite align with the teachings of Christ
-Help The Poor: Conservative Christians give more directly to the poor while elite Liberals demand more from people to give to the poor. SEE Bush Charity vs. Biden and Kerry. Don't forget the Clintons' writing off Bill's used boxers.
- Forgive the Offender/turn the other cheek: A baker decides not to bake a cake and liberals don't forgive or turn a cheek. They bury the fucker.
- Love thy enemy: The current President stated: "We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us".

- Cast The First Stone: "They Bring a Knife, we Bring a Gun"

- Do Not Set Up Wealth on Earth: What Senator moved his $7M Yacht down river from Massachusetts to Rhode Island to avoid the tax?

Don't every listen to a libral drival about Christ. They are full of shit and simply trying to cherry pick rules to use against conservatives via Alinsky style.

Thanks, you proved the point about conservatives bloviating about how religious they are. You don't hold any high ground and you aren't any more of a 'christian' than anyone else, you just need to believe that because it makes you feel good.

And you go to the default fallback position on every issue for conservatives. "I can provide one or two examples of something that contradict what you say so it covers everything you or anyone else says on the subject and makes you wrong about everything everywhere". Hilarious but sad, it reveals an inability to grasp large issues and make a reasoned argument.

If you lived in the days of Columbus you'd be standing on the shore screaming at him and his crew "we know you will fall off the edge of the Earth because a ship sailed into the Atlantic once and never returned, thus my point is proven beyond doubt and holds true for all things everywhere all the time".

The argument of ignorance, even though it is put forth with great vigor, is an argument of ignorance not withstanding. And who in hell is 'alinsky' and who cares. Seems to be one of your heroes?
Last edited:
Paul G. Kengor

I’ve said it before, and I’m hardly alone. Many have observed it. Liberals revere tolerance. They practically worship it. It’s like a religion to them. Well, now comes a study that supports the point.

A new survey by Pew Research finds that when it comes to teaching children, liberals place a far higher priority on teaching “tolerance” than teaching religion. That liberals do this in schools is abundantly clear, but they apparently do it in their homes as well.

In this, Pew finds, liberals are the opposite of conservatives. “The starkest ideological differences [between liberals and conservatives] are over the importance of teaching religious faith,” reports Pew. “Among those who have consistently conservative attitudes across a range of political values, 81 percent think it is especially important for children to be taught religious faith…. Among those with consistently liberal views, just 26 percent rate the teaching of religious faith as especially important, and only 11 percent regard it as among the most important child-rearing qualities.”

Moreover, finds the survey, a staggering 88 percent of “consistently liberal” Americans list tolerance as their most important value in teaching their children.

While this data is significant, it’s also limited. It depends first and foremost on how one defines “tolerance,” and especially how liberals professing tolerance define tolerance.

I believe, in general, that liberals are not actually tolerant. Liberals tolerate only what they what want to tolerate. They tolerate things they agree with—which, of course, isn’t tolerance. Tolerance is about accepting the often-difficult differences between you and someone you strongly disagree with, and respecting that person’s right to an opposing point of view. Obviously, that’s not liberalism. This could be demonstrated multiple ways, but consider two salient examples pervasive in daily headlines: liberals’ behavior regarding same-sex marriage and abortion.

Liberals are relentless in denouncing, demonizing, boycotting, attacking, picketing, prosecuting, suing, fining, and even threatening to jail people who disagree with them on same-sex marriage. If your family owns a barn in New York (or elsewhere) and declines to rent it to a gay couple for a wedding ceremony, because such an arrangement violates your religious beliefs and freedom, liberals will fine you $13,000. If you’re Elaine Photography in New Mexico and beg not to photograph a same-sex wedding, liberals will sue you. If you are the Kleins in Oregon and plead not to make a cake for a same-sex ceremony, you will be picketed, hauled before state commissions, and have your livelihood ruined by liberals. If you are Jack Phillips, a baker in Colorado, or a florist in any number of states, who likewise prefers not to service same-sex events, you will be threatened with imprisonment. If you are the owner of Chick-fil-A or other businesses, and you dare admit that you’re against redefining marriage because you believe your God says you can’t, liberals literally will assert at your death that Jesus is going to send you to hell. I could go on and on with such examples: Mozilla, Craig James, the owner of Barilla pasta, the governor of Arizona, etc., etc., etc.

Liberals refuse to tolerate those who refuse to redefine marriage.

As for abortion, liberals not only refuse to respect your opposition; they insist you pay for their abortions. From Hobby Lobby to the Little Sisters of the Poor, they’re making you pay. If you don’t, you will be fined mightily.

I could go on and on with other examples from other issues. Look at how liberals run the universities, the training grounds for their missionaries of diversity. The faculty at these colleges are 80-90 percent liberal, and conservatives are not only marginalized but often barred from speaking on campus or angrily protested by these self-professing champions of free speech and open-mindedness.

All of this tells us much about liberals, but it especially reveals the phoniness of their claims to “tolerance.”

In truth, what liberals really practice is a selective “tolerance.” And when that selective tolerance doesn’t extend to you and your viewpoint, they tell you that you’re against tolerance, that you’re against diversity, and that you “hate.”

All of which brings me back to the Pew survey. I think it reveals something even deeper. Many liberals have left religion because it doesn’t accord to their definition of what religion (or God) should be. They’ve jettisoned Christianity because certain aspects don’t accord to their worldview. Their Christianity is, at best, a kind of cafeteria Christianity, where they pick and choose the elements of the faith they like and discard those they don’t. It’s a selective Christianity.

Liberals are instead embracing the faith of tolerance. But here, too, it’s a selective faith.

And most ironic, this selective tolerance often excludes the religious—or at least the religious that liberals disagree with.

- See more at: The Liberal Religion of “Tolerance” | The Center for Vision & Values at Grove City College Center for Vision and Values - A conservative think tank promoting truth and liberty through a vision of faith and freedom.

Conservatives tend to inculcate their children with religion like the Taliban or other religious groups, while liberals teach more tolerance for varying differences in people? And this is news to whom again?

Jesus Christ's life was about tolerance and forgiveness. Liberals have adopted this philosophy even though they aren't overly religious though most identify as Christians. Conservatives bloviate how 'religious' they are but they only mouth the words, they don't actually put the teachings of Christ into practice; help the poor, forgive the offender, turn the other cheek, love thy enemy, cast the first stone, do not put up wealth on Earth...

If conservatives actually practiced what Jesus taught they'd find themselves far less offended by red cups at Starbucks, or who is standing beside them in the bathroom or in the stall next door, or who is marrying whom, and instead the soup kitchens would be fully manned, people wouldn't be sleeping on the street, and there wouldn't be a single church that looked like a gold encrusted emperors palace.

A Libral brings Jesus into the conversation. Here is what Jesus said about Adultery: "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart". What says Jesus about a man of Power who shoots his load on the dress of a woman young enough to be his daughter?" Where does Jesus talk about adultery being okay as long as it was 'consensual'?

Let's look how Liberal Elite align with the teachings of Christ
-Help The Poor: Conservative Christians give more directly to the poor while elite Liberals demand more from people to give to the poor. SEE Bush Charity vs. Biden and Kerry. Don't forget the Clintons' writing off Bill's used boxers.
- Forgive the Offender/turn the other cheek: A baker decides not to bake a cake and liberals don't forgive or turn a cheek. They bury the fucker.
- Love thy enemy: The current President stated: "We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us".

- Cast The First Stone: "They Bring a Knife, we Bring a Gun"

- Do Not Set Up Wealth on Earth: What Senator moved his $7M Yacht down river from Massachusetts to Rhode Island to avoid the tax?

Don't every listen to a libral drival about Christ. They are full of shit and simply trying to cherry pick rules to use against conservatives via Alinsky style.

Thanks, you proved the point about conservatives bloviating about how religious they are. You don't hold any high ground and you aren't any more of a 'christian' than anyone else, you just need to believe that because it makes you feel good.

And you go to the default fallback position on every issue for conservatives. "I can provide one or two examples of something that contradict what you say so it covers everything you or anyone else says on the subject and makes you wrong about everything everywhere". Hilarious but sad, it reveals an inability to grasp large issues and make a reasoned argument.

If you lived in the days of Columbus you'd be standing on the shore screaming at him and his crew "we know you will fall off the edge of the Earth because a ship sailed into the Atlantic once and never returned, thus my point is proven beyond doubt and holds true for all things everywhere all the time".

The argument of ignorance, even though it is put forth with great vigor, is an argument of ignorance not withstanding. And who in hell is 'alinsky' and who cares. Seems to be one of your heroes?

You made the claim that Liberals are tolerant, forgiving, like Jesus while Consevatives are not and got exposed that is not the case. I provided many examples that contradict what you say and can provide more. You hold the ground that Liberals are more like Jesus based on pure opinion. I have never held a ground that I am more Christian vs. Liberals. That would make me judgemental.
Paul G. Kengor

I’ve said it before, and I’m hardly alone. Many have observed it. Liberals revere tolerance. They practically worship it. It’s like a religion to them. Well, now comes a study that supports the point.

