The liberals' official hostility to religion takes a strange new turn

All traditional holiday greetings are prohibited under this restriction. It has nothing to do with religion.
Damn it, now I want a Christmas card. If everyone else gets to be all serious and shit. Fuck it, send me Bible, a Torah, a Qran, whatever you got man. I need some offending. Damn it. Hey, Jehovah's Witness, where my Watchtower be at?
Muthafucka, I want some religion up in this bitch. I got my lawyer right here ready to rock n roll.
This is real, right? There really is some freak crossing out "Merry Christmas" on congressional mail, right? 'Cause the more I read, the more it seems like someone made this shit up.
I mean, really. . .
I don't know, but his point that it was a made up religion is a valid one.

Kwaanza isn't a religious holiday because it doesn't follow any religion. It is a harvest celebration of a hodge podge of African traditions. Although it isn't celebrated in Africa and never was. Karenda is a dyed in the wool racist who was a founder of the 1960s militant black organization Us is Black, or just US. He invented Kwaanza as an alternative to Christmas which he felt was too "white" to be celebrated by black people.
But he and those that follow that type of thinking are perfectly free to practice such a thing if that makes 'em feel good. it's when they try to press it upon me to belive it is where a line will be crossed.

Nor would I have a problem if my representative signed his greeting to his/her constituents Merry Christmas and Happy Kwaanza or Happy Holidays or whatever floated his/her boat. I don't judge my representatives on their religious or cultural beliefs but rather in how they conduct their official duties and represent me.

But I would take strong exception to ANYBODY attempting to deny my elected representative or anybody else from using whatever appropriate greeting he/she wished to use for whatever season whether that be Happy Easter in the spring or Happy Thanksigiving in the Fall or Ciao or whatever he thought suitable.
You dont seem to know what the thread is about, go back and read what its about

Well when I read the OP it was about Congressmen not being allowed to say "Merry Christmas" in official correspondence. So how is Peach not addressing that specific thing?

What do you think it is about. Did the thread author change it and I missed it?

(The board is so slow for me today I'm gonna go find something else to do for awhile, but I do think addressing the appropriateness of a Congressman saying "Merry Christmas" to his/her constituents is fair game for discussion and directly addresses the OP.

You are right and peach was clearly not off topic.

The REASON that the Franking Committee forbids Congress-critters from using the phrase "Merry Christmas" in their franked mail is the idiotic liberal misconception about the nature of the Constitutional instructions to the government about religion.

What Peach pointed out was that Congress MADE Christmas Day a Federal Holiday. So it is at least passing strange that the very same Holiday cannot be acknowledged in franked Congressional mail.
Which is clearly a contradiction...
Kwaanza isn't a religious holiday because it doesn't follow any religion. It is a harvest celebration of a hodge podge of African traditions. Although it isn't celebrated in Africa and never was. Karenda is a dyed in the wool racist who was a founder of the 1960s militant black organization Us is Black, or just US. He invented Kwaanza as an alternative to Christmas which he felt was too "white" to be celebrated by black people.
But he and those that follow that type of thinking are perfectly free to practice such a thing if that makes 'em feel good. it's when they try to press it upon me to belive it is where a line will be crossed.

Nor would I have a problem if my representative signed his greeting to his/her constituents Merry Christmas and Happy Kwaanza or Happy Holidays or whatever floated his/her boat. I don't judge my representatives on their religious or cultural beliefs but rather in how they conduct their official duties and represent me.

But I would take strong exception to ANYBODY attempting to deny my elected representative or anybody else from using whatever appropriate greeting he/she wished to use for whatever season whether that be Happy Easter in the spring or Happy Thanksigiving in the Fall or Ciao or whatever he thought suitable.
That too...precisely. They are citizens and have the right to do so...just because they hold office doesn't mean thier rights stop at the door to the Legislature.

However? I am mindful that they also have the power to preclude such rights as written in Law...that they must also follow as it is my duty to remind them of it, and whom they work for and such things will affect them after they are out of the hallowed halls.
You are right and peach was clearly not off topic.

The REASON that the Franking Committee forbids Congress-critters from using the phrase "Merry Christmas" in their franked mail is the idiotic liberal misconception about the nature of the Constitutional instructions to the government about religion.

What Peach pointed out was that Congress MADE Christmas Day a Federal Holiday. So it is at least passing strange that the very same Holiday cannot be acknowledged in franked Congressional mail.

I don't believe that most liberals have a misconception about the nature of the Constitutional instructions to the government about religion, I think that they are being deliberately deceptive. Except for TDM, she's completely ignorant.

Hey PrickFan (yeah you ya little cock gobbling colon jouster), why is it that we have to recognize Christmas (a uniquely Christian holiday), while ignoring the belief systems of those who are Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu or whatever?

Saying that you HAVE to use Christmas is a form of imposing Christianity, as no other faith officially celebrates it.

Hey, nice pick up line but sorry, I'm not into guys.
I don't believe that most liberals have a misconception about the nature of the Constitutional instructions to the government about religion, I think that they are being deliberately deceptive. Except for TDM, she's completely ignorant.

Hey PrickFan (yeah you ya little cock gobbling colon jouster), why is it that we have to recognize Christmas (a uniquely Christian holiday), while ignoring the belief systems of those who are Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu or whatever?

Saying that you HAVE to use Christmas is a form of imposing Christianity, as no other faith officially celebrates it.

Hey, nice pick up line but sorry, I'm not into guys.
AGaybikerdude was admitting he lost the argument. :doubt:
I don't know, but his point that it was a made up religion is a valid one.

It's not a religion, it's a holiday, no?