A new survey by Pew Research finds that when it comes to teaching children, liberals place a far higher priority on teaching “tolerance” than teaching religion. That liberals do this in schools is abundantly clear, but they apparently do it in their homes as well.

In this, Pew finds, liberals are the opposite of conservatives. “The starkest ideological differences [between liberals and conservatives] are over the importance of teaching religious faith,” reports Pew. “Among those who have consistently conservative attitudes across a range of political values, 81 percent think it is especially important for children to be taught religious faith…. Among those with consistently liberal views, just 26 percent rate the teaching of religious faith as especially important, and only 11 percent regard it as among the most important child-rearing qualities.”

Moreover, finds the survey, a staggering 88 percent of “consistently liberal” Americans list tolerance as their most important value in teaching their children.

While this data is significant, it’s also limited. It depends first and foremost on how one defines “tolerance,” and especially how liberals professing tolerance define tolerance.

I believe, in general, that liberals are not actually tolerant. Liberals tolerate only what they what want to tolerate. They tolerate things they agree with—which, of course, isn’t tolerance. Tolerance is about accepting the often-difficult differences between you and someone you strongly disagree with, and respecting that person’s right to an opposing point of view. Obviously, that’s not liberalism. This could be demonstrated multiple ways, but consider two salient examples pervasive in daily headlines: liberals’ behavior regarding same-sex marriage and abortion.

Liberals are relentless in denouncing, demonizing, boycotting, attacking, picketing, prosecuting, suing, fining, and even threatening to jail people who disagree with them on same-sex marriage. If your family owns a barn in New York (or elsewhere) and declines to rent it to a gay couple for a wedding ceremony, because such an arrangement violates your religious beliefs and freedom, liberals will fine you $13,000. If you’re Elaine Photography in New Mexico and beg not to photograph a same-sex wedding, liberals will sue you. If you are the Kleins in Oregon and plead not to make a cake for a same-sex ceremony, you will be picketed, hauled before state commissions, and have your livelihood ruined by liberals. If you are Jack Phillips, a baker in Colorado, or a florist in any number of states, who likewise prefers not to service same-sex events, you will be threatened with imprisonment. If you are the owner of Chick-fil-A or other businesses, and you dare admit that you’re against redefining marriage because you believe your God says you can’t, liberals literally will assert at your death that Jesus is going to send you to hell. I could go on and on with such examples: Mozilla, Craig James, the owner of Barilla pasta, the governor of Arizona, etc., etc., etc.

Liberals refuse to tolerate those who refuse to redefine marriage.

As for abortion, liberals not only refuse to respect your opposition; they insist you pay for their abortions. From Hobby Lobby to the Little Sisters of the Poor, they’re making you pay. If you don’t, you will be fined mightily.

I could go on and on with other examples from other issues. Look at how liberals run the universities, the training grounds for their missionaries of diversity. The faculty at these colleges are 80-90 percent liberal, and conservatives are not only marginalized but often barred from speaking on campus or angrily protested by these self-professing champions of free speech and open-mindedness.

All of this tells us much about liberals, but it especially reveals the phoniness of their claims to “tolerance.”

In truth, what liberals really practice is a selective “tolerance.” And when that selective tolerance doesn’t extend to you and your viewpoint, they tell you that you’re against tolerance, that you’re against diversity, and that you “hate.”

All of which brings me back to the Pew survey. I think it reveals something even deeper. Many liberals have left religion because it doesn’t accord to their definition of what religion (or God) should be. They’ve jettisoned Christianity because certain aspects don’t accord to their worldview. Their Christianity is, at best, a kind of cafeteria Christianity, where they pick and choose the elements of the faith they like and discard those they don’t. It’s a selective Christianity.

Liberals are instead embracing the faith of tolerance. But here, too, it’s a selective faith.

And most ironic, this selective tolerance often excludes the religious—or at least the religious that liberals disagree with.

- See more at: The Liberal Religion of “Tolerance” | The Center for Vision & Values at Grove City College Center for Vision and Values - A conservative think tank promoting truth and liberty through a vision of faith and freedom.

Conservatives tend to inculcate their children with religion like the Taliban or other religious groups, while liberals teach more tolerance for varying differences in people? And this is news to whom again?

Jesus Christ's life was about tolerance and forgiveness. Liberals have adopted this philosophy even though they aren't overly religious though most identify as Christians. Conservatives bloviate how 'religious' they are but they only mouth the words, they don't actually put the teachings of Christ into practice; help the poor, forgive the offender, turn the other cheek, love thy enemy, cast the first stone, do not put up wealth on Earth...

If conservatives actually practiced what Jesus taught they'd find themselves far less offended by red cups at Starbucks, or who is standing beside them in the bathroom or in the stall next door, or who is marrying whom, and instead the soup kitchens would be fully manned, people wouldn't be sleeping on the street, and there wouldn't be a single church that looked like a gold encrusted emperors palace.

A Libral brings Jesus into the conversation. Here is what Jesus said about Adultery: "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart". What says Jesus about a man of Power who shoots his load on the dress of a woman young enough to be his daughter?" Where does Jesus talk about adultery being okay as long as it was 'consensual'?

Let's look how Liberal Elite align with the teachings of Christ
-Help The Poor: Conservative Christians give more directly to the poor while elite Liberals demand more from people to give to the poor. SEE Bush Charity vs. Biden and Kerry. Don't forget the Clintons' writing off Bill's used boxers.
- Forgive the Offender/turn the other cheek: A baker decides not to bake a cake and liberals don't forgive or turn a cheek. They bury the fucker.
- Love thy enemy: The current President stated: "We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us".

- Cast The First Stone: "They Bring a Knife, we Bring a Gun"

- Do Not Set Up Wealth on Earth: What Senator moved his $7M Yacht down river from Massachusetts to Rhode Island to avoid the tax?

Don't every listen to a libral drival about Christ. They are full of shit and simply trying to cherry pick rules to use against conservatives via Alinsky style.

Thanks, you proved the point about conservatives bloviating about how religious they are. You don't hold any high ground and you aren't any more of a 'christian' than anyone else, you just need to believe that because it makes you feel good.

And you go to the default fallback position on every issue for conservatives. "I can provide one or two examples of something that contradict what you say so it covers everything you or anyone else says on the subject and makes you wrong about everything everywhere". Hilarious but sad, it reveals an inability to grasp large issues and make a reasoned argument.

If you lived in the days of Columbus you'd be standing on the shore screaming at him and his crew "we know you will fall off the edge of the Earth because a ship sailed into the Atlantic once and never returned, thus my point is proven beyond doubt and holds true for all things everywhere all the time".

The argument of ignorance, even though it is put forth with great vigor, is an argument of ignorance not withstanding. And who in hell is 'alinsky' and who cares. Seems to be one of your heroes?

You made the claim that Liberals are tolerant, forgiving, like Jesus while Consevatives are not and got exposed that is not the case. I provided many examples that contradict what you say and can provide more. You hold the ground that Liberals are more like Jesus based on pure opinion. I have never held a ground that I am more Christian vs. Liberals. That would make me judgemental.
Paul G. Kengor

I’ve said it before, and I’m hardly alone. Many have observed it. Liberals revere tolerance. They practically worship it. It’s like a religion to them. Well, now comes a study that supports the point.

A new survey by Pew Research finds that when it comes to teaching children, liberals place a far higher priority on teaching “tolerance” than teaching religion. That liberals do this in schools is abundantly clear, but they apparently do it in their homes as well.

In this, Pew finds, liberals are the opposite of conservatives. “The starkest ideological differences [between liberals and conservatives] are over the importance of teaching religious faith,” reports Pew. “Among those who have consistently conservative attitudes across a range of political values, 81 percent think it is especially important for children to be taught religious faith…. Among those with consistently liberal views, just 26 percent rate the teaching of religious faith as especially important, and only 11 percent regard it as among the most important child-rearing qualities.”

Moreover, finds the survey, a staggering 88 percent of “consistently liberal” Americans list tolerance as their most important value in teaching their children.

While this data is significant, it’s also limited. It depends first and foremost on how one defines “tolerance,” and especially how liberals professing tolerance define tolerance.

I believe, in general, that liberals are not actually tolerant. Liberals tolerate only what they what want to tolerate. They tolerate things they agree with—which, of course, isn’t tolerance. Tolerance is about accepting the often-difficult differences between you and someone you strongly disagree with, and respecting that person’s right to an opposing point of view. Obviously, that’s not liberalism. This could be demonstrated multiple ways, but consider two salient examples pervasive in daily headlines: liberals’ behavior regarding same-sex marriage and abortion.

Liberals are relentless in denouncing, demonizing, boycotting, attacking, picketing, prosecuting, suing, fining, and even threatening to jail people who disagree with them on same-sex marriage. If your family owns a barn in New York (or elsewhere) and declines to rent it to a gay couple for a wedding ceremony, because such an arrangement violates your religious beliefs and freedom, liberals will fine you $13,000. If you’re Elaine Photography in New Mexico and beg not to photograph a same-sex wedding, liberals will sue you. If you are the Kleins in Oregon and plead not to make a cake for a same-sex ceremony, you will be picketed, hauled before state commissions, and have your livelihood ruined by liberals. If you are Jack Phillips, a baker in Colorado, or a florist in any number of states, who likewise prefers not to service same-sex events, you will be threatened with imprisonment. If you are the owner of Chick-fil-A or other businesses, and you dare admit that you’re against redefining marriage because you believe your God says you can’t, liberals literally will assert at your death that Jesus is going to send you to hell. I could go on and on with such examples: Mozilla, Craig James, the owner of Barilla pasta, the governor of Arizona, etc., etc., etc.

Liberals refuse to tolerate those who refuse to redefine marriage.

As for abortion, liberals not only refuse to respect your opposition; they insist you pay for their abortions. From Hobby Lobby to the Little Sisters of the Poor, they’re making you pay. If you don’t, you will be fined mightily.

I could go on and on with other examples from other issues. Look at how liberals run the universities, the training grounds for their missionaries of diversity. The faculty at these colleges are 80-90 percent liberal, and conservatives are not only marginalized but often barred from speaking on campus or angrily protested by these self-professing champions of free speech and open-mindedness.

All of this tells us much about liberals, but it especially reveals the phoniness of their claims to “tolerance.”

In truth, what liberals really practice is a selective “tolerance.” And when that selective tolerance doesn’t extend to you and your viewpoint, they tell you that you’re against tolerance, that you’re against diversity, and that you “hate.”

All of which brings me back to the Pew survey. I think it reveals something even deeper. Many liberals have left religion because it doesn’t accord to their definition of what religion (or God) should be. They’ve jettisoned Christianity because certain aspects don’t accord to their worldview. Their Christianity is, at best, a kind of cafeteria Christianity, where they pick and choose the elements of the faith they like and discard those they don’t. It’s a selective Christianity.

Liberals are instead embracing the faith of tolerance. But here, too, it’s a selective faith.

And most ironic, this selective tolerance often excludes the religious—or at least the religious that liberals disagree with.

- See more at: The Liberal Religion of “Tolerance” | The Center for Vision & Values at Grove City College Center for Vision and Values - A conservative think tank promoting truth and liberty through a vision of faith and freedom.

Conservatives tend to inculcate their children with religion like the Taliban or other religious groups, while liberals teach more tolerance for varying differences in people? And this is news to whom again?

Jesus Christ's life was about tolerance and forgiveness. Liberals have adopted this philosophy even though they aren't overly religious though most identify as Christians. Conservatives bloviate how 'religious' they are but they only mouth the words, they don't actually put the teachings of Christ into practice; help the poor, forgive the offender, turn the other cheek, love thy enemy, cast the first stone, do not put up wealth on Earth...

If conservatives actually practiced what Jesus taught they'd find themselves far less offended by red cups at Starbucks, or who is standing beside them in the bathroom or in the stall next door, or who is marrying whom, and instead the soup kitchens would be fully manned, people wouldn't be sleeping on the street, and there wouldn't be a single church that looked like a gold encrusted emperors palace.

A Libral brings Jesus into the conversation. Here is what Jesus said about Adultery: "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart". What says Jesus about a man of Power who shoots his load on the dress of a woman young enough to be his daughter?" Where does Jesus talk about adultery being okay as long as it was 'consensual'?

Let's look how Liberal Elite align with the teachings of Christ
-Help The Poor: Conservative Christians give more directly to the poor while elite Liberals demand more from people to give to the poor. SEE Bush Charity vs. Biden and Kerry. Don't forget the Clintons' writing off Bill's used boxers.
- Forgive the Offender/turn the other cheek: A baker decides not to bake a cake and liberals don't forgive or turn a cheek. They bury the fucker.
- Love thy enemy: The current President stated: "We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us".

- Cast The First Stone: "They Bring a Knife, we Bring a Gun"

- Do Not Set Up Wealth on Earth: What Senator moved his $7M Yacht down river from Massachusetts to Rhode Island to avoid the tax?

Don't every listen to a libral drival about Christ. They are full of shit and simply trying to cherry pick rules to use against conservatives via Alinsky style.

Thanks, you proved the point about conservatives bloviating about how religious they are. You don't hold any high ground and you aren't any more of a 'christian' than anyone else, you just need to believe that because it makes you feel good.

And you go to the default fallback position on every issue for conservatives. "I can provide one or two examples of something that contradict what you say so it covers everything you or anyone else says on the subject and makes you wrong about everything everywhere". Hilarious but sad, it reveals an inability to grasp large issues and make a reasoned argument.

If you lived in the days of Columbus you'd be standing on the shore screaming at him and his crew "we know you will fall off the edge of the Earth because a ship sailed into the Atlantic once and never returned, thus my point is proven beyond doubt and holds true for all things everywhere all the time".

The argument of ignorance, even though it is put forth with great vigor, is an argument of ignorance not withstanding. And who in hell is 'alinsky' and who cares. Seems to be one of your heroes?

You made the claim that Liberals are tolerant, forgiving, like Jesus while Consevatives are not and got exposed that is not the case. I provided many examples that contradict what you say and can provide more. You hold the ground that Liberals are more like Jesus based on pure opinion. I have never held a ground that I am more Christian vs. Liberals. That would make me judgemental.
You cannot reason with someone like that. Best to just ignore them.
Paul G. Kengor

I’ve said it before, and I’m hardly alone. Many have observed it. Liberals revere tolerance. They practically worship it. It’s like a religion to them. Well, now comes a study that supports the point.

A new survey by Pew Research finds that when it comes to teaching children, liberals place a far higher priority on teaching “tolerance” than teaching religion. That liberals do this in schools is abundantly clear, but they apparently do it in their homes as well.

In this, Pew finds, liberals are the opposite of conservatives. “The starkest ideological differences [between liberals and conservatives] are over the importance of teaching religious faith,” reports Pew. “Among those who have consistently conservative attitudes across a range of political values, 81 percent think it is especially important for children to be taught religious faith…. Among those with consistently liberal views, just 26 percent rate the teaching of religious faith as especially important, and only 11 percent regard it as among the most important child-rearing qualities.”

Moreover, finds the survey, a staggering 88 percent of “consistently liberal” Americans list tolerance as their most important value in teaching their children.

While this data is significant, it’s also limited. It depends first and foremost on how one defines “tolerance,” and especially how liberals professing tolerance define tolerance.

I believe, in general, that liberals are not actually tolerant. Liberals tolerate only what they what want to tolerate. They tolerate things they agree with—which, of course, isn’t tolerance. Tolerance is about accepting the often-difficult differences between you and someone you strongly disagree with, and respecting that person’s right to an opposing point of view. Obviously, that’s not liberalism. This could be demonstrated multiple ways, but consider two salient examples pervasive in daily headlines: liberals’ behavior regarding same-sex marriage and abortion.

Liberals are relentless in denouncing, demonizing, boycotting, attacking, picketing, prosecuting, suing, fining, and even threatening to jail people who disagree with them on same-sex marriage. If your family owns a barn in New York (or elsewhere) and declines to rent it to a gay couple for a wedding ceremony, because such an arrangement violates your religious beliefs and freedom, liberals will fine you $13,000. If you’re Elaine Photography in New Mexico and beg not to photograph a same-sex wedding, liberals will sue you. If you are the Kleins in Oregon and plead not to make a cake for a same-sex ceremony, you will be picketed, hauled before state commissions, and have your livelihood ruined by liberals. If you are Jack Phillips, a baker in Colorado, or a florist in any number of states, who likewise prefers not to service same-sex events, you will be threatened with imprisonment. If you are the owner of Chick-fil-A or other businesses, and you dare admit that you’re against redefining marriage because you believe your God says you can’t, liberals literally will assert at your death that Jesus is going to send you to hell. I could go on and on with such examples: Mozilla, Craig James, the owner of Barilla pasta, the governor of Arizona, etc., etc., etc.

Liberals refuse to tolerate those who refuse to redefine marriage.

As for abortion, liberals not only refuse to respect your opposition; they insist you pay for their abortions. From Hobby Lobby to the Little Sisters of the Poor, they’re making you pay. If you don’t, you will be fined mightily.

I could go on and on with other examples from other issues. Look at how liberals run the universities, the training grounds for their missionaries of diversity. The faculty at these colleges are 80-90 percent liberal, and conservatives are not only marginalized but often barred from speaking on campus or angrily protested by these self-professing champions of free speech and open-mindedness.

All of this tells us much about liberals, but it especially reveals the phoniness of their claims to “tolerance.”

In truth, what liberals really practice is a selective “tolerance.” And when that selective tolerance doesn’t extend to you and your viewpoint, they tell you that you’re against tolerance, that you’re against diversity, and that you “hate.”

All of which brings me back to the Pew survey. I think it reveals something even deeper. Many liberals have left religion because it doesn’t accord to their definition of what religion (or God) should be. They’ve jettisoned Christianity because certain aspects don’t accord to their worldview. Their Christianity is, at best, a kind of cafeteria Christianity, where they pick and choose the elements of the faith they like and discard those they don’t. It’s a selective Christianity.