Is it? I don't know, but I think we are a bit off the point aren't we?
Holiday still means 'Holy Day' despite the stretching to mean in today's parlence of day off or vacation.

The Statists among us remain confused as they continue to commandeer the language to suit thier needs...
Just when you think the freaks on the far left can't get any more ridiculous...
Just when you think the freaks on the far left can't get any more ridiculous...
They're going whole hawg in trying to corrupting everything to the point that this Republic looks just like themselves...:eusa_shifty::eusa_whistle:
Again, stupid: that MEANS that the government cannot insert itself into the church (or synagogue or mosque) and the church (or synagogue or mosque) cannot insert itself into the government.

It does NOT mean that there is or should be any Constitutionally valid prohibition against Congress-critters saying "Merry Christmas" to close out a franked letter to their constituents.

What if they're Jewish? That could be considered offensive, and don't most GOP types consider themselves friends of Israel?

What if they're Buddhist? Hindu? Or any other religious belief for that matter?

Why should Christmas (a uniquely Christian holiday) be the only one to be used?
And so waht? if they want to front a holiday that is in thier belief system? Go for it...they have that right in thier belief system even if I may not belive what they do to embue unto me such a greeting....but in the representitive form of government we are in? Thier fight from me will be when they vote counter to what I may want in LAW/pending Law decisions...because that's where it counts.

This is true. I would not expect my Jewish or Muslim congressional representative to necessarily include Merry Christmas in official correspondence that comes from him/her while I think it entirely appropriate that a Christian Congressperson would do so. On my own Christmas thread I argued the case that everybody should be able to use whatever greeting or expression they were comfortable with at Christmas or any other kind. The thread was to protest DENIAL of that ability and/or criticism for doing so. This thread is just another prong in that thesis.

And just as "Christmas" means something to millions of Christians that it does not mean to millions of other people, I don't have ANY problem with those who observe it as a secular event or holiday. Many do. And that's okay with me.

As for Holiday technically meaning "Holy Day", that is the Number One definition in the Merriam Webster dictionary. But we all also cut people slack who don't think of "holiday" as a "holy day" and rather utilize one of the other definitions for that term.

hol·i·day noun
\ˈhä-lə-ˌdā, British usually ˈhä-lə-dē\

Definition of HOLIDAY
1: holy day
2: a day on which one is exempt from work; specifically : a day marked by a general suspension of work in commemoration of an event
3chiefly British : vacation —often used in the phrase on holiday —often used in plural
4: a period of exemption or relief <corporations enjoying a tax holiday>
Certainly an elected representative wishing his/her constituents a MERRY CHRISTMAS is no violation of the First Amendment or any other ethical consideration. If his/her constituents are offended by it, let THEM take issue with it. It certainly isn't up to some angry, hateful group to make that decision for them.

It seems to me that some radical 'progressives' and/or 'atheists' are the most intolerant people among us on this particular issue.
What if they're Jewish? That could be considered offensive, and don't most GOP types consider themselves friends of Israel?

What if they're Buddhist? Hindu? Or any other religious belief for that matter?

Why should Christmas (a uniquely Christian holiday) be the only one to be used?
And so waht? if they want to front a holiday that is in thier belief system? Go for it...they have that right in thier belief system even if I may not belive what they do to embue unto me such a greeting....but in the representitive form of government we are in? Thier fight from me will be when they vote counter to what I may want in LAW/pending Law decisions...because that's where it counts.

This is true. I would not expect my Jewish or Muslim congressional representative to necessarily include Merry Christmas in official correspondence that comes from him/her while I think it entirely appropriate that a Christian Congressperson would do so. On my own Christmas thread I argued the case that everybody should be able to use whatever greeting or expression they were comfortable with at Christmas or any other kind. The thread was to protest DENIAL of that ability and/or criticism for doing so. This thread is just another prong in that thesis.

And just as "Christmas" means something to millions of Christians that it does not mean to millions of other people, I don't have ANY problem with those who observe it as a secular event or holiday. Many do. And that's okay with me.

As for Holiday technically meaning "Holy Day", that is the Number One definition in the Merriam Webster dictionary. But we all also cut people slack who don't think of "holiday" as a "holy day" and rather utilize one of the other definitions for that term.

hol·i·day noun
\&#712;hä-l&#601;-&#716;d&#257;, British usually &#712;hä-l&#601;-d&#275;\

Definition of HOLIDAY
1: holy day
2: a day on which one is exempt from work; specifically : a day marked by a general suspension of work in commemoration of an event
3chiefly British : vacation &#8212;often used in the phrase on holiday &#8212;often used in plural
4: a period of exemption or relief <corporations enjoying a tax holiday>
Certainly an elected representative wishing his/her constituents a MERRY CHRISTMAS is no violation of the First Amendment or any other ethical consideration. If his/her constituents are offended by it, let THEM take issue with it. It certainly isn't up to some angry, hateful group to make that decision for them.

It seems to me that some radical 'progressives' and/or 'atheists' are the most intolerant people among us on this particular issue.

Well Stated...However? There are those that wish to get it out of the language/correspondence completely. Ever hear of walking on eggshells as NOT to offend?

That is where the PC Radicals have brought us.

To wit The first line in my Signature line...

And if people don't like it? They are free to move on.

As to the second?

I am benevolent, and an asshole, and wise enough to know the use of either. :doubt:
So.........all you Christians would be cool if Keith Ellison (D) MN, who also happens to be the only Muslim congresscritter, signed all his correspondence with the Islamic equivalent of the seasonal holiday?

Because, after all........he'd only be staying true to his beliefs and his duties as a congressman.

We have freedom of religion and speech. Why the heck would that bother us?

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