Liberals are instead embracing the faith of tolerance. But here, too, it’s a selective faith.

And most ironic, this selective tolerance often excludes the religious—or at least the religious that liberals disagree with.

- See more at: The Liberal Religion of “Tolerance” | The Center for Vision & Values at Grove City College Center for Vision and Values - A conservative think tank promoting truth and liberty through a vision of faith and freedom.

Conservatives tend to inculcate their children with religion like the Taliban or other religious groups, while liberals teach more tolerance for varying differences in people? And this is news to whom again?

Jesus Christ's life was about tolerance and forgiveness. Liberals have adopted this philosophy even though they aren't overly religious though most identify as Christians. Conservatives bloviate how 'religious' they are but they only mouth the words, they don't actually put the teachings of Christ into practice; help the poor, forgive the offender, turn the other cheek, love thy enemy, cast the first stone, do not put up wealth on Earth...

If conservatives actually practiced what Jesus taught they'd find themselves far less offended by red cups at Starbucks, or who is standing beside them in the bathroom or in the stall next door, or who is marrying whom, and instead the soup kitchens would be fully manned, people wouldn't be sleeping on the street, and there wouldn't be a single church that looked like a gold encrusted emperors palace.

A Libral brings Jesus into the conversation. Here is what Jesus said about Adultery: "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart". What says Jesus about a man of Power who shoots his load on the dress of a woman young enough to be his daughter?" Where does Jesus talk about adultery being okay as long as it was 'consensual'?

Let's look how Liberal Elite align with the teachings of Christ
-Help The Poor: Conservative Christians give more directly to the poor while elite Liberals demand more from people to give to the poor. SEE Bush Charity vs. Biden and Kerry. Don't forget the Clintons' writing off Bill's used boxers.
- Forgive the Offender/turn the other cheek: A baker decides not to bake a cake and liberals don't forgive or turn a cheek. They bury the fucker.
- Love thy enemy: The current President stated: "We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us".

- Cast The First Stone: "They Bring a Knife, we Bring a Gun"

- Do Not Set Up Wealth on Earth: What Senator moved his $7M Yacht down river from Massachusetts to Rhode Island to avoid the tax?

Don't every listen to a libral drival about Christ. They are full of shit and simply trying to cherry pick rules to use against conservatives via Alinsky style.

Thanks, you proved the point about conservatives bloviating about how religious they are. You don't hold any high ground and you aren't any more of a 'christian' than anyone else, you just need to believe that because it makes you feel good.

And you go to the default fallback position on every issue for conservatives. "I can provide one or two examples of something that contradict what you say so it covers everything you or anyone else says on the subject and makes you wrong about everything everywhere". Hilarious but sad, it reveals an inability to grasp large issues and make a reasoned argument.

If you lived in the days of Columbus you'd be standing on the shore screaming at him and his crew "we know you will fall off the edge of the Earth because a ship sailed into the Atlantic once and never returned, thus my point is proven beyond doubt and holds true for all things everywhere all the time".

The argument of ignorance, even though it is put forth with great vigor, is an argument of ignorance not withstanding. And who in hell is 'alinsky' and who cares. Seems to be one of your heroes?

You made the claim that Liberals are tolerant, forgiving, like Jesus while Consevatives are not and got exposed that is not the case. I provided many examples that contradict what you say and can provide more. You hold the ground that Liberals are more like Jesus based on pure opinion. I have never held a ground that I am more Christian vs. Liberals. That would make me judgemental.

Everyone judges, it's just if you judge fairly is what makes the difference. Whether the judgement is meant as a way to feel better in yourself or if more of an objective view of something. For humans such things are regularly intermixed, I suggest it is the lifelong pursuit to continually move your judgement from the subjective to the objective. If you see someone homeless on the street is the first instinct to think them lower and lazy, or that they are also human beings to be shown respect and you don't know how they got into this situation, it may have been something out of their control or a series of things.

And let us not take anything as meaning 'all of something' or 'in every instance'. My statement re liberals and conservatives is a general observation, not a universal belief. I have many friends that are conservatives that have large hearts. Politically the Republicans usually side against the middle class and poor, in general, in favor of the wealthy. This is opposite of what Christ stood for and taught. If you don't, then I'm glad.
Liberal regressives support Islam, the most intolerant institution on the planet.

Further, they believe losers, single-moms. welfare-queens and etc. cancer of society should be cheered for, instead of addressed them as a problem to be solved. This according to them, is "tolerance".
Paul G. Kengor

I’ve said it before, and I’m hardly alone. Many have observed it. Liberals revere tolerance. They practically worship it. It’s like a religion to them. Well, now comes a study that supports the point.

A new survey by Pew Research finds that when it comes to teaching children, liberals place a far higher priority on teaching “tolerance” than teaching religion. That liberals do this in schools is abundantly clear, but they apparently do it in their homes as well.

In this, Pew finds, liberals are the opposite of conservatives. “The starkest ideological differences [between liberals and conservatives] are over the importance of teaching religious faith,” reports Pew. “Among those who have consistently conservative attitudes across a range of political values, 81 percent think it is especially important for children to be taught religious faith…. Among those with consistently liberal views, just 26 percent rate the teaching of religious faith as especially important, and only 11 percent regard it as among the most important child-rearing qualities.”

Moreover, finds the survey, a staggering 88 percent of “consistently liberal” Americans list tolerance as their most important value in teaching their children.

While this data is significant, it’s also limited. It depends first and foremost on how one defines “tolerance,” and especially how liberals professing tolerance define tolerance.

I believe, in general, that liberals are not actually tolerant. Liberals tolerate only what they what want to tolerate. They tolerate things they agree with—which, of course, isn’t tolerance. Tolerance is about accepting the often-difficult differences between you and someone you strongly disagree with, and respecting that person’s right to an opposing point of view. Obviously, that’s not liberalism. This could be demonstrated multiple ways, but consider two salient examples pervasive in daily headlines: liberals’ behavior regarding same-sex marriage and abortion.

Liberals are relentless in denouncing, demonizing, boycotting, attacking, picketing, prosecuting, suing, fining, and even threatening to jail people who disagree with them on same-sex marriage. If your family owns a barn in New York (or elsewhere) and declines to rent it to a gay couple for a wedding ceremony, because such an arrangement violates your religious beliefs and freedom, liberals will fine you $13,000. If you’re Elaine Photography in New Mexico and beg not to photograph a same-sex wedding, liberals will sue you. If you are the Kleins in Oregon and plead not to make a cake for a same-sex ceremony, you will be picketed, hauled before state commissions, and have your livelihood ruined by liberals. If you are Jack Phillips, a baker in Colorado, or a florist in any number of states, who likewise prefers not to service same-sex events, you will be threatened with imprisonment. If you are the owner of Chick-fil-A or other businesses, and you dare admit that you’re against redefining marriage because you believe your God says you can’t, liberals literally will assert at your death that Jesus is going to send you to hell. I could go on and on with such examples: Mozilla, Craig James, the owner of Barilla pasta, the governor of Arizona, etc., etc., etc.

Liberals refuse to tolerate those who refuse to redefine marriage.

As for abortion, liberals not only refuse to respect your opposition; they insist you pay for their abortions. From Hobby Lobby to the Little Sisters of the Poor, they’re making you pay. If you don’t, you will be fined mightily.

I could go on and on with other examples from other issues. Look at how liberals run the universities, the training grounds for their missionaries of diversity. The faculty at these colleges are 80-90 percent liberal, and conservatives are not only marginalized but often barred from speaking on campus or angrily protested by these self-professing champions of free speech and open-mindedness.

All of this tells us much about liberals, but it especially reveals the phoniness of their claims to “tolerance.”

In truth, what liberals really practice is a selective “tolerance.” And when that selective tolerance doesn’t extend to you and your viewpoint, they tell you that you’re against tolerance, that you’re against diversity, and that you “hate.”

All of which brings me back to the Pew survey. I think it reveals something even deeper. Many liberals have left religion because it doesn’t accord to their definition of what religion (or God) should be. They’ve jettisoned Christianity because certain aspects don’t accord to their worldview. Their Christianity is, at best, a kind of cafeteria Christianity, where they pick and choose the elements of the faith they like and discard those they don’t. It’s a selective Christianity.

Liberals are instead embracing the faith of tolerance. But here, too, it’s a selective faith.

And most ironic, this selective tolerance often excludes the religious—or at least the religious that liberals disagree with.

- See more at: The Liberal Religion of “Tolerance” | The Center for Vision & Values at Grove City College Center for Vision and Values - A conservative think tank promoting truth and liberty through a vision of faith and freedom.

Conservatives tend to inculcate their children with religion like the Taliban or other religious groups, while liberals teach more tolerance for varying differences in people? And this is news to whom again?

Jesus Christ's life was about tolerance and forgiveness. Liberals have adopted this philosophy even though they aren't overly religious though most identify as Christians. Conservatives bloviate how 'religious' they are but they only mouth the words, they don't actually put the teachings of Christ into practice; help the poor, forgive the offender, turn the other cheek, love thy enemy, cast the first stone, do not put up wealth on Earth...

If conservatives actually practiced what Jesus taught they'd find themselves far less offended by red cups at Starbucks, or who is standing beside them in the bathroom or in the stall next door, or who is marrying whom, and instead the soup kitchens would be fully manned, people wouldn't be sleeping on the street, and there wouldn't be a single church that looked like a gold encrusted emperors palace.

A Libral brings Jesus into the conversation. Here is what Jesus said about Adultery: "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart". What says Jesus about a man of Power who shoots his load on the dress of a woman young enough to be his daughter?" Where does Jesus talk about adultery being okay as long as it was 'consensual'?

Let's look how Liberal Elite align with the teachings of Christ
-Help The Poor: Conservative Christians give more directly to the poor while elite Liberals demand more from people to give to the poor. SEE Bush Charity vs. Biden and Kerry. Don't forget the Clintons' writing off Bill's used boxers.
- Forgive the Offender/turn the other cheek: A baker decides not to bake a cake and liberals don't forgive or turn a cheek. They bury the fucker.
- Love thy enemy: The current President stated: "We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us".

- Cast The First Stone: "They Bring a Knife, we Bring a Gun"

- Do Not Set Up Wealth on Earth: What Senator moved his $7M Yacht down river from Massachusetts to Rhode Island to avoid the tax?

Don't every listen to a libral drival about Christ. They are full of shit and simply trying to cherry pick rules to use against conservatives via Alinsky style.

Thanks, you proved the point about conservatives bloviating about how religious they are. You don't hold any high ground and you aren't any more of a 'christian' than anyone else, you just need to believe that because it makes you feel good.

And you go to the default fallback position on every issue for conservatives. "I can provide one or two examples of something that contradict what you say so it covers everything you or anyone else says on the subject and makes you wrong about everything everywhere". Hilarious but sad, it reveals an inability to grasp large issues and make a reasoned argument.

If you lived in the days of Columbus you'd be standing on the shore screaming at him and his crew "we know you will fall off the edge of the Earth because a ship sailed into the Atlantic once and never returned, thus my point is proven beyond doubt and holds true for all things everywhere all the time".

The argument of ignorance, even though it is put forth with great vigor, is an argument of ignorance not withstanding. And who in hell is 'alinsky' and who cares. Seems to be one of your heroes?

You made the claim that Liberals are tolerant, forgiving, like Jesus while Consevatives are not and got exposed that is not the case. I provided many examples that contradict what you say and can provide more. You hold the ground that Liberals are more like Jesus based on pure opinion. I have never held a ground that I am more Christian vs. Liberals. That would make me judgemental.

Everyone judges, it's just if you judge fairly is what makes the difference. Whether the judgement is meant as a way to feel better in yourself or if more of an objective view of something. For humans such things are regularly intermixed, I suggest it is the lifelong pursuit to continually move your judgement from the subjective to the objective. If you see someone homeless on the street is the first instinct to think them lower and lazy, or that they are also human beings to be shown respect and you don't know how they got into this situation, it may have been something out of their control or a series of things.

And let us not take anything as meaning 'all of something' or 'in every instance'. My statement re liberals and conservatives is a general observation, not a universal belief. I have many friends that are conservatives that have large hearts. Politically the Republicans usually side against the middle class and poor, in general, in favor of the wealthy. This is opposite of what Christ stood for and taught. If you don't, then I'm glad.
Paul G. Kengor

I’ve said it before, and I’m hardly alone. Many have observed it. Liberals revere tolerance. They practically worship it. It’s like a religion to them. Well, now comes a study that supports the point.

A new survey by Pew Research finds that when it comes to teaching children, liberals place a far higher priority on teaching “tolerance” than teaching religion. That liberals do this in schools is abundantly clear, but they apparently do it in their homes as well.

In this, Pew finds, liberals are the opposite of conservatives. “The starkest ideological differences [between liberals and conservatives] are over the importance of teaching religious faith,” reports Pew. “Among those who have consistently conservative attitudes across a range of political values, 81 percent think it is especially important for children to be taught religious faith…. Among those with consistently liberal views, just 26 percent rate the teaching of religious faith as especially important, and only 11 percent regard it as among the most important child-rearing qualities.”

Moreover, finds the survey, a staggering 88 percent of “consistently liberal” Americans list tolerance as their most important value in teaching their children.

While this data is significant, it’s also limited. It depends first and foremost on how one defines “tolerance,” and especially how liberals professing tolerance define tolerance.

I believe, in general, that liberals are not actually tolerant. Liberals tolerate only what they what want to tolerate. They tolerate things they agree with—which, of course, isn’t tolerance. Tolerance is about accepting the often-difficult differences between you and someone you strongly disagree with, and respecting that person’s right to an opposing point of view. Obviously, that’s not liberalism. This could be demonstrated multiple ways, but consider two salient examples pervasive in daily headlines: liberals’ behavior regarding same-sex marriage and abortion.

Liberals are relentless in denouncing, demonizing, boycotting, attacking, picketing, prosecuting, suing, fining, and even threatening to jail people who disagree with them on same-sex marriage. If your family owns a barn in New York (or elsewhere) and declines to rent it to a gay couple for a wedding ceremony, because such an arrangement violates your religious beliefs and freedom, liberals will fine you $13,000. If you’re Elaine Photography in New Mexico and beg not to photograph a same-sex wedding, liberals will sue you. If you are the Kleins in Oregon and plead not to make a cake for a same-sex ceremony, you will be picketed, hauled before state commissions, and have your livelihood ruined by liberals. If you are Jack Phillips, a baker in Colorado, or a florist in any number of states, who likewise prefers not to service same-sex events, you will be threatened with imprisonment. If you are the owner of Chick-fil-A or other businesses, and you dare admit that you’re against redefining marriage because you believe your God says you can’t, liberals literally will assert at your death that Jesus is going to send you to hell. I could go on and on with such examples: Mozilla, Craig James, the owner of Barilla pasta, the governor of Arizona, etc., etc., etc.

Liberals refuse to tolerate those who refuse to redefine marriage.

As for abortion, liberals not only refuse to respect your opposition; they insist you pay for their abortions. From Hobby Lobby to the Little Sisters of the Poor, they’re making you pay. If you don’t, you will be fined mightily.

I could go on and on with other examples from other issues. Look at how liberals run the universities, the training grounds for their missionaries of diversity. The faculty at these colleges are 80-90 percent liberal, and conservatives are not only marginalized but often barred from speaking on campus or angrily protested by these self-professing champions of free speech and open-mindedness.

All of this tells us much about liberals, but it especially reveals the phoniness of their claims to “tolerance.”

In truth, what liberals really practice is a selective “tolerance.” And when that selective tolerance doesn’t extend to you and your viewpoint, they tell you that you’re against tolerance, that you’re against diversity, and that you “hate.”

All of which brings me back to the Pew survey. I think it reveals something even deeper. Many liberals have left religion because it doesn’t accord to their definition of what religion (or God) should be. They’ve jettisoned Christianity because certain aspects don’t accord to their worldview. Their Christianity is, at best, a kind of cafeteria Christianity, where they pick and choose the elements of the faith they like and discard those they don’t. It’s a selective Christianity.

Liberals are instead embracing the faith of tolerance. But here, too, it’s a selective faith.

And most ironic, this selective tolerance often excludes the religious—or at least the religious that liberals disagree with.

- See more at: The Liberal Religion of “Tolerance” | The Center for Vision & Values at Grove City College Center for Vision and Values - A conservative think tank promoting truth and liberty through a vision of faith and freedom.

Conservatives tend to inculcate their children with religion like the Taliban or other religious groups, while liberals teach more tolerance for varying differences in people? And this is news to whom again?

Jesus Christ's life was about tolerance and forgiveness. Liberals have adopted this philosophy even though they aren't overly religious though most identify as Christians. Conservatives bloviate how 'religious' they are but they only mouth the words, they don't actually put the teachings of Christ into practice; help the poor, forgive the offender, turn the other cheek, love thy enemy, cast the first stone, do not put up wealth on Earth...

If conservatives actually practiced what Jesus taught they'd find themselves far less offended by red cups at Starbucks, or who is standing beside them in the bathroom or in the stall next door, or who is marrying whom, and instead the soup kitchens would be fully manned, people wouldn't be sleeping on the street, and there wouldn't be a single church that looked like a gold encrusted emperors palace.

A Libral brings Jesus into the conversation. Here is what Jesus said about Adultery: "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart". What says Jesus about a man of Power who shoots his load on the dress of a woman young enough to be his daughter?" Where does Jesus talk about adultery being okay as long as it was 'consensual'?

Let's look how Liberal Elite align with the teachings of Christ
-Help The Poor: Conservative Christians give more directly to the poor while elite Liberals demand more from people to give to the poor. SEE Bush Charity vs. Biden and Kerry. Don't forget the Clintons' writing off Bill's used boxers.
- Forgive the Offender/turn the other cheek: A baker decides not to bake a cake and liberals don't forgive or turn a cheek. They bury the fucker.
- Love thy enemy: The current President stated: "We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us".

- Cast The First Stone: "They Bring a Knife, we Bring a Gun"

- Do Not Set Up Wealth on Earth: What Senator moved his $7M Yacht down river from Massachusetts to Rhode Island to avoid the tax?

Don't every listen to a libral drival about Christ. They are full of shit and simply trying to cherry pick rules to use against conservatives via Alinsky style.

Thanks, you proved the point about conservatives bloviating about how religious they are. You don't hold any high ground and you aren't any more of a 'christian' than anyone else, you just need to believe that because it makes you feel good.

And you go to the default fallback position on every issue for conservatives. "I can provide one or two examples of something that contradict what you say so it covers everything you or anyone else says on the subject and makes you wrong about everything everywhere". Hilarious but sad, it reveals an inability to grasp large issues and make a reasoned argument.

If you lived in the days of Columbus you'd be standing on the shore screaming at him and his crew "we know you will fall off the edge of the Earth because a ship sailed into the Atlantic once and never returned, thus my point is proven beyond doubt and holds true for all things everywhere all the time".

The argument of ignorance, even though it is put forth with great vigor, is an argument of ignorance not withstanding. And who in hell is 'alinsky' and who cares. Seems to be one of your heroes?

You made the claim that Liberals are tolerant, forgiving, like Jesus while Consevatives are not and got exposed that is not the case. I provided many examples that contradict what you say and can provide more. You hold the ground that Liberals are more like Jesus based on pure opinion. I have never held a ground that I am more Christian vs. Liberals. That would make me judgemental.

Everyone judges, it's just if you judge fairly is what makes the difference. Whether the judgement is meant as a way to feel better in yourself or if more of an objective view of something. For humans such things are regularly intermixed, I suggest it is the lifelong pursuit to continually move your judgement from the subjective to the objective. If you see someone homeless on the street is the first instinct to think them lower and lazy, or that they are also human beings to be shown respect and you don't know how they got into this situation, it may have been something out of their control or a series of things.

And let us not take anything as meaning 'all of something' or 'in every instance'. My statement re liberals and conservatives is a general observation, not a universal belief. I have many friends that are conservatives that have large hearts. Politically the Republicans usually side against the middle class and poor, in general, in favor of the wealthy. This is opposite of what Christ stood for and taught. If you don't, then I'm glad.

According to you, Christ would say that Republicans side against the poor and Middle Class based on what he stands for and teaches. I doubt Christ would say Republicans are anti poor because they resist egregious tax policies from government on the name of the poor. I doubt Christ would have issue with Republicans trying to put school vouchers in the hands of the poor while Democrats fight vouchers to protect their union interests firsts. Jesus was an entrepreneur as a carpenter. I doubt he would say Republicans are anti middle class as they pursue policies that are small business friendly. I doubt Jesus would say Republicans are anti middle class because Republucans pursue policies that help the Middle Class increase take home pay and not decrease it.

Jesus said nothing about people transferring their wealth to government to take care of the poor. Jesus said everything about people transferring wealth directly to the poor. If Democrats truly believed this, they would be leading the charge to increase tax cuts and incentives for the wealthy to give directly to poor.
Conservatives tend to inculcate their children with religion like the Taliban or other religious groups, while liberals teach more tolerance for varying differences in people? And this is news to whom again?

Jesus Christ's life was about tolerance and forgiveness. Liberals have adopted this philosophy even though they aren't overly religious though most identify as Christians. Conservatives bloviate how 'religious' they are but they only mouth the words, they don't actually put the teachings of Christ into practice; help the poor, forgive the offender, turn the other cheek, love thy enemy, cast the first stone, do not put up wealth on Earth...

If conservatives actually practiced what Jesus taught they'd find themselves far less offended by red cups at Starbucks, or who is standing beside them in the bathroom or in the stall next door, or who is marrying whom, and instead the soup kitchens would be fully manned, people wouldn't be sleeping on the street, and there wouldn't be a single church that looked like a gold encrusted emperors palace.

A Libral brings Jesus into the conversation. Here is what Jesus said about Adultery: "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart". What says Jesus about a man of Power who shoots his load on the dress of a woman young enough to be his daughter?" Where does Jesus talk about adultery being okay as long as it was 'consensual'?

Let's look how Liberal Elite align with the teachings of Christ
-Help The Poor: Conservative Christians give more directly to the poor while elite Liberals demand more from people to give to the poor. SEE Bush Charity vs. Biden and Kerry. Don't forget the Clintons' writing off Bill's used boxers.
- Forgive the Offender/turn the other cheek: A baker decides not to bake a cake and liberals don't forgive or turn a cheek. They bury the fucker.
- Love thy enemy: The current President stated: "We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us".

- Cast The First Stone: "They Bring a Knife, we Bring a Gun"

- Do Not Set Up Wealth on Earth: What Senator moved his $7M Yacht down river from Massachusetts to Rhode Island to avoid the tax?

Don't every listen to a libral drival about Christ. They are full of shit and simply trying to cherry pick rules to use against conservatives via Alinsky style.

Thanks, you proved the point about conservatives bloviating about how religious they are. You don't hold any high ground and you aren't any more of a 'christian' than anyone else, you just need to believe that because it makes you feel good.

And you go to the default fallback position on every issue for conservatives. "I can provide one or two examples of something that contradict what you say so it covers everything you or anyone else says on the subject and makes you wrong about everything everywhere". Hilarious but sad, it reveals an inability to grasp large issues and make a reasoned argument.

If you lived in the days of Columbus you'd be standing on the shore screaming at him and his crew "we know you will fall off the edge of the Earth because a ship sailed into the Atlantic once and never returned, thus my point is proven beyond doubt and holds true for all things everywhere all the time".

The argument of ignorance, even though it is put forth with great vigor, is an argument of ignorance not withstanding. And who in hell is 'alinsky' and who cares. Seems to be one of your heroes?

You made the claim that Liberals are tolerant, forgiving, like Jesus while Consevatives are not and got exposed that is not the case. I provided many examples that contradict what you say and can provide more. You hold the ground that Liberals are more like Jesus based on pure opinion. I have never held a ground that I am more Christian vs. Liberals. That would make me judgemental.

Everyone judges, it's just if you judge fairly is what makes the difference. Whether the judgement is meant as a way to feel better in yourself or if more of an objective view of something. For humans such things are regularly intermixed, I suggest it is the lifelong pursuit to continually move your judgement from the subjective to the objective. If you see someone homeless on the street is the first instinct to think them lower and lazy, or that they are also human beings to be shown respect and you don't know how they got into this situation, it may have been something out of their control or a series of things.

And let us not take anything as meaning 'all of something' or 'in every instance'. My statement re liberals and conservatives is a general observation, not a universal belief. I have many friends that are conservatives that have large hearts. Politically the Republicans usually side against the middle class and poor, in general, in favor of the wealthy. This is opposite of what Christ stood for and taught. If you don't, then I'm glad.
Conservatives tend to inculcate their children with religion like the Taliban or other religious groups, while liberals teach more tolerance for varying differences in people? And this is news to whom again?

Jesus Christ's life was about tolerance and forgiveness. Liberals have adopted this philosophy even though they aren't overly religious though most identify as Christians. Conservatives bloviate how 'religious' they are but they only mouth the words, they don't actually put the teachings of Christ into practice; help the poor, forgive the offender, turn the other cheek, love thy enemy, cast the first stone, do not put up wealth on Earth...

If conservatives actually practiced what Jesus taught they'd find themselves far less offended by red cups at Starbucks, or who is standing beside them in the bathroom or in the stall next door, or who is marrying whom, and instead the soup kitchens would be fully manned, people wouldn't be sleeping on the street, and there wouldn't be a single church that looked like a gold encrusted emperors palace.

A Libral brings Jesus into the conversation. Here is what Jesus said about Adultery: "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart". What says Jesus about a man of Power who shoots his load on the dress of a woman young enough to be his daughter?" Where does Jesus talk about adultery being okay as long as it was 'consensual'?

Let's look how Liberal Elite align with the teachings of Christ
-Help The Poor: Conservative Christians give more directly to the poor while elite Liberals demand more from people to give to the poor. SEE Bush Charity vs. Biden and Kerry. Don't forget the Clintons' writing off Bill's used boxers.
- Forgive the Offender/turn the other cheek: A baker decides not to bake a cake and liberals don't forgive or turn a cheek. They bury the fucker.
- Love thy enemy: The current President stated: "We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us".

- Cast The First Stone: "They Bring a Knife, we Bring a Gun"

- Do Not Set Up Wealth on Earth: What Senator moved his $7M Yacht down river from Massachusetts to Rhode Island to avoid the tax?

Don't every listen to a libral drival about Christ. They are full of shit and simply trying to cherry pick rules to use against conservatives via Alinsky style.

Thanks, you proved the point about conservatives bloviating about how religious they are. You don't hold any high ground and you aren't any more of a 'christian' than anyone else, you just need to believe that because it makes you feel good.

And you go to the default fallback position on every issue for conservatives. "I can provide one or two examples of something that contradict what you say so it covers everything you or anyone else says on the subject and makes you wrong about everything everywhere". Hilarious but sad, it reveals an inability to grasp large issues and make a reasoned argument.

If you lived in the days of Columbus you'd be standing on the shore screaming at him and his crew "we know you will fall off the edge of the Earth because a ship sailed into the Atlantic once and never returned, thus my point is proven beyond doubt and holds true for all things everywhere all the time".

The argument of ignorance, even though it is put forth with great vigor, is an argument of ignorance not withstanding. And who in hell is 'alinsky' and who cares. Seems to be one of your heroes?

You made the claim that Liberals are tolerant, forgiving, like Jesus while Consevatives are not and got exposed that is not the case. I provided many examples that contradict what you say and can provide more. You hold the ground that Liberals are more like Jesus based on pure opinion. I have never held a ground that I am more Christian vs. Liberals. That would make me judgemental.

Everyone judges, it's just if you judge fairly is what makes the difference. Whether the judgement is meant as a way to feel better in yourself or if more of an objective view of something. For humans such things are regularly intermixed, I suggest it is the lifelong pursuit to continually move your judgement from the subjective to the objective. If you see someone homeless on the street is the first instinct to think them lower and lazy, or that they are also human beings to be shown respect and you don't know how they got into this situation, it may have been something out of their control or a series of things.

And let us not take anything as meaning 'all of something' or 'in every instance'. My statement re liberals and conservatives is a general observation, not a universal belief. I have many friends that are conservatives that have large hearts. Politically the Republicans usually side against the middle class and poor, in general, in favor of the wealthy. This is opposite of what Christ stood for and taught. If you don't, then I'm glad.

According to you, Christ would say that Republicans side against the poor and Middle Class based on what he stands for and teaches. I doubt Christ would say Republicans are anti poor because they resist egregious tax policies from government on the name of the poor. I doubt Christ would have issue with Republicans trying to put school vouchers in the hands of the poor while Democrats fight vouchers to protect their union interests firsts. Jesus was an entrepreneur as a carpenter. I doubt he would say Republicans are anti middle class as they pursue policies that are small business friendly. I doubt Jesus would say Republicans are anti middle class because Republucans pursue policies that help the Middle Class increase take home pay and not decrease it.

Jesus said nothing about people transferring their wealth to government to take care of the poor. Jesus said everything about people transferring wealth directly to the poor. If Democrats truly believed this, they would be leading the charge to increase tax cuts and incentives for the wealthy to give directly to poor.

You went down the list of how conservatives have lawyered the bible to fit their worldview forever. The Jesus you talk about isn't in the bible. And this of course is the problem isn't it. But no need to continue. Believe what makes you feel good.
I'm intolerant of people who don't know that you can be tolerant and disagree at the same fucking time.
It's a congenital defect. They always perceive any disagreement as intolerance. These people will not be happy until everyone agrees with everything they say.

Who is they?

What about them? What do you think we should do?
My definition of a leftist is someone who is opposed to everything that made this country great. For whatever reason, they hate America and what it stands for. These people are the enemy, They should be dealt with by whatever means are necessary to protect our freedoms.

Well that was a broad brush with no specifies. What is it you believe "made this country great" that "leftists" are opposed to? What do you believe "leftists" hate about American and what it "stands for"? Be specific if you can.
Paul G. Kengor

I’ve said it before, and I’m hardly alone. Many have observed it. Liberals revere tolerance. They practically worship it. It’s like a religion to them. Well, now comes a study that supports the point.

A new survey by Pew Research finds that when it comes to teaching children, liberals place a far higher priority on teaching “tolerance” than teaching religion. That liberals do this in schools is abundantly clear, but they apparently do it in their homes as well.

In this, Pew finds, liberals are the opposite of conservatives. “The starkest ideological differences [between liberals and conservatives] are over the importance of teaching religious faith,” reports Pew. “Among those who have consistently conservative attitudes across a range of political values, 81 percent think it is especially important for children to be taught religious faith…. Among those with consistently liberal views, just 26 percent rate the teaching of religious faith as especially important, and only 11 percent regard it as among the most important child-rearing qualities.”

Moreover, finds the survey, a staggering 88 percent of “consistently liberal” Americans list tolerance as their most important value in teaching their children.

While this data is significant, it’s also limited. It depends first and foremost on how one defines “tolerance,” and especially how liberals professing tolerance define tolerance.

I believe, in general, that liberals are not actually tolerant. Liberals tolerate only what they what want to tolerate. They tolerate things they agree with—which, of course, isn’t tolerance. Tolerance is about accepting the often-difficult differences between you and someone you strongly disagree with, and respecting that person’s right to an opposing point of view. Obviously, that’s not liberalism. This could be demonstrated multiple ways, but consider two salient examples pervasive in daily headlines: liberals’ behavior regarding same-sex marriage and abortion.

Liberals are relentless in denouncing, demonizing, boycotting, attacking, picketing, prosecuting, suing, fining, and even threatening to jail people who disagree with them on same-sex marriage. If your family owns a barn in New York (or elsewhere) and declines to rent it to a gay couple for a wedding ceremony, because such an arrangement violates your religious beliefs and freedom, liberals will fine you $13,000. If you’re Elaine Photography in New Mexico and beg not to photograph a same-sex wedding, liberals will sue you. If you are the Kleins in Oregon and plead not to make a cake for a same-sex ceremony, you will be picketed, hauled before state commissions, and have your livelihood ruined by liberals. If you are Jack Phillips, a baker in Colorado, or a florist in any number of states, who likewise prefers not to service same-sex events, you will be threatened with imprisonment. If you are the owner of Chick-fil-A or other businesses, and you dare admit that you’re against redefining marriage because you believe your God says you can’t, liberals literally will assert at your death that Jesus is going to send you to hell. I could go on and on with such examples: Mozilla, Craig James, the owner of Barilla pasta, the governor of Arizona, etc., etc., etc.

Liberals refuse to tolerate those who refuse to redefine marriage.

As for abortion, liberals not only refuse to respect your opposition; they insist you pay for their abortions. From Hobby Lobby to the Little Sisters of the Poor, they’re making you pay. If you don’t, you will be fined mightily.

I could go on and on with other examples from other issues. Look at how liberals run the universities, the training grounds for their missionaries of diversity. The faculty at these colleges are 80-90 percent liberal, and conservatives are not only marginalized but often barred from speaking on campus or angrily protested by these self-professing champions of free speech and open-mindedness.

All of this tells us much about liberals, but it especially reveals the phoniness of their claims to “tolerance.”

In truth, what liberals really practice is a selective “tolerance.” And when that selective tolerance doesn’t extend to you and your viewpoint, they tell you that you’re against tolerance, that you’re against diversity, and that you “hate.”

All of which brings me back to the Pew survey. I think it reveals something even deeper. Many liberals have left religion because it doesn’t accord to their definition of what religion (or God) should be. They’ve jettisoned Christianity because certain aspects don’t accord to their worldview. Their Christianity is, at best, a kind of cafeteria Christianity, where they pick and choose the elements of the faith they like and discard those they don’t. It’s a selective Christianity.

Liberals are instead embracing the faith of tolerance. But here, too, it’s a selective faith.

And most ironic, this selective tolerance often excludes the religious—or at least the religious that liberals disagree with.

- See more at: The Liberal Religion of “Tolerance” | The Center for Vision & Values at Grove City College Center for Vision and Values - A conservative think tank promoting truth and liberty through a vision of faith and freedom.

Conservatives tend to inculcate their children with religion like the Taliban or other religious groups, while liberals teach more tolerance for varying differences in people? And this is news to whom again?

Jesus Christ's life was about tolerance and forgiveness. Liberals have adopted this philosophy even though they aren't overly religious though most identify as Christians. Conservatives bloviate how 'religious' they are but they only mouth the words, they don't actually put the teachings of Christ into practice; help the poor, forgive the offender, turn the other cheek, love thy enemy, cast the first stone, do not put up wealth on Earth...

If conservatives actually practiced what Jesus taught they'd find themselves far less offended by red cups at Starbucks, or who is standing beside them in the bathroom or in the stall next door, or who is marrying whom, and instead the soup kitchens would be fully manned, people wouldn't be sleeping on the street, and there wouldn't be a single church that looked like a gold encrusted emperors palace.

A Libral brings Jesus into the conversation. Here is what Jesus said about Adultery: "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart". What says Jesus about a man of Power who shoots his load on the dress of a woman young enough to be his daughter?" Where does Jesus talk about adultery being okay as long as it was 'consensual'?

Let's look how Liberal Elite align with the teachings of Christ
-Help The Poor: Conservative Christians give more directly to the poor while elite Liberals demand more from people to give to the poor. SEE Bush Charity vs. Biden and Kerry. Don't forget the Clintons' writing off Bill's used boxers.
- Forgive the Offender/turn the other cheek: A baker decides not to bake a cake and liberals don't forgive or turn a cheek. They bury the fucker.
- Love thy enemy: The current President stated: "We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us".

- Cast The First Stone: "They Bring a Knife, we Bring a Gun"

- Do Not Set Up Wealth on Earth: What Senator moved his $7M Yacht down river from Massachusetts to Rhode Island to avoid the tax?

Don't every listen to a libral drival about Christ. They are full of shit and simply trying to cherry pick rules to use against conservatives via Alinsky style.

Thanks, you proved the point about conservatives bloviating about how religious they are. You don't hold any high ground and you aren't any more of a 'christian' than anyone else, you just need to believe that because it makes you feel good.

And you go to the default fallback position on every issue for conservatives. "I can provide one or two examples of something that contradict what you say so it covers everything you or anyone else says on the subject and makes you wrong about everything everywhere". Hilarious but sad, it reveals an inability to grasp large issues and make a reasoned argument.

If you lived in the days of Columbus you'd be standing on the shore screaming at him and his crew "we know you will fall off the edge of the Earth because a ship sailed into the Atlantic once and never returned, thus my point is proven beyond doubt and holds true for all things everywhere all the time".

The argument of ignorance, even though it is put forth with great vigor, is an argument of ignorance not withstanding. And who in hell is 'alinsky' and who cares. Seems to be one of your heroes?

You made the claim that Liberals are tolerant, forgiving, like Jesus while Consevatives are not and got exposed that is not the case. I provided many examples that contradict what you say and can provide more. You hold the ground that Liberals are more like Jesus based on pure opinion. I have never held a ground that I am more Christian vs. Liberals. That would make me judgemental.
Paul G. Kengor

I’ve said it before, and I’m hardly alone. Many have observed it. Liberals revere tolerance. They practically worship it. It’s like a religion to them. Well, now comes a study that supports the point.

A new survey by Pew Research finds that when it comes to teaching children, liberals place a far higher priority on teaching “tolerance” than teaching religion. That liberals do this in schools is abundantly clear, but they apparently do it in their homes as well.

In this, Pew finds, liberals are the opposite of conservatives. “The starkest ideological differences [between liberals and conservatives] are over the importance of teaching religious faith,” reports Pew. “Among those who have consistently conservative attitudes across a range of political values, 81 percent think it is especially important for children to be taught religious faith…. Among those with consistently liberal views, just 26 percent rate the teaching of religious faith as especially important, and only 11 percent regard it as among the most important child-rearing qualities.”

Moreover, finds the survey, a staggering 88 percent of “consistently liberal” Americans list tolerance as their most important value in teaching their children.

While this data is significant, it’s also limited. It depends first and foremost on how one defines “tolerance,” and especially how liberals professing tolerance define tolerance.

I believe, in general, that liberals are not actually tolerant. Liberals tolerate only what they what want to tolerate. They tolerate things they agree with—which, of course, isn’t tolerance. Tolerance is about accepting the often-difficult differences between you and someone you strongly disagree with, and respecting that person’s right to an opposing point of view. Obviously, that’s not liberalism. This could be demonstrated multiple ways, but consider two salient examples pervasive in daily headlines: liberals’ behavior regarding same-sex marriage and abortion.

Liberals are relentless in denouncing, demonizing, boycotting, attacking, picketing, prosecuting, suing, fining, and even threatening to jail people who disagree with them on same-sex marriage. If your family owns a barn in New York (or elsewhere) and declines to rent it to a gay couple for a wedding ceremony, because such an arrangement violates your religious beliefs and freedom, liberals will fine you $13,000. If you’re Elaine Photography in New Mexico and beg not to photograph a same-sex wedding, liberals will sue you. If you are the Kleins in Oregon and plead not to make a cake for a same-sex ceremony, you will be picketed, hauled before state commissions, and have your livelihood ruined by liberals. If you are Jack Phillips, a baker in Colorado, or a florist in any number of states, who likewise prefers not to service same-sex events, you will be threatened with imprisonment. If you are the owner of Chick-fil-A or other businesses, and you dare admit that you’re against redefining marriage because you believe your God says you can’t, liberals literally will assert at your death that Jesus is going to send you to hell. I could go on and on with such examples: Mozilla, Craig James, the owner of Barilla pasta, the governor of Arizona, etc., etc., etc.

Liberals refuse to tolerate those who refuse to redefine marriage.

As for abortion, liberals not only refuse to respect your opposition; they insist you pay for their abortions. From Hobby Lobby to the Little Sisters of the Poor, they’re making you pay. If you don’t, you will be fined mightily.

I could go on and on with other examples from other issues. Look at how liberals run the universities, the training grounds for their missionaries of diversity. The faculty at these colleges are 80-90 percent liberal, and conservatives are not only marginalized but often barred from speaking on campus or angrily protested by these self-professing champions of free speech and open-mindedness.

All of this tells us much about liberals, but it especially reveals the phoniness of their claims to “tolerance.”

In truth, what liberals really practice is a selective “tolerance.” And when that selective tolerance doesn’t extend to you and your viewpoint, they tell you that you’re against tolerance, that you’re against diversity, and that you “hate.”

All of which brings me back to the Pew survey. I think it reveals something even deeper. Many liberals have left religion because it doesn’t accord to their definition of what religion (or God) should be. They’ve jettisoned Christianity because certain aspects don’t accord to their worldview. Their Christianity is, at best, a kind of cafeteria Christianity, where they pick and choose the elements of the faith they like and discard those they don’t. It’s a selective Christianity.

Liberals are instead embracing the faith of tolerance. But here, too, it’s a selective faith.

And most ironic, this selective tolerance often excludes the religious—or at least the religious that liberals disagree with.

- See more at: The Liberal Religion of “Tolerance” | The Center for Vision & Values at Grove City College Center for Vision and Values - A conservative think tank promoting truth and liberty through a vision of faith and freedom.

Conservatives tend to inculcate their children with religion like the Taliban or other religious groups, while liberals teach more tolerance for varying differences in people? And this is news to whom again?

Jesus Christ's life was about tolerance and forgiveness. Liberals have adopted this philosophy even though they aren't overly religious though most identify as Christians. Conservatives bloviate how 'religious' they are but they only mouth the words, they don't actually put the teachings of Christ into practice; help the poor, forgive the offender, turn the other cheek, love thy enemy, cast the first stone, do not put up wealth on Earth...

If conservatives actually practiced what Jesus taught they'd find themselves far less offended by red cups at Starbucks, or who is standing beside them in the bathroom or in the stall next door, or who is marrying whom, and instead the soup kitchens would be fully manned, people wouldn't be sleeping on the street, and there wouldn't be a single church that looked like a gold encrusted emperors palace.

A Libral brings Jesus into the conversation. Here is what Jesus said about Adultery: "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart". What says Jesus about a man of Power who shoots his load on the dress of a woman young enough to be his daughter?" Where does Jesus talk about adultery being okay as long as it was 'consensual'?

Let's look how Liberal Elite align with the teachings of Christ
-Help The Poor: Conservative Christians give more directly to the poor while elite Liberals demand more from people to give to the poor. SEE Bush Charity vs. Biden and Kerry. Don't forget the Clintons' writing off Bill's used boxers.
- Forgive the Offender/turn the other cheek: A baker decides not to bake a cake and liberals don't forgive or turn a cheek. They bury the fucker.
- Love thy enemy: The current President stated: "We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us".

- Cast The First Stone: "They Bring a Knife, we Bring a Gun"

- Do Not Set Up Wealth on Earth: What Senator moved his $7M Yacht down river from Massachusetts to Rhode Island to avoid the tax?

Don't every listen to a libral drival about Christ. They are full of shit and simply trying to cherry pick rules to use against conservatives via Alinsky style.

Thanks, you proved the point about conservatives bloviating about how religious they are. You don't hold any high ground and you aren't any more of a 'christian' than anyone else, you just need to believe that because it makes you feel good.

And you go to the default fallback position on every issue for conservatives. "I can provide one or two examples of something that contradict what you say so it covers everything you or anyone else says on the subject and makes you wrong about everything everywhere". Hilarious but sad, it reveals an inability to grasp large issues and make a reasoned argument.

If you lived in the days of Columbus you'd be standing on the shore screaming at him and his crew "we know you will fall off the edge of the Earth because a ship sailed into the Atlantic once and never returned, thus my point is proven beyond doubt and holds true for all things everywhere all the time".

The argument of ignorance, even though it is put forth with great vigor, is an argument of ignorance not withstanding. And who in hell is 'alinsky' and who cares. Seems to be one of your heroes?

You made the claim that Liberals are tolerant, forgiving, like Jesus while Consevatives are not and got exposed that is not the case. I provided many examples that contradict what you say and can provide more. You hold the ground that Liberals are more like Jesus based on pure opinion. I have never held a ground that I am more Christian vs. Liberals. That would make me judgemental.
You cannot reason with someone like that. Best to just ignore them.

Give us a list of the things you want to do that liberals won't tolerate.

Forum List
